HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1970.11.03 - 4422HELD • ON . AN 1VASSE-:0 BY THI.' BOARD Or- i'ANVASSVt:„; E vaa. CO MICHIGAN CJF . CITY, TQWNSHH.fl.7, MA.NUACTURi) : .ftECTOH S'...1:":1P:PLY • ANUFAC.114.ERS.• F 0..N.E .R.S. • AN • PUS: rk, .• • : • • • • • - • o•-•--Fm.,...to:o:14 • co STATEMENT OF 'HVOTES OAKLAND: TOWNS:111P : ..:.20VaLl3E.11A The whole number of ',Peres clivan fo r the offite Of 1014INSIAI2 :SUPERVISOR ( 2 3r0a,r term :PUT MORES IN TUB COLUMN One thousand four hundred seventy-two end they were given for the following named persons: (D) STURAT BRAID received Five hundred twenty -soven MARTIN E. MalURRAY votes TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given for the office of TOWNSHIP CLERK ( 2 year term 932 Nine hundred thirty-two and they were ciiv,3n for the following named perso (D) Lucy ALT 932 votes votes votes votes received TOTAL e whole number of votes given for the off"ce of TOWNSHIP TREASURER ( 2 year ter end they were given for the following named person: received Eight hundred ei ghty-scven received votes votes received votes TOTAL Thr-i whole nurrit-)N of. votes given for the office of IWNSHIP TRUSTEE ( 4 year term ) ----------,-------- Vo Le for-mot '''litore --tiraTt-ol.re-til---- votes 887 was N ine hundred fifty -three 953 end they were given for the followinej named persons: (R) KENT B. KELLY received Nine hundred . fifty -three "Dies] 953 received votes received votes received votes votes votes votes received received received received ..votes. votes received votes Voles •- • • ••••"• ••• ••••••••••••••• ••• • • • .•••••••••. •••• • ••• • •••••.........:.•STATEMEN:17•••,.•••OFI'VOT5.•: ........,p4it.i&m....:::::T.oNstT:TP••••••:.• • • ••.•••••.......••••••••.....• • Vote for tiot:inoke: thdtt:two (2): puT " IN ?KIS COII1MN 171i6 whale: nunlberci vOles qn on for the Offic,6 of ::TOWNSHIE CONSTABI.E: ( :2: yciot. teltai ) vvqs E: One thousand four hundred: and::thi'rty : : : ji l j 43O. and they were: ai:ven tor :the foll01i6 named pserons: our hundred eighty-two (E) KENNETli L. WAITE received N ine hundred forty-eight rt-,ceived The wii(-54-.: quitki.,„T Ofv.6t.o....:-Iiven•fOr the office .of • and they VI ie. given for the following icimed po...rom; received votes , received votes received votes TOTAL votes The who!e number of votes giver) far •the office of we and they were given for the following named persons: received - - votes 1 received votes . The whole nurriber of votes given for the office of was. and they were given for the following named poisons received votes received votes received votes rece?ived votes re c.eiN,ecl eceivec: receive(i votes . . e.".. of '7- 1 7. , on the 3rd day of 11'T after an inspection of the vote cast at the election held in said 1 Le 633-1968-rev. CERTIFICATE OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS ON REFERENDUM ON SALE OF SPIRITS STATE OF MICHIGAN COUNTY OF CITY OF ) SS, TOWNSHIP OF THIS IS TO CERTIFY, That a business meeting of the duly qualified and appointed (County ,glk)k,w›,Talltusizip) Board of Canvassers was held in said (County, fe*V7,-,Izg..-0)=11:40 on the I0t_11, day of , 1970, and that a quorum of said (County, 4:tn. TqwkshiN Board was present, in accordance with the provision of law, and that the matter of determining the results of the election held in the (QtzuoRtalage, Township) 1970 being under consideration and it appearing from the report of the election inspectors, (Otity,vAft134011; Township) on the 3rd day of N,Nember 1979, that the election was in every way regular and conducted in accordance with the election and liquor referendum laws of the State of Michigan, AND IT FURTHER, appearing from said report that the following proposition was carried - NA6txbaftDid, by the vote indicated below, it was thereupon determined by said. Board of Canvassers that the said following proposition was voted upon by the registered and qualified electors of said (iTity;NVII1t0, Township) as prescribed by law as above said with the results as indicated in the following statement of votes: "Shall the sale of spirits in addition to beer and wine be permitted for consumption on the premises within the (ML.V9.90=14W Township) of under the provisions of the law governing same?" YES 811 NO 60 9 NOT VALID THEREFORE, we the said (County,2CLITtaktighl.44) Board of Canvassers do hereby further certify, resolve, determine, declare, and concur that the said proposition was carried- >itiottarrItaby the vote stated above; that the foregoing is a correct statement of the • - , County of leit-h day of 1070 State of Michigan, this votes given in said(City.Villate4Township) for said proposal named in such statement at the election so held on the 3rd_day of N .f7:19:71 in said (city4outlag Township). and that at least one member from each political party represented on said board constituted a member of the aforementioned quorum and concurred in the abovesaid action. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have set our hands at the (City, ViIlii#60fig111)) of (COUNTY, GITY-,:-TOWNSHT,P) BOARD OF CANVASSERS 1-=& Chairman — Ca2:10 - ATTEST RI( OF THE BOARD -OF (COUNTY , ;Cirk.;x: CAYVASSFRS SEAL VE:Me.Eft • . • • • . • • • . •• OAKLAND 179WN5t11:P:.• . . . LOCA L .PROPOSITION... • • :..... :....•....!..i..SPEC•t.AL••:Et:ECT:i..04: • PROPOSITION 'A' SALE cLE SPIRITS: NO . • YS • YES , NO YES . NO . •••. ..yts • NO .• !•'•• • • YES.. • •• •• .• STATEMENT OF VOTES, OAKLAND TOWNSHIP NOVEMBER 3, 1970 CLERK TREASURER TRUSTEE CONS TABLE 3C 170 TALS 21i: O. 6111 •.9 4 2 a STATEMENT OF VOTES • Mull .R 3,. 197._(1_ PUF:FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN: ii..ko.wholo...notoor of .vates given or ahd .b .ddi.60.146 •• Shall the sale of .pirits in .addition o beer and wane be permitted for consumption on the premises within the Township of Oakland, County of Oaklan , State of Michigan, under the provisions of the law governing the same? wasOne_ _thous aRd, fou r _h uncl red and _twenty : of Whlicik _h1,04r el even votes:were market-I YES Six hundred and nine votes •:wel e.i.rndtk TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against tt,, ,rECIAL ELECTION-PROPOSITION hAn "Shall Ordinance No 16 as adopted by the Oakland Township Board of 'Trustees on February 10,1970 be amended so as to change the zoning classification of a parce _of_land_ chncate.d in _ S.ect Lon_ ikof k1andTowtpaIshras1 CQun_t_y gar!. _ described as Section 14, Oakland Township, excepting therefrom the NW1/4 of the -NW-1-/-k -and--the E-asteri-y-120 -acre-s--of -said .Sect-ion 3 - -COn ta,ining .420 -acres- more _or. less, formerly known as the Eldridge Farm, hounded by Madden, Buell, and Roazrs-; Frorn--the2 present- -zoning classi f icat-i-orr icnown- -as- -Rtk t-o -tfre -zo-ri classification known s Ric?" wus .0ne.. thous-and three huridred ei_ghty,-nine of which nurnbcq _ht..-.Ind red f f tY ne votes wet, marked YES One thousand two hundred thirty votes were marked NO TOTAL. VOTES, he whale numb-'r of votes given fot and a gainst the of which number votes wero marked YES votes were marked NO FOTAL, VOTES, amJ__ and- votes •is elected— That_ _ _ yates is elected ...--- That_ voles s ,..?leded___ receivod 1414:2 ici-ges! nui II vaies•i CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION NOVEMBER 3 19 7 0 OAKLAND TOWNSIII? STATE .01r . SS. C•OT_ri•Trr17. OF OAKLAND • .• •The, Barna ef :CanvoSse:i's: ai _ ,_:_of_: : 0Ala.ANI) eC ty; 'r7i7.1:;,le C :-CTf y: hi o r I I iha0.11(4 Ascertained and Can vassed th:e Yates of said PARIAND: TO. 1414-5HT? Do Hereby Certify and Deterrnin • E. . - - having roceivecl the :laraest...i.,,thirber of voi6s elected . TOWNSHIP • SUPERVISOR .• . • • • • .• • ••• : • • . = Thcit LUCY : •ALT : • _••hdvirig. recei\.,.eci• the • :,>is TO.WNSHIP±...CLERK•_•_:_ _ _ i.•.. • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • •••• • • .• • .• •• • • • ROBERT W. •13ARKHAP4.... . That_ ..:. • : ..•.. • ......•:....... ...• receivod the TOWNSHIP TREASURER • :votes is eleCfed • • .• .:• • • .• • • • • KENT B. KELLY That_ : : : : hc.I:cjing rec.,e.ed the lcrrcleit votc ele.ctci _TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE _ _ is is e . JOHN G. CHI ERA r That- noving ieceived the iciri:jo:st number TOWNSH I P CONSTABLE votes is ele cted .... : KENNETH:t . WAITE:: : : That . ... : haying reciii\;ed the Icirgest hun-i661.: of votes rs elect.-d_ TOWNSHIP : CONSTABLE _ • _ _ • .. That .having received Ole icir.i.yes.i. iiiirrit)er of votes is elected_ . That- _.lichr.irig :received the [argot nCriTibe:r Of ,voite,:s L. elected : That 1...aviric) :received the largest iminbei ci having it ceved the ICIrClOst. /11.11716S.T.: • That -haying received Ike :la::cle,:st i ninr:L:?tir:ii vot::''S is elected . . . -That That- hkAng received the lii7,Rjlerit of votes t elected_ %%rig. I •0i volt is elected _ ty, tY, pDr. I! at the GENERAL Election held on the 3r4 _clay Of NDVEN-IIER SEVENTY. cine th•cni ,and nine hundred and : . . aving received the largest number of That votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected_. having received the largest That votes is elected having receiitedthe rarger number ar That votes is electe .having received the largest nurnber::of:: • That votes is elected _having received the largest number of That votes is elected _ having received the largest number of ,41 A In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto sei our hands ond affixed the Seal of the- COUNTY. . _ _ of OAKLAND tIi r C17n .. City. TO,nni,rp cV d r3e this Oth day of NOVEMBER in the yea! One thousand nine hundred and__ . . CHAIRMAN. BOARD OF COUNTY CANVASSERS •A (11.517 \ 1 ,I ; i i I! I ..,; , i 1 .. f I' It 1,I ' if r" i j' . (<1 ' ,:' it ...4," 4', 4 i..._..., ,.,,,,,I,‘„... . •-• . k::_... ---. ..-4,,,......,---. ..-.-..-- -ItirtIR 01- BO!' D OF COUNTY CANVASSERS.