HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1988.11.08 - 4436TOWNSHIP OF OAKLAND CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE H GENERAL ELECTION Ei SPECIAL HELD ON NOVEMBER 8, 1988 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY MEM! OM IL El ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN ▪ cl.x.) I rsi • kzr: (P. U H 4, Z Cm 3 0 m Z 77 r) (R) JOAN M. BUSER TOTAL );JOS I A1:13dn 0.4,t l • u) (Rl_CAROLYN L. PHELP TOTAL 1-11 3]Insv3Iii (R) BOLLIE L. ELLIS TOTAL .1n11. 1 --I I > Cm g Ca rn Z xi 0 —1 (1) 0 CD 0 -5 0 -o MO -3> 7c 3 Cl/ n•n 0 -h 0 --t 'S310A 40 INgitIgIVIS ONV1NVO 30 dIHSNMOI --t- [1. 14 4-3 tti (R) COLLEEN S. BARKH (R) DONALD F. BUSER (R) EVERETT W. GAREY 1-7 (R) DOMINIC ABBATE (R) KENT B. KELLY TOTAL (D) ALICE TOMBOULIAN (D) (D) (D) COO- (D) (R) PEGGY B. JOHNSON Z,A (R) DAVID L. MACKLP( CI) , PALMER N. 14v , C„) ▪ -c. ▪ r=+ 1117:i (11-t o' o 4:N1 q.1\ tk , TOTAL TOTAL STATEMENT OF VOTES, Township of Oakland - November 6, 19138 General Election —1 LIBRARY BOARD - Vote for Six -, z ---, – , PRECINCT T- T I 4 NUMBER 41 , ', :.,j :,,4 , -- .,) C, ,..,1 --- --: 6- - '-, , --) r.r, F- 0, - -- --It - r - --j •k • r- - I ESIE •3V, 43fi 3 0' 29/ -16e) 4/0' 210111/1111111M7A11=11 I , I 0 140d U.,34 7 riliMMIN ,i qa- ags- at.3 Js-5-- 249 4es:1 re 1 MI 1140 0 _yhte . i/zic, ta_o'‘zyle 2‘ t), NI 707-44_ mi. I ill, 1 JR' cliWAIRIMIEMEI 11.111%111111MIMI MI MI IN 1 M I , =Mi. NM MIMI =MINIM Mil=MIMI - Ell IM - - NMI MIN= , IN IEN , MilnMMIll - I 1 MI MIN=M11 __._ , , MIMI=IIIII 1 IIIIII=IIIIII 1 1 MIIIII =NMI= , 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 I 1.P, G STATEMENT OF VOTES, TOWNSHIP OF OAKLAND PUBL IC SAFETY MI LLAGE PRECINCT NUMBER ; Yes No Total Yes No Total No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total 4-, : 4)._-:11 :1....0 S'". "al r_L 1316 .1,' 1 6/4d ;2-5y a; , 4s. .3 i) 1 - 5c ,3„,51A „ , , 3 / ,. , , .1 ._. : TOTAI -er -1 --- - _ , 1 . . I 1 I ..__, 1 2.P No Yes ..... 1 f • • .1w1 .51,n•• 4 V... • V 5 5...5.5, PRECINCT NUMBER Yes No Yes No Total Total No I Total Total Yes I No Total 2-P TOWNSHIP OF OAKLAND STATEMENT OF VOTES (a) (D) received received votes votes received received IL-2)/0:6------ votes qe7p4.5-4,...- votes received received received received received votes votes votes votes votes votes TOTAL SUPERVISOR - Four Year Term The whole number of votes given for the office of warTgie-Afr7_it4:1/E- /(-77,1/c/±)/ and they were given for the following named persons: eED received TOTAL votes ,F7,y votes votes votes The whole number of votes given for the office of was //kid CLERK - Four Year Term and they were given for the following named persons: received votes votes Votes (R) CAFWLY,WL. PHELPS received received TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of TREASURER - Four Year Term was/ te --/ VPA-4-2). and they were given for the following named persons: (D) I--AR) BON votes 476(/-7 ELL I S received received received TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given for the office of TRUSTEE - Vote for Two /k Pee-2, and they were given for the following named persons: R) D1MINIC ARRATF (R) KEN,T B,..,KELLY votes received received votes votes The whole number of votes given for the office of Put figures in this column STATEMENT OF VOTES was and they were given for the following named persons: received vows received votes received votes 1 i , TOTAL votes , The whole number of votes given or the office of PARK COMMISSION - Vote for Six I _ I 07/ i and they were given for the followin g named persons: (e) ALICE TOMBOULIAN received /a/ /4/..ltzg- E-7- votes Alf (D) (D) received vows (D) received vows (D) received ‘i:-- votes (R) COLLEEN S. BARKHAM 4r received Ri/W4/77--/Z7e/6-Air e,/kee-D Ifir,=_App --otes frill 41, (R) DONALD F. BUSER received -5A/Air a, 1'1 4:0E -------- Allr PM (R) EVERETT W. GAREY received/." 7/./ Apr 441split ,,, - AAR , , ctleEtotes kr...4 IrArjal received / _Oa P EGGY B —J_41±111011_ AplirMffirAelliWotes Z I (R) DAVID L. MACKLEY receive{:1 707-7), 4 r,4,1A,e,.3, tr votes .. .. • ar A .-7)(//,`. 'tarp' (R) GAIL PALM ER received A TOTAL votes /777j 1 The whole number of votes given for the office of LtB"'Y BOARD - Vote for Six was 1 AO• ----('vAr/{/-/f2e-42) __S-7/ All jZ and they were given for the followin g named persons: P AT R LC Oar NV .4'.1Ar je/./1 ,e/rotes 1.k. a R A c, E w i u __ received " ra 11 WILLIAM J. CLISSOLD receive d770-4 A ''' : ( : ) 0 votes 1 ------ .1 SUE A. CONLEY received /fee/ - --Faeroo• ......,1 — nArr 1 ELENORA DE BOLLE received 0 gY__5-4/(i_ ,,.7.-57 votes MAR I AN M I 0 DL ETO N receivecT7-47(1-71y.- 422z- af.„--76:(26---Z4,7 votes I/2TH received (/.C) i a .,.;.„0. n /// 4 votes illirE7-- received _.:5E1 - _ _ received votes I received votes received votes . received votes TOTAL votes j/ .....i7 3.G TOTAL VOTES, 1--1- The whole number of votes given for and against the n.n -4 votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, TOWNSHIP OF OAKLAND STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given for and against the PUBLIC SAFETY MILLAGE Put figures in this column Shall the township of Oakland be authorized to levy 8/10 mill for a period of four years for the purpose of financing police and/or fire protection in the discretion of the township board, commencing with the 1990 levy? Approval would authorize a levy increase of .80 (80c) per $1,000.00 of state equalized value above the total tax limitation imposed by Article IX of the Michigan Constitution. 4— -- -as of which number 7/0° 5/77 —,,,r--c7(../T votes were marked YES and 7- 17673 e6 67d7-17-7-ala votes were marked NO was of which number votes were marked YES and 6-13 That votes is elected That _ votes is elected having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of Having Having Received NOWMal d Received Not Received Received Having Not Received Received Not Received Received Not Received Received Not Received Having Having Having NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE _ County of Oakland this (.0. NTT, CITY, TOWNSWIP 0 VILLAGE) day of (covnrv, CITY, TOWNSHIP on viLLwoni November in Um, year one thousand njoQhundred and the CHAI RIVAN. —) BOARD OF CANVASSERS ATTEST: LEETR. OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS. 5-G CHAIRMAN OF BOARD F CANVASSERS. rIMEINAKAAKAMAKE SEAL. • • • • • ........ That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected 1 That votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITION PUBLIC SAFETY M1LLAGE Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was 1 2 3 4 5 Passed Ziorforsisof Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of