HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1992.08.04 - 4441Charter Township of Orion 2525 Joslyn P.O. Box 199 Laic Orion, Michigan 48361 (313) 391:0304 Fax (813) 89L9984 :; I 0 Ni 1 :45 August 6, 1992 Ms. Jan Stickley Director of Elections Oakland County 1200 N. Telegraph Pontiac, MI 48341-0413 Dear Jan: Please find attached Charter Township of Orion's Board of Canvassers Certificate certifying Orion Township's results for the General Primary Election held Tuesday, August 4, 1992 for local offices and proposals. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact my office. Sincerely, CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF ORION Marie E. English Township Clerk scg enclosure SUPERVISOR - JoAnn Van Tassel CLERK Marie English TREASURER - Suzanne Hall TRUSTEES Dr. John Arsen David M. Rose Jim Skills John Spearing DATE DATE (R) (D) pAIL CONNOLLY MAE/BELLE RUSCH (D) DONALD SHIELDS DATE Marie E. English, C,k/rk CHARTER TOWNSHIP 0 ORION Charter Township of Orion 2525 Joslyn 0 P.O. Box 199 Lake Orion, Michigan 48361 0 (313) 39170304 Fax (313) 391-9984 LOCAL BOARD OF CANVASSERS GENERAL PRIMARY ELECTION Tuesday, August 4, 1992 I, Marie E. English, duly elected Clerk for the Charter Township of Orion, do hereby certify that the attached is a true copy of the election results for the Charter Township of Orion for the General Primary Election held on Tuesday, August 4, 1992 as certified by the Local Board of Canvassers. SUPERVISOR - JoAnn Van Tassel CLERK - Marie EnglIsh TREASURER - Suzanne Hall TRUSTEES Dr. John Arsen David M, Rose Jim Siwlis John Spearing a UGUST 4, 1992 PRIMARY ELECTION RESULTS Township Library Operating Millae.ProposaI For the -support and maintenance- of:the:OriOrtiTOWnship Public :Library,: the limitation on - the amount of taxes which may be :agairiStall-Teal and -personal :property -subject to . :taxation inIne:,Charter::TOWnshiR of Orlorx -Oakland ,:cOlintyi:Mithigan;:. be increased by 1 / 2 .!rnill:i:(60:::cen12s: per thousand : dollar of state :eqdalited:aSsessed:Valiatio0): for a :period of five. (.):•years;-.beginning *ittrthe tax bill ltsOcci :Noyernber.ap;:.19w;:rpursuant:to Public Act 164 of • 1.877 as aniendedT:,: • . • . • •-• • 3 63 I 544 0I 04 "2- /2- P4L/ )43 11 9 Z 3 Li 7 0 F 00 -7 Ig 1 6 ----I 7 1 I / I 3 -7 / /03 - ct I I -7 6 S ( 0 9' 3 / 59 1 7 /10 7 / 1 3 05 1 0 -7 1 0 3 06 0 IS 3?I 2 31 t.4 14 cz / 0 1 6 / '1 0 a UGUST 4, 1992 PRIMARY ELECTION RESULTS ewal of One (1) Mill for the Purpose ri•Fire Protection in Orion Tovmship Shall the . constitutional . tax lirriitation-'ort:theitotai amount of :general .ad -valorem taxes which may be imposed each year for all purposes upon real arid tangible personal : property in the Charter Township of Orion. Oakland County. Michigan be increased:asprovided by law for a . period: of 'Our (4):: years; starting in 1992. by One :.($1:4)0) D011ar per One Thousand ($1,000.00) .Dollars:- of stateequaliied :valuation .through:-thefeVyand:C011ection ,of a one .(1) Mill tax for the • purpose :::4.4t;:,purchasing additional fire equipment and bufldings and/or operation and .maintenance-,Of the Charter ToWriship:.a0ibiv:Fire:.Department: serving the Charter Township of Orion-and:the:Village of Lake: Orion? • .•.: NO YES:: NO 0 / 3 0 2_ .5 0 0.57 / 4 o 0 V) / 11 • 4C7 12.—C 12 zg 13AV TOTALS a UGUST 4, 1992 PRIMARY ELECTION RESULTS Orion Township Parks and Recreation Wage Proposal ADDITIONAL ONE (1).::: MILL FOR: •THE::::an3F .425.4::::.0F,.:5UPPORTINa AND • :IVIAINTAINING : • • • • • Shall the constitutional tax limitation on the total amount of: general:ad:valorem:taxes. which. may be imposed each : year:, for all purposes upon real and Tangible personal property: in the • Charter Township of Orion, Oaidend County. Michigan. be increased :provided: by law for a period of three (3) years, beginning in 1992,. by One ($1.00) Dollar per One Thousand • ($1,000.00) Dollars oF state equalized valuation :thtddjn: Ine.:**and.:ciallectiOn.: of a one (1) mill tax for the purposes of :,:g6quiti00 :::d04.01000§;:-:..:000000.4::-...atid rnaintaining:.:,,:parks and ..'reCreatidh•areaSAhtha'CharrerTovtinship::ot:-Oikiit Oakfand-:Ciiinhp:-Miehigan7.: -• • 10 27 o I / 6 4 0 .7 6I 0 °ID ?oi 3 ci O2 0 64 2 1 1 -7 I 70C ,/ I 8-3 1 .3 2 -Z‘ ICK / 5 g 117 - Li L1 0 /?/ 10 1 I 12 13AV. S 2.3 a UGUST 4, 1992 PRIMARY ELECTION RESULTS Tax Renewal for:Police Protecti .:ShalE :the. PtiStitritiOnal • tax. tireltation:Ory-theiblet:ainbunt:mi: -general: Aralorern taxes which may be inipOsect:eaCh year for all -purpose*: Upon: teal: a Ad:tangible:- -personal .:: property in the Township of :000n;::Pakland :COUntw.::plichigatx -b6:::iricroased,as::prouldect.456OtiOn 6, Article IX of thecOnStkOlten.of.Michigamfora:-perted of four (4).:ireatsl:Wpoe:-($1.:00)::Donar.:per One ..ThOusand. ($.1;90100)::::P011atS-of stateequalbted):00atidkthrbOgb•Oesleuyarid:coilettion of a :-One::(1):..:trinttax.for.ithe-punlosedi fritiOding:-00.10ej.r.000000400:erificteS;.:-incittdirtg: equipment : and personnet:costs7 • . : i• . I. • :: • : : Na:; I 3 0 1 / SI 00 / 116 060 073 019 079 011 t , VAN TASSEL. (R) 0 0 o /go ----- o 0 7 3 6" -7 C 037 ,Z / 0 7 -0 Li. OS2 I Li 3 37 _/ Z-- i. a UGUST 4, 1992 PRIMARY ELECTION RESULTS TOWNSHIP:SUPERVISOR': • HODGES I, OL v 031 0 1-C-1 0'40 03L1 016 oLiq /i/O 6--eo BROWN (R) /0c1 Z 6 - /7 1 19 0g0 /03 17- 0 O 6 339 ,7• /72a' a UGUST 4, 1992 PRIMARY ELECTION RESULTS TO'WNSHIP CLERK:RESLILTS " PCT.. '..14.04161 03 0?3 037- 071 OL n S‘ 0 0 c)L1 030 2 ci 1 073 07 / 2- 7 03 Z. 022. - 073 , 03 S' 2.7 07Z. 110 s 10 03'r 12 t/ 13AT ill 01 zs9 0q6 033 06 ,1 o a UGUST 4, 1992 PRIMARY ELECTION RESULTS TOWNSHIP TREASURERRESULTS . :.TOTALS: 17'7 MACK_i(D): • • OM1UAN (R) 0'4 • ROSEIR).:. 027 L- 05-0 - OS1 Os'o /76 , 306 L„-- TOTALS X s CUENY (RI OL 06 zoo 063 z.v - 0 44 „V- OL( 0 -7 oqcit iz) 3ss KEMP (B) 09 '1 '71 /00 0 cr? S —/ 060 053 125/ 03 • i:SPEAR1NG (R) BARNES -(R): DUSTIN (R) OS3 t 2 1192.. /2 6 060 / 12 4 cz oss FKE7i2Sli 09? 03i 065 -----" 8 ILL eAST1A1V 14, 001 10 11 12 1 3AV TOTALS UGUST 4, 1992 PRIMARY ELECTION RESULTS