HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1988.08.02 - 4642CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD ANVASS OF VOTES CAS AT THE HMARy ELECTION HELD ON AUGUST 2, 1988 (DATE OF ELECTION) .ND BY BOARD CH Ck-- :ASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICP'SAN MAW7ACTURED BY Jill 111113LERIS VAL 110 7LECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 7.ast Kilg 7 . rd • K.-1 .4AZOO, mic--- (53 k 1 TOTAL RUTH ANN HINES (R) LOIS J. STILES TOTAL nsv]a± n.n (D ) (R) COLLIN W. WALLS TOTAL (D ) m (R) J. CALVIN WALTERS WILLIAM T. WATKI TOTAL (o) JOE GORKA JOS I /113d11S `S310A 30 INR11131VIS ) GLEN J. VERMILYE 0 ) MARGARET A. BLOOM CHARLES OAKS ) NANCY STROLE Ph Ci CD -h 0 0 ) DENNIS J. VALLAD 1 I r- >1 < - Cf) Cr) - CD rt E. ROGER BOWER (R ) (R) BOB CLARK (R) HELEN E. CRAIG ) TIMOTHY DEAN HOLMES (D) (D) LL D) :(D) ( D) TOTAL (R) BETTY F. HULL (R) WILLIAM LEDDY 1 (R) HELEN F. VERG I N TOTAL__ Total Yes No ,No es No T Yes -4— - Yes : No Tl 'tt 4 ==.1 STATEMENT OF VOTES, CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD 1-] PROPOSITION I POLICE MI LLAGE _ - - , 11 PROPOSITION 2 I PROPOSITION 3 I OPERATING TAX LIBRARY BUILDING I PRECINCT NUMBER 2 3 4 AVCB TOTAL -4- 2.P Yes No Total H Yes No Total Yes No Tota; No Yes Total 4 11 !I STATEMENT OF VOTES, PREC n NIC 1 NUMBER ii 4 I I 2-P Put fos in this 1 1 for 1-.1 .)NSRECT TH E VC E NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1. 1 I T I , COLLIN W. WALLS 3 CHARTER T\ISH }P OF SFR STATEIV7V-:' OF VOTES ,--nber of votes given s DEMOCRAT I C Party fcr for the office of SUPERV I SOR -1- by th e REPUBLICAN CAN Party for r TOTAL -ice of SUPERVI SO per.,•!-Ls: PEONS RECEI1/ T .-:E VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS —I TOT 3. e whole riumbe. by the DEMOCRAT IC 5 for the CLERK • • i they . n )1- fo. PERSONS RECEIVI' livas :.ned persons: VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 2. TOTAL I 3P TOTAL Put figures in thic ...n.fttrvol I CLERK II I, II and they were --Allowing named TOTAL votes given by the DEMOCRAT I C TREASURER 1 The whole r by the REPUBLICAN THE VOTES and they E ON RUTH ANN HI NES LOIS J. STILES IBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS ii 4. STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole votes given by the REPUBL I CAN Party for candidates for the PERSC:'',L RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1 - J. CALVIN WALTERS 2, WILLIAM T. WATKINS 3 .,..rre given for th...• :• PERSONS RECEIVI:'.•!Li NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS JOE GORKA 2 4, 343 The whole - . :••:ven by Me DEMOCRAT I C Party for candidates for the office of TRUSTEE utfft GLEN J. VERMILYE le number of votes given by the REPUBL I CAN Party for for the office c TRUSTEE CHARTER SPR1NGF;ELD STATEMENT OF VOTES Vote for Four .rere given fc: • named • PERSONS RECL:..1!!‘!G THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTE-; WRITTEN IN WORDS 4 TOTAL 4 Vote for FOur • i„i the following narr.",: lr'lECEIVING THE VOTES - VOTES MARGARET A. BLOOM 2. CHARLES OAKS 3, NANCY STROLE DENNIS J. VALLAD T L 4,P - Vote for Six' and they PEFiS,3 T^-q:, VOTES as 1 NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN VVORDS STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole . DEMOCRATIC Party for the -5 PARK COMMISSION Put. fig..1,res in this crt_ TOTAL e •' • ')y the REPUBLICAN for the offlce nf PARK COMM' SS I 0 Vote for Six PEEr'...ar ECEiVING tS TESINR€TTEN E. ROGER BOWER BOB CLARK HELEN E. CRAIG 4, TIMOTHY DEAN HOLMES BETTY F. HULL WILLIAM LEDDY 7. HELEN F. VERG I N TOTAL 4,p CHARTFR OF SH ._D iENT OF VOTES and TOTAL VOTES, PROPOSITION 2 The vc number of %,-.;•::es given for and against the OPERATING TAX ! INCREASE Shall a library tax of 1 MILL (ONE) be levied for operating purposes of Springfield Township Library, within the overall legal library tax rate limitation of 2 mills, commencing with the fiscal year starting January 1, 1988? I was of which :Hui-lb -H votes were marked YES an votes were rnark.cd NO PRUNUS 11 The whole number of votes given for and against the Shall a one mill levy upon all taxable property within the Charter Township of Springfield, County of Oakland be renewed for a period of 10 years, for the years 1989 thru 1998 inclusive, for the purpose of maintaining, operating and improving Police Protection within the Township? POLICE MILLAGE PROPOSITION votes were marked YES votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, 6.P Shall a library building tax of 1 MILL (ONE) for capital purposes Li f Springfield Township Library be levied for 5 (FIVE) YEARS ONLY, within the overall legal library tax limitation of 2 mills, commencing wi th the fiscal year starting January 1, 1988? 11 1-7 , Was H 11 STATEMENT OF VOTES f1=- ii- Put PROPOSITION 3 LIBRARY BUILDING TAX 1' I1 [1 votes were marked YES and Vons W_:: TOTAL VOTES, The wh iber of -Icy( and against the !! ! ,,!hich number votes were marked YES ,,,Les were fnarked NO 1 !I 1 TOTAL varEs„ 6-P SS . of -s the OR VILLAGE) County (COUNTY GITY, OC.),NREARE OR Oakland The Board cr Curivassect the Votes of said _Charter Townski.ipof Springfield OUNTE, CITY", 1•,•, ,••:"P OR v ,LAGE eighty-eight 2nd day of ' REPUBLICAN CLERK DEMCRAT I C the having i• TREASURER lie office of ?ficient number of votes is nominated 11 . . having received sufficient number of votes is nominated TREASURER REPUBL I CAN DEMOCRATIC TRUSTEE ' the Party for of having i-erei ,,tilficient number of votes is nominated the REP ,..16 L. I CAN',,`.7, Par'," • f TRUSTEE i having received se fficir . of votes is nominated CERTIFICATE OF DETTF —NATION • :IA T E OF MICHIGAN, :OUNTY OF OAKLAND , held on the _ ired and Do iiareCiy Ccrt j and Det:-:..r ...; DEMOCRATIC the Par- August havH .= ,.-; number of votes is nominated SUPERV I SOR a -ed REPUBL I CAN having received sufficient number of votes '• US PERV I SOP. Party Ifice of fficient number of votes is nominated DEMOCRATIC / the CLERK Party fn "fi,:,e of having received sufficiiii-rt n or of votes is nominate"l n, number of votes is ri DEMOCRAT! C .:the Party ft or TRUSTEE r ot votes is r, DEMOCRATIC TRUSTEE , , That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated , 1 DEMOCRATIC TRUSTEE e hy the Party for the office of itih--iber of votes i• niii•Hnaied having rec " the ___REf_u_au.A_N -•or TRUSTEE having received sufficient number of votes is nornina by the REPUBL I ;AN dl TRUSTEE !'ficient number of votes is nominated REPUBLICAN („, TRUSTEE That having received sufficient of ..otes is nominated or by the DEMOCRATIC Party for the office of PARK COMM I SS I ON DEMOCRATIC Party tor th PARK COMMISSION , having received sufficirt • of votes is nominated - the DEMOCRATIC Party fr:f 1 1 1: office of PARK COMMISSION 7 - P didate by the RE PUBL ! CAN Party for the office of PARK COMMISSI otti•:e. t PARK COMMISSION 'ididate by the _RE PU B L I CA.1: Suffi'-ient votes was Defe• ' Sufficient votes w • . Past ad Sufficient votes was Defeated Sufficient votes was Votes Received Not Received Having Having Havine Having Having Received - Su :• vi Not Received Defeated 6 NONE That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the DEMOCRATIC Par or the office of PARK COMMISSION That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the DEMOCRADi: Party for the office of PARK COMM I SS I ON That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by th- _D.EM.OLEAT_LC Party for ti•i of PARK COMMISSION That • • • having received sufficient number of votes is nominated the El I CAN Party for the office of _ PARK COMM I SS I ON :-at having received sufficient number of votes is nominated That ' • having received sufficient number of votes is nominated That having received SU1-FH::',: number of votes is nominated ,i:didate by if REPUBL I That candidate by th E PI) L the o:_i irty for ti- PARK COMMISSION having received sufficient number of votes is nominated PARK COMMISSION That _ having received sufficient number of votes is nominated - candidate by the REPUBL I CAN Party for the ot or PARK COMM I SS I ON Do Further Hereby Determine: 7 ::t the follow Lior,s or clirestioi,-, ...-.sed or defeated as indicated below: • E OF PROPOSITION PROPOSITION 1 1_2_01_10E MIIIAGF PROPOSITION NAME OF PROPOSITION PROPOSITION 2 2 OPERATING TAX INCREASE NAME OF PROPOSITION PROPOSITION 3 3 I IRRARY RUIIDING_IAX NAME OF PROPOSITION 4 NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION 5 N_ONE NAME OF PROPOSITION In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the Cuun ty of Oakland (COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP GE VILLAGE) this . day of August in thP war one thot..nd niritiundred and eighty-eight ,--, V C Al RIM AN BOARD OF CANVASSERS TTEST: '..:LERK OF BOARD OF NVASSE RS. 'AN OF BO.flD OF CANVASSERS. Li 8