HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1972.08.08 - 4287LYON TOWNSH I P AUGUST 8, 1972 LEIC LU CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION HELD ON AUGUST 8, 1972 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS LYON TOWNSHIP OAKLAND OF COUNTY, MICHIGAN (NAME OF COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE) MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Rood • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-398-PC CANVASSER BOOK-PRIMARY PARTY OFFICE CANDIDATE NAMES PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER TOTALS TOWNSHIP CLERK "MARY K. CANFIELD --t ,•)1 STATEMENT OF VOTES DEMOCRATIC TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR TOWNSHIP CLERK TOWNSH I P TREASURER TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE ITOWNSH I P CONSTABLE REPUBL I CAN TrOWNSH I P SUPERV I SOR ILLIAM K. SMITH OWNSH I P TREASURER IIALFRED W. HAACK TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE [JOHN W. BAKHAUS TOWNSH I P CONSTABLE JOHN L. CASH L. • LYON TOWNSH I P STATEMENT OF VOTES AUGUST 8, 1972 The whole number of votes given by the Was /Party for candidates for the office of PUT FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN 1 and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS The of votes given y the ,.-Party for candidates for the office of - - Was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 4 TOTAL of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of and they were given for the fallowing named persons: PEReONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL e whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of vas and they were given for the following named persons: I; , , , . 1 TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the ,,,,,, , Pay for candidates for the office of was _. and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS _ 1 , il I :( TOTAL 1 __.1 S WRITTEN IN WORDS The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of PUT FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN I ; I STATEMENT OF VOTES Was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF vorEs WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of Was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRI177::', IN WORDS IOTA The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of was and they were given for the fallowing named persons: PERSONS RI - fING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 11 TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of Was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL Ti umber of v- - by the xindiclates for the office a The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of as : 1 and they were given for the following riamed persons: errtsom-_, RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS STATEMENT OF VOTES PUT FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN whole number of votes q;Yein by the .ty for candidates for the office of Was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER or VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL The whole n: Der of v given by Party for candidates for the lice of and they were given for the following named persons: PERS:77,T..:3 RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL fOT the faiiowing named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER or VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the was and they were given for th,- .;i'llowing named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES Party for candidates for the office of NUMBEF ,-;7:r VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL TOTAL The whoie - otes given for and against the PUT FIGURES i; IN THIS COLUMN 11I I 1 1 It I I STATEMENT OF VOTES WO of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against thc WCS ch number vot,,,: were rrarled YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, 11 1 II I I o I The whole nurnbcr of votes given for and against the 1 Was of which number vote were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, rzceived the, ivriber of votes is nominated having received received the largest number of votes is nominated _having received the largest number of votes is nominated having received the largest number of votes is nominated Party for the office of having received the largest number of votes is nominated Party for the office of Party for the office o __ _Party for the office of _ Party for the office of _ y the Party for the office o the Party for the office of That_ _ Party for the office of That_ _ y the Party for the office of That y the Party for the office of Party for the office of having received the largest number of votes is nominated having received the largest number of votes is nominated having received the largest number of votes is nominated having received the largest number of votes is elected having received the largest number of votes is elected having received the largest number of votes is elected having received the largest number of votes is elected having received the largest number of votes is elected having received the largest number of votes is nominated That candidate y That candidate. by the_ That_____ candidate by the y the That- candidate by the having received the largest number of votes is elected CERTIFICNU 0 DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY OF OAKLAND COUNTY OAKLAND The Board of Canvassers of the of cCOUN"Y TOWNSFI P, CiTt VILLACir having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes at the Primary Election, held on TUESDAY the 8th day of AUGUST , one thousand nine hundred and seventy-two Do Hereby Certify and Determine That__ candidate by iv for the office of _ That candidate by - - _ Party for the office o That_ candidate Ly Party for the office of That_ candidate by the, Party for the office of_..1 That- candidate t;;;y tiie-__ _ Partyfortheofficeo That candidate by the Party for the office of Party for the office of That canc:Aate by the candidate by having received the largest number of votes is nominated having received the largest number of votes is nominated _having received the largest number of votes is nomina having received the largest number of votes is nominated _having received the icegest number of votes is nominated (<:(- having received the largest number,of votes is nominated _ having received the largest number of votes is nominated That candidate by the_ having received the largest number of votes is nominated Party for the office of_ That candid'.' 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BOARD OF CANVASSERS CHAIRMAN OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS. in the year-one thousand nine hunred and seventy-two I ' CERTIFKATE OF DETERMINATION That having received the largest number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That candidate by the Party for the office of That candidate by the _ Party for the office of That. candidate by the Party for the office of That having received the largest number of votes is niminateci candidate by the Party for the office of That having received the largest number of votes is nominated candidate by the_ Party for the office of That having received the largest number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received the largest number of votes is nominated candidate by the_ Party for the office of_ That having received the largest number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received the largest number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received the largest number of votes is nominated candidate by the_ Party for the office of That having received the largest number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received the largest number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received the largest number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received the largest number of votes is nominated candidate by the_ Party for the office of Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: having received the largest number of votes is nominated _having received the largest number of votes is nominated having received the largest number of votes is nominated Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated k Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands ond affixed the Seal of of the County Oakland (County, City, Township or Village) (Cou this day of City, Township or Village) August CLERK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS.