HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1978.08.08 - 4250COUNTY OF OAKLAND 90 NORTH MAIN STREET CLARKSTON, MICHIGAN 48016 Telephone: [313] 625-5111 1978 A115-4 DM 2 Zobartsiiip f ,:ilitrteprttritnct FLOYD J. TOWER, Supervisor CHRISTOPHER L. ROSE, Clerk ELIZABETH J. HALLMAN, Treasurer FREDERICK P, RITTER, Trustee JERRY E. POWELL, Trustee August 10, 1978 ckarrrra Howard Altman Director of Elections 1200 N. Telegraph Road Pontiac, Mi. 48053 Dear Howard: Enclosed is a copy of the Statement of Votes and Certificate of Determination canvassed on August 9, 1978 by the Independence Township Board of Canvassers. Christopher L. Rose CLR/rh Township Clerk /-et '---1---COUNTY, MI AN OF (t.IAN4 V IL AGE COO TV, CtTY, TOWNSHIP CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION HELD ON A-z2 g /7,1• DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS 0 MANUFACTURED BY lekLELY DEM ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road * KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form Mx, M-398-PC CANVASSER BOOK—PRIMARY Far candidates For the office at RI Mt 1 was The whole number of votes given by tl andY they were given for the following named persons:. PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the afa,",e.o. e: Party for candidates for Was ...,,deliye-nje 41/...4.-/tAgoet y were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES e office of 110! 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The whole number of votes given by the and they were given For the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES - _ I' 11111 111 111111 11111111 •ted.,,zr-,14,412 _ was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES _ NIAMER Of VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS Was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES. NUMBER Of VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 3 In 11415 cOURAti The whole number of votes given by the Pa For candidates for the office of VOTES I wa wen for the following named PERSONS Remy** ME VOTES nOlirefenr. a t For ccmcli The whole num t2t. . 3.• ,G5r ....._ ..... . r 17 a - Ar. Z7;60 . AV 2. 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Of VOTES W TOTAL TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of and they were riven for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL rig received sefficient number of votes is nominated eceived sufficient number of votes is nominated sufficient number of votes i elected sufficient number of votes i;s 'elected 4-- ' r CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION of STATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY OF _ The Board of Canvassers of the scouwry, having Ascertained and Canvass, Votes at the Primary Election, held on the day of.. att4/4.4 4-t - , one thousand nine hundred and _ed_4-lecK Da Hanby Codify Gerd Datanisine _haying received .sufficient number of votes is nominated dereessePearty for the office of - _s,:clixtecsirec„,/ _Party for the office of _ That-- candidate by That.- - candidate by That-- candidate by the That candidate by Thoe..-±7214, candidate by the That_N4etz candidate by That-- candidate by the That_ -4119_ candidate kwthe-fgra.„44' 4-4444.-swlarty for the office candidate by theitcygird...&tair--,se.'_ _Party for the office Tat RL candidcste b the.,424. ..a...2e.0.-eet.....aZI_Paiiry for the office 61Party for the office of ._ _ _ Party for the office of __ ccineficlote bv the • 4.1 r _Partv for the office of_ candidate by theite.d...4:-.-Party for the office of_ - _having received sufficient number of votes is nominated edorme+terty For the office of _ aving feceived sufficient number of votes is nominated Or the office of _ _ h ving received sufficient number of votes is nominated he office of_ - pving received sufficient number of votes is nominated That-- candidate by the That_ candidate That.. . _ having received sufficient number of votes i 5 nominated -P017.10T the office of. __ _ havina received sufficient number of votes is r having received sufficient number of votes is nominated having received sufficient number of votes is nominated of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated having received sufficient number of votes is nominated haying received sufficient number of votes is nominated That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That _ _ _ _ _ _ ________ _ __ _ ______ _____ having rdeeived sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of. 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Received Passed Having — Sufficient votes was - Not fZeceived _ Defeated Received . Passed Having Not Received Sufficient votes was Defe—ateci Received „. passed Having Not Received Sufficient votes was befeatecl In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set ow of the-.4:-4-1.4.-e-4-ito f _ o (County, City, To i ship or Village) (County this /864 day of_ in the year one thousand nine hundred and_..,„44P-A_ CHAiviAN &1.442.1 2 • i _ _ „ . „ CHAIRMAN of BOARD OF CANVASSERS [rids ond affixed the Seal ity, fownship of Village) OF CA.PC/A15-4SFRS.