HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2000.11.07 - 4358CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF MILFORD CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 7, 2000 CANVASSED BY THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF CANVASSERS 913 599 146 745 768 416 169 585 906 60 169 774 993 623 199 822 349 200 76 276 623 354 110 464 865 534 172 706 598 352 124 476 1,761 1,174 220 1,394 7,776 4,857 1,385 6,242 OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 MILFORD CHAT TWP TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR PRECINCT BALLOTS REP NPA NUMBER CAST DON GORDON GREEN VANDERSCHAAF TOTAL Pct 01 Pct 02 Pct 03 Pct 04 Pct 05 Pct 06 Pct 07 Pct 08 Pct 09C-A & 09C-B TOTAL • OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 MILFORD CHRT TWP TOWNSHIP TREASURER EC1NCT REP IMBER CINDY DAGENIIARDT TOTAL t 01 621 621 102 501 501 103 672 672 1 04 711 711 1 05 233 233 t06 404 404 t07 633 633 :t 08 419 419 a 09C-A & 09C-B 1,270 1,270 )ML 5,464 5,464 • OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 MILFORD CHRT TWP TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE VOTE FOR FOUR RECINCT REP REP REP REP UMBER RANDAL WILLIAM DALE BRIEN BUSICK E. MAZZARA WILTSE R. WORRELL EQUAL ct 01 532 542 533 550 2,157 ct 02 416 405 434 404 1,659 ct 03 615 604 685 589 2,393 ct 04 630 613 613 620 2,476 et 05 185 182 184 193 744 ct 06 340 347 342 357 1,386 ct 07 549 558 643 557 2,207 ct 08 386 355 355 368 1,444 ct 09C-A 8, 09C-B 1,153 1,146 1,159 1,151 4,609 OTAL 4,786 4,752 4,748 4,789 19,075 • • OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES ENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 MILFORD CHRT TWP TOWNSHIP CLERK :ECINCT REP ImBER COLLEEN SCHWARTZ TOTAL t01 628 628 t02 522 522 1 03 686 686 A 04 728 728 1 05 235 235 1 06 415 415 t07 637 637 A 08 433 433 A 09C-A & 09C-B 1,315 1,315 5,599 5,599 )TAL OTAL 3,616 3,551 3,336 3,580 3,450 17,533 • OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 MILFORD CHRT TWP MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD VOTE FOR SIX RECINCT SIDNEY JUDITH AMY BARBARA JANFT UMBER BLITZ A. CLEMENS L. DAVIS J. HARRIS D. REEF TOTAL ct 01 348 385 397 382 360 '1,872 ct 02 297 327 325 302 297 1,548 ct 03 369 385 394 389 386 1,923 ct 04 417 451 448 436 427 2,179 ct 05 145 154 158 148 148 753 ct 06 269 302 295 289 286 1,441 ct 07 375 381 416 400 375 1,941 ct 08 287 311 309 298 293 1,498 ct 09C-A & 09C-171 829 884 874 907 878 4,372 TOTAL MARY CARRIE STAHL SYSKO PRECINCT NUMBER • • • OAKLAND COUNTY GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 STATEMENT OF VOTES MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD MILFORD CHARTER TOWNSHIP DECLARED WRITE-INS .11• (10) MILFORD CHRT TWP Pc' 01 1 29 30 Pct 02 1 36 39 Pct 03 1 127 128 Pct 04 1 13 14 N I 05 0 79 79 Pct 06 1 148 149 Pot 07 1 174 175 Pet 08 0 132 132 Pct. 09C-A & 09C-B 10 49 59 TOTAL 16 789 805 GRAND TOTAL 16 789 805 GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 7, 2000 MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD VOTE FOR SIX Page 1 of 1 REP COLLEEN SCHWARTZ received Five thousand five hundred and ninety nine 5,599 TOTAL 5,599 REP CINDY DAGENHARDT received Five thousand four hundred and sixty four 5,464 • TOTAL 5,464 RANDAL BUSICK WILLIAM E. MAZZARA DALE WILTSE BRIEN R. WORRELL REP REP REP REP 3,336 3,580 3,616 3,551 3,450 17,533 OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 MILFORD CHRT TWP The number of votes given for the office of TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR VOTE FOR ONE was Six thousand two hundred and forty two and they were given for the following named persons' 4,857 1,385 6,242 REP DON GREEN NPA GORDON VANDERSCHAAF received Four thousand eight hundred and fifty seven received One thousand three hundred and eighty five TOTAL The number of votes given for tie office of TOWNSHIP CLERK VOTE FOR ONE was Five thousand five hundred and ninety nine and they were given for the following named persons: The number of votes given for the office of TOWNSHIP TREASURER VOTE FOR ONE was Five thousand four hundred and sixty four and they were given for the following named persons. The number of votes given for the office of TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE VOTE FOR FOUR was Nineteen thousand seventy five and they were given for the following named persons: 4,786 4,752 4,748 4,789 19,075 received Four thousand seven hundred and eighty six received Four thousand seven hundred and fifty two received Four thousand seven hundred and forty eight received Four thousand seven hundred and eighty nine TOTAL The number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD VOTE FOR SIX was Seventeen thousand five hundred and thirty three and they were given for the following named persons: SIDNEY BLITZ JUDITH A. CLEMENS AMY L. DAVIS BARBARA J. HARRIS JANET D. KEEF • received Three thousand three hundred and thirty six received Three thousand five hundred and eighty received Three thousand six hundred and sixteen received Three thousand five hundred and fifty one received Three Thousand four hundred and fifty TOTAL MARY STAHL CARRIE SYSKO O OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARDIV1ILFORD CHARTER TOWNSHIP The number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD VOTE FOR SIX was Eight hundred and five and they were given for the following named persons: received Sixteen 16 received Seven hundred and eighty nine 789 TOTAL 805 • CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION The OAKLAND COUNTY Board of Canvassers having canvassed the votes of MILFORD CHRT TVVP at the GENERAL ELECTION . held on the 711-1 day of NOVEMBER, TWO THOUSAND hereby determine: That DON GREEN having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That COLLEEN SCHWARTZ having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP CLERK - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That CINDY DAGENHARDT having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP TREASURER - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 200 2004 That BRIEN R. WORRELL having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That RANDAL BUSICK having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That WILLIAM E. MAZZARA having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That DALE WILTSE having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That AMY L. DAVIS having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 1110 That JUDITH A. CLEMENS having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That BARBARA J. HARRIS having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That JANET D. KEEF having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That SIDNEY BLITZ having received the largest number of votes Is elected for the office of MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 • CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION The OAKLAND COUNTY Board of Canvassers having canvassed the votes of MILFORD CHRT TWP at the GENERAL ELECTION, held on the 7TH day of NOVEMBER, TWO THOUSAND hereby determine: That CARRIE SYSKO having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office 0 MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD MILFORD CHARTER TOWNSHIP • • YES PRECINCT NUMBER NO TOTAL • OA KLA ND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 MILFORD CHRT ThrP SITE SPECIFIC RELIEF PROPOSAL, Pot 01 252 482 734 Pot 02 240 402 642 Pot -03 251 522 773 Pot 04 290 521 811 Pct 09C-A & 09C-B 433 411 844 TOTAL 1,466 2,338 3,804 YES NO TOTAL VOTES 1,466 2,338 3,804 OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 IVIILFORD CHRT TVVP The whole number of votes given for and against the SITE SPECIFIC RELIEF PROPOSAL Shall Ordinance 167 dealing with Site Specific Relief Authorization as adopted by the Township Board of the Charter Township of Milford on Aron: 19, 200D be retatned as part or the Milford Township Zoning Ordinance"? 't was Three thousand eigint hundred and four of which number One thousand four hundred and sixty six votes were marked and Two thousand three hundred and thirty etght votes were marked O • 1,-* CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION • The OAKLAND COUNTY Board of Canvassers having canvassed the votes of MILFORC CHRT TWP at the GENERAL ELECTION . held on the 711hr day of NOVEMBER. TWO THOUSAND hereby determine . SITE SNECIFIC.; RELIEF PROPOSAL Having NOT RECEIVED sailicient votes was DEFEATED • • CLERK OF BOARD OF CANVAssERs • 41 • • CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seat of the OAKLAND COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT the day of NOVEMUER. in the year Two Thousand BOA/RD-OR cANy_AssERs az-„c7, QHAIRPERsoN CHAIRPERSON OF BOARD OF cANVAssERS