HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1983.07.26 - 4586CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF ROYAL OAK CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE GENERAL E SPECIAL ELECTION HELD ON TUESDAY, July 26, 1983 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY IPC)11JELIIIJII 011g, ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Rood • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN STATEMENT OF VOTES CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF ROYAL OAK SPECtAL ELECTION TUESDAY, JULY 26, 1983 'POLFQ.E & FIRE MILLAGE'"piltros:imi.oN PRECINCT NUMBER 1 ,P; G STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of V.otes:tjiyeil:for: apOiaiiaiOst:th0 : :POLICE t: Ft RE Ml'LLAGE: : Put figures in this column ' Shall a special assessment district be created, consisting of aH of the lands _ajid premises w ithin .•:-Lrr.te..:••Towri.ship.:.•of-:.Roya t•Trig ::••• and maintaining the Police and Fire Divisions of the Department of public Safety, pursuant to 1981 P ''A 1951, as amended, and 33 P A l95l as amended, to allow the levy of an amount not to exceed, per year, ten (10) mills of the assessed value, as equalized, of all lands and premises within the township (lo 00 per $1,000 00 of State Lquälied VaTUéi) for police piotect ion and (per year) ten (JO) mills of assessed value, as equalized, of all land and premiseD within the Tcxinship (Sb O0per $1,000 &O of i.:S..1a..::(et..::.E.400.11 or a total of up to twenty (20) mills, br a period not to exceed ten (10) years was votes were marked YES arid votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against the . . . . . . . . . o which number VOUSWt .e .rniarked:y .E4. and votes • .:•• •.'• : . . . we re Marked.•:.NO.....: TOTAL VOTES, CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION SPA'rE OF MICHIGAN OAKLAND COUNTY OF :The. 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That the"follbwing Propositions or questions Were passed : Or defeated as indicate.d below •NAMEOF....PROpOSITION:..••• :.•• • POLICE & FIRE ••:M.1.11LAG•E:. • PROPOS17.1•ON..:•: ••.... • . • • • NANIE.:0:F:PR.QPOSITION,1 ,:: : . • . •• • . • • : •NONE • •: •• • .:. • ...• :• :..i• .. ... • ..:•••• • .• • • . • • . • •:".•:••..• • •NAmE.OF ..pROPOWION..::::.: ..:•:•••:•• • • . Passed „ Received Having Suflit ior)1 votes w as Received Passed Having --- Sufficient votes was Not Fieceiverl Defeated NONE Received : :Having : Sufficient voteS:Vvak Not : Received NAME OF PROPOSITION :Received . . .. Not Receivedi Sufficient votes was NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Not Received Sufficient VbfeS Was Sufficient votes was NONE,: Having Received Not Received Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of County of Oakland cxJrCYV, ..(cou-kro!., CItY. TOWNEtIIP OR yiLLAa..e) SEAL• ) A-7 this ___ 0 . day of July in thexeiir one thousand nine hundre9nd CI ghty7 th ree HA I RMAN: BOARD OF CANVASSERS .•ATTESTS 1./ J.. : ......;:c4.q..7...c.4...,,...v.;:-... ....: : : : ......;...v./..... : : : : : ::: : : i: ,.,4 (... i_EliK OF BOA8D:OF:icANNT:e.,5,-E..Rs. : : i i : ... ;,..../ ::::: ::: CHAIEVAP.NEOf 96ARD:OF cANyit.k.S.R.p7