HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2006.08.08 - 425208/10/2006 12:11 INDEPENDENCE NP. 4 92488591533 NO.949 P02 CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON 4a1- bATE O acr N AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF . MICHIGAN MA*: 7rF 71- t. •77 7. '0E1.41.1iN MANUFACTURED BY alotteau Dalt ta, itEcTrow SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Rood KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form N. M.390 CANVASSER BOOK Smear *harks, Clarraral Primary ar Spacial Eledian The who'.9nufn'ae. pkves given far...crnd agamsi Pit Y-1.4A 4=10-- theMaiteatif at ,hich qurftoor,ara.e.,..a, ,44m4( 04161V . k3 7 a 7 08/10/2006 12:11 INDEPENDENCE TWP. 92488591533 volei M0.949 903 STATEMENT OF VOTES Pa! IPtiP1111 UP Mg tiuke 4(/44/fr4 )4,54 /A3 wt ,;.-.71 YES ond PU—dseee41241 •.toes we:r, rrP4.ei TOTAL VOTES'. T .10 wi•gle number of VO?*4.5s:ri,nr, far cold c‘eritHlti d‘o awaf,A. • ourebOsjadLe44a.461 24_2fdtze a3.-79 3 va.r.ts ..erc marLod YES • 44-‘641:7-241/diate • oihd_e"..711.„...ehtthaeicejille. NO TOTAL VOTES, The ...AD:0 monber o VA101go.en fa, ana against jIe . • ;cis 3o!vs well? nu:11.140d YES meld . . .otos wore Terleed NO TOTAL VOTES, •nn== .1 • The wi‘ole rom'crercfvote% so,./. ;0, d Q940051 14,e GI: which nunther . VQM'S wore ser YES end _.... • F4E &Nu NrsIDATE NAMES 111, ,1At, 4:4- - ' i gq orr) cli( 4-9 r74; zrq' - PRECINCT OR WARD NuMBER _ -I" n••n TOTALS 0811E1/0006 12:11 INDEPENDENCE TWP. 4 92488581533 STATEAENT OF 'VOTES NO.949 PO4 • ' , • • 1 4 • /-4...11•Dip •g. of.. Thu sal is.oi•eaeei Tho sores is aloossel That votes is elecletc) That.. Yeses is °loved That . flat .. voles is elecied • hos, irie rasa' Yee sdff rtuasbas al/10/20136 12:11 INDEPENDENCE TAP. 92488591533 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION N01.949 P05 STATE OF MICHIGAN. 1 Cor:NiTY or ..624eledal. _ attiliol V ;IIP21 - a•ElMqr), icy The Bowel of Cartvossers of the.3 06.0y7Cipc TWIT td4, V; I 1.,go hoying Asc i snitcl ond Cg0a0404 Votes 41 40id.r ,.. At she•- :71141 77t7et cnd Do Ilmreby Car% and Detemline E'ectior , eld Lan she. CIAN1r), Ify p rains ;IF elacteel Tool . oj ii eleved val.es is Tssul. voles is efeciee T. ,sotes is elected Trio .ores eiecied Tilos votas is eleateel . roses is oledect rha, . Yeses is olacied . h0ving •Iricesdec a IIIInr',Limos? . . hoeing reitti wed g nwiftber o; 0 .. • • • • havi.fig socolve-si saftrieni number pi • • ' - • • • • • - • having rayon va0 suit'. c {iv number. ai . • • bav.aq oettootd suffrcies • number of 40ving r0:41'0001 StAi.a n enl ny,mberf oviç socoived o iuffici,r need;itr at .... • ow-jig recei vet a self civil baYing rect+ved a otrfr.c:efo ntornEvr heiis issig sine vag a suifician s -longer at having roCO3.t0 Sdf C nUlnbef or soceivocl 66,IffIC rIvmster of ha•v rag, k,etl lumber Of Ø/1W236 1211 INDEPENDENCE TWP. 4 92488581533 1J. 949 DE16 neat__ watai is isiscSeig That . VOIal eleeliki flex__ valet elect esl ..havrng feC0 Yea Clan' 0..fhhef —•--..—,, having recei via a sufficient norlimi recti 4041 0 PopiVIC en? ply rrpher Reseived . Having' Not Receive-a 441tvcr" Riceivbrt nns Ne R •v • Sufficient rates wei t eceed _Peg Iii Wilimpay isieirapt, Wls kie he011440o SOO ougliarakt and alOrisad, • _ C9,01,4,.-Pr.tha &it - 71. yew fir)Ar CANY, Pqk Yates was AllESTp HQ'l SoHicier.1 votes Nat eCeiveta r HALMS Di ROW:1VMM 4 MAIM OF Having StiffiCienT votes teat • valaS is alacted._—., .--....— That _ v0Fel iS . hria rairisived a Suffie,eni 01.10`0Cr hcvi.ng vec•'ved a suffic.eni rjiir Th°I 3eces ;s Owed — — • r,g ecv vecl buffit rent number vohoi is eiechael race ved u vuiF c.cn• nurniol ha vini ved %Ialt ie.eini . „ ,Dt todNati CA' CANVA SSW. Da rviiher Herefav Oeltervoirvai Pe* the Callawing Pe:lie/ewes quettions were passed or det eeteci ag incilvd ed bolow, &re.4164—Lfigt 4/4Adi.., 141 CF4AORPAA1.4 Cpf Aar. •r4