HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1972.11.07 - 4432TOWNSHIP OF OAKLAND NOVEMBER 7, 1972 OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN Ofairialihaatid,i1614EV fi CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION GENERAL HELD ON NOVEMBER 7, 1972 -- -Z5RFE-5F1EU.tibki) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS MANUFACTURED BY git lf ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS Order by Form No M-398 CANVASSER BOOK Specity whether General, Primary or Special Eleeti 1919 East Kilgore Rood • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN NOVEMBER 7, 1972 TOWNSHIP OF OAKLAND STATEMENT OF VOTES WARD NUM?FJ F.7 ij TOWNSHIP SUPERVISIO Alfred J. Taylor .1.1. TOWNSHIP CLERK I -4 I (D) Daxid Ozga F• I ( R) Carolyn L. Phelps TOWNSHIP TREASURE# ji3j Robert W. Barkhar# .TcAyswxF.T1k1,7..T.:_rgE117---- (D) Leo R. Carpenter (R) Alice Tornboulian (D) JOHN Kinaitis, ,(D) Edward Ozga (R) ALFRED J. TAYLOR received received •vote Vt •vote-3 The whole number of votes given for the office of ea.r term, was and they art,vgiven for th'e following norned persons: 5e.:7fif, received (D) DAVID OZGA votes votes: vo.t.e5 vcite5 (D) CAROLYN L—P., C.- received received TOTAL ncl they vote$ votes votes votes ;Tiber of votes given for ti The whole (D) Leo R. CARPENTER (R) ALICE TOMBOULIAN received ceceivec votes. votes received • vet voes --- votes votes vor:es vo'fe$ votc-is votes voies ei5te received received received received received received received received TOTAL TOWNSHIP OF OAKLAND rATEMENr OF VOTE NOVEMBER 7, 1972 •PLIT F:..7,11KS., • . . . .?L FN . The r.-q,niloet of votes given foy the. of:f:cs.e:ef TOWNSHIP :SVPERVISOR (Two:yea,:i term 'cis Oiey•wore iven for the Fo.L1owiiq ramed pei received TOTAL ! The whole number of votes given for the off ice of Tow-Ns.mw: TREASURER term ere given Foy the following 'named persons: (D) ROBERT W. BARKHAMceived received received TOTAL Vote•f6..not. more than oire. : TOWNSHIP.E...TRUSTEE:(FOur year term s and they were given for the following flan-led persons: (D) JOHN KINAITIS, JR. (D..) EDWARD OZGA received , received votes vo:es H • received vote received votes • TOTAL received received ..votes • ••• votes. • votes r . 11 11. votes H H1 .••• • votes 1 1 I- 1 • ., • • - vote's. !II ... -votes .1 • ...: received received received received STATEMEt, OF VOTES The whok number of votes g:veri for the Office was Vote for not more than two TOWNSHIP CONSTABLE (Two year Tern PVT. 11011•RFS 1: IN 1:FOS ts.fjoIN and they were given for the following named persons; 11 TOTAL The whole number of votes g iven for the office of 11 11 was 11 11 and they Were given for the following named persons: received votes.11 received votes •'! received votes 11.. received votes ij • received El 1 received votes 11 - received votes 11 i; i 1 received vc;tes , received votes received votes 4 TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: I 1 The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: TOTAL • NOVEMBER7, 1972 TOWNSHIP OF OAKLAND STATEMENT OF VOTES, rigds; t.0.; itAtAkiXt.od 'TRAM-NO. Wag gn MAINTENANCE: OF A FREE PUBLIC . . LIBRARY SERVICE 'PRECINCT OR WARD :NUMBER.. TOTALS ......PRECINE..S • ...•••yES • •c" . • . 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Do Furt her He.by MalteFrnhn That the loilowing C: questton5 deleated as indicated teiaw NAME PROFOSMCN MAINTENANCE OF A FREE PUBLIC 11 LIBRARY SERVICE was Having classed-- )efecited KAtvit Pm:V.0E1110N Hoving Having Not Rece'vE4 ffici6n:f :.edtei. • .iivas ‘SQfTiiii:i:ei it•votes :was • • . • .: • • • • • • ••• • ..-rut (. ii • • . . ra8s.oci'. • • ,ieret.-Ar....a. • • :• . . •Re:C..,•j NONE NAME .C.T NONE NAME OF PROPOSMON e,ceived 4 NONE Novi •N (..§..:p4A.IPt.,,.A;. t..1; : bar4:h ond:aiie 4 the : :OAKLAND or-•1/410.4,4e.'! atgy NOB EMB ER: : 8 evoi-it.y.-4-vvo • ki• • •-• . •.• • '''LITENM• CLEM.: OF E:OARD • OF CANVASSERS. :9 OAREYCIP. • • : : .•• •. • :CANNI.ASSEAS. • ATTESTS c.: OS Ei5 AIM OF CANVAS:..iF, Ira WT:Pieeg Whereof, We have here . COUNTY ot the_ in the yea:, one, thion.F.,iand rime