HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1972.11.07 - 4356COUNTY, MICHIGAN OAKIA ND TOWNSHIP OF MILFORD NOVEMBER 7, 1972 SS OF VOTES CA AT THE E (GENERAL) HELD ON NOVEMBER 7 1972 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 Eas re Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-398 CANVASSER BOOK pecify whether General, Primary or Special Election OFFICE AND CANDIDATE NAMES PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER C . ITOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR I (R) William A. Boyer 51,g TOWNSHIP CLERK C. Elaine Skarritt J TOWNSHIP OF MILFORD STATEMENT OF VOTES TOWNSHIP TREASURER 1 (R) Orma C. McCraner f•-•=- TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE (D) Charles N. Neubre (R) Stanley 0., Cook TOWNSHIP CONSTABlifrE (R), James A. Gandol (_R) A. H. Schuon LIBRARY BOARD (R) Dorothy Robb (R) Frances M. Smith vote Th e who n was 2 whole number of vote., .lkien for t v,)tes votes votes votes votes recei‘R.: votes received votes TOWNSHIP OF MILFORD STATEMENT OF VOTES PUT FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN he whole number of votes given for the office of TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR (Two year term :VOS and the,„ :,v.,!t1 for the icHNing named persons: (R) WILLIAM A. BOYER re votes receiv votes vote The whole number of :,;.cs given for the office of TOWNSHIP CLERK (Two year term) .vCIS and ore for thc.. wing persons: (R) C. ELAINE SKARRITT received Ireceived votes. l received votes I } TOTAL votes votes mber of votes given for the office of TOWNSHIP TREASURER (Two year term and the.. -.are given tar the following natne.Ac (R) ORM.A C. MCCRANER received TOTAL receiv votes vote for not more than one TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE (Four year term and they given tor th: ;.)1lowing persoi (D) CHARLES N. NEUBREGEETved (R) STANLEY 0. COOK votes 1 : votes I i votes 1 votes votes -:ceived votes i votes TOTAL votes STATEMENT OF VOTES =5:( (R) A. H. SCHUON votes 1 votes It votes r 41/J IL? e whole number of t'en for the office o Vote for not more than two votes votes votes 11 if votes votes t[ votes 11. votes votes r votpf votes votes t 1 I votes votes votes 7 votes votes votes !II ti votes 11 :II V -oceived received TOTA1.. (Vote for not more than two The whole number of votes given for the office of TOWNSHIP CONSTABLE (Two_year term was , and they were given For Inc .dr ing named per,.., (R) JAMES A. GANDOL PUT FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN I! II W - and they were given for the loft., (R) DOROTHY ROBB ieceived (R) FRANCES M. SMITH ;eivecl =--ceive6 received rec received TOTAL The whole number c )tes given for the office of was and they were persem• received votes The whole number c and they were giver •givi or the office of ar--t•<nsonsi 11 vr,t e.s ioiked NO STATEMENT OF VOTES PUT FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN The whole number of votes given for and against th, which number vctes WCi ect YES t.ptes wete marked NO The whole number of v tion for and against the INOS of which number Ted YES TO7 'VOTES The whole number of votes given for and a g, of which 71ttet wPrg, marked YES c.:,.:teci NO VOTES, whole number of votes givt-trt t Ind against the was of which nurr,•:, votes were marked N ,A:tece marked NO I! TOTAL VOTES, ecl the nunibE TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR •mber o .novirti number of TOWNSHIP TREASURER having :H Ian,: number of TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE (4_year_ ter largest number of TOWNSHIP CONSTABLE numloet of TOWN- SHIP CONSTABLE number of votes That . • votes i. T.--- veer is c 1 votes The ,c,tes votes i - LIBRARY BOARD (6 year term) number of LIBRARY BOARD (f year term 11(Plirle votes Is That_ st number of TOWNSHIP .CLERK_ ciroort number of That votes That cd the largest number of havirm the largest number of d the largest number al CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION .'ATE OF N OF OAKLAND _ Canvassers of thE., COUNTY 01 or VWe iCny, City; having Ascert • TOWNSHIP OF MILFORD and Canvassed '1- - "-- OAKLAND ±, City, fi,ip c>r Vil; at the GENERAL Election, held on the 7th f NOVEMBER one thousand nine hundred and S eventy—two Do Hereby Certify and Deterr- largest number of votes votN elected _ _ the largest num6or of votes is elected Th, votes ir oi- Thot_ votes is i)iected__ - _ having received the largest number of That CLERK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS. BOARD OF CANVASSERS CHAIRMAN OF BOARD OF CANVAS That_ . as is elected That is ele- That_ is having received the largest number of having received the largest number of having received the largest number of That having received the largest number of . elected laving received the largest number of having received the largest number of is elected VOit, having received the largest number of vote., is elected Do Further Hereby Deermines That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: Received . Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated- Received „. Passed Having aurricient votes was r, Not Received Defeated Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated NAME OF PROPOSMON NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME CT NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE 4 NONE Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands ond affixed the Seal COUNTY of OAKLAN D of the (County, City, Townshin 1.): Village) (County, City, Township or Village) this day of NOVEMBER in year one thousand nincRundred,and seventy - two