HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1996.11.05 - 4428OAKLAND CHARTER TOWNSHIP CANVASS OF VOTES CAST 12L, AT THE GENERAL ELECTION El SPECIAL HELD ON November 5, 1996 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY OVIELEOLY NUL: t@, ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN 1919 East Kilgore Road C.n klb• C.0 -0 z Cm c n 33 cr k 3. 70 I-4 '53.1.0A JO 1N31/01.VIS -Z !..17 f'n 00 DODO (R) Sharon L. Creps (0) No Candidate Filed htf9-1-1-- Others rn rn xl cx.) TTIP b--110-k TOTAL POLL BOOK TOTAL (Ja (R) Joan M. Buser D C (D) No Candidate Filed ho Others 0..M6 op io TOTAL ( R ) Carolyn C. Phelps (0) No Candidate Filed IzIzIkra FTS 7ZI uJ i-c 01-1- Others TOTAL 10 I - m 0 c m -I cri (in -1=. co Ni 7.• C") g 0 D3 I– M Z 33 Q — ---- -- I I — 111lit (- Wil11 (R) Dominic Abbate 1:. — __3 C , .‹ MI III I IIIIIII: )-1 __.) 1-: ci, 1 ' L1 "31 (R) Marc H. Edwards 0 I I 1111 II 61 1 (R1 Susan L. Hoffman 1111 I III 1111111111 Ti'l S4 =j-I 9. 1 (R) Richard C. Krupp 7:3 rr111 , . iiim gii; , iii,..„.(D) No Candidate Filed P° I I 1 . 1111111111111 Others I I I III i ri -11-7 il i 1 11 1 ii I 1 illinimilimm I I I II II Ill I II 1111 11 lull. • 3111 i 0 a III (R) Everett W. Garey _v ,, (R) Peggy B. Johnson I-1 I 1111 1 I al IA i ° 131 ....,. I 1 I SW 2_,:o l c) I R) David L. Mackley RiA , I 11 IIIII 1111 III 111111 MEM (D) colleen S. Barkha >< 8 1 III I IIII 111111 IN AA '''''' 113 -i--_, (D) Alice Tomboul ian = 1111 II II 111111111111111 VI '15) 11V `);1 . A' Mu r Ph i ih r' I I 111 1 IIII III I I 11111111 III III 111111111 IIII 1— hIhhlIIlhlNhliilhl II VIII `9?j u \ 6-- a Others TnTli I 'S31OA AO INA waivis C rrl X 7 rn r Pa 7 r- C rn rn C) - 1-1 C) - I C C) 111 (A " " , g xi n • --- II I 111 I I I 1 I 1111 MEE P a uline Ba rthw 11111 1113 lipliames E ' Eculkr°d A 1 rpr 1 Ain ... 111111 1 ONE Larry 3 ' Stringer rilq II 1 111 111 iiiiii I I" 1 1. 1 1.- .1 iii. L"'))Fluoi-'. 1 .1 11111 er 1 pi ...,,. Others 1111 111 II 11111 I II 1111 III 11 ligIV AL II I 1 1 1111 I 111111 I I 1 1 I. 1 du II 11 ii ahipli i - i .. ..... .. . I. lip I 1 1 , .. i lb All 11 1 1 1 I II1IIIIIIIIII1I • . 'cq 1 CIA -in I AIWI tf I C STATEMENT OF VOTES, UAKLANU LHAKILR IUWNSMIP GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 5. h HISTORIC PRESERVATION MILLAGE PRECINCT NUMBER TOTAL 14y) 4 EEC 2 3 cac- Lt33 5153 5qi qi3-1 tio_a Vas UMNLANU LalAKILK ILIHN3M1r STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 5. IS Put figures The whole number of votes given for the office of SUPERVISOR - VOTE FOR ONE in this colum was and they were given for thifollowing named persons: (R) Joan M. Buser receiv /ft2,rite_ it,-(„ezi,td.,,{LtGLA4 oms 1/ / C./ . (D) No Candidate Filed received , i . votes t received 71 i 1.---6-t..4.,A-1) Votes Others TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given for the office of CLERK - VOTE FOR ONE C/ was 4/ and they were given for the fabirowing named persons: (R) Carolyn L. Phelps re we tr2L4- /1,6(.1AAt , i ' vows l'/' / , (D) No Candidate Filed received votes received votes / Others yxtiA..) TOTAL Votes LM0' The whole number of votes given for the office of TREASURER - VOT FOR ONE was --)t-e-. P/1/61/2L41(}t-el I 1 , and they were given for the f owing named persons: (R) Sharon L. Creps received htL-It.,a/kld i . r voWsY 4/H 4, ir (D) No Candidate Filed received votes received Others votes I i TOTAL _ votes 76-` The whole nu ber of votes given for the office of TRUSTEE - VOTE FOR FOUR 1 , was r jrjr '0 i I ti-- e-21.-e._ it,u4Aoke (,( and they were -wen for the following named persons: I 1 ' itU4 Ldir-/-71t0( . ote (R) Dominic Abbate received . •;/,, 4," received - ifelf ' Pli e (R) Marc H. Edwards / I/ 0n41 /6fri/LCiA-edLEVY 37(' (R) Susan L. Hoffman receive. _...// f f ' ti /6141dUal w 1/ if I'Vtes 3K (R) Richard C. Krupp re -ee f I VeN,74.111,66-/Je , / 'f/AW 76' received - ' votes t (D) No Candidate Filed Others received , , tat-H-7A--) vows 3 1 received votes received votes received votes received vows received votes I TOTAL votes igit e The whole number of votes given for the office of Put figures in this column STATEMENT OF VOTES was and they were given for the following named persons: received votes received votes received votes TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given for the office of PARK COMMISSION - VOTE FOR SIX W as 1 ga4&-P/O1A-"//AdC'e oe,OL-e/p--J / ,50 & i and they we • given for the following named persons: (R) Everett W. Garey rec 4 /(ainditriC ... votes ''') 5 0 receive ,i Al k/AedArdti votes 58 1 (R) Peggy B. Johnson ....., I/ (R) David L. Mackley receive ir . . aer., /. i votes ' (D) Colleen S. Barkham rece4f. • ' , 0 )1116--6-1ACAL 1. A, . ,ites Y2 (D)lice Tomboulian /^4‘ received/„(71e,414111f leg' 6,--Niaet ' t votes ---r- I tzfe e received iii4a,k (P i A-frOi votes )17 received votes received votes received votes Others received Z/X-ete • votes TOTAL votes & 7 _ i The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD - VOTE FOR SIX was V k IZT.-.t. 6C ---tLif — y- 3 /35- / and they were gi n for th following named persons: Pauline Barlow receive • ...ttei/4/ 41,e4tii ita,p2itl(i_ 41„64/....67 votes a/1'19 ' 1 J' James E. Foulkrod receive. • , / I ily , // 4/ J/Zalliiraeles C115./ i Larry J. Stringer received ...., . ' i / +r ----..er forimfripAimitAtAw 4 16 II . I ILIMI / ".1 i received , AlAtiptdcd, dig .,._..„/ / votes IMI /lad aor I received 41-74,1,922 —.Ely kik , vows . . / -Jit,/4t_2t received 4 1C .../ ...• votes 1 received votes received votes Others received t') / vows i received votes received votes TOTAL votes 3 i [3 3-G UANLANU UMAKILK IUWNJM1F GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 5, 1.c STATEMENT OF VOTES Put figure The whole number of votes given for and against the HISTORIC PRESERVATION MILLAGE in this colu ' I - "Shall the Charter Township of Oakland be authorized to levy .125 of one mill for a period of five (5) years (1997-2001) to finance historic preservation, restoration, acquisition and maintenance within Oakland Township, as determined in the discretion _of the Township Board? Approval of this proposal would authorize a , levy of .125 per one thousand dollars of taxable value of all taxable real and personal property within Oakland Township above the total tax limitation imposed by Article IX of the Michigan Constitution. It is estimated that this levy would _ result in the authorization to collect approximately $58,644 in the first year of 1 the levy." i _ _ _g was , C-71—e-- ke(4 "/ dXr---eA- *73' of which number 71/.(4/tes' /.1, Xti(IL // „, a9 5 . votes were marked YES _ and ..j-t.,(el„ A-4/--- italiii-rt_e(:L votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against the _ was of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO _ TOTAL VOTES, i I The whole number of votes given for and against the Put figures in this column of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against the STATEMENT OF VOTES was A/as pf which number notes were marked YES and iotes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, 6.P OAKLAND (Cowin, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VI 0 PARK COMM MIONER - FOUR OAR ,T1 RM EN That LUZ-zoe(L haying received a sufficient number of Do Hereby Certify and Determine That INGAJOVEMBER 20. 2000 (9E1-42,-) PARK COMMISSAONER - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDI4G NOVEMBER 20, 1/41I l idvfi q IN difOVEMBER 20 2000 111SZIffiffir71 having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of 2000 having received a sufficient number of 2000 having received a sufficient number of luu/C*1.1k - I t+ tu LI k LI ut t I FIRMWM/NI PARK COMMISSIOInIER - FOUR TERM,ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 11.,c1,&4 votesiselected MEMBER 0 E LIBRARY FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20,2000 having received a sufficient number of RJERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20 2000 having received a sufficient number of MEMBER OFrTHE LI votes is elected EAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2000 That won( t_6(-1 having received a sufficient number of MEMBER OVT/HETLIBRARY SUPERV CLERK - TREASU R. YEAR' TERM f1 iT'v votes is elected TRUSTEE- PARK COMMIS Aid - e A= loor -I OUR Y YEAR TERM NOVEMBER 20, 2000 having received a sufficient number of havin g received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of FOU,R YEAR JARM/X:19ING NOVEMBER 20, 2000 4UVi/f2Z1 ;14,-10 votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected That TRUSTEE -.1 FOUR YEAR TERM ENDI ) ( TRUSTEE - j F UR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2000 i J,LiLzvizt TRUSTEE - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMITERI 20, 2000 d(z/61/(cd9 That votes is elected That votes is elected - FOUR YEAR "11.1 Rti ENDING"NOVEMBER 20, 2000 I. ER IOC having received a sufficient number of 2000 having received a sufficient number of PARK COMMI HER - FOUR YE TERM TERM .4 AL., / 4.-A 4111 _0 1 NDING NOVEMBER 20, 2000 - having received a sufficient number, of votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected That That votes is elected That That votes is elected M ENDING NOVEMBER 20, E#M MBER 20,2000 OV CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN. } COUNTY OF OAKLAND The Board of Canvassers of the (COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGNI SS. COUNTY of Election, held on the having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said at the GENERAL flAKLAKIn CHARTFR TOWIISIEP (COUNTY, CITY, Towwwww• ON ww.i.www) 5th day of NOVEMBER one thousand nine hundred and NINETY-SIX votes is elected MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2000 That votes is elected That votesiselecnd MEMBER KTHE LIBRARY BOARD — FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2000 That votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected MEMBER HE. LIBRARY BOARD, FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2000 )/41/ALZAL 0-0--LLZI having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of Having geee Having Having Having Not Received Received Having Not Received Received Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated BOARD OF CANVASSERS (C MINTY. CITY, T pyrt VP i in tlryea,Kbryw thoysrd nine hundr, CPT,. TOW,* am iv ore V ILLAPPS NOVEMBER —SIX this CHAIRMAN. 5 -G the day of ATTEST: CLARK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS, 7-L.-{ CHAIRMAN OF BC1rARD7F CidNVASSERS. of OAKLAND COUNTY That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITION 1 HISTORIC PRESERVATION MILLAGE NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Not Received NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Not Received NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Having Not Received NAME OF PROPOSITION 6 NONE 2 3 4 NONE NONE In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of