HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1972.11.07 - 4308A ‘1,011 COUNTY, MICHIGAN OAKLA ND LE ft tr TOWNSHIP OF LYON NOVEMBER 7, 1972 it it r (A ELECT GENERAL WU) ON NOVEMBER 7, 1972 (DATE OF ELECTION ASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS S ifit3ENNAkiltIVENA MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS itiSt "1,1Igore IteN! KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-398 CANVASSER BOOK pecify whether General, Primary or Special Election TOTALS PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER 1 : 1 OFFICE AND CANDIDATE NAMES TOWNSHIP CLERK (R) Mary K. Canfield TOWNSHIP TREASUREI (R) Alfred W. Haack " TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE (R) John W. Bakhaus TOWNSHIP CONSTAB J. STATEMENT OF VOTES TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR (R) WILLIAM K. Smi John L. Cash r--- ; 11 TOWNSHIP OF LYON STATEMENT OF VOTES he whole number of votes given for the office o PUT FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR (Two year term {! 1 as , — and the e follovving named persons: II (R) WILLIAM K. SMITH received votes 1 , ' votes received votes TOTAL votes i! li The ber of votes given for the office of TOWNSHIP CLEIK Two year term ! /- , e given for the fc: A/Mg named persons: (R) MARY K. CANFIELD receiv votes , 1 cowed votes 1 ecl votes i TOTAL votes !, I 1 II The whole number of votes given for the office of TOWNSHIP TREASURER (Two year term I , ,1 ; .....‘..., II I a nd they re r. :n for the fol!owing named ie is: ,i (R) ALFRED W. HAACK .cceiv vote ,• i votes i ::.ceived votes II i li i TOTAL votes 1 ri _ I The whole r-, votes given for the office o Vote for not more than one TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE Four year term was i I and they were given for th wing no i d persor . (R) JOHN W. BAKHAUS received / ,:„ votes i votes votes received votes 1 i received votes I votes 1( voles — votes votes II i :e.7.:e:ved votes I received votes il 1 : I 11 TOTAL votes I PUT FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN (R) JOHN L. CASH receive eive eived , votes [ votes votes votes votes votes received received votes ,n votes votes votes votes votes votes votes ! votes The whole number of votes given for the office a WOS and they were given For the foF -,ing named per STATEMENT OF VOTES Vote for not more than one TOWNSHIP CONSTABLE (Two year term TOTAL votes The whole number of votes en for the office of was and they were given for the lowing named persons: eived eivecl 1 received votes received votes received received TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of \vas and they were given for the received ceived li TOTAL votes ; 11 il The whole number OF .or the office of 1 i was 11 and they were given for the i:.:.)Pr- ng nom .-.: persam: in 'i ivec.1 votes -i! I. received votes I received votes , received vote TOTAL was „ of which number votes wer marked YES I ' • ' L I ' [ 1 I I I ' i ! • ! Of WIL'::1-‘ STATEMENT OF VOTES PUT FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN hole number of votes given for and against the number morLA YES re marked NO TOTAL VOTES . The whole number of votes given for '!arlied NO TOTAL VOTES„ The whole number of :7;ven for and against the of which nur veyIpc vyt-,rc. ii.!.ed YES votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, 11 The whole number of votes given for and against the was votes were marked YZ.:1- and •J'Tites were marked NO T(.:)TAL VOTES, Tt votes 15 That_ votes is ch.-. votes is el That votes is ei That votes largest number of ed the largest number of ,ect number of -.• immt.,,er cf h a • tiving • ceiv .cf the -.-mber of .cf the lar: rgest number of 141V111 That havint...j he largest number or lamest number of . . the largest number of - --- number o :tvinq received the laroe the largest number of number of havina received the largest number of __having received the largest number of CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN. ) s, :::::s • COUNTY CYF OAKLAND i The Board ot (sanvassers of tf,,, (3D UNT Y of_ OAKLAND • fourity. City, Town.shio or Viiiciqo i County, Cily„ Township ,...' V flaying Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said TOWNSHIP OF14 YON ( coi• • !. City, Township or 'y'illoge) GENERAL h 7th NOVEMBER at the .Election, he ld on tl -.... .day of _ seventy-two Do Hereby Certify and Determine-. one thousand nine hundred and TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR TOWNSHIP CLERK TOWNSHIP TREASURER TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE TOWNSHIP CONSTABLE votes is That. votesis elected votes is That votes is elected That_ votes is ele,..! Tb votes is elected That v.z.,ias is Thal votes ir Thor ; votes is eiected That votes is electeci - ..having received the largest number a ?,-.f.•ved the leanest number of Th, 1.41,4 ME OF PROPOSITION NONE NONE 4 Received Passed Sufficient votes was )t Recoived Defeated Received Passed .)t Received Sufficient votes was Defeated Having Having C.1 "ir AR) OF CANV having received the largest number of votc.cted havir ved the largest number of vote; ic• votE ,7Aved the largest number of havit:ved the largest number of That votes is ele _buying received the largest number of having received the largest number of ving received the largest number of 76iiii:t6' etg the folk.— 7oositions or q.stions were or defeated as indicated belc.4. Received Passed Having —Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated NAME Cr fi'',OPOSMON 2 NONE NONE Having Received ,y. Passed wticient votes was Not Received Defeated In Witness Whereof, We have f,Preunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the COUNT of OAKLAND ,County, City, Toymahip or Village) (County, City, Township or Village) clay of NOVEMBER red end, seventy-two this in the'iff-ar one thousand niKe huti BOARD OF CANVASSERS 777.ST: I — — CHAIRMAN OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS.