HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1974.08.06 - 4404OAKLA4 D TOWNSHIP PRIMARY ELECTION AUGUS'T 6 1974 CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION HELD ON August 6, 1974 DATE. OF ELECTION AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF __CIAISLAND__AMISHIP COUNTY, MICHIGAN OP COLIN CITY, TOWNS-II P OR V LLAGE1 MANUFACTURED BY tfit ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order. by Form No. M-398-PC CANVASSER BOOK—PRIMARY STATEMENT OF VOTES PARTY OFFICE CANDIDATE NAMES (R) Marilyn M. Ma1inch4 :PUY .71({iIIKS N THIS. 001.1011:4 vol 4en • "7-,: REPUBLICAN Party !or i;:ranclidut es for t/le 0("fcc! 0F SUPERVISOR waS di1 4 glycli For th!... norrie .. persons, yOTEt : .ii . . TAL ‘,./1101.9tbet of : wos _ r t . ',Nero i\ion i persoris,z pralsoi,rrr 1H.k5: 'VQ1ES NUMBER OF VOTES wItrrir..k4 rN WORDS 4: .• • • • • • ..• . .rOTAL 'YOteri bV 1 Paay re? (and:dates fOr he.. office of CLERK • •.::IA:•• t. • • • • ••• • " ••.• • •••••• • • .•.•.. ••••• • • i.:/.••• .• • • •• • : . . • • • •••• •• • • • • • • • • I . •••• •• • . •.• . • • : • • :•••••:1 • : •• • ::. c..10d:co.i were: ciivi4nto the fnilowing nonita persons; , PLT.§0 .145. REC6N:f.I4G.: THE VC:1ES : : .ird hey ere e'cr For pERst.).Nts k A , AuN,:ros.R or varts.VVICIF:E.H..1114.:w.ORDS: ToTA The nismfaqr yotes giyen: by be DEMOCRATIC : Party for: a ididates 1Cir :•fhe office :0F: TREASURER , dird i hey the !.e§:loyvinitt .11bnit-id persons: : : : : E : " lormsoNis: EcEiVbNc 14 VOTES IUBE C)1P IN WORDS Robe rtjq TOTAL PUT FIGURES : IN THIS GOUDIIN The Whole ivirtrt:'o vOtes qiven by the RE2UBLICAN: Pity for:tandidatesi:fer:th4Office of : TREASUR was clrui..:theii Were oi:Veri c0 the follawirig harped PerSOrrs: F.ERsoNs Ke.e.nomf.; ThIE VOTES NUMBER Of VOTP WRITTEN IN WORDS: (Note 4:: The whole number of ;Vates given by the REPUBL.LCAN rartylorEoncilootqs; tor tne:or.frice.:of ,TitUb was and they were given for the following named persons: PERsotas RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS Kent Kelly C:ha-r 1 F.5 A., WaorThea,d._ TOTAL Party for candidates for the office o NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS _ . was : and .fhey were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES : TOTAL le whole number, of votes given 6 , ,o be elected) Party for candidates for the of CONSTABLE VMS . • • • • • • • • • . arid•166S:f were giver.' for the•ifp1106.iing•nartied peisonS: • . . • . . . . . PERSONS RECEIVING: THE .VOTES • . • • • ••• NUMBER: OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS • The whole number of votes given by ilarty for ca.ndiclates for the ollict was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES MUMBrP OF VOTES WRITEEN IN wciRC4 . Cl....ITIeMKNT Or \10 , 4576c ' 'u : e Wheira MffilbertC 4 C49(111P fl'vr PROPOSITION I Shall the Township of Oakland, Oakland County, Michigan, establish a ..._ Township ..Park_Comnlission_ pur t_o the provisions of Act 217 of Public Acts of 1931, as amended? :•,,,,c4f.,:,.,:i:.,14.e€4.0,.111611,4.ed: YES. • . • • •• ••• • • • • • 1 ; • • PROPOSITION 2 Shall an ad vulorem taz, not to exceed 3/4 mill, on each dollar of assessea VQIUCLL w of the property lceed in Oakland Township, Oakland County, • Mich3g'n be levied thereo.in excess of the limitationsimposed by Article IX, Section 6, of the Michigan Constitution, for the purpose of finoncing the Oakland Township Park Commission in and for the:l•TOWriship•of • Oakland., Oakland County, Michigan •• .•••• : : • • ••• . .:..• ..• . : :.::......:... ;Wag. 17. t .h. • ri 11:11.'..,0 kit.;;•OiE rfibrl<ecil : YES s: wen mtui....e•d:.$0 • TOTAL. VOTES, . The whc.4IA :61:.V01:: rilcifi<ed YES . . OTAL vmPs: cL Oakland ....That- Jtovinq received the - PI X: r • the offiee..e. candidate by the Thor _ can by the Party for the office of • __having received the __having received the largest number of votes largest number of votes is nominated - is nominated largeSt.:rriimHbe Of :Votes is: ncimi.:riciteo having received the largest umber of vote tontine:tea : having received the largest num I' of votes is noini ted _having: received the latgest nu ber of votes is nominated ving received the largest rmber of votes is ,minated having received the largest number of votes s:.eorninated ving received the largest number a votes is uomin ted _Party for the office a the office ._Party for the office o Pfal wly For the office Of:_ .eleCte . having rec.eived the largest number of votes is elected having received the largest number of votes is elected having received the largest number at votes is elected ...havirtg received the largest slumber of votes is e!ected _having received the largest That_ by the ..__ ..... That. , by the-- - - -- - That by the ._-. by the_ - : t rr.:e:.r.rldidette the :Pritrty::for the office 101•..sjb..t• • tr.rniber:Of votes ts:norninated CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICIIIG.A1V. co NTY . The Board of Canvassers of the ..... having Asr_ertained arid Canvassed the Votes at the Primary Election, held on_ th..._ §th ay one thousand nine hundred and Do Hereby Certify and Determine seventy-four largest !umbei of votes is nominated: is nominated is naininated fs::narniricited: rie.)rninater-: :tsnomtuatea That .:cS c.d dnt by fh.ei. 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Oldfrail Sventy—faux- ItiEME NEEME rosoncrimmum SEAL NEVEMIRWMEEL% CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION That:, candidate by the Thati_L--- Candidate :by the :candidcito b he, _Nati fof the office That candidate by the. ..p candidate by candidate by the ...Pcsktlii, for the office Of That - _ - - - - 77: - ••„ • • candidate' by the .Pottir for the:office:of.. candidate by the Per F6" Ili:, — o. ice of That candidate b y the, .....____ That_ . candidate:by: Thet:::__ candidate by ihaL 'i:candidate: by: the _ _ -- candidate:by - - - - - rtY for candidate by the . Putty for the office 6 That : candidate by the,: Do Further Hereby Determinel That the following Propositions or questions were ..-:$assed or defeated as indicated below! he office of s nominated .havingeeived:the largest number of n;ates:"iS:nartiihated „ ty For the tice a ....having received: the largest nurnber of :votes is niminated : Party for the Offiee : having received the largest eitfritheraf votes nerr,iticit.,..d _having received the lar,ge,st nunlber of votes is nominated ..Party for the office : having received the largest:riturier of vote's iSi nominated _Party kit the alTice ar : " " " _ having received :the largest:nuiriber:lor::y .ofe, Dary For the offite a : haying received the largest iluint)er:of :sates is namincited _Porffe for the office of -.having received the laigest: higither of vote s is nominated : :having received the largest number ot otec i nominated having :reCeived:the : largest number uf vates :is nominated Part* for the office Of _NONE_ R r ecewea Having Not Received Sufficient votes' Passed was Defeated NAME :OF::PROPOSITION: • Ito :Wittiosk:Whotoof., We have hereunto set our hands Ond affixed the Seal of the CQUA:Qt : Oakl:cirid C:F1"112MAN, ATTEST, :CIL* OF 13-5AfID OF CANVASSERS. BOARD OF CANVASSERS CHAIRMAN ..OF BOARCi:: OF ::C"NyA$T.2:13$:..