HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1972.08.08 - 4479= S OXFORD TOWNSHIP AUGUST 8, 1972 PRIMARY ELECTION 74' Ns' lil AT THE ELECTIC HELD ON AUGUST 8, 1972 PRIMARY (DATE OF ELECTION) CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OXFORD TOWNSHIP NAME O C31.1NTY, CITY, TO'vVNSHIP OR VWLA3E1 OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY LE go g ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Rood • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-398 CANVASSER BOOK peciFy whether General, Primary or Special Election 1972 OXFORD TOWNSHIP AUGUST STATEMENT OF VOTES PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER OFFICE AND lir lir TOTALS CANDIDATE NAMES 111r , DEMOCRATIC TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR TOWNSHIP CLERK TOWNSHIP TREASURER I -lilt TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE JEANNE L. MARTIN / -7 ADELBERT O. TERRY ig , TOWNSHIP CONSTABLE -1,- TOWNSHIP LIBRARY BOARD REPUBLICAN TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR ROBERT W. CLACK / 6, 7e)1711.- . TOWNSHIP CLERK 1 , WAYNE N. MORTIMER ! ‘ 4-/ CLARA J. SANDERSON /25 23 TOWNSHIP TREASURER .-- / DIANA C. TURNBULL .1 TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE HARRY F. CLAYPOOL ..: -/ , , TERRY MARIE DUNGEY .2., i :5 4-' I:71 as DENNIS A. WAIT -1 / ,:, ,I TOWNSHIP CONSTABLE ELROY W CONVERSE ' ' / IH i PAUL COOK Li e/ :5-4. `7 . :2--,. 7 WENDELL FRANK HILL `i —;.7r ,A 4:— c',7 3i 6 LaVERN ROBINSON - ,..fr6.,: i 7- ! 4..., LIBRARY BOARD EILEEN GENSLEY , 5- , i E. DAVID JARIS - 7"/ ' 1 , ,, , , Ii PUT FIGURES I, IN THIS COLUMN her of votes g iven for the office of Was I or the for ovvinc peons: f.z.!ceived ;•_-,ceived received TOTAL votes votes votes votes It votes votes votes received votes votes '1 votes 1 votes votes votes votes receiN , received received TOTAL votes 11 votes it votes 11 STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of tor the WCIS given for th;: received receive,: votes whole -; o hey :17 ollowiny ,,Amed persons: TOTAL votes The v..hcje number of vote, recei, received cved The whole number of votes given for the office PUT FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN WOS ey were gives, r the foNowing named person ,:. received receivt4' e ceived. TOTAL rOS.i + I ; votes :nd they were given for thc- sing name per votes votes votes II votes votes II II 11 received TOTAL votes votes votes votes votes votes STATEMENT OF VOTES fbe whole number for the offic ,:.: received received ceived received. received votes votes C CC' vot vote 1T-1 ,1 whole nr oi votes given for the office of they were (jiver, person received received votes • -----t votes TOTAL voi whole number c for the office of hey were giver r1.1.10 tcliowing persons: teceived :cceived TOTAL I 1 1 i I 1 I! STATEMENT OF VOTES PUT FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN The whole number of voIe yen for and °gains- WOS vows weity .11,,i'keci YES marked NO TOTAL VCIES The whole number j .yen for and against the SVCS 01 .,.:;:•re marked YES , were marked KO TOT.4 VOTES, The ; of votes given for and -;:lainsr The was of wL..;•,,,H;;=, votes re markod YES cwo vot ,,ss marked NO TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of o,„-Tainst the WOF i votes were marked and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES 11 , I C_QUINTTY fsf. OAKLAND Tow,5hipçrVi;14-3,jo) ; CLL. having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said__OXF_ORD_TIIWNSHIP_ The Canvasse,-- at the PRIMARY r. flan, held 8111 ._AUGU.S.T TI. votes ismig3t*4_nominat ed numbei o That_f_ number vote That _ . vot xxinomin.at ed. number or votes is That J. votes is Amami- ncifrainated- That_ vote, obtx--„Aiominate_d vot"!.. zdYnttx§1 nominated .*L-i-xxxi nominated nominated est neniber of Urribet Cr' mber of gest nt,i .,,Itxxxxic nominated largest tt.vtlib0 votes nominated : ,Lreceiv.- the criest turc havinc ceived the number of That. votes is votes is elected the largest number of the That_ votes is CERTIFICATE OF DEL. LATION STATE OF COT_71n71'17 OAKLAND one thousand nine hundred and seventy,two Do Hereby Certify and DetPrm;ng. 1 1 votes is elecied eci,A That__ is elected votes is elet: That votes is elected That vntes is elected having received the largest number of Passed was Defeated Passed was uefeated Passed was Defeated paraignmilmranaimm 1111 That .c)tes is elected having received the largest number of having received the largest number of having received the largest number of having received the largest number of having received the largest number of That votes is elected having received the largest number of having received the largest number of Dd Further Hereby Determines That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE MAME OF PROPOSITION , NONE NONE 3 4 Received ". Passed Having — Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated Received 1-1cwing Not Received Sufficient votes Received Sufficient Having Not Received votes Received Having Sufficient votes Not Received NAME OF PROPOSMON NAME OF PROPOSITION NAME OF PROf`CATI/ NAME OF PROI-`,5.:AirK)i,i. k Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the_CIILINTy of _DA (county, city, Township or Village) (County, City, Townsh this • day of_ AUGUST in the-year one thousandhine hundred and seventy-two (21 BOARD OF CANVASSERS ATTEST, CLERK OF-ROARD OF CANVASSERS. CHAIRMAN OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS.