HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2000.11.07 - 4559TOWNSHIP OF ROSE CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE GENERAL ELECTION • NOVEMBER 7, 2000 CANVASSED BY THE OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF CANVASSERS OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7,2000 ROSE TWP OWNSHIP SUPERVISOR 'RECINCT BALLOTS REP 4UMBLR CAST CHESTER KOOP TOTAL 01 ct 02 POTAL 1,755 1,233 1,233 1,258 902 902 3,013 2,135 2,135 OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION -NOVEMBER 7, 2000 ROSE TWP PtiNs11113 CLERK INCI REP 1ER ALISON K. KALcEc TOTAL 1 1,228 1,228 2 898 898 2,126 2,126 12 AL S OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 ROSE TWP VVNSHIP TREASURER :INCT REP 3ER SUSAN J. SLAUGHTER TOTAL 1,229 1,229 911 911 2,140 2,140 • OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER T, 2000 ROSE 'RV WNSHIP TRUSTEE VOTE FOR TWO ,INcT REP REP 3ER DAVID DONALD GORDON J. WALLS II TOTAL t073 980 2053 786 726 1,512 AL 1,859 1,706 3,566 31 )2 AL OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER?, 2000 ROSE TWP • WNSHIP CONSTABLE VOTE FOR ONE ACT REP 3ER EMILE FIAIR TOTAL 1,168 1,168 870 870 2,038 2038, 1,859 1,706 3,565 OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 ROSE TWP The number of votes given for the office of TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR VOTE FOR ONE was Two thousand one hundred and thirty five and they were given for tie fo,lowing named persbns. REP CHESTER KOOP received Two thousand one hundred and t'irty five 2,135 TOTAL 2.135 The number of votes given 'or the office of TOWNSHIP CLERK VOTE FOR ONE was Two thousand one hundred and twenty six and they were gven for tne folowing named persons; REP ALISON K. KALCEC received Two thousand one hundred and twenty six 2,126 TOTAL 2,126 The number of votes given for the off ce of TOWNSHIP TREASURER VOTE FOR ONE was Two thousand one hundred and forty and they were given for the following named persons' REP SUSAN J. SLAUGHTER received Two thousand one hundred and forty 2,140 TOTAL 2,140 The number of votes given for the office of TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE VOTE FOR TWO was Three thousand five hundred and sIxty five and they were given for the following named persons. REP DAVID GORDON REP DONALD J, WALLS ll received One thousand eight hundred and fifty nine race vec One thousand seven -und red and six TOTAL The number of votes given for the office of TOWNSHIP CONSTABLE VOTE FOR ONE was Two thousand thirty eight and they were given br the following named persons. REP EMILE BAIR received Two thousam; thir.y e.ght 2,038 TOTAL 2,038 • • CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION The OAKLAND COJNTY Ezoard of Caniia55ers having canvassed the votes of ROSE TWP at the GENERAL ELECTION, held on the 7TH day of NOVEMBER, TWO THOUSAND nereby determine. That CHESTER KOOP having received the largest number of votes is eiected for the office of TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That ALISON K. KALCEC having received the 14rgest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP CLERK - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That SUSAN J. SLAUGHTER having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP TREASURER - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That DAVID GORDON having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That DONALD J. WALLS II having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 That EMILE BAIR having received the largest number of votes is elected for the office of TOWNSHIP CONSTABLE - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2004 • •-n YES tEC1NC IMBER NO TOTAL OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 ROSE TWP VIC CENTER BONO PROPOSITION 01 626 1,044 1,670 :1 02 559 653 1,212 DIAL 1,185 1,697 2,882 • OAKLAND COUNTY STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 7, 2000 ROSE TiNP The whole number of votes gven for anda gainst ttie CIVIC CENTER BONO PROPOSITION Shall the Township of Rose, County of Oakland. Michigan, borrow the sum of not' to exceed One Million Five Hundred ThoLSand Dollars, 41,500,090) and issue Ks general obligation unlimited tax bznyis therefore, payabie in not to exceed twenty (20) years from the date of issue, for the purpose of paying the cost of acquiring, constructing. furnishing and equipping a CiVIC center facility and related parking, access mad, well and septic system and site improveMents on property owned by the Tewnship7 The estimated millage to be levied 'n 2091 is .27 mills (50.27 per $1 000 of taxable %/aim) and the estimated simple aveTage annual millage rate required to retire the bonds is .61 mills ($0.61 per $1000 of texabie va.ue). was Two thousand eight hundred and eighty two of which number One thousand one nundred and eighty five votes were marked YES 1,185 and One thousand six hundred and nmely seven votes were marked NO 1,897 TOTAL VOTES 2,882 • • CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION The OAKLAND COUNTY Board of Canvessers havmg canvassed the votes of ROSE TVW at t.'le GENERAL ELECTION , heIrl on the 7TH day of NOVEMBER. TWO THOUSAND hereby determine: CIVIC CENTER BOND Having NOT RECE!VED sufterent votes was DEFEATED PROPOSIT)ON • LI • } 7 ?1,0- z.6.2 CI) CHAIRPERSON OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS e t CLERIS OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION In witness whereof. we have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Sea o! the OAKLAND COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT the day of NOVEMBER, in the year Two Thousard BOARDOF CA SSERS 6.? L. CHAIRPERSON J