HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1972.08.08 - 4332MILFORD TOWNSHIP AUGUST 8, 1972 CANVASS tF WES :AST AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION HELD ON AUGUST 8, 1972 AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS M I LFORD TOWNSHIP OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN (NAME OF COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE) MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-398-PC CANVASSER BOOK—PRIMARY PARTY OFFICE CANDIDATE NAMES PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER '1 1 ri .1RMA C. McCRANER i 5 STATEMENT OF VOTES DEMOCRATIC TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR TOWNSHIP CLERK TOWNSHIP TREASURER FTOWNSHIP TRUSTEE 11,JOHN S. MASSON 1' 1: CHARLES N. NEUBRECHT 111OWNSHIP CONSTABLE LIBRARY BOARD REPUBLICAN TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR 'd WILLIAM A. BOYER 11,JAMES F. GRAY 1; TOWNSHIP CLERK C. ELAINE SKARRITT TOWNSHIP TREASURER 1TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE 1STANLEY O. COOK '1- !TOWNSHIP CONSTABLE JAMES A. GANDOL A. H. SCHUON LIBRARY BOARD 1 DOROTHY ROBB 11FRANCES M. SMITH was 2 i5 Two Hundred Fifty-seven Trustee 0 15 7 1215 16 9 was Six Hundred Ninety-three Supervisor 2 Two Hundred Twenty-five James F Gray The whole number of votes given Republican Party for candidates for the office o TOTAL Township and they were given for the fallowing named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given by the Democratic Party for candidates for the office of Town ship POT FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN and they were given for the following named persons PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES James S. Masson Charles N. Neubrecht NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS One Hundred Seven One Hundred Fifty The whole number of vote. ,iven by the Republ i can TOTAL Party for candidates for the office of Township and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES William A. Boyer NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS Four Hundred Sixty-eight 16 8 Clerk was Six Hundred Forty-three 11 6 Elaine Skarritt I Six Hundred Forty-three I t TOTAL The whole number or votes given by the Republ ican Party for candidates for the office of Township Treasurer was Six Hundred Eighteen Orma C. McCraner Six Hundred Eighteen 6.1 8 2. 1 1 TOTAL I 6i8I The whole number of votes given by the Republican Party for candidates for the office of Towns h i p Trustee Five Hundred Seventy-three 6 73 w and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS Stanley 0. Cook Five Hundred Seventy-three 5 i , TOTAL ill l 5 7 PUT FlGUREs IN THIS COLUMN I ; James A. Gandol Four Hundred ' Lid CY 3- Three. Hundred S ixty-three 3; 6 A- H_ Schuon 24!1 Nine Hundred Twenty-four was !I Frances M. Smith Four Hundred Fifty-seven ! I 4 11 41 2 The whole number of votes given by the Was and they were g iven for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEPM-AG THE VOTES or candidates for the office of NUMBER OF VOTES WRrTTEN SN WORDS STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given by the Republican Party for candidates for the office of Township Con s t ab le was Seven Hundred Sixty -three and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL I T 6 3 The whole number of votes given by the Republi can Party for candidates for the office of L brar and they were given for the following named persons' PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS Dorothy Robb Four Hundred Sixty-seven TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of Was and they were given for the fallowing named persons: PERscirz N7.CEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS IOTA The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of Was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL F , TOTAL The whole number cf votes given PUT FIMIRES IN THIS COLUM Party for candidates For the office of The whole number of votes give :andidates for the office of y me The whole number of votes give or candidates for the office of STATEMENT OF VOTES was they were given for the ioilowing named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS I TOTAL WOS and they were given For the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS IOTA The whole number of votes ,• en by t.!. Party for candidates For the office of Was and they were given for the fallowing named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS : II TOTA The number cf votes given by Ihe Party for candidates for the office cF e given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL given for the follovvina named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS IOTA 1 of which number One Hundred Ninety-nine 9 and Two Hundred Twenty-nine votes were marked NO 219. TOTAL VOTES, = 4128 11 STATEMENT OF VOTES 11 41TOWL The whole number of votes given for and against the ROAD IMPROVEMENT PROPOS IT I ON For the purpose ot 14roving County roads within Milford Township, shall the tax d limitation on the total amount of general ad valorem taxes which may be imposed I 1 11—e-a-C-h year Tor all purposes upon all real and tangible personal property in Milford h 11 Township, Oakland County, Michjqan, be increased as provided in Section 6. Article 1 i, I !" IX of the Constitution of Michigan, for a period of five years from 1973 to 1977, !I _ __ 0 4 both inclusive, by tw. '-' --- — - -- the assessed valuation as finally equalized, said funds to be deposited separate bank account And nced for no rmrpocp other than roadn*rav.emeotl Four Hundred Twenty-eight ki- 2 !8 . n a votes were marked YES 11 The whole number of votes given for and against the was of which votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO 1 TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against the was of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, having received the largest number of votes is nominated - having received the largest number of votes is nominated having received the largest number of votes is nominated candidate by t candidate by t --Piny for the office of That__ _ candidate by the_ -_Party for the office a candidate by the_ That__ . candidate by That_. candidate having receiVed the largest number having receivedtitt es number Party for the office of _Party for the office a of votes is nominated of votes is nominated Party for the office o having received the largest number Party for the office of having received the largest number candidate by the_ That.. That arty for the office o of votes is nominated of votes is nominated aving received the largest number of votes is nominated having received the largest number of votes is elected having received the largest number of votes is nominated CFRTIFICATE OF ETERMINATON STATE OF MICHIGAN. OAKLAND COUNTY OF The Board of Canvassers of the OAKLAND COUNTY (COUNTY TOWNSHIP, CITY OR OLLAGE) having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes at the Primary Election, held the 8th day of AUGUST _, one thousand nine hundred Do Hereby Certify and Determine TUESDAY on and _ seventy-two. 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CERTIRCATE OF DETERMINATION That having received the largest number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received the largest number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of having received the largest number of votes is nominated candidate by the .Party for the office of That_ having received the largest number of votes is nominated candidate by the-- Party for the office of That having received the largest number of votes is niminated candidate by the _Party for the office of That having received the largest number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received the largest number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received the largest number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received the largest number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received the largest number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received the largest number of votes is nominated candidate by the_ Party for the office of That having received the largest number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received the largest number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received the largest number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received the largest number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of Do Further Hereby Determines That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: