HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1984.11.06 - 4430HELD ON ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE 11::_i{:::cEI RAILkim ELECTION NOVEMBER 6, .1984 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY 13@if131111BLY 1:31@g,t: ett, STATEMENT OF VOTES, CLERK I TREASURER I TRUSTEE (vote for PRECINCT NUIVI8ER EaC 133 I I s f.,. ..-....-.:,> ... 1,;;; ,,...),,Litr. .....ce 2-..--2z ) ----..C. I .5::-Afl '.1,,,), .... .. - ) — ---s5 0 [ ___,....-L:-S7L7.:. .' ..sl_. 5Y.!1- ,'' ,...-::i',5°- .:,5q 4.544 3. 1517 ----- Zs733 1.:....PYZ4 . TOTALS 1 1-P, G _._._______ ........_._....._.......... :rt..,.?. '..,;;;:,..•-.4;,-,..:. 4.t....,:::it„., ::'.• •...••••••.;.. ..:•.• •..• .. •. : ...i• • .••:. ..•.. .:.• 1,,,,3;••• 7-,•:.:.•,..x...4.: A...Z.. :•.,,,,,•:::•:••••••• :•.: ••• - : .• •::- •.•.,•.: • : ...::: •• • .:• • •7.:::'. .1....q7......:. 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MACKLEY 1-j) k"'° .1;7n5 1'0'4:: • .1. WIIL LAM ALICE TOMBOUL 1 AN !. . —1el .... c" f 7J• : ..< SUE A. CONLEY 17" 71 .1•-•-•::: tc...:,:`,',N)•:k•:,H•0:; 1•1:••:•'::. •:•• • •••:•••••• : • -• ••:•••• •:.:.: ::::•.: •• : , . :•lir.t:•.,k•••••••,R";„..,!,..1' ••••:::::.• •••• • -... .......: • — •:•••••.'...• .:....... . ?.IVALLYI.AM,...:RH........V.IALL...1.14:.: .. 1,.....t......",,,. i,„„..)..:-.....;..„J .: f,.....i.j.. 'L.]; 1:. • •:-.......:......• .. ......• ....:. : .:.: :: ... •:":. • ... .Ni': ,.:, ::.!.....1.6....'10.:.•;••••":.:,:.: • •:'......•:.•• ... ...:'. :...:.:•::• :....:::•........ j..: 1.11..KEN .....S......:::W FL.L.1.S...:....: .. .... . ... . . Put iigures in this colurnr) The whole number of votes given for the office of SUPERVISOR was Two thousand eight hundred sixty and they were given• for the following named persons: (R )J0A6L14._._ BUSER Two thousand eight hundred fifty nine received received received votes Others VOteS ., TOTAL . . votes: 1 :2 ::8:0 . _ ........... The whole number Of votes•giVen for. the office:of CLERK L :0 "3 Two thousand nine hundred three and they were given for the following named persons: received Two thousand nine hundred two votes receivedO votes ne received TOTAL VCrteS votes The whole number of votes iiven for the office of TREASURER •W 85 Two thousand eight hundred thirty four •and they were given for the following named persons: received Two thousand eight hundred thirty three votes R) BONNIE L. ELLIS received o ne received TOTAL 5 5O.2 The vs/holt-, number of votes given for the office of TRUSTEE (vote for 2) w's • Five thousand five hundred two and they were given for the following named persons: li(R) KENT ...B. ..KELL.Y.: votes eight hundred two received Two thousand received votes :8:10 .2 2:61918 _MO ABBATE 410.ta.SH received received received Votes Cites received votes received received 'votes received received received TOTAL votes :VOteS VOWS :VOteS.: 2-0 The .whole number of votes given for the office of Put figures in this column was and they were given for the following named persons: received received received votes I votes Votes TOTAL votes . I Thirteen thousand one hundred twenty four was 1 13 TOTAL STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given for the office of PARK COMM 1551 ON (vote for 6) and they were given for the following named persons: R) DONALD F. BUSER N R)_NORMA _CBAMEMAIL R) EVERETTW. GAREY, JR. PEGGY B. JOHNSON DAVID L. MACKLEY 12) GAIL PALMER received Two thousand two. hundred three votes 2;2. .. . . ..• : . • received Two thousand two 0-. hundred thirty four -..t8S- •H:j2.1 2y314.:: received Two thousand one hundred twenty four :.votes • • •ij2 V 2. 4 .1 • -1 2 i 2li:E3..13:.-1 2 1 2 1 received Two thousand two hundred thirty three votes received Two thousand one hundred thirty seven votes received Two thousand one hundred seventy five vffies 7 5 7. received Eighteen received received received TOTAL ;I The whole number of votes given for the office of LIBRARY. BOARD .(vote for. 6) was Eleven thousand four hundred thirty three and they were given for the following named persons: JOHN F. ALLEN WILLIAM J. CLISSOLD SUE A. CONLEY ALICE TOMBOULIAN WILLIAM R. WALL IN HELEN S. WILLIS Others 1]-11 Eighteen votes VOWS VOWS .vOWS votes votes i3.1H 2. ..• • • ••.: . . l• I • 1 L1 33 8. 8., 1:-. • 7 98 •• . • 7r--:-.7-1.7 • 9.: .6 5 ••• • . •••• I 2,1.:•21 ..21.-. I 1: 7.1 91 .3: .•••••. .41 181-5i 6:"1 . •-:•1 .1. • . •I received One thousand eight hundred eighty one received received One thousand nine hundred sixty fiVe v.°Ws received votes __T_340-thtiLl sand .:ortjteund red . twen two received One thousand seven hundred ninety three votes received One thousand eight hundred fifty six .votes: received votes received votes received votes received votes received votes One thousand seven hundred ninety eight votes 3.0 STATE The Board of Canvassers of the OF MICHIGAN, __OAKLAND COUNTY OF __OAKLAND } I s COUNTY That having received:a suffiCieritnuniber of JOAN M - RLLSER That NORMA J. CHAMBERL 1 N having received a sufficient number o s elected PARK COMMISSIONER 'Jo EVERETT W. GAREY, JR. That — having received a sufficient number of PARK COMM! SS I ONER PEGGY R.: JOHNSON 1.1A PARK COMMISSIONER votes is elected That votes is elected having:received:a Sufficient number Of having received a sufficient number of DAVID L. MACKLEY That votes is elected WILLIAM J. CLISSOLD LIBRARY BOARD having received a sufficient number o That — votes is elected That votes is elected CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION OAKLAND OITY, TOWNSHIP ON VILLA0E) having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes oi said TOWNSH I P OF OAKLAND (tbUNTV., C.11,?.;.1tov1,45i-qP. ON VILL.AG u rt+V i1V, .TOWNSHIP •5.0 viLLA4v..1 • at the one thousand GENERAL Election, held on the .6th nine hundred and E I GHTY FOUR day of NOVEMBER Do Hereby Certify and Determine ERV I votes is elected SUP SOR CAROLYN L . PHELPS That ._. votes is elected That votes is elected having received a SU fficient number of CLERK BONNIE L. ELLIS having received a sufficient number of TREASURER 110 That votes is elected That s is elected That votesE is elected KENT B. KELLY TRUSTEE DOMINIC ABBATE TRUSTEE DONALD F. BUSER PARK .•COMMI .SS IDNER: having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of That PARK COMM I SS I ONER votes is eiectecI That riAtL_ PALM PARK COMMI. SS I ONER OHN F. ALL EN_ having received a sufficient number of L IBRARY BOARD having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That votes is elected ".• ....; SUE A. CONLEY LIBRARY BOARD ALICE TOMBOUL I AN LIBRARY BOARD WILLIAM R.' WALLIN That _ votes is elected L I BRARY BOARD_ HELEN S. WILLIS having received a sufficient number of having receiVe0 a sufficient number of : having received a sufficient number of That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected L IBRARY BOARD et,G having received a having received having received a sufficient number of _ sufficient number of sufficient number of Received Not Received Having Received Not Received Having Having Not Received Received Having Having Received Not Received Received Not Received That votes is elected That votes is elected That _ votes is elected That __ votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected having received a sufficient number o having received a sufficient number of having received a sUffiient:nunbe tOf _having received :a sufficient number of having received a suffi ent number Of Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITION Having - NAME OF PROPOSITION NAME OF PROPOSITION 3 NAME OF PROPOSITION 4 5 NAME OF PROPOSITION 6 Sufficient votes was Sufficient voles was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated NAME OF PROPOSITION NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Sufficient votes was Not Received In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our handS and affixed the Seal of V the County of Oak land : (COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE) (COUNTY, CITY, TOWNI.INIR OR I d No vernb e this ay oI. r in the year one thousand nine hundred and e i Oh ty f°11 r CHAIRMAN BOARD OF CANVASSERS ATTEST: CLERK OF BOARD Err-CANVASSERS. . • • . . s. .; „. • CHAIRMAN. OF BOARD OF CAN VASSE R. 5•G