HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1972.11.07 - 4508TOWNSHIP OF OXFORD NOVEMBER 7, 1972 1 1 lr!IIE ELE HELD ON . GENERAL NOVEMBER 7, 1972 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXUXXXXXXXXXXM MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East 7Tle Ro KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-398 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary or Special Election OWNSHIP SUPERVISOR ROBERT W. CLACK OWNSHIP TRUSTEE ) JEANNE L. MARTIN (R) HARRY CLAYPOOL OWNSHIP CONSTABLE ) ELROY W. CONVERSE PAUL COOK WENDELL FRANK HILL LaVERN ROBINSON IBRARY BOARD EILEEN GENSLEY E. DAVID JARIS OFFICE AND CANDIDATE NAMES PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER lgr TOTALS OWNSHIP CLERK KR) CLARA J. SANDERSON OWNSHIP TREASURER ) DIANA C. TURNBULL 4: 1 I TOWNSHIP OF OXFORD STATEMENT OF VOTES PUT FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN The whofe number of votes rliven for t eoffic(?of TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR (Two year term ii votes 1; votes II votes i! (R) ROBERT W. CLACK received dived cived votes received ed (R) CLARA J. SANDERSON E...0 receiv TOTAL vote --- votes (R) DIANA C. TURNBULL received — :eived TOTAL votes votes votes votes q 1 TOWNSHIP OF OXFORD STATEMENT OF VOTES WCIS ey were grve rr me Miro TOTAL oiven tor votes 11 TOWNSHIP CLERK (Two year term ronov, votes ote5. TOWNSHIP TREASURER (Two year term -,r ,:rneo persor - II __e Vote for not more than one TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE (Four year term and rney we, ror me onowing persons: (D) JEANNE L. MARTIN received (R) HARRY F. CLAYPOOL rec received received :e ived TOTAL votes 1 votes votes votes votes votes votes votes i; votes votes 1 votes votes ii 11 TOWNSHIP OF OXFORD STATEMENT OF VOTES Vote for not more then four he whole number of votes given for the office of TOWNSHIP CONSTABLE (Two year term PUT FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN was , and they were given For the following named persons: (R) ELROY W. CONVERSE received •votes : (R) PAUL COOK reoeiveo votes - ..e . , .-..,..-- (R) WENDELL FRANK HILL receivei: votes • -4, , 11 (R) LaVERN ROB I NSON--- - 'TO AL votes . .. Vote for not more b The whole number of votes given for the office of L i bRARY; B6ARB r Year Term was * . --i 1 and they were given for the following name perTc, ., , , I (R) E I LEEN GENSLEY rev; :i vtes .; o .1 . i i (R) E. DAVID JAR I S receive , ,,, ... received votes 1! tec.eve. votes received votes recevet:f votes received votes I I I received votes rect,:,,ri,d votes received: votes TOTAL votes . The whole number ol votes given for the office of was and they were given for the foll:;:vving named persons: received votes received votes received votes TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given for the ()Vice o was 1- and they were given fi the following narn=7,1 persons: 1,;ceived votes ceived votes i received votes received votes TOTAL The whole numb m for and against the STATEMENT OF VOTES PUT FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN noacocuoyeloingo(04xxxxaciaiNgut,xtu TAX LIMITATION liShall the limitation on the total amount of taxes which may be assessed each year _ e ;,02 against property in the Township of Oxford, County of Oakland, State of Michigan, be increased as provided in Section 6 of Article IX of the Constitution o' the State of Michigan for the years 1972 to 1991, both inclusive, not to exceed 75/1000 of one per cent each year ($.75 per $1,000.00) of the assessed valuation, as state equalized, for the purpose of the purchasing, developing, maintaining and/or operating parks and recreational sites and facilities? , „ „ : Shall the limitation on the toial gel val-reia iiipc,12,1 upon real and tangible persinial pi Terty lc,cated within Oxford Townsnitp. Oaldand Cour:ty, Michigan, be increased for a teriod of ten (JO) years from 197i3 through 19A, inclusive, by two (2) mills of the nsses5ed valuation, as Slut: ec_ualize,d, for the purposes of establishing a Public Service District and defray:ng the expenses of purchasing of motor vehicles and equipnwnt, housing for same and maintenance tl3P7eof, to provide the cost of p, 1nel and oiiTir or--irations to efLr and inaintain a fire df-T,-irtirert and othor ices for Orford ToNims.ip? of which number votes were morl<e -- VES votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, e whole number c,otes (liven for c mu:34)st the cf Amick number . votes were marked YES res were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, was of which number v,,,es were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES. That votes is el That- - _ es is el Th, TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR TOWNSHIP CLERK lorE.lest numbr: I! 11 _having 11E:,:, our year Term is elect 1 111 1 votes is gest number of _ number of TOWNSH I P TRUSTEE TOWNSH I P CO9STABLE (Two year Term TOWNSH IP CONSTABLE wo year Term votes 'CleSr TOWN_S_H1P__UNSTABLE__ Two year _tem/ _ votes if umbel" _ _TOWNSH I P CONSTABLE_ Two_ _year. _term votes votes is 11.• _ votes That . votes ii _— votes i ected ceived the large:st number of ved the largest number of the number ci CERTIFICATE OF DETNIHAATION STATE OF MICHIGA COUr7.77 or OAKLAND COUNTY OAKLAND ft (Count. having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of sold TOWNSHIP OF OXFORD t the GENERAL held on the 7th day of NOVEMBER Cf Election, one thousand nine hundred and seventy-two Do Hereby Certify and Determine 11 -Ff Board of Canvassers of t Townshi;:, or Vir,2 ,..3e) I OWNSH I P TREAS_URER number of LIBRARY BOARD (Six year term - 'gest tiumue of votes LIBRARY BOARD ( year term) number of ',Ayala received the largest number of votes is elected 14 PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER TOTALS PRECINCTS YES NO WaX ga YES NO YES 4 C . B. OLAW140,. 52(1400 TAX LMITATION oRni,N14041490.10: TOWNSHIP OF OXFORD NOVEMBER , 197 2 STATEMENT OF VOTES, TOTALS STATEMENT OF VOTES, PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER vote:; lz. fallowing Prop- were passed or defeated as indicad bk- NONE NANt'OS.DF RoPosmou NONE NAlie€ 4 NONE Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated Received Passed -ring Not Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated 474,•"-OVEIS7iiMBKVird•- . SEAL, in thetryear one thousand nine(hunclred and ____$e_vestty-two k Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands ond affixed the Seal of 4.1e_ COUNTY_ of OAKLAND vii:age) (County, City, Township or Village) this day of NOVEMBER ' CHAIRMAN. BOARD OF CANVASSERS ATTEST, \ TRIC CAN ,'AiSSERS. C.,•3f1.IRMAN OF BOARD OF CANVAStERS. having received the largest number of ?s §. received 4)e largest number of having received the largest number of l:aving received the largest number of havirT received the largest number of having received the largest number of having received the largest number of loving received the largest number of vote vatc Do Further Keret? Doftrminel NAle< PROP1 TAX LIMITATION • --q•••••••••••.-- , Sufficient votes was Receivea vereated NAM. OF PROPOS1TiON Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated