HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2005.05.03 - 4489• CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF OXFORD CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE REGULAR ELECTION HELD ON MAY 3, 2005 CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS • OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN • • 11111. PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05/13/05 02:10 PM 1401 OXFORD CHRT TWP 01 VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL . .... . 2275 BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL. 511 VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL . .... 22.46 OXFoRD AREA COMMUNITY SCUCOLS - ROE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN n 2 LEE BARCLAY 264 38,6t, ANTHONY DAVID GIANNOLA 173 25.33 PAMELA PHELPS 246 36.02 WRITE-1N 0 WRITE IN 0 OXFORD FIRE EMERGENCY VOTE FOR NOT MnRF THAN 0 1 YE s 269 53.48 NO 234 46.52 OXFORD LIFE SUPPORT VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 250 53.60 NO 232 46.40 OXFORD BOND tIRE VEHICLE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 199 39.72 NO 302 60.28 OXFORD BOND FIRE STATION ADDITION VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES ... .. - . . 160 31.94 NO 341 68.06 OXFORD SCHOOL MILLAGE 'VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 322 63.64 NO. „ , ...... 184 36.36 • • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 PUN DATE:05/13/05 0210 PM 1402 OXFORD CART TWP 02 VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL 1946 BALLOTS CAST TOTAL 212 VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL 11.92 OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS - ROE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 2 LEE BARCLAY 117 39.93 ANTHONY DAVID CIANNOLA 63 21.50 PAmELA PHELVS 113 38.57 WRITE-IN 0 WRITE-TN OXFORD FIRE EMERGENCY VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 145 64.73 NO 79 15.27 OXFORD LIFE SUPPORT VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 I YES 146 85.20 NO 79 34.80 OXFORD BOND FIRE VEHICLE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 123 54.42 NO 103 45.56 OXFORD BOND FIRE STATION ADDTTION VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 99 43.81 NO 12-1 '16.19 OXFORD SCHOOL MELLAGE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 146 63.20 NO ..... 85 36.80 VOTES PERCENT 2194 412 19.69 PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05/13/05 0210 PM 1403 cxFoRn cRRT TRF 03 RECTSTERED VOTERS - TOTAL BALLOTS CAST TOTAL. . VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL . LAKE ORIuN COMM SCHOOL DIST - POE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 siEvE tAwLEss . ...... . 42.11 JIM WEIDMAN 10 52.63 wRITE-IN 1 5.26 OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS •- RoR VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 2 LEE BARCLAY 204 38.64 ANTHONY DAVID GIANNCLA 155 29.36 PAMELA PRELPS 169 32.01 WRITE-IN wRITE-IN 0 LAKE ORION comm scHooL DISTRICT - BCE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 I WILLIAM WALTTRS 14 93-31 WRITE-IN 1 6.67 OXFORD FIRE EMERGENCY VOTE FOR NOT MORE TRAN 0 1 YES 251 59.62 NO. 170 40.38 OXFORD LA.FE SUPPORT VOTE FoR Nor MORE THAN 0 1 61.88 NO 162 38.12 OXFORD BOND FIRE vERIcLE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 223 53.35 NO . 195 46.65 OXFORD BOND FIRE STATION AHF1T1ON VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 174 41.13 No 249 58.87 • • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 23C5 RUN DATE0/13.105 02;10 PM 1403 OXFORD CHRT 0-.) VOTES PERCRNT OXFORD SCRCOL MILLAGE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN () 1 YES 298 74,69 NO 101 LAKE ORION COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 i YES 19 63,33 NO 11 36.63 S PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, HICRTGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05/11/05 0210 PM )404 OXFORD CHAT TWP 04 VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS • TOTAL 2107 BALLOTS CAST • TOTAL 492 3OTER TURNOUT - TOTAL 23.35 LAKE ORION COHN SCHOOL DIST - DOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 STEVE LAWLESS 1 33.33 J IM WEIDMAN 2 66.61 WRITE-TN OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS - DOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN V 2 LEE BARCLAY 255 43.22 ANTHONY DAVID GIANNOLA 118 23,39 PAMELA PHELPS 194 32.88 WRITE-IN 3 .t1 WRITE-IN LAKE ORION Comm SCHOOL DISTRICT - ROE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN () 1 WILLIAM WALTERS 3 100.00 WRITE-1N 0 OXFORD FIRE EMERGENCY VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 289 52.55 NO 179 37.4fi OXFORD LIEE SUPPORT VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 297 52.00 NO 182 18,00 OXFORD BOND FIRE VEHICLE VCTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 261 54.60 NO 217 45.4C OXFORD BOND FIRE STATION ADDITION VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 204 42.50 NO 2'16 t7.50 • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN spEcIAL KLECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN CATE:05/13/05 0210 FM 1404 OXFORD CHRT TWP 04 VOTES PERCENT OXFORD SCHOOL MILLACT VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 36fi NO 119 24.59 LAKE ORTON COMMUNITY Sr.BOOL DISTRICT VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 5 93.1.3 NO 1 16.67 • • • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05/13/05 02:10 PM 1405 oxFoRn CHRT TWP 05 VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL 1355 BALLOTS CAST - ToTAL. 122 \.r.TER TURNOUT - TOTAL, 9.00 LAKE ORION COMM SCHOOL 01ST - ROE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 STEVE LAWLESS 30 56.60 Jim wRirmAN .. . _ - - - • - 22 41_51 WRITE -IN 1 1.89 OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS - DOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 2 LEE BARCLAY 31 41.33 ANTHONY DAVID OTANNOIA 18 24.00 PAMELA PHELPS 25 33.33 WRITE-IN 1 1.33 WRITE. IN 0 LAKE ORION COMM SCHOOL DISTRICT - BOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 I WILT./AM WALTERS .. .. „ 50 100.00 WRITE-IN OXFORD FIRE EMERGENCY VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN () 1 YFF 61 52.59 NO 55 47.41 OXFORD LIFE SUPPORT VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YE 56 49.12 NC 58 50.88 OXFORD BOND FIRE VEHICLE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 56 49.12 NO 58 50.88 OXFORD BOND FIRE STATION ADDITION VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 . .... 42 37.17 NO 71 62.83 • • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELEcTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05/13105 02;30 pm 1405 OXFORL) CHPT 1WP 05 'VOTES PERCENT cxFoRD SCH4an MILLACE VOTE FOR NOT MOPE THAN 0 1 TE9 . ........ . . 44 8E1.00 No 11 2000. ['AKE oRloN commuNITY scHOoL DISTRICT voTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES HO . 49 "13.13 18 26.87 • PRECINCT REPORT CAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN RATEt05/13/On 0210 PM 1405 OXFORD CHRT TN? 06 VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL 1901 BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL. . . .... . 409 VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAI 21.45 LAKE ORION COMM SC11001. 01ST - ROE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 STEVE LAWLESS 5 29.41 JIM WEIDMAN 11 64.71 WRITE-IN 1 5.89 OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS - BOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 2 LEE BARC1AY 209 41.130 ANTHONY DAVIE) GIANNCLA 231 26.20 PAMELA PHELTS 160 32.00 WRITE-IN 0 LAKE ORION COMM SCHOOL DISTRICT - BOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 WILLIAM WAITERS 15 93.35 WRITE-IN 1 6.25 OXFORD FIRE EMERGENCY VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 234 58.65 NO 165 41.35 OXFORD LIFE SUPPORT VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 223 55.47 NO 179 44.53 OXFORD BOND FIRE VEHICLE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 194 46.74 NO 204 OXFORD PCOM FIRE STATION ADDITION VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES Fe, 142 35.65 256 64.32 • • PRECINCT REPORT OAffLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN EATE:05/13/05 02:10 PM 1406 OXFORD CHRT TWP 06 VOTES PERCENT OXFORD SCHOOL MILLAGE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 2.!,9 6745 NO 125 LAKE oRIoN CrIIMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT voTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 15 62.50 No 17.50 • • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05113/05 02:20 PM 1407 OXFORD CHAT TWP 07 VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL 1257 BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL 233 VOTER TURNOUT - TOT A1 78.54 OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS - DOE. VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 2 LEE BARCLAN 106 3!).69. ANTHONY DAVIE Oik.NNOLA 75 25.25 PAMELA PHELPS 114 38.38 WRITE-IN 2 .67 WRITE-TN OXFORD FIRE EMERGENCY VOTE FOR NOT MORE 'PHA& 0 I YES 138 62.16 NO . ..... . 84 37.84 OXFORD LIFE SUPPORT VOTE FOR NOT MORE TMAA 1. YES 140 62.22 vn 85 37.18 OXFORD BOND FIRE VEHICLE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YE 139 61.78 NO 86 38.22 OXFORD BOND FIRE STATION ADDITION VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 115 51.34 NO 109 48.66 OXFORD SC11001, MILLAGE VOTE FOR NOT MOEF THAN 0 1 YES 190 81.55 NO 43 18.4 • PRECTNCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05/13/C5 02:10 PM 1490 OXFORD CHRT TWP 080 VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAT. 0 BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL 916 LAKE ORION COMM SCHOOL 01ST - DOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 STEVE LAWLESS 33 50.00 JIM WEIDMAN 31 46.97 WRITR-IN. . . 2 3,03 OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS - DOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 2 LEE BARCLAY. 480 37.44 ANTHONY DAVID GIANNCLA . . 322 25_12 PAMELA PHELPS 478 37.29 WRITE-IN, 1 .08 WRITE-IN 1 .08 LAKE ORION COMM SCHOOL DISTRICT - HOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN () I WILLIAM WALTERS 56 98,25 WRITE-IN, 1. 1.75 OXFORD FIRE EMERGENCY VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 I YES 481 52.45 NO 436 47.55 OXFORD LIFE SUPPORT VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 444 48.74 NO. 467 51.26 OXFORD BOND FIRE VEHICLE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 430 46.89 NO 497 53.11 OXFORD BOND FIRE STATION ADDITION VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN () 1 YES 302 33.15 NO 609 66.85 • • PRECINCT REPORT LAND COUNTY, MIC1i1GAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:0/13/05 02:1C PM 1490 OXFORD CURT TWP 08C VOTES PERCENT -OXFORD SC1ACOL MTLLACE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YEE 396 47.37 NO 440 52.62 UWE ORION cOMMUNin LCWOL DISTRICT VOTE FCR. NCT MCPE THAN 0 1 YES .. ... .... 48 55,17 NO 39 •4.83 SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 VOTES PEPCYNT 1,918 57.25 1,402 42.74 • S • JURISDICTIONAL CANVASS RUN DATE:05/09/05 12;39 PM OXFORD FIRE EMERGENCY VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 01 YES 02 = NO 01 02 03 VOTES PERCENT 03 BALLOTS CAST =3,361 L401 OXFORD CIPT TWO 71 1402 OXFORD CIRT TWO n2 1403 OXFORD (DIRT TWO 03 1404 OXFORD CHRT TWP 04 1405 OXFORD COOT TWP 05 1406 OXFORD CHRT TWP 06 1407 OXFORD CERT TWP 07 1493 OXFORD CERT TWP 080 OXFORD LlYE SUPPORT VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 01 YES 02 - NO 1401 OXFORD CERT TWP 01 1402 OXFORD CERT TWO 02 1403 OXFORD CURT TWP 03 1404 OXFORD CHRT TWO 04 1405 OXFORD CERT TNP 05 1406 OXFORD CFIRT TWO 06 1407 OXFORD CURT 'MP 07 1490 OXFORD CERT TWP 08c _ - ------------- OXFORD BOND FIRE VEHICLE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 I 01 - YES 02 NO 1401 OXFORD CURT TWP 01 1402 OXFJRD CURT TWO 02 1403 OXFcRI.: CERT 'OWE' 03 1404 OXFORD CHRT TWP 04 1405 OXFORD cFRT TwF 85 1406 OXFORD (DIRT TWO 06 407 OXFORD CURT TWO OJ 1490 OXFORD CART TWO 08C 269 234 1.11 IIS -19 232 251 1j0 432 299 119 492 61 55 122 234 165 409 138 84 233 481 436 936 VOTES PERCENT 1,839 56.02 1,444 43_98 01 02 03 268 232 511 148 79 232 263 162 432 291 132 432 56 58 122 223 179 409 140 85 233 444 467 936 VOTES PERCENT 1,625 49.59 1,652 50.41 01 02 t9g 302 511 123 103 232 223 195 432 261 217 492 56 58 122 194 204 409 139 96 233 430 487 936 VOTES PERCENT 03 - BALLOTS CAST VOTES PERCENT 03 - EA1LOTS CAST 3,36/ SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3 0 2005 yoTES PERCENT 1,238 3 •.19 2,0.39 62.21 • • • JURISDICTIONAL CANVASS RUN DATE:05/09/05 12:39 PM oxFoRn RoND FIRE STATION AUDITION VoTE POP. NOT MORE THAN 0 1 01 YES 02 - NO 01 02 03 VOTES PERCENT 03 - RALLOTS CAST 3,367 1431 UXFOPU CIIRT TwP 01 160 341 .511 1402 OXFORD CART TWP 02 99 127 232 1403 OXFORD CIIRT TWP 03 114 249 432 1404 OXFORD CHRT TWP 04 204 276 492 1405 OXFORD CERT TWP 00 42 /1 122 1406 OXFORD CHRT TwR 06 142 256 409 1407 OXR0R0 CART TWP 07 115 109 213 1490 OXFORD CART Twp Cc 302 609 936 HE ItME ORE TOWNSHIP PRECINCT #1 BALLOTS CAST (LAPEER COUNTY) ELGIBLE VOTERS IN OAKLAND COUNTY OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS - BOARD OF EDUCATION VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN TWO (2) LEE BARCLAY ANTHONY DAVID GIANNOLA PAMELA PHELPS OXFORD SCHOOL MILLAGE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN ONE (1) YES NO METAMORA TOWNSHIP PRECINCT #2 BALLOTS CAST (LAPEER COUNTY) ELGIBLE VOTERS IN OAKLAND COUNTY OXFORD AREA .COMMUNITY SCHOOLS - BOARD OF EDUCATION VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN TWO (2) LEE BARCLAY ANTHONY DAVID GIANNO4A- PAMELA PHELPS 474 58 37 25 29 36 22 400 8 5 4 7 270 17 )RD SCHOOL MILLAGE FOR NOT MORE THAN ONE (1) 14 OXFORD SCHOOL MILLAGE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN ONE (I) YES NO 8 kPEER 61110, MICHIGAN NY 3, 200 ELECTION RESULTS 1YDEN TOWNSHIP PRECINCT #1 NLLOTS CAST (LAPEER COUNTY) LGIBLE VOTERS IN OAKLAND COUNTY KFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS BOARD OF EDUCATION DTE FOR NOT MORE THAN TWO (2) EE BARCLAY 0 NTHONY DAVID GIANNOLA 2 AMELA PHELPS lEN TOWNSHIP PRECINCT #1 (CON'T) )RD SCHOOL MILLAGE F.. FOR NOT MORE THAN ONE (1) 1 1 )EN TOWNSHIP PRECINCT #2 )RD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS - BOARD OF EDUCATION r. FOR NOT MORE THAN TWO (2) BARCLAY ' - 11 IONY DAVID GIANNOLA 9 MA PHELPS 11 OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION - MAY 3, 2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES LAKE ORION COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION - VOTE FOR ONE • FOUR YEAR TERM Was three thousand two hundred seventy-one 3,271 JIM WEIDMAN received two thousand votes STEVE LAWLESS received one thousand two hundred seventy-one votes 2.000 1.271 TOTAL votes 3,271 The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION • VOTE FOR ONE - PARTIAL TERM ENDING 0613012006 was three thousand forty-nine 3,049 WILLIAM WALTERS received three thousand forty-nine votes 3,049 TOTAL votes 3,049 Regular Election - May 3, 2005 OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION - MAY 3, 2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION - VOTE FOR TWO - FOUR YEAR TERM was five thousand seven hundred forty six 5,746 LEE BARcuky received two thousand two hundred twenty seven 2,227 PAMELA PHELPS received two thousand forty 2,040 ANTHONY DAVID GIANNOLA received one thousand four hundred seventy nine 1,479 n1r TOTAL votes 5,746 DeenddIkr Clusa.gorri - 'I 141fIL OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION - MAY 3, 2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES OXFORD TOWNSHIP The whole number of votes given for and against the NEW ADDMONAL MILLAGE FOR FIRE PROTECTION AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Shall the total tax rate limitation on general ad valorem taxes as provided by law within the Charter Township of Oxford, Oakland County, Michigan, be increased by 1.5 mills (1.5 mills being equal to $1.50 per $1,000 of state taxable value) for a period of five (5) years beginning with the December 2005 tax levy through the December 2009 tax Jew to be disbursed to the Township for the purpose of providing operating funds for fire protection and emergency medical services for the Charter Township of Oxford, which new millage shall be levied in lieu of and to replace the previously voted millages for fire protection and emergency medical services which, after the required rollback, last resulted in levies of 1.1765 mills and .1278 mills respectively, and shall the Township levy an amount not to exceed such increase in millage for such purpose during this period, which will raise in the first year if levied an estimated revenue of One Million One Hundred Thousand Four Hundred and 25/100 Dollars ($1,100,400.25)? was three thousand two hundred eighty votes 3,280 of which number one thousand eight hundred seventy-eight votes were marked YES votes 1,878 and one thousand four hundred two votes were marked NO votes 1,402 TOTAL votes 3,280 • Regular Election - May 3, 2005 votes votes votes TOTAL votes 3,283 1,839 1,444 3,283 OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION - MAY 3, 2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES OXFORD TOWNSHIP The whole number of votes given for and against the NEW ADDITIONAL MILLAGE FOR ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT SERVICES Shall the total tax rate limitation on general ad valorem taxes as provided by law within the Charter Township of Oxford, Oakland County, Michigan, be increased by 1.0 mills (1.0 mills being equal to $1.00 per $1,000 of state taxable value) for a period of five (5) years beginning with the December 2005 tax levy through the December 2009 tax levy to be disbursed to the Township for the purpose of providing operating funds for Advanced Life Support (ALS) services for the Charter Township of Oxford, and shall the Township levy an amount not to exceed such increase in millage for such purpose during this period, which will raise in the first year if levied an estimated revenue of Seven Hundred Thirty Three Thousand Six Hundred and 17/100 Dollars ($733,600.11)? was three thousand two hundred eighty-three of which number one thousand eight hundred thirty-nine votes were marked YES and one thousand four hundred forty-four votes were marked NO • • Regular Election - May 3. 2005 votes votes votes TOTAL votes 3,277 1,625 1,652 3,277 OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION - MAY 3,2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES OXFORD TOWNSHIP The whole number of votes given for and against the BOND PROPOSAL • FIRE VEHICLE Shall the Charter Township of Oxford, County of Oakland, Michigan, borrow the sum of not to exceed $375.0100.00 and issue its general obligation unlimited tax bonds therefor, payable in not to exceed five (5) years from date of issuance, for the purpose of paying all or part of the costs of acquiring a pumper fire vehicle? The estimated millage to be levied in 2005 is .10 mills ($.10 per $1,000 of taxable value) and the estimated simple average annual millage rate required to retire the bonds is .11 mills ($0.11 per $1,000 of taxable value). was three thousand two hundred seventy-seven of which number one thousand six hundred twenty-five votes were marked YES and one thousand six hundred fifty-two votes were marked NO • Regular Election - May 3, 2005 OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION - MAY 3,2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES OXFORD TOWNSHIP The whole number of votes given for and against the BOND PROPOSAL • ARE STATION ADDMON If the Ballot Proposal for 'New Additional Millage for Advanced Life Support Services" passes at the election on May 3, 2005, shall the Charter Township of Oxford, County of Oakland, Michigan, borrow the sum of not to exceed $595,000.00 and issue its general obligation unlimited tax bonds therefor, payable in not to exceed five (5) years from date of issuance, for the purpose of paying all or part of the costs of constructing an addition to the main fire station located at 96 North Washington Street, Oxford, Michigan? The estimated millage to be levied in 2005 is .17 mills ($.17 per $1,000 of taxable value) and the estimated simple avenge annual millage rate required to retire the bonds is .17 mills ($0.17 per $1,000 of taxable value). was three thousand two hundred seventy-six votes 3,276 of which number one thousand two hundred thirty-eight votes were marked YES votes 1,238 and two thousand thirty-eight votes were marked NO votes 2,038 TOTAL votes 3,276 • Regular Election - May 3, 2005 OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION - MAY 3, 2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES LAKE ORION COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT The whole number of votes given for and against the OPERATING folILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL EXEMPTING PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE AND QUAUFIED AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY This millage will allow the school district to continue to levy the statutory rate of 18 mills on all property except principal residence and qualified agricultural property required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation guarantee. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, exempting therefrom principal residence and qualified agricultural property as defined by law, in Lake Orion Community School District, Oakland County, Michigan, be increased by 18 mills ($18.00 on each Si ,000.00 of taxable valuation) for a period of 10 years. 2005 to 2014, inclusive, to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2005 is approximately $9,300,000 (this is a renewal of millage which expired with the 2004 tax levy)? was three thousand nine hundred thirty-three votes 3,933 of which number two thousand eight hundred ninety-six votes were marked YES votes 2,896 and one thousand thirty•seven votes were marked NO votes 1,037 TOTAL votes 3,933 • • Regular Election - May 3, 2005 OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION • MAY 3, 2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS The whole number of votes given for and against the OPERATING MILLAGE PROPOSAL EXEMPTING PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE AND QUALIFIED AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY This proposal will enable the school district to levy the statutory rate of 18 mills on all property except principal residence and qualified agricultural property required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, exempting therefrom principal residence and qualified agricultural property as defined by law, in Oxford Area Community Schools. Oakland and Lapeer Counties, Michigan, be increased by 2.3549 mills ($2.3549 on each $1,000.00 of taxable valuation) for a period of 2 years, 2005 and 2006, to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2005 is approximately $645,779 (this miliage is to restore rnillage lost as a result of the reduction required by the Michigan Constitution of 1963)? was four thousand one hundred forty votes 4,140 of which number two thousand five hundred thirty•two votes were marked YES votes 2,532 and one thousand six hundred eight votes were marked NO votes 1,608 TOTAL votes 4,140 • • Regular Election - May 3, 2005 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION The Oakland County Board of Canvassers, having canvassed the votes of LAKE ORION COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT at the Regular Election, held on the 3rd day of May, Two-Thousand Five, hereby determine, That JIM WEIDMAN having received the largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF LAKE ORION COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT That WILLIAM WALTERS having received the largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF LAKE ORION COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT 15 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION The Oakland County Board of Canvassers, having canvassed the votes of OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS at the Regular Election, held on the 3rd day of May, Two-Thousand Five, hereby determine: That LEE BARCLAY having received the largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS That PAMELA PHELPS having received the second largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS • • 79 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION OXFORD TOWNSHIP NEW ADDITIONAL MILLAGE FOR FIRE PROTECTION AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES The OAKLAND COUNTY Board of Canvassers having canvassed the votes of at the REGULAR ELECTION, held on the 3rd day of MAY, TWO THOUSAND FIVE hereby determine: • Having RECEIVED sufficient votes was PASSED Shall the total tax rate limitation on general ad valorem taxes as provided by law within the Charter Township of Oxford, Oakland County, Michigan, be increased by 1.5 mills (1.5 mills being equal to $1.50 per $1.000 of state taxable value) for a period of five (5) years beginning with the December 2005 tax levy through the December 2009 tax levy to be disbursed to the Township for the purpose of providing operating funds for fire protection and emergency medical services for the Charter Township of Oxford, which new millage shall be levied in lieu of and to replace the previously voted millages for fire protection and emergency medical services which, after the required rollback, last resulted in levies of 1.1765 mills and .1278 mills respectively, and shall the Township levy an amount not to exceed such increase in millage for such purpose during this period, which will raise in the first year if levied an estimated revenue of One Million One Hundred Thousand Four Hundred and 25/100 Dollars ($1,100,400.25)? • CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION • OXFORD TOWNSHIP NEW ADDITIONAL MILLAGE FOR ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT SERVICES The OAKLAND COUNTY Board of Canvassers having canvassed the votes of at the REGULAR ELECTION, held on the 3rd day of MAY, TWO THOUSAND FIVE hereby determine: Having RECEIVED sufficient votes was PASSED Shall the total tax rate limitation on general ad valorem taxes as provided by law within the Charter Township of Oxford, Oakland County, Michigan, be increased by 1.0 mills (1.0 mills being equal to $1.00 per $1,000 of state taxable value) for a period of five (5) years beginning with the December 2005 tax levy through the December 2009 tax levy to be disbursed to the Township for the purpose of providing operating funds for Advanced Life Support (ALS) services for the Charter Township of Oxford, and shall the Township levy an amount not to exceed such increase in millage for such purpose during this period, which will raise in the first year if levied an estimated revenue of Seven Hundred Thirty Three Thousand Six Hundred and 17/100 Dollars ($733,600.11)? • • CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION • OXFORD TOWNSHIP BOND PROPOSAL - FIRE VEFIICLE The OAKLAND COUNTY Board of Canvassers having canvassed the votes of at the REGULAR ELECTION, held on the 3rd day of MAY TWO THOUSAND FIVE hereby determine: Shall the Charter Township of Oxford, County of Oakland, Michigan, borrow the sum of not to exceed $375,000.00 and issue its general obligation unlimited tax bonds therefor, payable in not to exceed five (5) years from date of issuance, for the purpose of paying all or part of the costs of acquiring a pumper fire vehicle? The estimated millage to be levied in 2005 is .10 mills ($.10 per $1,000 of taxable value) and the estimated simple average annual millage rate required to retire the bonds is .11 mills ($0.11 per $1 ,000 of taxable value). Having NOT RECEIVED sufficient votes was DEFEATED • • CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION OXFORD TOWNSHIP BOND PROPOSAL - FIRE STATION ADDITION The OAKLAND COUNTY Board of Canvassers having canvassed the votes of at the REGULAR ELECTION, held on the 3rd day of MAY, TWO THOUSAND FIVE hereby determine: If the Ballot Proposal for New Additional Millage for Advanced Life Support Services passes at the election on May 3, 2005, shall the Charter Township of Oxford, County of Oakland, Michigan, borrow the sum of not to exceed $595,000.00 and issue its general obligation unlimited tax bonds therefor, payable in not to exceed five (8) years from date of issuance, for the purpose of paying all or part of the costs of constructing an addition to the main fire station located at 96 North Washington Street, Oxford, Michigan? The estimated millage to be levied in 2005 is .17 mills (S.17 per $1,000 of taxable value) and the estimated simple avenge annual millage rate required to retire the bonds is .17 mills ($0.17 per $1,000 of taxable value). Having NOT RECEIVED sufficient votes was DEFEATED • • f CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION LAKE ORION COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL EXEMPTING PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE AND QUALIFIED AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY The OAKLAND COUNTY Board of Canvassers having canvassed the votes of at the REGULAR ELECTION, held on the 3rd day of MAY, TWO THOUSAND FIVE hereby determine; Having RECEIVED sufficient votes was PASSED This miliage will allow the school district to continue to levy the statutory rate of 18 mills on all property except principal residence and qualified agricultural property required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation guarantee. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, exempting therefrom principal residence and qualified agricultural property as defined by law, in Lake Orion Community School District, Oakland County, Michigan, be increased by 18 mills ($18.00 on each $1,000.00 of taxable valuation) for a period of 10 years, 2005 to 2014, inclusive, to provide funds for operating purposes: the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the millage is approved and levied in 2005 is approximately $9,300,000 (this is a renewal of miliage which expired with the 2004 tax levy)? • • • • CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION OXFORD AREA COMMUNITY SCHOOLS OPERATING MILLAGE PROPOSAL EXEMPTING PRINCIPAL RESIDENCE AND QUALIFIED AGRICULTURAL PROPERTY The OAKLAND COUNTY Board of Canvassers having canvassed the votes of at the REGULAR ELECTION, held on the 3rd day of MAY, TWO THOUSAND FIVE hereby determine; This proposal will enable the school district to levy the Having RECEIVED sufficient votes was PASSED statutory rate of 18 mills on all property except principal residence and qualified agricultural property required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property, exempting therefrom principal residence and qualified agricultural property as defined by law, in Oxford Area Community Schools, Oakland and Lapeer Counties, Michigan, be increased by 2,3549 mills ($2.3549 on each $1,000.00 of taxable valuation) for a period of 2 years, 2005 and 2006, to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect if the mIllage is approved and levied in 2005 is approximately $645,779 (this millage is to restore millage lost as a result of the reduction required by the Michigan Constitution of 1963)? CH OF CANVASSEILS CHAIRPERSON OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS CLERK OF BO CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION • In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the OAKLAND COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT the 10th day of May, in the year Two Thousand and Five. OAKLAND COU,Nly BOARD OF CANV,FrTERSTh _ \ CLERKROO\ CANVASS PAG ES \ CERTiFiCATE OF DETERmiNATION.cloc