HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1976.08.03 - 4363NOVI TOWNSHIP PR1. MARY ::.:ELEOT:1ON::: AUGUST 3, 1976 HELD ON AUGUST 3, 1976 ( 'A i OF ELFCTION) : AND. ::cAilvAissEr OAKLAND MANUFACTURED BY Ovder y Fovn, No. M--PC.39e CA NVASSER 000K---PRI MARY fUT MURES IN Ts111 Party kr candidates kr the office of The whole number of votes given by the _SUPERV I SOR, 43nd they eere given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING 1118 VOTES NUMBER OF vger$:wRram...! IN woEps nurnbey of votes given bY the REPUBLICAN 2'alttY For candlantes '"f"fcc2: c SUPERVI:SOR- orld thev";o:,,,re giVen l'orthe:fallowing libiTted :pt....,..isaris: : PEttsotis RECEIVING FM VC)1V; NUMBER pr. vc.,,frEs:y..morittl IN WC)RDS TOTAL whole numbei. of :k.k.:ntes given by the CLERK was ana:tney were. C.Iiyo tot the roilowing nonned: actions:. . r ,t PERSONS RECENING: WM VOTES NUMBER VODES WRITTEN IN WORD The whole member of votes given by the REPUBLICAN Pry for eandidates for the olfic..-e CLERK vfm, and they were given for the kflowing named person-t• PERSONS RECEIViNG THE varES NUMBER:OF: ycr5s :wgorrzt4 IN WOR ROBERT B. ARMSTRONG -.TOTAL: The Whble:titottibit:iof:•YoteS•a n by the DEMOCRATIC Partv for candidates tor the office of TREASURER 'No' arid they were given Foi the following named persons: RCERS014% RECEIVII•46 THE VOITS 141,04SES CIF VOTES' WRITTEN IN WORM STATEMENT OF VOTES ie of votes ivm : pirr riAimES I MIS il'OttirAti . , , iv le.:.).:ri:.4..,;(:lh:t.iji..(16t0":t.if.:11-th6 ::0:Hr:ilte :0 :TREASURER : : loi e coq,. NumnFR:oF VOffi veFrT1F.t,..4 w:wpRos DONALD HACKMANN " cl 17.1.Po ven yy. for Co caie3 • CRATIO : Uhexp i :TRUSTEE 2: y r. tére(i red : c.c.! '1..NriCt PEIZSCNt'4' RV:EN:NG : VC: M.:$ OROS: .:;-UMF1R O VOTEZ :.WrdITE , , QV''.Or cIjvLr by re ,REPUBL I CAN :Uriexp:i red : the- 'f WY, r rn pi-7?.1 so pl,f 7..-ieRSONS RbCtirk2 THE: VC)105 : .Kumors W EDEV.00RAT IC : : Pgi:rOy d6Fldidates :for: , •i iz»•Airri6: " : PER5QI:413 : : INUMIVER ióF : 'AC TOTAL 1116 6:1 •.! on by the , Pc.:tefir For ..c.;....gnclicicies or the cifke of -TRUSTEE — four yr. term ihey vtrero ior the following norned PerF,on13: i'ER!iONS RE(rAvI tio THE vorEs _ LPH • LUCKETT ?A' a .11014gr:ii or vo.rEs WnI•I-TEN IN WORDS STATEMENT OF VOTES [he whole tiher of tes iiver by tti6. : U K FIGURES P.) TEIES COLUMN CONSTABLE..— Vote_jOt TWO ooci they were giye.rt': for the foll ow-nig PrAspo,.*RECENING: TOE :VOTES : NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTE .1•N WORØ he Wh3 10 number of vote.F, g iycm by the REBUBLJ CAN CONSTABLE — Vote for Two was arid the y weo qiven tOi the :i0140Win:0 pit person PrFeitx;r4-:£81(-EgvIN.0:1RE " NI 1,41gPit OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS The Whole ?1,31111.)er of votes giv az1 by the .. Pry fbr'ico:ridi:eldte.:i: Fo the 1:-;ffiitte: o f WCIS • .• CA rid they were given ior the fallovin g norned persons: PERSONS RECEIVING Tk-FE VOTES 144.0.6R OF : WORDS. he whole riunitDor of votes. ivon .by the • .. • .Pdy For condidcites for the offi:ce.:b wcri Cfnoj:i-nG.V. gien kDr th•O j:pliovviricljpoir:et oetso,i; : P.RSONS 000.1V1NiSi 1145 VOTES " ...NUMUER OF VOTES WRITIF.N...IN..wpRDS:%. • whoie number of votes y rvoi by the Part y for corididote.s for thE oIIic o dria.they. were giY.en for the fol i•noored...per.§orls:•• . . . •.: ruksi.r4s• RkEiVINo• •.• • . • • • • EE R... r 0.10.s:..wRipo.l..1.14.wciri.e.... TOTAL PRIMARY ELECTION STATEMENT OF VOTES, AUGUST 3 1976 NOVI lUVOWiir vim/ uwi4.)n r 6 --, - I • ‘ 1 PR ECINCT OR WARD HUMBER 1 OFFICE AND \--5.f. OTAI 1 CAHDIDATE NAMES _ I, - r 1E _ - , ---- - - -.,- - --* - 4?-2, — -- 1 (R) LEO M. KALOTA ,..., "/ -- _ _ -------- --,, (g) '.0 \-\\ e. Y. _ ----- ---- , _ 1 CLERK _ * i, — 11T - - - itD) k,r)_-Vey- ___ L___L , i(R) ROBERT B. ARMSTRONG ' ?- 3 _ y /o Q. It L4 -2.24-a 1,2s - TREASURER , _ I _ _ ,,. — - i t __ i(R) DONALD HACKMANN a4___ 5'... I _____ ____L ziii , _ _ _ _ ___ _ i —1— 1 KO 0 \--\\ g_y- I - 1 ._ _ __ ____ . __. / I -pro i _ q- :TRUSTEE - 2 y r. term 1 _ ..' _ .t [ i (D) j:', 7: ___ . ___ 1 - _ _ 14-4-1. i __ 1 (R) ERNEST BACSANYI ,.4,t 1 -- ---- _ I , . . _ .., - - , _ - I -- --- - - 1-07-1/ '6- 1,_,/ 6 33 .1 t plus -j-z - 4 Yr. Term , _ _ _ (R) RALPH LUCKETT .5,- 3-2-i _. . ____ _ _____ '7- 7 i I _ _ r i _ I CONSTABLE - Vote for 2 1_ _ _ _ _ 1 . : (D) ___ _. , , , _ _ _ _ -_ ; - _ . , 7-4--- _ _ I, t" 3.-- _ 1, (R) I-, 1, -e - _ _ -- _ _ __ _ e .1)n•.)PCRAIJ..c3 , _R .EFUE-31-1 cAk.1 _ e _DEMQQRAILQ. _BEEWLICAN_. e _DEKKRATIc the__QEMQ.GRAT.IC.. e-Rt.PUBL ufli`4. • the_REPUBL I CAN. e-DE.MOCRAILC.- MOCRATIC rrEit, .=••• Pally or the bike o _ - -PartY f•o= the ,..fice Nf Patty for the office of ...... . for:::the..offiee.•o . . for•the:c•tci.e..6 1, the . . • • • • • • • • offite. • • , I : " n: l.:1•49=00 received num ber pi votes is resonated : :- 4;1= •,====::=-•=.7;•=.===_ _ "7=(. =,1-= ===:r• : • : . having: receivecf the targE.,..st niirilter;ot votes: is :nominated having received the largest number of votes is nominated ..shaving :Ereoeiyed the large$t:riUmber of votes:: is elected _having received the largest number of votes is elected by the- - That by the 'That That ; •; by the : ; b=i? That = . . candidate b'y the Party Or the office of_. - .Porty for the office of =.: i.Pal:ttty;:for the :office of : Pialf9= for ille :office of Pdy .__....,. far =ihe. OffiCe of _Party for the office a .:..cg.RPFicATf OF DETERMINATION • I; ; I= •• • II . • . I; • • i[ • [ STATE OF MICTITIG-_,A,N, :o car vosSers Of :the : : : .„.. =.—ry ,.%q. llavinc.1 /Ascertained arvel Canvassed : the Yates fllo Priniary Election, held On :TUESDAY ' ; ctAir•ki-rv:: v one:thoijSand rifle 1110:Idled Du Here‘i••••:COrtay.;:arati.:00fortwiirAi•• -0AKLANa _ _TUESDAY_ !it:left:for the: L. ih4 • • ..:•1!f=iot,...,;•,..: ndkire by • •:=.1n a'a. tcj. y =•.f•he•-•REP-1113L-1=C*1.•: It R[P-Uf3LJcAN . • ; •=ce,sn&rio..te • ••••Tho.t . . • •" • • • • • ••••• . Thot . _ rid at el " Thee..... . . d;dne by • . 71.• .. • i•d'a • r•—••, • •caricitdot by •.• TilOt ccnd idah •Thcir-•-. : cand . : 1 • . t • • I .t . :IIIC.0 • . . . lOrgest• npmber Vol:0.i- Is ...pa tripatecl,.. ,.....SUPERVU=SOR•=-•••• •.• = • • :• • • • ••••••.: . • • •• • . .•;•••••=.••• • .••• • : • .;.••_hdyitl=g"reeeivea.•the...large rYW'ribpr yo,tc.,=5; ==.1 =.11.0Mote=::./, : CLERK 1.6i=jes; m,mbei: •iatii=s ls:narrilia:ted CLERK ret,==eivea the toi=gesf or ko ics is TREAUtiER: Fn received lcirgest:.=-0ii b.ei. pi.:yetes.is=•••norninatei.1:••• RUSTEE iS•tia•riliriated . •••• •i• •••••T,Orr:....tn: •:.: • ..• •••• • ••••••-;• •• • .•••••• .• • •••• •••• • ••• • Norf ...=....• •; =t1=1 :•larget •lom.per.;91;:.kfat•es•ts:mti..)rnieult.i=•..ip.••••• •.:CONSTABLE---•••••• .• : •• •• •.• • • . • ..• • .•• • • • ••.; • • • •• ; •••: .• • ••• •• =•••••= •••• • • •:••••••••••• ••::. • • ..• ••• • er i• ••• ••••• • =••••=••••••••••„••• ••••• •• -=•,••••:;,.•••:•,••••= riume. • 0..r. va:t.es••• 010101e.?.15:.. receiyed'tne largest number of votes is: nc,,intriatect CONSTABtE- _having received the largest number of votes -CONSTABLE-. - - • - - • • • Fins ur received the lorgest number of votes of - --- is nominated is nominated 1drite by he i.f : candidate, by it condi4.ge by fl rz•=.t1.,= by the Thot =ihe - = Party tor the office c :Pitm.r.flo: for. ........P4.13110: far= tlle...off•!ce•:i...if : .:Ptiotitk=irtlio Office of rty for the office of. • ._P.4=i4rty.fr.:ii.:tbe .: ffiCe, o f __hming received the largest nurnl.)er of votes is elected ..aving received the lorgest number of votes is elected atgeS:i=: number : Of votes =is f,ilooted _laving receiveo the iargest number of votes is elected Aoyirig:reteivedithe!lorgest number of Vofe ; is• nominated: • by 1;=,e• __having received the largest number of votes is nominated --having received the .havin c....1 received th lorciegt number of is nominated : liaving. roc i's:'etA :the lar§est: tiurn:bi!r : vote noininated . ....... . avinq receive() tile kni:leSt i:umber ot voles is ncroinatea te(eNea the latoest nunbr 01 vcth is oruinotacl _ - can(lid.:.4.t41.., b y --- _ - :fiat c.ti v:otes.: . . __Party i.or the offico of. CF 1".jS :frii .".1.:t ,; . . . having r .._....l'arty:•:•tri fr the.01fiee ._Party foi- the oftice ( . . . O! . . . . . . e . ........ . • • • • •Pa rty:fat.the• oftico of :I ct F,ed tlic loirge$:t or::v<)tEis . . for the olfico of. _ t t5 110 E.ed : office (It Pily ...J.0(.11-7.10 _.....-Party :for't the •offiee:•6f..: ec.;!.. the •.1e.,..t.clg..f•iniirri - (lying receEveo hie con-lest rummer 01 .eotes is nominated votes is 110n1-1.110e° Hcvinq Received... ot Rece'ived lvt.ng: i TT. - k .• . . • . • I-1091.11g : ." • t eLi..eived iNOt iNet.C.VE vateS was SEAL • aftlfIthiltrfMERITIV. Mt; of the._: i•rt oliej .:• • •. • • A COUNTY . of - DAKLANP:: • • 7. • CERTIFICATE OF pqmmiN4pps:.:. That candidate by the Party for the office af-- Thai. candidate by the . _Party for the office of__ that candidate by the PiDrty fel. the c.iffice of candidate by . Party for the. alike That _ candidate b y _Party for the office cif.— ndi.date by• the • • • • • : • • 'Pa rev...kJ the office of. "A .1 ,.. • • • canalaaTi.4•oy. • :311a.tit:. . codidote bytho. • • • •• by tk . L.. rivi:e.iii•ckte,;•by• •• • •• • Tbat : • • • _ :•corldiddi.••by: :Thc*.: • • • • • . carididaté•••by D© Further Hereby Determrne • . That.:::•th4. 2 NAME OF PROPOSITION _ NONE_ ____ NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE • , . . ., ..A • • • • ...Kec:.ei.V.c.tia: 171:6411,1.:.:'-..,--7-t..,•-.---7—'' • • • • • . Nat . Kete'.i.,A,K . . ....:.. Pasd Pass :M yate5:. " " L:leteate•d: : createo k Witness Whereof, VI:heve 17..r.e.,..Ini•b h.O.fias...016.: AII•EST