HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2006.11.07 - 4435CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF OAKLAND CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 7, 2006 CANVASSED BY THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF CANVASSERS 1 Page 1278 af 1328 11 20 2006 12:13 .51P11 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1290 Total 431 536 516 400 279 974 4,156 Oakland County micitigan Ruth Johnson County Clerl:/Register Of Deeds OAKLAND COUNTY GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2006 STATEMENT OF VOTES OAKLAND CHARTER TOWNSHIP PARKS AND RECREATION MILEAGE RENEWAL (12) OAKLAND CIIRT TWP Total YES NO 461 I 325 I 786 371 : 301 672 188 298 1 729 381 917 382 898 I 402 1 802 267 11 546 824 1,798 3,353 7,509 173 . 361 • GENERAL ELIOON - NOVEMBER 7, 2006 OAKLAND CI IAR.OWNSIIIP PARKS AND RECREATION MILEAGE RENEWAL Oakland County Michigan Ruth Johnson Couni Clerk/Register Of Deeds Page 1279(4'1328 II 20 20015 12:23. 5I1'H Total 1201 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 Total 1208 I 1290 I 420 260 869 3,818 406 I 377 322 169 409 497 466 783 345 ' 667 188 357 315 724 416 913 428 894 379 799 2713 906 3,632 538 1,775 7,450 OAKLAND COUNTY GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2006 STATEMENT OF VOTES OAKLAND CHARTER TOWNSHIP TRAILS SYSTEM MILLAGE PROPOSAL (12) OAKLAND CI1RT TWP YES j NO • GENERAL EL ON - NOVEMBER 7, 2006 OAKLAND Cl IAROVOWNSI IIP TRAILS SYSTEM MILEAGE PROPOSAL of which number four thousand one hundred fifty-six votes were marked YES and three thousand three hundred fifty-three votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES 4,156 3,353 7,509 Ofikiffnd county Ruth Johnson 1111 County Clerk/Register Of Deeds OAKLAND COUNTY GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2006 STATEMENT OF VOTES 11/21/2006 253:34PM The whole number of votes given for and against the OAKLAND CHARTER TOWNSHIP PARKS AND RECREATION MILLAGE RENEWAL - Shall the Charter Township of Oakland be authorized to continue the current levy of .6360 of one mill, and be authorized to levy additional millage of .I140 of one mill to total the previously authorized 0.75 (3/4) of one mill, for a period of ten (10) years starting with the December 2007 levy, for the purpose of providing funds to: offer public programs; operate, maintain and improve Parks and Recreation facilities, such as play areas, picnic areas, pavilions, historic and interpretive structures, and park trails; and acquire new park land for Oakland Township? Approval of this proposal would renew the previously authorized millage of .6360 of one mill and authorize a new additional millage of .1140 of one mill for a total tax limitation increase of approximately 750 per $1,000 of taxable value on all taxable property in the Township for these purposes. If approved, revenue from the millage would be disbursed to the Charter Township of Oakland. It is estimated that this proposal would result in $945,637 of revenue in the first year (2007) if authorized and levied, was seven thousand five hundred nine • • and three thousand six hundred thirty-two votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES of which number three thousand eight hundred eighteen votes were marked YES 3,818 3,632 7,450 • Oakland Camay 4TM/dean. Ruth Johnson County Clerk/Register Of Deeds OAKLAND COUNTY GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2006 STATEMENT OF VOTES 11/21/2006 2:53:34PM The whole number of votes given for and against the OAKLAND CHARTER TOWNSHIP TRAILS SYSTEM MILLAGE PROPOSAL - Shall the Charter Township of Oakland be authorized to levy up to .25 (1/4) of one mill for a period of ten years, starting with the December 2007 levy, to provide funds for the construction and maintenance of a network of safety paths, trails, and boardwalks to provide healthy recreational opportunities and safe routes to schools, parks, and neighborhoods in the Township, and for the acquisition of property and right-of-way for such purposes? Approval of this proposal would authorize a tax limitation increase of 250 per $1,000 of taxable value on all taxable property in the Township. The proposal is for a new additional millage the revenue from which would be disbursed to the Charter Township of Oakland. It is estimated that this proposal would result in the authorization to collect $315,178 in the first year, if approved and levied, was seven thousand four hundred fifty • Oakland County miavgan Ruth Johnson Count Clerk/Register Of Deeds OAKLAND COUNTY GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2006 CERTIFICATES OF DETERMINATION The OAKLAND COUNTY Board of Canvassers having canvassed the votes of OAKLAND CHARTER TOWNSHIP at the GENERAL ELECTION , held on the 7th Day of November, Two Thousand And Six, hereby determine: PARKS AND RECREATION KilILLAGE RENEWAL Having RECEIVED sufficient votes was PASSED TRAILS SYSTEM MILLAGE PROPOSAL Having RECEIVED sufficient votes was PASSED • • CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION • In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the OAKLAND COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT the 21st day of November, in the year Two Thousand and Six. OAKLAND CMY BOARD OF CA -i-SERS- 0 --) CLER OF Be• D OF CANVASSERS i a-4-14-174 CHAIRPERSON OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS ..hClerkRoMElectionCANVASSES - CRLA'FING \ CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATIONAlor