HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2000.08.08 - 4251MUNN, MIGNGAN haa.E OF CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION HELD ON ow. ZC15-7 (DATE Of ELELMON) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS • MANUFACTURED BY MOE OWL a IN, ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Rood • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Oftios by Fare He. M-39t-PC CANVASSER BOOK—PRIMARY cApipipere NAM ff-11 i;OUPW, 2014:f Maill PriPMar - I :Ter 1 ; I kb 464 migittf laws,/ *Of for Pit. (*flowing named pc-Frans: Wroth t3( 'YORE VIIIITFat Peroir9•Pg Mel they gPi The whole rnonliin q .ta,g,.. Pb. 7 TOTAL raft (04 tgildnCIONN kleths affiCe. _ PM I AK • .,• . . Attch , / , • / af.#4 . 7 _ - wit" for C4RdIdCl1rl 'Of ihi Olf-q, . and thrry wen. giro,fl fro' the icillOnir,9 nom ALH/W1N6 'rum 2. .0 • tIi, .. L__ WM I' C., l 4 1.,. . 4 . 46'4r. - - - 4 - 0 - .0.. t - - ) 1 crd they wen1 given far the ilollrowing narrir.:(pccerz. restord MCI:NM 11141 Wire. . MAW" OF VOWS WPM.. 04 WORM - - - dh.a,levoikfriLLA 4461.141tLA 4.41,; /c4 9 de4e2e4,400,L.,6--v I TOTAL H / and rhey wee groin For Ihe 101:0.4.0 &weed OW-Wit ; 4, 11 who!. number GLyotei bir rho 24,,dada rdyyy tuthehelorrr. for.the office of , TOTAL 3 • _ ..... _. . i i-moommow - -- - 4 INIBMIIII ' :IINIZOIMIIMf. M-•-ffe OM , 3. TOTAL Ma 4.4 they 'rem 5161t1 cpr AI Fe. liewierii named Ovr$4191. i I 1.11111 261"' at 11:111 NIAWER Of ,Vril, VanT14 Elv wows ; • A pc, 1.1wrfI 411!"144.0.IN azdAreCalt 9 I , 1 01Y_Y_J. I L. L -1.46 numb aoke /marked YES , curvJ Wfoq it.o.ko:1 NO i . • (. FIRE I4IILLAtic 5ParI Chaler rewrel,p 4 leAffierlitAdd _ £0IIIIrIve let levy Lao ie Z.4257 IQ' a .inosoenoeirioe o4 sorhonr-id to oefiod 04 Isur tat year'. %Wog *Oh Deeeerrhet. 1000 tam to provide vffe and trialgene'i matidal 41ProSe. indudiN tetvAncrel r in. ""ftato:- 49DrOval 1•114 0001:9sai +.04 41fIew Ule tax rrnitn inutoin 01 522.41psf $2.00 al views yak* m &li .FAStrle pr0084ty 010 N is ammo %let alra proposai *aged lasy+ the &Whom:21W to wawa Sa1913,3431 I the Ost MY It 1100t0Ted and WW1 • — - • :ills: wholip mintier of eOlee Given lel and 0.2e nrn, wirich menthe, I grid vat* wine mocked NO TOTAL VOTES, inreberaf yaw sevell /01 and 0q0,111I 11. JL of 4Ich rreabor .eles TVelt 1,14q!Platfle.. Vetei "We rnarkeJ 1'4.0 The vrhole Ivekm. of Y0te$ given for and agaml • • FIRE AND EmeRGENey MEDMAL ktILLAGS INCREASE Shelf the '',arlef Towerilihst GO 1000104,109001 it/A1P10.1Zed rerry up W one mitt 'iv. a PI1Q f'cor (4) yetri. starling 'NO De0enver, 217.Xj10.1.. lo peewee. tke OFOISCha.1 P-.0 emergency MICIMAI Serwea_ 4iiq osSeficed If 34rtyocie. ?ria A100070/1 olf 014 OrgOotat ,4.0.110 ILUIroiteI II X Yelitban mcreeaa al sl JIG 61/i" SI .no co Lirave value on al taxabte aragieny 4,11. Toweehno It a enamel met Pin prooassi woukl resue in On erthorzakon to CetIOCt si,oacted I.- 14, Yr.,- 4 Anarnvorl 1 ama. TOTAL VOTES. 701FIC,_ vOiES. 0 . tcre.:Zs. eienasoinnevei litas;rte isearttained and Co 16 VONA cit Are Primal, Election, held 4ayirilleavectsed De Hereby Cerlify arid Delerrair' STATE OF MICEIGAN. comere etw04,10k4100,--4, The FCanketete 0 the ,,vd4: • _ vO?n i9Denocard _hwir.ne fego;ved cf .eloyeS nrip.-nn,orps1 0ff/4-01.4••••0-0•=W . !, Puri, !or the office of. 7.1.3 evffic.icnt number 0 vele s is neni rated '0.104 1.0C1111`00111 0A1C111011 0011btr rulvateS g •hltrysi hew.ng Ih.crt .. hevine rec•ived aV14,,cionT number. nitinsres etected by the Forty for the office of Thar • having receiver.' L0001S1..n1111.1111110111 Of '.01PCS is •itchm kty the. _ _ - • -• tec•i,ecl 1,40.c.; CAT nurnIbt,tI re ii el ect-to by Ow Poway far the cifiRcis olf That candidate by the ..... —Parte For like offate uF Thor candidate by the 1501-111. 01111.if,. giCct, .htirvaig suf-ficienr 0,1[11i1•00 00 1•01.A..11,0...