HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1970.08.04 - 4567ROYAL OAK TOWNSH I P AUGUST 4, 1970 (DATE or ELECTION) ROYAL OAK TOWNSHIP AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS _COUNTY, MICHIGA :I' ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONER.S AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Rood KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M•398-PC CANVASSER BOOK—PRIMARY STATEMENT OF VOTES ROYAL OAK TOWNSHIP -- AUGUST 4, 1970 - PRIMARY PARTY OFFICE CANDIDATE NAMES PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER TOTALS DEMOCRATIC 21105_81 P SUPERVISOR Douglas V. Anderson Herman Burt Oscar C. jOnnson TOWNSHIP :: CLERK Vivian L Bel l : Carter li TOWNSHIP :::TREASURER: lAubrey :Dunn dJames :A. Rowe I,NOmari :Rowe TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE Pedro Ca in ..jOhn:5:on I!):arries ::H,:::LandrOrn Rdbert.:. Reynolds:: 7 1 :1 TOWNSHIP CONSTABLE Eddie Cleary Jol 1 ie Dixon, Jr. Lee C. Garrett Patrick Harris Robert Jackson Oliver Johnson I London Squalls [ David Thorns h Leon Tuck. J ames n. W illiamsw !A i: MEMBEROF :LIBRARY BOARD: :. A j Do l ores Cl ay, : I Clarence Henderson Mildred LinI : I Angelo Mitchrter, Jr. Fmma Robertcon Nancy Anne L. an i er (Wr te PARK COMMISSION Gloria Harris _Mari an „ Hende r son Janice Moore Dora Perry '7! STATEMENT.. OF 'VOTES • STATEMENT . . . • . • ••. . • .... • ro.i.mbor. pf Votes gt.v.e.fl by the PUT FigURES Party for concii.date,s t[;e office elf 14 1111. CtILUM4 cola the•V werè fo!lowing narriect:p or-,R§onzs 5tizEivitqc : Nt;MtiF Mvoi:rs ‘vv:RirrErtl:EK.•:woRDs . • • . • Ii TOI`AL e hoe numbet .,:rif votes given by the it OifiCE? Oi E.P.64-00..fer candidates for.) 02.:,•::•••••*17 A:44 and they were oven for the fa:lowing named persons FERS'')NS PECFIVING TiE VOTES NI *ABER' dF VOTES Vitti71 EN IN WORDS • rty for (.7c1ndidc11es for the office o e ntirobGr of' .votes: giyerkby..the,„ was and they were .given tor the-fiallowips:naniecipe .l'ioiw. • ,riz$c.iNs RECEWI?sld: THE...VOTES • :. • UNWEII: or vorEs.yourreNIN :wooris: ; ty. TOTAL : Pail* fc!f• car! d i d 6:tes tar the ote ol The whole n:umber:•p:f. by • • • • ..• ...• • • .• :•.. • ..••• • • • • . • .• • • • NUM UER:.Or VOTES.:WRitiEN... woRp .:. poi.sotis, • .ki;SON5 RECII*ING .1.!4t.:V.OMS • • : • • : of. v.dtes.•g.iy.eh••14y.the:P For candidates For the oFFice of kNcls em cf"tney !.7.7,rsq..::n For the tollowino nornecf persons:. VOTg :NLINABER,.:.0.i'..:VoTt5i..7.0111-04.:i4 WOODS., iri EISOR Et : IR 'PIM pi.umN -Pry for candidates for the office oL The ' t-i a tk e sla.m_er o! votes given „.,y ..e 41' arid: they were given Ccir the foqpifOilg i!...:(jrned,Pereri•s: : PERSONS RECEIVING' THE VOTES: : " NUNitIER OF V Oc:ES wir fl r °R.k 11 27 ° :4. 47, K., • L.L,41..•- • : Le* Val i xa.uini4emel..-veles-cli-vs,re--by the Para*-6r--erfnelielafcs • • ..3s ... • •••• • • • 411..•••••••••• ••• • • • • • *444+.464ors: ;04, 4... "ile-wh-ge-44e444.)aVo-ti-aates. 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PaTty foi: the office of ciing ('c t E.q.t Fie :!61..es namiilizil:ed: Pdy or the. Pori* f:Sr the oar o berr rute : i 5 il.r.Miriat!.!d. I: rtc roeived TA(e Tj 17.41.-.14ir.1:6,:ife <;cliididatp by cndiL by v F.24. •I5 0.1.•1 IL.f. • • cfrg,E71,:q. lit er ru The.:offi.to:.of... • .• , . , • .. J40.16 vd 1)001* (or:the:affic."..6 ai fiie. lar the: (r)f•fie of -L votsi is nomincited ..)r:qiiestio.i.!s:wer"e:pc,:lsse:::,4 or _ . efeated as iridicaieci NAME OF PROPOSITION , NAME OF PROPOSITION NAME OF PROPOSITION ic et voe "" 7"‘ f6ctea : Le Received - SijitjciOht: • .1.03.:)+A: qY.; 2 : . l vc:tp wa :RecOim1 s : , rosseci Deio Posse Defeated 1•1 Witpess Whereo oHixe, the • W herurita aL,is ortil IF ••-h•[••:.-l • • :irt.1.1..e•yoi::p.tff.i....41,-.).0u.S.eirt :41 ....p ..04(4rea.a.n . . . . . . . r :••••CLE'lg• OF BOARD OF• CANVASSERS.% •••• •• • • •• • •• • :• • • • • .. • • • • • • •:• :•• 1 • •••CRAIRM.AN- •BOA RD. oi...tAmvA.SERs.. • • •• •••••• • • • •••••• ••••••••••• •• • •••••• •• •••• •• •• •• • • •••:•• ••••••. ••• •:•••••. ••. • : . •••...„.. • : .• . • ••.• •••.