HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1996.11.05 - 4263O CANVASS OF VOTESCAST RE,,. AT THE ELECTION HELD ON / q 9 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS Ul Y UUUNIY LL COUNTY, MICHIGAN NAME OFX::.Lffili'f, i TY, TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE MANUFACTURED BY DaVgLEfla Higt,mtC, ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-398 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary Of Special Election n• tigb kt.\0 1)a te 2 STATEMENT OF VOTES PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER OFFICE AND n TOTALS CANDIDATE NAMES -/ L .2L7_ j I1 ,1i2i..3 iv /5 i c)31 \o'i 515 1-scCt..6,5% wil titio Llat-t ayi (IA 5)) ns3 11)3 in:, , 1.5aLi y-10 r)Sck 101.5 5") i 5.7d LoSS '139 titil 1443 1tA U55 541 t)u, QcnVi L--, i53) ..as ni r)63 \n() 5bei 530 Clob 117 ii1J3 L14-i.% 16.0..6531541 `)95 kel el cli. I L -„_,...„, 1 I 'Os ticv LY-kri 5SLI aqa libct 35s 313 S')OiLtill .k1() ITY1 " 1 V341-1 03 til5 LOU? 5-70 ato Dik6 3,3bIo(tp 5(A 1-‘43, U6°1 itn \kair_i_c_._e_.t..- L1 \ç 'Est-kci littgi tAk-Mi b.Sci_Q7c1 LICH 5c2a,S(e_5J-NO, t_e 0\ \973 1 J_Jz4z-,---Ezp- f , - .:,L-1`11 \'')44''?; Slip LIILA LiSce i ,_________,____,_ . [ i I _ I ,_ i • , [ . - --- --- 3 STATEMENT or VOTES — v PUT FICUPEC IN THIS COLUMN The whole number of votes given for the office of . -Ar--cA-e- - • n • was \(\t'c ,10 '4C3k&U-tieLr\a-J huN,N.s.) \\K_Ltv•-i&Snkg %. \ ,1 I () 1% _ . and they were given for the following named persons: III 1 N_k_Np. received \. N- \i lta._,-,__Q. • jt II 9 \...)3 ,...- ..r..r.-., received ‘ votes 111 received votes 0 Al 't % 1 votes q I ha. .. ...!.. --...—N ,I. . ... " . . 1 The whole number of votes g iven for the office of ‘... a 1C...24-y- ...1z-h_..-/ - wasW I, 0 1 .....e.. and they were given for the following named persons: 14 ', \ I I received .. k received .s+s-ktV votes l ' I. received votes 1 TO • L otes ICI t '41.-.„ -AO-. ]..11.--. Ir. ../b. i• 1. 'et,. . - t The whole number of votes qi.,en for the office of ' * r?(- Ir„..Z.02-trz-e.-e.--t_ra-, 1 I WC" \\ 11:1i. A 14, .... , . . ,•1 C--..t.,X.A..... 1•• ,g1 • 4- and they were given for the following nam- peltns: 1/4....N.tv • I receive. . 1 . CILVLut a . ... 1 .. % ,<vstes 1 q s 4. received - IN\A votes II t received votes TOT • „. 1.. IA._ _A,__ _ .th . • . °% Y °Al The whole number of votes given for the office of 1 Al .11......1.1n41111r.....09 4.1:01•411/ MI.SVANKOF NIT and they were given for the following named persons: III C itrk_5-2_,/ received 1 I .\i\J....NgAi• ' • "1 44! 111L;11; I . • , . • i - IIII .4 AL -1 -.e..2 received • k. 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SIIATI4_14 OF Ai_ICIIIGAN, ntie&—c-<-4-<12 COUNTY OF \ The Board of Canvassers of the V-- Do Hereby Certify and Determine Tel having received a sufficient number of ') having received a sufficient number of havin received a sufficient number of TY-XI c having received a sufficient number of That . having received a sufficient number of voles is elected - having received a sufficient number of Thar 74- ri ;J&. 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Not Received Defeated In Wilma, ifs Whereof, We have hereunto set cu.% hands and affixed the Seal of the 34 of /)eY22- (County, City, Tow hip or Vi !loge) _000ry, Ciec, Township or Village) N;z e7 (lc day 0 '4--L27-"/ in the year one thousand nine hundred and SZ-itZ, \,,k) BOARD OF CANVASSERS this -77/ C 11-P", •••• "7 • ./ V-I 0 .Y; 47(_)1 ..1.)4 9.))1/ 111 /". 7/ CV) ; 1% • I _*e) Si . _ -..... , I ...... 1 —...... I ; kr.... ---.- i 1 n-ti ' • 6 ! c. 1 _._-.... 1 ell, 1 1 ,i el Coo 1/41 ke) f%.1 r•-• CV} 7••• -4- 5"-i 5-•57i 6.5.11 Y75 c. ' t . . •--- v.') ,--4. r-- 7-• Jcz1 -41 'a. LI ''''‘. IN) Or) _.•-•:_ r-- • . a ( 6 kt 1 4....1 --- "A , Cr- \T". 7.7" ..,. --L • --. LI -•6 -4-cto -Z.-- r- - ' b - --n- -.S — L . . ',LI o .....) I •': ..-_ r-t. . ---.. n.),...1 i ." "."... ••- (1, -I- eil _ . NT u— I . (1 n \ ( __I (ZI Z.... Lel kr- C , 0.1 0 Li) rt •-:- -4.3 N. 'V (--) -...1 . tl cv-i % 4_.) -.- ---4 — a -IT V - . rs- -•I e,-.) CNI kn - ,rel 1...ri .n ( -- J :,0 YL 'zi ni ---..... 3, r' ) .4.. -c), l."-- l'.• .z..... cl ',..; 1 0') - -0 N. 4 . - I . tr- 00 ''Z'•- t- 't ---- no rn 'I ..sk '1 (...Nfj---- '•- -Zi, -, el -...9 .....„ •,-% 1.,-.1 r... vs:- . - - te/k-4144-ifJ / - I v ) I .e 1 ,2. Ore+ el 10,1 ,k4 ( cIt t TrepS -rr- S It e 5 .1`41 ( (( /Li 14.2( , 0 4tt'et ,e.e. t.(1 0. 1 0 eitef.1/te .-1141 -7 lti i.t4t /- 6144 74 4,4A 3 hies `i 444 f III ti‘t At t .5/ /0 1114 t;4t• " e 0‘ I 7 •Vt ‘ e • 1-)i...11 pp: I &Ater ei'vi L.4 440.0/!0,4.1- ..,, c , I 11.! t=t , II ( ' ,44 •t, " trq ,c4 S r 3 .16 ,)'kd? ti,to frizi ...A.A.-km', B t 14 fire_ V £( 1.A / 64-4:11Aw 3 st., beivtici; 3 1 A litob-a b tr pe: CAelekA-vi M 6*•t 4,6) ChA1 4 atc,; 0...„ , ri est- (414-)l' e i t . vt..., (il 1 i .., ,, ,, e"...4.....uy.)) Rt.. 0 If ft-yt "4:. dt ,..k. - 1‘1.4)-( fiLttlift,,A.) i ..UN,Natio. el COP 0 0ta, t .A4i...J4J , . . 7444, ,-) I 4 Peit, (?' r-11116 14A 1.*1 - NJ 1)"` ;V"' t- 414-RI / littt-ife 3 1..A.tift 1?-1' tV., P(ut,i-itet 1 ,4 , , TAG' 3 ) 6_2 ,it-11P%--.' /4-t) 1) A tie 4.441A. ty,.