HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1978.08.08 - 4480OXFORD TOWNSHIP PRIMARY ELECTION u0st 8, 1978 L.1•7. TOWNSHIP OR OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN OF AS OF VOTES CAST AT TN PRIMARY ELECTION HELD ON AUGUST 8 1978 (DATE OF ELECTION) AM CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS MANUFACTURED BY ii ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-398-PC CANVASSER BOOK—PRIMARY STATEMENT OF VOTES PARTY PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER OFFICE 10". 1r TOTALS CANDIDATE NAMES 1,I 1 2 3 4 5C I j. SUPERVISOR (R) ROBERT W. CLACK / , (R) BARBARA M. GARYP1 11111 , CLERK (R) CLARA J. SANDERSO '' , TREASURER (R) DIANA C. TURNBULL , TRUSTEE (vote for 1 ' ,..H (R) STEPHEN KAYLOR -2 7 (R) ROY C. MADSEN 1 / CONSTABLE (vote for (R) JOHN S. FLORES : , OT ion Township — STATEMENT OF VOTES _ ! TOTALS - PARTY 0FICE PAICINCT OR WARD NUMBER •.k 1 —7------ I 1, d 1 1 .__LIBRARY_EIDARD - vote 11 1 1 I I i I li II for two) i I , 1 I 11,1 _I II II regu 1 a r term - I --4--1 ' ---I— ---4,1 1 - I (R) DAVID JAR I S ii - -' /3/ 1 P 7:: ji 41 (R) ANNA MARIE OFFER IF-.--_--i---- _ vos ! c, 1 ..... 1 il il i 1 --1--- , ,, , rx...• , ; , LIBRARY BOARD - votelI Il UNEXP I RED TERM III ii I (D) DONALD LOVELL I, ,a_ , -- ,, ,? ,,, I „,' , , , C:2 , ' 1 1 ii JI „- .. , ,._ _ 1 115- : - 0 r os o ' y k 1.1 k., 4('-' ..," I ' ' '- 4 1 ,I j yI ,S? .6- i 6 i . ,, 1 , , ---1 - 1 1 I „,1° .......J.---..—J-- Jj1 j'' /76, IV' ,-, )0 0-50 I - ic, r _ ,, , 1 # I - ,5C, .2 , A- 4-, d..... If 1 e C cJ ir crlJtJ , .,. ! - - I [J („I J4-.., 4- <jjJ I I 1 i 1 i ! II 1 1 Ii fi ------ il ; , t• — 11 11 r li in : F-4 . _ , : . IF - • 1-- , j; • „ ! ., ii 11 I! : i : i I . -r II 1- -- 1, 11 1 , ! t--- ii _._. . • li .. II _i_ I 1,-___ , 1 -t- tl 1 II , "1 ---t- 1---- f --.:1 • i[- I 1 • i i / /1(;, i VOTE WRITTEN IN WORDS STATEMENT OF VOTES - ---------- PUT FIGURES The whole -, ::,; votes given by the DEMOCRATIC Nlirty for candidates for the office of IN THIS COLUMN I SUPERVISOR t -- and they were given for the following named pons: ij PERSCiNS RECEIVING THE VOTES HR VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS { i• 2. I _i___ 3. _ TOTAL Il-,Q. -,vh nL votes given by the REPUBL ICAN Party For ‘t.-11,didates for the office of SUPERVISOR ' y vre - 4ie following ',IS F.FcrtviNG THE VOTE! --,;: \1R OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1 i h. I ROBERT W. CLACK i - _BARI3ARA—M---GARY-P I E I TOTAL L. ,.., IltiTJE , ' DEMOCRAT I C Pa y FOP' canclidates .or the Office of t II 1 CLERK was t ond ... , 1(4 : ile fallowing named pc.,som: P.R.,:-;01^4r, :74:-.CEIVING THE V0177 NUMgEri Ot. VO2ES ,,,,iRtTTENI !N WORDS 1. , li I: TOTAL _ f.L: eNi van kv +ka twourti t rim Po riiv fnr rrindirintoc fur th. nr f t... L c. ros. -iu,, .L.4 ley .4",-T',,' ':tiVeil ii:Cn ;•he following r10413 ,:.:.j ey.,;(7,tv,:• • 7•Eri,-:.c.it.,•'•; -,,,.;--.:CEIVING THE VOTES JMEX OF '' ,.,11-ES WRITTEN IN WORDS .. CLARA J SANDERSON n i 2. I i iHH TOTAL 91VF..r3 by t e_ —0 EM-OC-RAT I C :, rty for c.c.Ini,H:::: s or tiv, tice of TREASURER 1. STATEMENT OF VOTES PUT FIGURES The whc-1,- numbE, , ,01,,, oiveo by the REPUBLICAN Pnly i'u candidates ,.:,.: the il;co of IN THIS COLUMN 1 - _TR EASURER for one WaS and they were given for the following named porsot, 11 PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES rLJMBER OF VOTES WRTTTEN N WORDS a -ANA C.TURt9BULL 2,. 4.TOTAL ike . number t, ..--‘ DEMOCRATIC Party for candidates c fiit:...i c., (vote—for one) wa5 and they wore given fc, the renewing named persons: PERSO ',3 RC f i '---lt•EG THE. VOTE3 Nu,,,,,,,;:,,, -17 VOTES WRI17IN ':-,, )4 ' Cq'n C IS -1 m 2. 3. 4„.. TOTAL 1 n fi7e g)le nurn-e - -i- - - '____RE2.1Thi.1-CAN P,oety for candidates for the office of 1 _TRUSTEE vote for one) qlcitheyvvere, ::(c)1,:,,ving names G 7.!7' , -,TE:c..., bit.,E-4c:,ER ,:7;i- ',--:,3T,:-='; WW1 ( '1 ,`:.1'n'S 'STEPHEN KAYLO-R -'110_Y _C___, MADSE.N_ II TOTAL 4. , ------- The 'it'..t= '-`- 0.EKQCRAT c Party for candidates for the ii ce of CONSTABLE vote for one ,,ty, I i-v--, :,, ..m fc , ".:',.,-In(-: -„.n.:j .-1-._ VOTar NUMISEP )TES WRITTEN ' I 1 i 2. 3. 1---11 4. TOTAL - REPUBLICAN ' CONSTABLE (vote for one) 'y w,..: ‘r le following no ,--h, ,-,--- ., ' 'JOHN_ FLORES i 11 I 1 I 1 t li . : -A 11 ._ --_ 1 NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS Party for candidates for the office of PUT FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN ! or the office of UNEXPLRE :t? e liven 1. - 'EWING 1"1- )1 votes given by f Party k. wh ..es for 1. ey were given for the following ...sons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE ' nABER Of VOr,H STATEMENT OF VOTES 11 The wL. of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC Regular term LIBRARY BOARD (vote for 2) was 11 and t we' .3iveri for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 1. 2. 4. TOTAL r+....t Kt F.U.11.L I GAN . vote forWO LIBRARY BOARD Tm .--',::!f,' PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES -:,4N.,,,;4R OF VC:1-::: WRITCD‘= Os, WORDS 1. DAV ID JAR] S , ANNA-MARIE--OFFER TOTAL , umber c. DEMOCRATIC Party j.if.4(...ites forthe office of unexpired term - vote for one - --LIBRARY BOARD-- ,, kAren.Y 5,pven for the t:s.11owing named .,:orl,:.. PERSONS REC.'-':,,IG THE VOTES .-q or V(.7773 WRTFEN IN ' DONALD LOVELL - TOTAL whole number ci by the Party k: c, RE P N— L TERM - LIBRARY BOARD -vote for we TOTAL TOTAL ch weria The whole nurrk. ..; _ 11-1 icn and against 01r- YES 6 STATEMENT OF VOTES PROPOSAL FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN PUT FIGURIS IN THIS COLUMN The whole numb,- z°,1 vc-4,2,, given for and against the ELECTED PARKS & RECREATION CO 1 I 40 you favor the establishment of an elected Parks & Recreation Commission for the_ township of Oxford; this Commission to have authority to acquire, maintain, manage I and control township parks and places of recreation? wcy; ci V%ili4-11 ilkiiilb,,, • 1 votes were marhc ,-; YES and • votes .,;,... I , ! NO TOTAL VOTES, , PROPOSAL TO GRANT TOWNSHIP BOARD AUTHORITY 1 The wht-le rrio+-,- 1, vs, ,_,-, ‘r. -or an against the TO PURCHASE REAL PROPERTY 1 o you favor granting_the_Oxford_Township. Board authority to purchase real property deve4oped or undev -Township for use as town hall, --fi-re stat •community_center or other township purpose_for_an amount not_to exceed_l_t_of.Asse 'Valuation of Township, to be _paid for out of Township treasury funds? nuinbe number number •.,..",•e: were ed NO TOTAL VO-7:- TOWNSHIP, C IYY OP VILLAGE) at the Primary Election, held _, one thousand nine hundred seventy eight on__ and_ candidate by the- -- -REP-UBL4CAN - - -Party _ That candidate by the --REPUBLICAN-- _Party for the office of _ That candidate by t That - candidate byt That That_ e- - _DEMO.CRATIC- - _Party For the office of e- -REPIIBL.4 CAN - - -Pa rtY For the office of candidate by the- That candidate by the_ -_ -REptiaL CAN arty for the office o DEMOCRAT IC Party for the office of That _ candidate by the DEMOCRATIC party for the office of That_ candidate by the_ -- _REPUBLICAN._ _ _Party for the office of That candidate by the.. That ___ REPUBL I CAN Party fOr the office of CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN, gs. COUNTY OF OAKLAlia The Board of Canvassers of the COUNTY of_ _OAKLAND (COUNTY, having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes the 8th day of August Do Hereby Certify and Determine having received sufficient number of votes is nominated UPERILLSOR __having received sufficient number of votes is nominated for the office of SU-REM-S-0R having received sufficient number of votes is nominated CLERK having received sufficient number of votes is nominated -CLERK __ having received sufficient number of votes is nominated _ TREASURER __having received sufficient number of votes is nominated TREASURER having received sufficient number of votes is nominated _ _DEAQC RAIN _ _ _Pa rty for the office of TRU_SIEE having received sufficient number of votes is nominated T-R-U-STEE having received sufficient number of votes is nominated CONSTABLE having received sufficient number of votes is nominated -CON-STABLE having received sufficient number of votes is nominated LIBRARY BOARD - regular term That . having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the. _D EMO_CRATIC _ _ _Party for the office of LIBRARY_ _BOARD- - -regular - te-rm having received sufficient number of votes is nominated L I BRARY- BOARD- -regular - term having received sufficient number of votes is nominated LIBRARY BOARD - regular_ term having received sufficient number of votes is nominated -LIBRARY- BOARD- EXP-I-RED- T-E-RM - That — . having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the REPUBLICAN Party for the office of _ That candidate by the____DEM.QCRATIC___Party for the office of candidate by the _Party for the office of candidate by the That candidate by the- - -REP4J-BL 4 CAN - - -Panto That _ For the office of__ candidate by the __.REMOCRAT.If.____Party for the office of.. LIBRARY BOARD - unexpj red term That_ by the having received sufficient number of votes is elected _Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is elected by the _Party for the office of _ That having received sufficient number of votes is elected by the _ Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is elected by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is elected by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is elected by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of- Having Received was Defeated Passed was Defeated ATTEST: K -OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS. CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the _Party for the-office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the- Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the- Party for the office of Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITION 1 _ - PRaPO SAL FOR THE ESTABL I SHMENT- a AN ELECTED RAEIK&F ilftcitErstit6AT I ON COMMISSION PROPOSAL TO GRANT TOWNSHIP BOARD 2 _ _AUTHOR LTY- Ta -PURCHASE- REAL _ PROPERTY NAME OF PROPOSITION 3 Passed Sufficient votes was Defeated ,Wi..7=7 CLII Having utticient votes Not Received Received Having Sufficient votes Not Received In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands ond affixed the Seal of the CPUNTY of OAKLAND (County, City, Township or Village) (County, City, Township or Village) this day of AUGUST in the year one thousand nine hundred and__--seventyreight • BOARD OF CANVASSERS CHAIRMAN OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS.