HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1974.11.05 - 4385AT THE ELECTION AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS _COUNTY, MICHIGAN OAKLAND MANUFACTURED BY 01:1(f011,1112k1f e@, ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No, M-398 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary or Special Election NOVI TOWNSHIP GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMER 5, 1974, NOVEMBE.R 5 , 1974 (DATE OF ELECTION) S A PRliCINCT O: WAR. NIDABER . •• • r,97.17-1cE AND CAW:A CATE lirAMES -1° 1 • STATEMENT OF SUPERVISOR (R) Leo M. Ka1ota r-Air CLERK (R)Robert Boyd Armstron TREASURER (R)Irene W. Bacsanyi TRUSTEE 4 Year Term Vote for One (R) Donald Hackmann -0.ONSIVILE -Vote fot:rrr (R) John Zimmer Nj I . // PUT FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN received (R) Leo M. Kaiota received received TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of CLERK and they were given for the folloVving named persons: received (R) Robert Boyd Armstrong received received TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of TREASURER TOTAL The wkle number of votes given for the office of TRUST.EE - 4 Year Term - Vote for One votes ••veptes• votes votes votes votes WaS and they were given for the following named•persons-: received received received (R) Irene W. Bacsanyi Was WaS / received .• ve:-A:5•• ••••:•.[. I. received Cr^e votes 1: • . received votes received received received VC.,re.5 received VC..1;:e!•i• STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given for the office of SUPERVISOR was and they were given For the Following named persons; • and they were given for the following named Perionv received (R) Donald Hackmann received . • z •••• ?.• • e2".1 . • • • vt7A Ii • . . If : received rer.:eived , 7 e/ (R) john Zirmrker votes votes votes and Ihiey were given for the followin named persons: Al Of e.F. VOtCS . ... received received received received received received • Viites:11 • • votes voros votes votes votes: votes •votes• I voles votes votes votes STATEMENT OF VOTES 1:UT t GORES 1141SICOLDIAN The whole number of votes given for the office of CONSTABLE - Vote for Two as •:and rliey were given For the following named perSons: votes given for the office o received received received IOTA! The whole.:nurnber:Of votes given frn:the office OF. . was and tliey were: given for the following named persons: received received received TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were g iven for the following named persons; received received received received Do Hereby Certify and Determine That votes is elected SUPERVISOR having received a sufficient number of _ having received a sufficient i111111ber of That _ votes is elected_ ../// CLERK having received a sufficient number of one thousand nine hundred and seventy-four . having received a :sufficient nurnber of ....having received a :sufficient numbeii . • votes is elected That TREASURER having received a sufficient number of votes is elected .TRUS_TEE_ Uslr That votes is elected CONSTABLE That votes is elected CONSTABLE That votes is elected_ That having received nintiber _ having received a :sufficient number having received That votes is elected That votes is elected si•Jfifit:i on t at:gni:se! having received a sufficient number of That_ That — votes is elected__ votes is elected._ ling receiver.' a sufficiailf:nixinboii eceived a sufficient .ourribor __ having received a That votes is elected That_ _ votes is elected. That_ votes is elected eceiver.J. a suff;cient nur.Tber f having received a CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION •STATE OF iVIICHIGA COUNTY : The Board of Canvassers of the __ ___ _C°untY Oakland (County ; Ery, Cit*, Town0-00 ViHd.-te! NoVi Township having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said- votes is elected SS. {Co;:niy, City, Township oi Village) at the_ ___ 00110ral : . _Election, held on the ___.5.th BOARD OF CANVASSERS CHAIRMAN or BOARD OF CANVASSERS, CLERK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS. NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE 2 NAME Of PROPOSITION NONE NAME or pRopostnom 4 NONE That having received a. sUffici.ent number of votes ig 64ecteri having received a sufficient numbei. of votes 4 1:4?f.3 That having received (.1 sufficient number of votes hoei ng received a sufficient nurmiiei hoving VOIVS, ri hoving rece.ived a. sufficient number . of votes ;,•i ,i-Aected having received•o..suffici,.et number of votes is elected.. Thclt having received a sufficient number of votes is elected ..41trmr° Vicreby DefeTmine: i,Akz,wing positions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated beiow7 NAME OF PROPOSITION H4:::!viri, ,.. ..., f ..:nhri ..ttent...V.Cites. WOS• --.)35'!.:1-e--1717-1; . r,e'rei V eCt • . - . 1.14k:C.itef: • Having RP‘D'eivf'd Sufficient votes wa Passed s - - INOt veo utheateci R ° p,,„1 Having ece'ved , Sufficient votes was Not Receive° LJereatea Received e . . Pass Flavin ncient 'O OS vvoz, Having Not Received DeFented ATTEST In Witnets Whereof, We have hereunto set our hand .end affixed the Seal of the County of Oakland (County, City , Township or Winne) (Count; City, Township or Villoge) this day or November in the year one thousand nine hundred arc! Seventy-four .11