HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1980.08.05 - 4472OF COUNTY, MICHIGAN OAKLAND OXFORD TOWNSHI P CAW SS OF VOTES CAST AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION HELD ON AUGUST 5, 1980 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS C,F COLNT. 1 .I,VNSHIP OR VILLAGE) MANUFACTURED BY Oggil E1115 M g t Gi ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-398-PC CANVASSER BOOK—PRIMARY STATEMENT OF VOTES PARTY PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER OFFICE lqr low TOTALS CANDIDATE NAMES NI' I 2 A VCB SUPERVISOR Calvin F. Currierfp, Robert W. Clack Stephen Kaylor CLERK IMIEVIIN Patricia Fitchena Y Clara Sanderson L 31T ) TREASURER Beverly A. Johnson j /013 Diana C. Turnbull d) all /97/-- ‘ 'f --t _ (vote for not more than 2 TRUSTEE Vincent J. Butera ne1 , Paul Butkis g3 7 q -10 7 47 -, Harry F. Claypool /fl J q 1.1. a e q;Tit L3 (bote for not more than 3) LIBRARY BOARD Janice C. Kaylor II Nil) 01 Josephine B. Meads )71 1ki lq.s. 1 i-ig• 4 .1 d „ , L 3 '719 Gary H, Domanski William R. Julse Walter Joslin Jeanne Martin Robert J. Offer Ray A. Sutherland • - PARTY OFFICE CANDID4E NAMES 1111 2 3 4 AV C B 111.1111111 11111111.01111 vote for not more than 0 111 lam PARK COMMISSION ME 11111111111111111111111E11111111111111 111111111111111M111 11111 — grani=ggaMg21 111111.111111111 1111111M 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 FEWEVEMIIIIMEa I Mg MINE 1111111111•11111111111111111111111111111111 MIEFAIWAR MEI - , PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER TOTALS ^-t R.EPUBLI_CAN the following named persons: RECEIVING THE VOTES arfy lot c.,--diclates for the offic,r, UMF77777, or VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS WilOL Clerk :And 4ie 4. TOTAL STATEMENT OF VOTES I PUT FIGURES .e u ro bet \,,•:i, ,,; :3 wen by the DEMOCRATIC ''grfy for candidates for the office of IN THIS COLUMN Supervisor as :_b--',--0.--,-- A-K-5,-,..4>V2,— ----...: -•=rf., fv...en for the following named persons: ;ONS RECEIVING THE VOTES ,-,',4101 OF VOW; WRITTEN IN WORDS _La_124in F. Currier L-- TOTAL ,..T:ven by the REPUBLICAN Party 1-c); candidates for Supervisor , ., .., . 1,.:“ •La Fallowinz:3 .i.:.:n.,-,.. person: . .77,t,r, REi;EIVING THE Nrrl..r17: LIJMRER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS Robert W. Clack I .... Stephen Kaylor zs 1 I, . .. .. _ TOTAL I .5 The ,,vI,c-, Ox•F cf v•- by the DEMOCRATIC Pa ' ' For ,..:andiclates for the office of Clerk was _ .. - • _ . ,vc..,,,7-; -.oven fcl. the faiwing nain,.,,,-). I.. F..cin: :=17:770,N7; RECEIVING THE VOTES I.:;•--iteiF:R OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS . Patricia Fitchena Clara J. Sanderson 3. n1 hc whol, number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC (vote for not more than 2) Trustee was and they 0.,Erye given for the following named rsoriv. PERS,-7-17 RECEIVING THE VOTES Party for candidotes or the office of Sk OF VOTES WkITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL ,en by the REPUBL I CAN Party for candidates for the office of PUT FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN V THE 'd-ty for candidates for '0, • cc NUMBER DEMOCRATIC •SOPIS: Per sc WRITTY DEMOCRATIC :son s: 4 STATEMENT OF VOTES :1,___TreasuLtr !' and they WE = thc ow EIVING THE VOTE Beverly A. Johnson Diana C. Turnbull • 5er of given by t vote for not more than 2 Trustee I n for the Fo ow' PERSA. , r. EWING THE VOTES he who wh&,, >er of votes giv, he REPUBL I CAN (vote tor not more than 2) Trustee Vincent J. Butera Paul Butkis claypool 'Ljok-1_410 IOTA OTAL whole number of (vote for not more than 3) Library Board -.;-ncl they „Oven fw the following nor PERSONS ",,;T.:7EIVING 1P•7, Party for canclidc:nt,,,, '7 VOTES WRITTEN IN WC TA - . le c!' votes given by the REPUBLICAN Party for candidates for Gote for not more than 3) Library Board iid they we. n For the following NS RECEIVW., WORDS Janice C. Kaylor Josephine B. Meads Duane L..Sal.wedei 41 e iv af, by - arty for candidates for the office of PUT FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN I for the 9,1 WORDS Party for candidates for the o The whole of votes given by The w - er of votes given by the Party forcandicor the o , STATEMENT OF VOTES 1,..?; the iolhow;ncl •r:-4U --A8ER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS for the i:c,llowing C:Cr-1 t'd ••••••• NS RECEIVING THE V. TOTAL The whole number cr • given by the Porty for candidates for he office of Icy we': Wa5 the fallowing narrf",: :.,)1,4S RECEIVING THE VOTES 1! id they wer - .ven for the loll :rig ;ons: ?FRSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES I 1 TOTAL and they ,iven for the following ,,ERSONS RECEIVi NO THE VOTES 1. 4, TOTAL STATEMENT OF VOTES ir PUT FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN The ,,,,,t;,?.. oomber of votes given for and against the „ I 1 WO OF V+ Vii,:;1 number votes vve!se fn,;rxes votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, The wfte number of votes given for and against the was 11 which n9 ;,:,--, ,- es v . ;u w.,:mrked Y' ' cm.si i es were ma: ,:,-,1 N': VOTES, _ The whole ouL,:- :.! ,:-.. -; ci .,-; i,,r and :.:,cn nst il'iC., HH WO;; . which number votes were mszs,i<sA YES _ ! and d NO T,—;TAL VOTES, OAKLAND eighty COUNTY OF TOWNSHIP, CITY OR VILLAGE) at the Primary Election, held on one thousand nine hundred and That candidate by the___DENICRATIC____Party for the office of __5_10ERY_I_S_OR having received sufficient number of votes is nominated That_ - candidate by the r,12t-uoL I CiAi4 That candidate by the. That candidate by the That candidate by the That candidate by the That REPUBL I CAN Party for the office of TREASURER having received sufficient number of votes is nominated REPUBL I CAN Party for the office of _ DEMOCRATIC DEMOCRAT IC Party foOhe office of aurcnyi. having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office of having received Party for the office of_ TREASURER " having received having received sufficient number of votes is nominated .g.OPERV 1SOR .__ having received sufficient number of votes is nominated CLERK CLERK sufficient number of votes is nominated sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the_ _ _DEMOCRATIC-- That_ candidate by the DEMOCRATIC That arty for the office of _ _TRUSTEE having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office of TRUSTEE having received sufficient number of votes is nominated REPUEILI cAN_ _Party fr\the office of TRU_S_TEE having received sufficient number of votes is nominated REPUBLICAN 'Party for the office of TRUSTEE candidate by the That_ candidate by the That candidate by the REPUBLICAN having received Party for the office of. IIBRARY BOARD sufficient number of votes is nominated having received sufficient number of votes is elected DEMOCRATIC That by the__ Party for the office of _ _ _PARK C_CIMMISSION having received sufficient number of votes is elected DEMOCRATIC_ That by the_ Party For the office of PARK COMM S.S_LON CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY OF OAKLAND The Board of Canvassers of the (COUNTY, having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes the .5th day of Anqat- Do Hereby Certify and Determine That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the DEMOCRATIC Party for the office of L I BRARY BOARD That candidate by the having received sufficient number of votes is nominated _ DEMOCRAT I C sufficient number of votes is nominated DEMOCRAT I C number of votes is nominated Party for the office of_ LIBRARY_130ARD_ That having received candidate by the DEMOCRAT I C Party for the office of L I BRARY BOARD That '''' '.' '.--.'----"---- having received candidate by th'è__ _REPUBLICAN.___ _Party far' the office of_ _LIBRARY-BOARD- sufficient sufficient number of votes is nominated That candidate by the having received REPON.:1CAN Party for the office of_ LIBRARY BOARD having received sufficient number of votes is elected Party for the office of- --PARK- GOMM-IS-S-I-0N having received sufficient number of votes is elected PARK _COMM SS_ EON That by the DEMOCRATIC That by the__ DEMOCRAT) C Party for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is elected KMOCRATIC Party for the office of_ P_ARK_ f.OMMI having received sufficient number of votes is elected for the office of PARK COMMISSION That by the.. _ That by the DEMOCRAT IC That candidate by the RE PUBL CAN That candidate by the REPUBLICAN .Party for the office of _Party for the office of __. having received sufficient number of votes is nominated PARK commissIoN having received sufficient number of votes is nominated PARK COMMISSION in the year one thousand. nine hundred and__taghty_ CHAIRMAN. BOARD OF CANVASSERS ATTE CHAIRMAN OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS. -CLERK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS of the COUNTY this of OAKLAND day of.____Aug_u_s.t (County, City„. Township or Village) (County, City, Township or Village) REPUBL I CAN NONE 2 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Part/ fc,r tile office of —PARK _COMMISSION_ - having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Parlic for the office of PARK COMMISS I ON - having received sufficient number of votes is nominated PARK COMMISSION having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Purity ioi the Ake of PARK COMM ISS I QN having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office of.. having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office of Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was - Not Received Defeated In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands ond affixed the Seal That candidate by the That candidate by the That___ candidate byt1v, That candidate by the That candidate by the That candidate by the That candidate by the That candidate by the That candidate by the That candidate by the That candidate by the That candidate by the That candidate by the That candidate by the That candidate by the REPUBL I CAN REPUBL I CAN REPUBLICAN Party for the office of NONE NONE