HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1978.11.07 - 4460grotr: r (DATE. OF ELECTiON) ORION TaNSZEP C;ITY, -rowNs:fr,ip OR VLLAGfl MANUFACTURED -BY • I rf-.7. E S efk PRNTR S by r,".7rta NO. 71(:)0.K Spedy Aethey r•.':17.c'y !:::.:packA.E.ieclion €1.1 The whole number of votes given for the office of was j:77,-17,T [r and 4-ley we given for the fo-rowin g etdpe 11 PUT MURES [ IN THIS COMM €I 1 Piaa€91-43bal 5777777TSOR ROBERT To SHEARDY, REP, received marr-Fivg EFAMDRED, THIRTEEN• received TVENT".1-,FIVE FaNPAKDJ =MY qq [i votes votes ALDEN. W. HAIDEL,..DEK.- received TOTAL . . Icle number (:);. votes given. for the office of . . . wcs LT HTZDREDs SIXTY..SEVEN r • - 1;1 0=1C ey were -given ror vomr-owing Kilned persons; . • A KT779INE E. JACOESp REP. • --J.,. received trTr-":),'",'''' FTT"4' votes votes :6'0 6 71• . votes. :3 2 :5 0 C;....LEEK te wh.oie number of votes g iven for the office of '7:;.:1.7.,•:%:::.7.,717.1°.-1 - • . 11 Was WIFITZINE HUNDRED) NIFETY...$ETEN• end they were given for the following named persons: D. ROE DEM. TOTAL The who number of votes g iven for the office of -Er7.7,7777.; .1 votes 4 1 2- 1; MARJORIE L HOMES - receivcdN4 IGHT • ---..- • ••••••• - received TOTAL GAIL 4L CONNOLLY 'PZD receive(! rt. received 7'7.'7777 yr-77.17:‘,T.7) 717,-Mja votes 2 .9 T.; 4 votes • H votes votes otes . . I : • • EIEV TITOrjakil) FIVE EtP7D7r:";.7', r•7:`..77.777r-rf77rtri and they were g iven for the following named perFons:' — Wq:S ! MAXWELL TEX3UE., REP. BONNIE M. STICTOIrt, 'BET. JAMS R. LEACH, DEK. YVONNE WILL ' • €€€ 1.; i votes ;. votes votes STATEMENT OF VOTES received ''"---77"=•:'n17.. rrrr-77'"'"17' 7"1"7"'"? Snrar - received .7.i.;r:77•71...r received TvErrT-mGr.... sIrn-swEE received Tia777-740.ramT,Dpm ,„701;217...-511.. € . . received, received receiveO teceiver.! received • votes i 2i 6 7 ! 2 i 41 6 .1 , „ . ; ; . , votes , votes HH votes I 1 I I 1 votes I 1 11 received TW1t,...7rv-SIX BR NINWL TOTAL . JOSEPH M RODAK: REP. WANE C SPRAGUE, )E&. IMIN POOLE, Ms votes votes 21 91- ! he who!e number of votes civet) for the offke was TEN THOUEANDp NINE HUMMED, TWELVE and they were given for the FoHowinq rrolree .persOns';- REP* received „ LINDA . G ' .7.7T recelveu . . .iDD received.... received received • a recervea HELFN C. PARKFR, JANE E. •:Mr,77-17wl-iirg Za.GHT • „votes votes votes Votes Yates vote T'F'n ONE received NY-ONE received : • • votes,--1 receive:.• received votes votes 1; vhok r1.-.01ber of votes given for the office of 11 votes 11 • wqs . . • c:..ric they were-given for the foIlowing named persons: „ . . v.cites . . . . -votes whale number of votes given for the office of vtfP5- and they were given for the following named persons: received .received recelvec as EMMY-EIGHT, TWENTY-FINE and they were given for the follovving- named persons: 848 12 i 9h I votes votes' 0j 3 1. receved TIrre-RT!..ONE IILTIVRED, FOUR . received TBIPIT 17Z,DP,Mi TOTAL The whore number of votes given for the office of CONSTABLE. PUT MIRES IN THIS GOLINI STATEMENT OF VOTES County, Cily, Township or Vi Hale day of_ NOVEMBER — civing received a sufficient number:a That-- KAM:SEINE-4. JACOBS having received a sufficient number of votes. is .e!ected•-..- That votes • is. elected- - The D. 7-10PE TTPRZL _ ZISURF2 YA,7 .(WM.T4_ .T3PCJI.7 _ TY,..ISTEZ BONNIE M. STICKNZY votes is elected_-___ Tnsi That fi:ONSTA7:74E =to Cf. SPRATTE CONSTABLE having received a _sufficient nu.mber of having received a sufficient nuMber, That votes is elected - having received a sufficient number of That_ votes is elected_ ving received a sufficient rwmber of That votes is elected__ .-- „— ---- -- _ having receive sufficient number of - having received tt sufficient number of CFRTIrCAT-72 OF • DELTNINATION STATE OF MICH COUNTY OF "'I'm GAN) :c SS . ORION (County, Cfty, Township or %/Wa ge) having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said at the GENERAL one thousand nine hundred and_ a Hereby CerOy and Determ;rte ROBE:PT To EILEARDY. T, inch_ 1-1Q votes is elected- Yi • GET TOWNSHIP The Board of Canvassers of the of- (County, City,: Township or Vi!fage) TOWNSHIP Election, held on the votes is elected_ votes k elected_ • That votes is elected_ That votes is elected •EP,J211 C. P.M= lama" Baeou..1 _ GRANT LA BOARD having received a sufficient number of -- having received a sufficient number of That votes is elected - That votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected hciving received a sufficient number of That votes is e!ected having received a sufficient number of That votes is ejectr,k6_ having received a sufficient number of votes is.e1ected keying receivci a sufficient number of Propo:: ions or questions were passed or d,e'eatecl as indicat.cl below; 1' Peceived Havrng —„ Sufficient votes wc,c Not CeCevea HAW OF MOPCM:n010. NAME OF PP:C",?C','.:.:14.::;:".,:• MAME OF PRO %55O 2 2 eceived Passed .cecetv Sufficient votes was avirg IS SS Received Having Not Receiv Sufficient votes we Passed Jr ?illness ''-'13crelvf, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the NAME OF PROPOST7f7,1,,,. or ORION ol the= rs FThav./.ng To: fRMAN BOARD OF CANVASSERS wnship ass (County, City, Township or VS TZT.r.V:PI-P7 t NOVDO3M. day at MGLFT :nand nine hundred and -ear • 71e. CHAMMAN OF 30ART) OF CANNO4SERS. f4.! ATTE,517ii • CLERK That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected_ That votes is That votes is elected__ having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of I votes: is etected