• !CIA44 Pea. ;44 . TALirvild — Tru,44;114,2 t 04.4 Li4,tt 11A a tif 04„A 9 1..,tFi1Ai( „ "n" 1(.11111._ TA4k4-7-e4- — It .? s.,t , 1) iJ I /4.4,414„.,0„heie ),, ) ' t4 t,.- .6 .4 .4 - ) 7 of I rj /V6 ekt " 44, 491' E ( r. 736,„./ n t ch ee (3 - F .i el f I • " 8 /41 e f-A- pel 7 1, IAA-4 1' I SZ4.4 l/e$ aeAit (.4 IAA* diet " 4 T, eiy 1.44,_ /1 TA4A4 tt e itd1 tr s- 14 1 ) /144 V 4'94 6teej at ia.s 1.1 6).rt t-v-kt kr .4;4 Ick-et,-;# Mid lielft 3/44-11-1- (Li 11-0-4 et/4-1N, ,) 1-44-4,1 1-G4 A/ ( -2 4,44 1-A/4",) Cfrikk Cao-tei.ti-t4.1t Iv ) ( 2.1 it - "rt414) -tj . Now. ) A., 1- Its L5— • 7 T 6(.01,44 dru.. ttiT I ) I "(1 //:-:;1-, V%-t /sriA r iv. 'V'e z OVI /114.4-74.44, if /0, 80,id.4.49„ .2 /144,1) • r4.14 14- ell rteet ,r `167k.c, ( lia-et-tet Vaile,,t/i () 64, o— C 1.1t-tg-14 ,) "Le d d IL:to...3 3 T _ iL LAi ) ec 62 ,e1.4 42 /44 r sit r S •tit...„(N., Lei ,a,‘,." 1.1.1v; Shtl „if," k et w / r / t 1-Itivyte4--net0f/ (.1 mA Va_et rem-) i c 0 ..- b1- . 't.--10( i ( 4 -I ts , ( (,,, 11,,, il...__. 1 1.4. - )IL4.-e cei et ,,,, ) u-,41. , ,_.. A ( q 42„ ii,, t-4) T/' t-t-4-tei .1 - -L-Ia 2 PA4.4.,:s.e_1 i -.1.. .5...1, - 6tet-,- k 7 711,1 iie ,6 e 4" 0-0 - 9 /4 .--14.) 4/ i yi.,,.• 4- t t i „,,,,, stial, it k8 , -,-)4_-.... e i ttAA - ato, ,..k. e'„ Ait4„, 6 . . icierit,t. t ) A itid t4rti , / / / E re12)4/`•• I terat,2 t I ( 3 ,t,,,_._, 7 4., -60, i 7 . 1 ,-Teed ., 4, 4, , (.2 -te-.,-,0 Y 14,...,0 - , It? -ex V -7-1,j. viP 0 V -oil -71 C iff 11 V C.--1,)71 . I t/. " ) ( „r 1 v// , itt /v1,:"#- 1,4 cl ,92 I+ e/14'-- J vvrd ev"rev 7-7-Lic sz-art, ' 714- -y-tp (4. c:#3 ?.7 ( {ley f /0g- c-e41 f --rtk-v21 )4.) '-rtri2Y-) P rict_ vA7P' c)I71. -714-1,11 C rs''")0 r a A (Th ( rit 7 t4.4.4 i ki vvi E --,14 y=7", --rery-f r ....J ( .140-1,,a) 7 7.--I ,..0 ' r 442 —17-7V - 4: i --4r'''P (j --0/11. ,---9- t -) -lord -r i1 -21 i P5-4,1; .r.: p t. e 1 1) 4fr4 lfr414 )--r- W (iv" 9 6 le d 4-) / t , I R ariTi i -all. 4-14-08 lf,•14 0,0 .9 1 I 4 'd IR1/1 r.vvf. ft")r 1 " vIrN ' c/v-p-r .....• 1 /.4 C - , elp 4 7 ; ills)v-i."---"271/ sr, / pi-144-33-1.A," <YR/ C ( - It 01 01 f I ter 7.7 s r ( • yf „9-141 -lilt" 03 O ri v ,- • t (7-1,41Z ere irr - 41 _ e )007 f • / ' ) 511 47 r P-11 C ./) Tr---d _trwe / ` td . .4tx,":41 04.--tt-2 b .1410- 12.311, ) A -ja .1.1i-4;tt 44, 6->Nts) 4/14.1 VetwAel— 42 *Auk ) (Aet Mq- rs ity A 4, t, ley3 vv.) - .1) -- .- 1 Li P 5P15.1 'Ng 1170 I L/31 .140 234 I fq3 IP3 .751 7 i3 6,5-g t=1,: 7 /0/4' Ice -r.s 5-75 57l 47 7(, 3413 337 4.2g5c.7 77-/ I 4// #63 961 4//5 V39 41i/3 ,l/gg 355 380 35.1 35?36-.1.3c, 313 .:N7 465 59c5 54,1 S'// _5 ) 1//7• 753 76 7954,3c 659 6/9 5g /7E3 14113 ;cc?? 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