-.stszl - • 1 ..... • . Saving rect.vcd .,01110.1101.y0llatf F wary; nore.nefiej Partv for rho office of Mc*. -4111.0r-e-144e=fre_ Cor.Pckte by ot the 9ffice or. That. _ Woe For the office csieelf.thste thri....,exia.:11-ret,....Parf7Fot the office of _ Thco oroaciickie That. earellthrhi candidate Thee candkiett by *be tirrA-12.-" Party far she AG. of otereeeteleste-e2D rctuumd suflenr number of .ores is nerriinet.4 :kkate by the_seree..419-.-mrst.-..., Airy for the office el • - - conefielate bY !ler_see..40-7.1%.:et....w.Peirty for the &flee Itgef-rfrier.4 fluhib-et Of a..,,,t netelved tu4i vent number of v0-191 is n njnol.0O ..... _Party for Ike Art of__ _Orli '7411 6r......g.. s•etee.-4 ho..aaezgete.az71 31.1101C1111171141011301, of s.trieS ic nomi rwitt,, the. --./e4-1' efaiced‘,.... _Pamir tor the Aye er„ •,..- sr ,_., 0 _ ... "e.c.C)..-C-'0-109--le•r•it4rty 65, xim of recri‘ed rhogieient number of totes .t o nne,iaate4 having received suifficenr numb". of 4101.e.4 i f1.00,1natird Parke' ter the Ace . bts-7-4•••<d--'ar-c--ecr-. - • Theo. having 0111.0•Pi•00111 3uffIcito, hverber 0 -tires is ecesi•sered candidate by the Potty for the office of , That •. ?raving received evaticient ,..on6er yfitcS eorriohte by the.. Party for the office cif.. That.. having received eutfic-.nnt number af yore% nnse,,i-voed 1 candidate by the Party ;1:11. 1171119fkis Or ThØ . having rect.sed suflin.ient number cf ',Wet I candidate by the Noy fur tfm offZcq huy.ng received sufficient niienbar al Yates is na-ni -.Ode caellielate by the Party for Ole office of Thai, having received sulf..c. vi votes s nnminatcd .1 candidate by thor ...... - . . ... ..Porty for the oNite or • . .03fCS it nom' rwred conefiliore by rho Parity fot the office of . Thori hirlfqg riccert,I1 syfFi=ient nym100. of •ores ie nomineieci caiedicfca.by thw That candidate by the_ 11,41. by Ole Party for rho &fire of.. - That by rho Party foo !hi office of Thor bre We Pod? for the Are of . • That It0100 F00'111.0 00100 reined Svff,G++PrIt of votes it elected hav ng receiYad ZJifIdenT ai vierT • • 1 De lfurdwy Horeb" Dateeminas That am followitre Proaeittioos or questions Imams:eel defeatect ;11S1102ftd I:1410W: MEM AMP: Iii lifireerg Wisertarfs W;wee Meager° Ter WI hoods and aff4red the Seal thelf.....k-tereMee:244, wrohlp TiliA.7r4Witfo rtgteiagto ...... in the year MAK) OF CANVASStn (") emmelimikti Inimint-Ot C/44YAWifet, I OR% The! 11,1,4.1 ogee, wed sufficient ALIrrther of votes La nominated eisedickrte 12), 0/4 Party Iv/ the office of That bevino ream ved soitioLem. ,,omeee e4 votes .$ nominated eunciidtril kry '16 Forty tut the ofriee of Thut }loyal received sufficient aumber of i.ates nominated denef4rde by rho Pane, fat 0.4 eff;ce That havtno received sufficient number of votes nominated cam:Water Ise lie Peale los the &Hu of That havinv roco;..mil suffteidril number ai ',KOOS is nanirtated candidate by the Party For the offies of That having received sufficient number of Yotes ii nominated ocoo.lislote by the Patty for th.roffiee of Ilyor ttowi ,11 received sufficient ntenimir of votes is nornine•ird SLITI,1t. Nit" (44 the office o$ Thar Key,ng veld suff;cient lumber of .v4. s nedimated vargIckge by the Party 6r th., ofFiroe of fine having r.ece.ved sufficient number of votes is nicrn;nared casnehekee in the reap h i. off;ce Mgr ... . having MCiiVq4 suffigient number of vote s is nemineted con4tclot. by the Party fee the ognce. of That avvins received SUi fi golonr fl LIM tpipr QF vol. II j s nogningtepd eractielare by the.. Pasty For thie arca al Thet coaidklato by the Pasty for the office a receryed 'efficient number of Yoret is nominated caridirkdv by the Party for the office ol • .... - Thor toesivetl ,4,elf; vent number at Yams is geminated candidate by Pk, raft igr ii Rite of. - Tito.. ocradtclote by rho ............ , ..retrey or the otAee of-- ..... , • havieg received mufti-corm number at va.es gornatatea dui reee.tod4vffcrF i•umktorr ei wcolits -ornro*ed — - •