HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1996.08.06 - 4575CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF ROYAL OAK CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION HELD ON AUGUST 6, 1996 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN c) , 3:.• 3 n POLL BOOK TOTAL • _ 0 o 0 UR) —0 (GTI4E-e S cn - 0 - TOTAL = --0 , rn , x, -.1) ---7: .N.3 (0) JERRY L. SADDLER C• _ cs O(D) ''Ell3tliErAivi po TOTAL , __ - ----7--- ---WIrTML-------- - 7 (---) 13" Z : rg : (0) CARLENE A. ALLEN r- rn xi, (0) DARLINE BOLDEN — ..c......i (0) GWENDOLYN W. TURNER MP- _ —I Oa Us _ , ____ _,_____, - - 1,1 .r1 T I "I'll 1 I nJ1-/I.1 T 1/ J STATEMENT OF VOTES, CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF ROYAL OAK PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 6, 19' TREASURER TRUSTEE - VOTE FOR FOUR cza t if C E ' 6 1 cc 9} C LJ • : jj' - R' - j ° C PRECINCT 1 c--) -C --1 u_ Lu NUMBER •8 Ei2 ---- 4- .- ,. --, i.... -7 _, L,- t_A-1 a- gi PS PJ L.I- -,- -J Li_ at -J L,..; 0- Ll) il... . n < ;22 15 E S 11 IL) 2 g E E s -3-J a s s s I 0 I 015'6 I • 0 • 133 iqA 50 rri /38 /6( 66), .:66 • 1 i 31 0 /57 1 / 307 a 0 36 RAO /.5 ??6, (.;r 3 14 i i / 106 5 11113 I 0 0 54,1 1- D lc b o 33 32 35" '' 31 ,:q VS 0 ,, 7 'III MI NM I TOTAL WM 0 3633ai 5-‘89 imEgglignemire.g.ien•. ,.0 ESEIII .7 1470 11111111111111 11111111111111 1111 I I 1, , I I • I , _ I 1 1 _ _ I _ 1 - I _ I , I 1 , , 1 I 1 , , , 1 . 1 1 , 1.P, G --1 2 - M 0 C m .--i (..] r.) r—, E r) rn z 13 2, —I 1 I 11 I _________ 11 1 I I 111 I : II I : !c>: (TOTAL EVIN RalERE CURRY ›. MU k,-2-..&- ,..-6, (0) WAYNE MIN -o 2D I 111? I I I 1 1 1 o - tk ---. (D) JASE B. JOSHUA III • 111•I ?nil 1111II 11111 I I I 111 . -3'. El (D) BRIM K. RILEY v, 1 — I 1 I 1 I 11 115D •(% 7r. '11 1 (D) BELINDA ROYAL 'S 1 o (D) PAULuD.sSNIDER -‹ --I • 111111 „I. a II 11 1111111 1 31111 , m -,1 c) v, 1j - m I I I 1 i'l II 111 1 -_e_c_, sit, CD) TERENCE TURNER 7o >.< 11111 I I I li I II 1 1 I II I I IF IV (D) KAVIN L. WICKLIFFE 1111 I IIII. ME (D) SHIRLEY rt WINSTON 43 1- MEI 1 1 1 i 1 el 1... ,,, , r 1111111 1111 .. d ' 1 ir I il 1 III I 1 b 1 1 _II 1 1_ lllhIli.UIIIi TOTAL -111 I r1/41M1A1= 1 Id I C CHARIER INNSHIP Oh ROYAL OAK STATEMENT OF VOTES PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 6, 19! Put figures PartY for candidates for the office of SUPERVISOR inh u The whole number of votes given by the REPUBLICAN tis colurt VOTE FOR ONE was jliA0-6 1 r and they were given for the following named persons: , PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS t No Candidate Filed liii G 2. rid,/}14-) J110--b I - 3. .liii 4. _III 5. 1 1111.111111111111.1111 , 'Iii TOTAL 111; The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC Party for candidates for the office of SUPERVISOR liii / VOTE FOR ONE was j i , haMAZ4 / AI 1 .19 111 .... 0 and they were given for the following named person : PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1. JERRY L. SADDLER 2. ALVIN BERTRAM STEPHENS , I 1 o 5 ,.., 3. I I 4. I 5. liii 6. liii TOTAL I ri i The whole number of votes given by the REPUBLICAN Party for candidates for the office of CLERK VOTE FOR ONE I was illA / I and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS t No Candidate Filed WtttrAMIMIIIIIIIIraIMMMIMNM liii liii , 3. I 5. liii 6. I TOTAL 1 NJ 4,11 ...1111/.1111n 1111 II 11, 1 V 11, 4.1 Put figures The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC Party for candidates for the office of CLERK in this column VOTE FOR ONE aet/1/4/(Le Y70/ was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS . 1. CARLENE A. ALLEN Neel (3--)A-/--) / q 2. DARLINE BOLDEN s , AE.,,,idAid ,(2,/, 0 iv ; I' I 1 / di /(AWAA/, 'F-).t-t _ g.9 / 3. GWENDOLYN W. TURNER # ........ 0, • iiild i _. 5. . 6. TOTAL 7A °, The whole number of votes given by the REPUBLICAN Party for candidates for the office of TREASURER . _ VOTE FOR ONE was 6 and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1. No Candidate Filed 16("19 2. - . 3. 4. 5. 6. TOTAL 0 The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC Party for candidates for the office of TREASURER VOTE FOR ONE was (4(441 Hq and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS . L CYNTHIA A. PHILLIPS CAT', /.' I. A Ita, „./..L, 36 3 wowi ,..-,, . PATRICIA CROSS SINGLEY k orkw, / ..1,,d r .M., 621,e___ ... r • if . I i A .. . I lir 5 4. 5. 6. I TOTAL &fq 3.13 STATEMENT OF VOTES UHARILK IUWNSHIP Uh KUYAL UAK PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 6, 19 Put figures The whole number of votes given by the REPUBLICAN Party for candidates for the office of TRUSTEE in this column VOTE FOR FOUR was / _ and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS t No Candidate Filed 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ . 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. _ 10. 11. TOTAL / The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC Party for candidates for the office of TRUSTEE VOTE FOR FOUR / /kali 4/1/Alited Vi'(1(-(AA- igii n'1 I and they were given for the following named perso : PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUM R OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS /1. SANDY COLLINS 3/ , r - 2. DAVID FORD, JR. ' / f4dliodsi /14.4ad I 3i/ ,,...." 3. DEBRA ANN GASSAWAY-WALLS Mir i iNPOIrf9 i 7 4. ELIZABETH MC CLOUD / I ( of c; .6,4 1 ItaLatatil f Affif /WM , 3/ 3 5. FRANK MILES, JR. gifiL.M roAA.A.412 ij Irtaltatir FP Wir, 0 6, WILLIAM F. MORGAN / / / 1 3 0 L 7. LEWIS T. REYNOLDS ii, / t, ,,o , iiOr 9 tr / I 8. FRANCINE THURMAN ALLuir. A!itA R 4 444 n 9. 0 II I Ote_ . 1 10. , 11, TOTAL 4 -1) I I tIVItlY I Ul- Vt.) I tb Put figures 1 The whole number of votes given by the REPUBLICAN Party for candidates for the office of PARK COMMISSION in this column ' VOTE FOR SIX was D and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1. No Candidate Filed 2. 3, 4. l 5. _ 6. 7, 8. . 9. 10. 11. , TOTAL . 0 The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC Party for candidates for the office of PARK COMMISSION . VOTE FOR SIX as Mit.14aVd_ M D-71.)e./ and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS - 1. KEVIN ROMERE CURRY %NI / / 444/ i i 351 2. WAYNE HARBIN oe tie / *Ir, Y3 3. JASE B. JOSHUA III V . / /d a1 ...e 4. BRIAN K. RILEY 4 ' / / // 11 I , 3401 5. BE LINDA ROYAL P( / . A 9 6. PAUL D. SNIDER li Ga,vii,Ated 1 /, f, sif 7. WILBUR STONE If' gt qp B. TERENCE TURNER •Issill, ' 9. KAVIN L. WICKLIFFE AO d A03 / io. SHIRLEY M. WINSTON / i EW-__ 3A / 0A11fr 1 1. ..__,.ar i 3 TOTAL 131.511 4 -13 The Board of Canvassers of the COUNTY of OAKLAND (COUNTy. CITY. TOWNSHIP OR V IL.I.ALOR1 (coupiry. dry. TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGR candidate by the REPUBLICAN That candidate by the DEMOCRATIC candidate by the REPUBLICAN Party for the office of That candidate by the DEMOCRATIC Party for the office of That candidate by the That candidate by the DE candidate by t REPUBLICAN TRUSTEE Party for the office of That -IA, .. - candidate by the That candidate by the DESOCRATIC Jr. 1 —all r• • rtY fir the •ff'ce of TRUSTEE IYt ii i:' -/ office of TRUSTEE DEmIlr D MOCRATIC DEMOCRATIC OCRATIC AT IC Party for the office of TRUSTEE Party fo !Iv for me of TRUSTEE CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE 011 MICHIGAN. } COUNTY OF OAKLAND SS. COUNTY OF OAKLAND CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF ROYAL OAK 6TH leoupviv, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VI at the Primary Election, held on the day of AUGUST one thousand nine hundred and NINETY-SIX Do Hereby Certify and Determine That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated having Asbertained and Canvassed the Votes of said 1 REPUBLICAN candidate by the Party for the office of SUPERVISOR Z. failbt. That DEMOCRATIC candidate by the having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office of SUPERVISOR That That Party for the office of CLERK 22,r/re...Z2 Party for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated having received sufficient number of votes is nominated having received sufficient number of votes is nominated CLERK TREASURER having received sufficient number of votes is nominated TREASURER That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the REPUBLICAN Party for the office of TRUSTEE That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the REPUBLICAN Party for the office of TRUSTEE That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the REPUBLICAN Party for the office of TRUSTEE That -------- having received sufficient number of votes is nominated having received sufficient number of votes is nominated having received sufficient number of votes is nominated having received sufficient number of votes is nominated having received sufficient nurnber_of votes is nominated - " - having received sufficient number of votes is nominated That REPUBLICAN candidate by the Party for the office of PARK COMMISSION That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated REPUBLICAN PARK COMMISSION candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the REPUBLICAN Party for the office of PARK COMMISSION 7-P That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated PARK COMMISSION e office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated PARK COMMISSION candidate by the>) .EllOGRATIC ',Party for the That candidate by the DEMOCRA for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated PARK COMMISSION IC candidate by the DEMOCRATIC Party for the office ofPARK COMMISSION candidate by the That That candidate by the candidate by the That candidate by th That That e D MICRATIC VIM 13-rtyrtt7 office o PARK "_n• lakoCRATI I .1 Party if~f• ElvlOCRAT IC Party for the c? le/OL r the offic ofPARK COMMISSION having received sufficient number of votes is nominated fPARK COMMISSION having received sufficient number of votes is nominated OMMISSION having received sufficient number of votes is nominated having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Having Having the COUNTY (COuNTY. CITlaWNSHIP OR Vitt/LSE] this 2 canal claw oy -me K C.NU L ILAN rarty Tor me OTT1Ce OT VIKI1 1,U11111 JJ 1 Uri That candidate by the having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office of REPUBLICAN PARK COMMISSION Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: 1 2 3 4 5 6 NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE Received Not Received Received Not Received Received Having Not Received Received Not Received Received Having Not Received Received Having Not Received Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Having In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of of OAKLAND SEAL ATTEST: (COUNTY. CITY. TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE) day of AUGUST in tile yeip thous nd nine hundre , .nd NINETY-SIX Are;46 / •Ldrd 1 LOWIAPAP _ CHAIRMAN. BOARD OF CANVASSERS LEAK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS. CHAIRMAN OF BOARD Of CANVASSERS. 13•P