HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1984.08.07 - 4577TOWNSHIP OF IOYAL OAK CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION HELD ON August 7, 1981+ (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Rood • KALAMAZOO, MiCHIGAN STATEMENT OF VOTES, SUPERV I SOR : 2 41 3 !: I23. 3 4 151E' : -4-- 4 4 3 31 : 8vCI3 _1371 13(0, . . . . . . . . : ...•TOTALS.: --- ... STATEMENT OF VOTES, TREASURER PRECINCT NUMBER .AVCB TOTALS STATEMENT OF VOTES, PRECINCT NUMBER . , . . . • :•.Z3q AVCB • :'•••••••-' ...•• - 1::•••••••••:."-'1••••:•'. • • 1 T,.(1.. STATEMENT OF 'VOTES,. CONSTABLE - Vote for PRECINCT NUMBER i 9:10 1 ). 3.0 '1: a:7 to (0 : 35 1 2k, (e49 Ii :: rit41: i)37:1/64 .: 4 AVCB 1-OTALS ) ANTHONY L. REEVES! STATEMENT OF VOTES The Wheile:ournbei7::Of:OteS giY6i1::by the ::DE MOCRATiC: Party fdribahdidateS:for the:Office:Of : :SUPERV ISOR : Put figures in: ttiis:nolnnIFI: and::theNi. were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES : : : : " NUMBER OF ypTES:vv9EITTEN IN WORDS The ‘iith:Ole number of votes given by the :RiEPti:13:1_:I:CAN:: :Party :for.i:CandidateS :fo(the office of.::; Was and they were given for the following named persons: " PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES : : :1 : : : NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL The whole number of votes given In the Party for candidates for the office o was and:th?s,:were:gien :for: the :follOWirig:narriedipertons:i " PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES ": : : : NtialsER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN woRpp:: ...„ . . . ....... . VIVIAN BELL TOTAL STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number o votes giVer.i: by the :REPUB.:Li:CAW Partyfor cz.lrlditiate§. for :t!le:Off*:Of : CLERK Put figures in this column was and they were :given for the following ri:ptned perSons::: : PERSONS :RECEIVING THE VOTES " NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL -he:WhOle:nurnber:Of :votes: g iven by :DEMOC:RAT . Party for candidates for the office of TREASURER and they Were:.given:.:forihei:f0IlOWirig PERSONS RECE IVING THE : :Nump.:pt:QF ypT4s wRITTEN:IN:wpops: _ _ THOMAS D STATON: 2 MAURISSA THORNTON:: TOTAL: The whole number Of vbtes:6iVeo by the REPUBLICAN Party for candidates for the office of TREASURER was and they were given:fot:the::folloWing:naiTied OersOn:s.: , PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES j : : : NVIVIREFI:OF:VCITES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL Put figures in this column Party for candidates for the office of TRUSTEE The•Whole:n0Mber:Of votes given by the DEMOCRAT I C Vote for 4 and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 14iIIME:RoF:VOTgpWRITTEMEIN OOFIOS. PEDRO D. CAIN JAMES LANDRUM JE RRY whole number of votes given by the REPUBL I CAN TRUSTEE Party for candidates for the office Vote for was and:they:Were given for the following named FERSQNS:REcEivITsiO:TH: VOTE S : ::" : : " : : ::::Nt4MBER OF VOTES ifvFiTT!N IN:WOROS.: TOTAL _ CONSTABLE Party for candidates for the office o The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRAT I C : and:they Were given for the following riarriedperSans:::: PERSONS ReEivirqp. THE VOTES : : "NUMBER OF VOTES:WRITTEN:IN:WOROS EDD I E CLEARY ROBERT L. JACKSON DANIEL TOUNSEL KAV IN L. WICKLIFFE TOTAL STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given by the Put figures in this culurn Party for Candidates :for:: the Office CONSTABLE. Vote for and they were given for the fol .EloWirig:name4t(perSons;: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES : NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN: IN WORDS The Whole 00Mbei: of votCs given by the Party for candidates fO(tho :Offiiio of and IheY wore given for the 'following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES TEN IN WORDS NUMBER OF VOTES WRIT TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of anitt:they were:given:for the following named perSoriS: : y,risoNs RECEIVING THE VOTES : : " " NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN:IN:WORDS TOTAL Put figures 3 in this column 3 The whole number of voLes given by the DEMOCRAT Party for candidates for the office Of PARK COMM: I:SS I ON Vote for 6 was and they were given for the followihg narned:poistihs‘.. PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES: :: :NUMBER or VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS:: HUBERT BELL SHARON GLEATON ANTHONY L. REEVES KEITH STEPHENS ADOLPH V. WALKER TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the REpuB LI CAN : 1.::rty:fo.t.:candittateS f Or the office of PARK:::COMMISSI ON1:: Vote for 6 was ancl:they:wel-e given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES : NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN woRps : , : TOTAL •.• .:: • :That. __:_.. •••••..........••••.................... • ........ .........:;......,.....L ••• • • ....-.............1. -..............:::•,.........• . •••••••••••••••• •••• • ......: .• ••••••••••••• •::: .......j.: hav.ing. reCeiVed...SUfficierft:nuMber Of•votes...ls...erarnirlated....• candidate by ti.• •...REP.LIBL:I.•CAR• ••• • •••••• • •-.Partv....t-of the'•offi ce •••61.•::. ::TREA.S.U.:F(F.t......•:•••••• '....-••••..... ..... • '......:.........:......••••••••:••••• ••••::::..:••••••:•••••.:..........•............:.•••••.....: ..:••••••..... 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' • :•:::.• Par or the offibeiiof That ____..__ candidate by th floc RA I Party fox the office o having received sufficient number of votes is nominated TRUSTEE L.,Party : for the Office p Party for the office o C arty for the office ty for the office o - - having eceived sufficient niumhei of votes is nominated CONSTABLE . having received sufficient nuniber of votes is nominated CONSTABLE having received sufficient number of vote s is nominated TRUSTEE having received sufficient number of votes is nominated TRUSTEE Party for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated CONS TABLE CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE::017:MICHIGAN. COUNTY OF :OAKLAt±.1:1) The Board of Canvassers Of :the • CÖLIni " : : : : : C OUN:YV, CITY, sH OR vit,k,p,oE} : : " IC:OU NTT GITY, TOWNSH IP.: OR V having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said ..... : (4Z 61-flYTY, :CITY TOWN Oi.1.4 V ILL : at the Primary Election, held on the :7th: '!1 : Aug.":••'t :s! one thousand nine hundred and Do Hereby Certify and Determine )1-r 11 27/ That . candidate by the .1.E1ID_CRAT IC • ..41j....Hf 6.0 having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party 1r the office of::: • ••• .• • • .. .••••••. •• ..• • • ••• ...•••••••••••:•.••••• ..:.•• haVirig.received.suffici ent :number. of yptes...ls•porninated , That •:•••• Candidate. bY:the• RE:P.p13.0 Q•AN LL,to cut having received sufficient numbe r Of votes 'is nomi nated candidate by the DEMOCRATIC Parry for the office of " LERK That : " " : " having received stiffiCient:ntirnber Of votes is nominated cantlii.iat.. by the :..KE_UKLI: CAN Party ft-Jr: the office of : CLERK: : Party for the office oF U..P.E.R.VJ.Q • • ••••nn • ..• :• • •• •• • • .• :• . . ••. .••••• • • .• .• • .....• • . : That -411C"-I--11: candidate by the PPCI.,6-1 I Party for the office of •••• •••••• • • • having•••••:......,. TREASURER •:•••••..:....., .,::•.:..• • .:....... . That. candidate by the _11)_11.0.P.RAT I C : That ,.. : ........ . .....-_!..,.... :candidate:Oy :theE 11:. °.: 17.1,.._C.':::.i...::..: E:. :•:.. : That : : ••:. "-- candidate IN :i b„ .R. E.. ..P. y B.: 1.:,..I ..E .A. N_._ : ..... .. . That ..:....: :I : i .:: :_•._L.: candi:0 ,4te.::by. the REPUBL 1 CAN el i . having received sufficient number of votes is nominated . Party for the office of TRUSTEE . . LQ- having received sufficient number of votes is nominated ce of TRUSTEE having received su fficient nurnbe Party for the office a having received sufficient number of votes is nominated :Party:for::the affiee:o Party For the off of votes : is nominated TRUSTEE .•;TROT.E:.E ......That.:.. •candidate by the REPUBL ICAN :candidate by the RE PURL I:CAN: : ..::" That . : : Cti:•'i'...KA:( (:- ..._.._..... - ...._.... :o.aeirtidato by the .:.Pg110.CRAT:1 C : That : :candidate by the DEMOCRAT:1C: candidate by the RE PUBI- 1 CAN .. 7 ,P ... • • . sOiffiuierq number of vOtes is :nominated arty or the office Of :PARK COMKI $S1 ON sufficient number of votes is nominated P,rt for the fi of ARK CO.MMI.S. • • • • • • • • • 64: Pt for.,.4e...office of Ti _L., ,L.,,,,,, Party for the office 2 having received sufficient number of votes is nominated PARK havinciEreceiVed sufficient number of votes is nominated of PAIkk:: :CCIMHEISS:10:N ::::::: : : : : having received hay ing::received NAME OF :PROPOSITION . :NONE. ..Suffi.00.1t.ycite$•wa$ ..:Passed..•:.:: .Defeated.... That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the..-:...REPI.113t1.0 AN Party for:.th.e...OffiCe: fr) That • (3_ candidate having received Partyi,for the office of ....EARK___CMiti.I.55..1 ON sufficient number of votes is nominated That Candidate by the .:::D.P1OCRAT:1 C /!?1 That Candidate by the .: That :; candidate by the That . candidate by the _._ DEMOCRAT I C _r 1 c Party for the office of . P.:eily tor the office of Party for the office of DEMOCR(T IC T: That .:....: . 2.. . candidate by the REPUBL I CAN That : candidate by the - REPUBLICAN : :having received sufficient o :.PAR15; COMMISSION having received sUffiCient number of votes is nominated :PARK : COMMISSION That candidate by the votes is nominated . . having received sufficient number of votes is nominated PARK COMMISSION That candidate by the REPUBL I CAN Party for the office a having received sufficient number of votes is nominated PARK COMMISSION That candidate by the That " candidate by the RPB:1- I CAN That candidate by the REP UBL I CAN 1-1,n+ NAIVI:QF:PRpPosITION :: ..FNONE. having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office of PARK COMMISSION having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office of PARK COMM I SS ION having received sufficient number of votes is nominated PARK COMMISS ION having received sufficient_ ni_B:r1I2er of votes is nominated Received . .Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated REPUEiL I CAN Party for the of:flee:9 Received Having : :Not. Received Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set . • ••••• :.:••:. . . . . . ••• • . : • • ./.• • • :in the Year one thousand nine hundred and : : : : this - _ day o our hands and affixed : the Seal of : MINTY, CITY, TOWIV$I41r 00 VILLAG•E) 1 :e ••..ATTEST: 1---dLERK OF BOAFiL) OF CANVASSERS, 1 BOARD OF CANVASSERS cHAIRMAN 01: BOARD 01: CANVASSERS 8.P