HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1976.08.03 - 4644cvm \ SFR I NGF I ELD TOASI-11P Pit !MARY ELECTION AUGUST 3, 19/6 HELD ON AUGUST 3, 1976 (DATE. OF ELKTON ) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OAKLAND '.1C,XXX-KX-Mgix0,Q5.14tXMN44IV0000f.x2VAXX: COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUrACTURP BY LLJ 7 gl • • ELEC TION SUPPLY STA 19...Eas1 KIN* Roid K.1.0AM.A..Z90;.:MICOWA:14..• • Ordee . FE7,rr.s. Ncy. AV ()K. iv'. AR ir FIRDRE N TIM morn The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRAT IC Party For candidates for he office of SUPERVISOR was and fhpy were grven for :the rolfoiA?inci nart,ed :person " PERSONS'. RECEIVING THE yams RICHARD SIMS GREEN HjOMN. . H. MULLOY. JR. DONA.U) T whole mnnbe- of votes *von by t SUPERVISOR ...and-they.'Arere glyen for :thu foRowira r:larrEe per.,.•ons7 PERSONS REF.I'Vtl'os:,.-; "4-IE VIOITS rVCIEs WRIIIEN IN WORDS , wk4e number of voles giVen by the DEMOCRAT I C Party For condidatQs for tbe offit:e CLERK wco and:fhey;:were giyert for the fallowirig riarrio4-4 pon : RERsONS:RECEIviNG rr VOTES NUN:4n OR VOTER wORDS: MARY JEAN COX DENN I S M. Z I MMERMAN TOTAL whnle 111M1111:11f,ff of votes r..iven by the REPUBL I CAN Party For candidates For the office 01 CLERK: . ono MeV were given for the kikoving named .oersons; •ust:Him mcoverinii THE VOTES NqMSER OF • t.„-rES WRITIEN A1/41 WORDS he whale nein.•er of votes given by the DEMOCRAT I C Party For candidates for the office TREASURER : cold they were: giVen kr the following riarniol persons:: : mr.soms acizavING: THF VOM NUMMI%C F vairs WRnrrEN 0!t worms: ...jAN•1:CE • E LOPEZ DE.NNI S: p STATEMENT OF VOTES r ir CAN jotr,4; efy the r‘r.r1-1.04 I 141 " :Ps L Nil EGURES fl Piti; COWIN hv were eko rot tneioiiowinc ncnied '‘)E.rrsolls: r VE1.1..7:n1,Hz RECEIVINIG THE \IMES 19=1*•.1131:1.11:OF v-gris wm:rtpio BARBARA L. FERGUSON PATR I C IA L. KRAMER who •;' N'C'e wen by 711,t.= DEMOCRAT I C po rrty kica•es tht, TRUSTEE , 41% n . . !.:is01iNG THE: voTtS. NUIVIRCR:OiZ vcrrE5 WRITTEN WILLIAM W. HARRIS ROGER J. HORTON e TRUSTEE REPUBLICAN Pe ;nddetes kc the -c 44, .4- : : :hey I ctivon :CO/ The ta rk...Wv.q1•144 rrani,=.td Rg.,..i„.1Vtl'.4 THE HAROLD E . SHOEMAKER NANCY C . STANLEY G LENN R. UNDERWOOD NIJKAR r V01.1:SiWP.1111:3S: WORE)5 : • • ..71...-,',e'e•if:•e'vt• • • . • .•••• • •• !•• •• .1.• , wnoh:-.! 11.P.11ber or voe ,,..11vri by t CONSTABLE DEMOCRAT :I C •• : theof4ie OF r th4i).v for Tne ore mcj tiacue,a pefS1.)rf.5 PERSONS RZcovitq-a VOTE5.: : N I iMFKR :or .VOTES Th.e. REPU.BL I CAN iyerf by Pqrly for CanclidofeS kr CONSTABLE woir I i I I 0 N!'Il Eng 'loll :4 €.44:1 porsons; PERsONs : NommIR: OF \o"Oi'l-al WiarrEN !N WOPPY1-7 CHARLES A. BALL • mauRrs og:TFILS•.C(1AD411..• Ike wh.ie nunjbei! pf ve.ges 9i.,:•.,61-3 .ty the DEMOCRAT I C Pry or C;T:ii:14icilaieil: for itlie::ofce : and :they i,veyo forthe oliowi rmed oe:rsons:: PERS:')NS RECEIVIInM: THE::VOTFS. N WORDS • SUSAN ADAMS 2. MAR I LYN E. HAG G I TT the whole number of votes :given by the REPUBL I CAN Péiithr for:condidate:fbr theoffi.e of • : :2ob LIBRARY : BOARD 2 Yr. Term vote for and they Nvere giyen :for :lie toilowmg:nomea persons: RECEI"/NG THE VOTES MIER OF VOTES WIUTTEN.im wcitos TOTAL The Whole ni.tm6:74 OF votes given Y : DEMOCRATIC :Pa oty: tOr ocin idcjtes 1or the. ffce of : Vote fO:r 2 LIBRARY BOARD•4 Yr. •, cod the were given for: the fahoW:ing named OP 'is PERSON RKEN1NO THE voTgs NUMBER OE VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS The wholo number of votes given by the REPLIBL I CAN ....... _ Vo le for 2 LIBRARY BOARD Yr. Tern- cod they wc-:re given for the following named persoll5; rif:RSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES PorfV:fOr t.'.andidate.S fOr the office 01 NumnER OF voreS WRITTEN IN WORDS The whole number of vott,...s given by the DEMOCRATIC LIBRARY BOARD - 6 Yr. Term -V°te 1as:(3 r 2 w Potty for candidates for the office of -- ond they were given for the ,Odowing npmeki yersons; 00mm:is ArktEIV11:46 NUNikt6 PREC W [ INCT OR ARD NUMBI:U OFFICE AND '' Ncv ii TOTALS CAHDIDATE NAM S - I 2 3 4 1 5 c { I [ I E- 'I-S 6 P E R-V-1 S 0 R 1 --- __ r coJ 6;77/,,,--k.-7, i I L -o -53 -2- L (D) R I CHARD S I MS GREEN 6 -- , ‘ 0_ b 2, _ i (D) JOHN H. MULLOY, JR.. 0 ' .55- 2.5 t 2 -74. i 5 n 2 S/3 (D) DONALD W. ROGERS - - _ I 3 i 5 • 1 (R) HAROLD L. JACOBS1 ,g fl. - - i ( ) COLLIN W. WALLS 1 ,97 _ _ _ . ___ t P lig/ 4 : CLERK 1 (D) MARY JEAN COX ___ /67 _ ___ _ ___ _ __ (D) DENNIS M. ZIMMERMA,N ' , 3 ,f 6„'L3JL =27 AI -3t 5 3 (R) J . CALVIN WALTERS 1 . - F.- — 1 TREASURER ___ ______ ._ ____ I \_1-1 _ r 3R I i (D) JANICE E. LOPEZ 1 1 _ 1 °2-A 515 54 ri._ . //1:2- ----- - - 4- (D) DENNIS G. OMELLI: _ .,... 3 .5---j,3_ _ ,,./ . _ _ -- i--- t (R) BARBARA L. FERGUSON 1 _ _ -- I. - -- _ _ __ f (R) PATRICIA L. KRAMER I I 1115 VS---15-3 i _ __ , 1 _ _ _ ', —_ ; TRUSTEE - Vote for One .1 - _ _ ____ ___ _ - - - 1 ( D) WILLIAM W. HARRIS ,/2O i I L-Irrl i rl 2-V 1215. , (D) ROGER J. HORTON 1 I . . ; 1 (D) CHARLES W. MALLETT - 2_ 6 1-2__. i__7 -5 I . r L _ ----- ---7:_.--,- : (D) JAMES E 4 . PATTON' - • & / S 1 / _ _ _ , _ _. _ -3 9 y4 _ 1 (R) HAROLD E. SHOEMAKER -2._ .7 (R) NANCY ..STANLEY ____ _I _ __ , _ , (R) GLENN ,, , 1--- , , , - , PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER OFFICE AND 1 —V'' 1 --v- TOTALS. CANDIDATE NAME'S ' -I- i . _ I CONSTABLE - Vote for 1 . _______ _ _ ..._ L__, r------ -- . L___ ._____ _____ _ __ - A . : "Yl, 1-2_ 34 _ ___ -- -- , (R) CHARLES A, BALL I .7Q/1,-2--• J_- Ti i (..k ) C...---T-1_1-1---t__. 7 1_. __ _ ____ I iBRARY BOARD - 2 Yr. Ter . (Vole f or_TwO______ __. ___:___ _____ I, . VS9, t.i ri_C 1 Sal 9,_ 0) ___ L SUSAN ADAMS -V 0, t i- (D) MAR I LYN E. HAGG I TT I_ 1 . ; t r_._,-2___--- ) RALPH A. 0 1 RE I LLY-0:14i j ' .: 1— 1 (R) 0.--L,,L.; , - -- . ? (IR) [ _ ___,,____ I _ _„ _ _ ______ _ - i__:,. ____. __. ___ _ ____ ; -- - ____ 1 LIBRARY BOARD - L. Yr. _ ._. __----------------., 1 -(Vo---tre- oi' Term .. 0 . . _ t 9.. ._ _ (D) JOHN BARNFATHER I _ _____, i 53 2- i (D) BETTY PETERSON r21 .1.-4. 5%,-7 7604' ce .,,. ,... i , 13_ 2,9 3 g 7,21 , ._ _ i i (R) SANDRA LEE TOWNSON - i-- r ____ _ _ . : __ _ 1 .1e ___ .. ._ - -----_ —. ! --,----- I_, -- ---- v PARKS 8. RECREATION i ._.____ _____ ., - -- - _ Unexpired red Term-Vote for .1 ri _ ._ ____ _ _____ _ __ _ _____ _ -----7— i---- - _ R , — - ____ i:a_o_ _3_ _ I (R) NANCY L. HANES ..1 - _ _ _ .- 1-2-9. ____ _ _. ___ - DONALD G. HART ., i ..._ _ o _ _ __ _____ _ _ . POFF --4---", ----/ ,167 _ ,,-- i il c-- _d. _ _ 7,- _ _ ,.._ ____. . _____ .Ccste--",.._kvyi . - _._ ____ _. - •y . _ _ _ __ _ , i - ,;_P.,, 6--ck , A ._,,P.A... _g_... _______ _ .____ rl - - -- - YIL:7 4 , _ 1 _ : i OFFICE AND PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER .., 1 N-. ii TOTALS 1 CANDIDATE NAMES L___ _______ _ _ _• __ - ... 1 . I-- I i PARKS & RECREATION _____ — --- : Six .7- Year r Term - i Vote for Two : i 53 a k k i CL ( _ _. I GAY LE B II.A _ _ ._ 7 L / (D) ..--:-4.'"--:----L-Li."-----7----;;IW--' 1 . ...-- ."-------777---- . % t 1 rt. 0 2.-!D -1_ -.cg `3. ' _.._ _ ---- - — I (R) ROBERT CLARK 1 /97 r r3 g i - L_ (R) GLENN A. GU 1 LDS i L /7 • - I. i ,__ - — __ ______ : _ _ 4, . ______ _ _ _ ___ _ — , --- — l . _ ? _ _ , f : 1 , - ... _ I _[ , ___ _ t _ i I .• 1 L _ ___., j. I- . _ ._ ___. _...._ • _ ... , . ____ ...___. ___ .7.---- •• _ __________ _ _it ......._ __. , _ . 1 ...._ __ , P _ . _ [. ,• 1! ; , r . _ __ , . , , ! 1 ... _ t _, _ ____ _ __ _______ _____ ? 1 i : 'f. _ , _ . ___ _ : _. • :I3.10...FIOIIRES:: • IN 11:11,• for c nddrzitesOF the 04tiote nurr3 ::3er votes given by the REpuBL I CAN l- LIBRARY BOARD - 6 y Vote fo 2 Term - cn"zd 'tray e:.4.1,1.e? °wen Pc)r cnaim..-7(1 p P.vseans: PERSONS RE.alVit.i(1 NLIMBER:OF 'siNDTES WRITTEN IN WORDS: mber 0 • .. . • . • • .P - ••••-f - • ...• '"•-'• •t • - !•• :•1 • • l'• • - f .. . . vores: g:ven .y v. •tne DEMOCRAT 'T. i..r.: • . : ::$110131%.01' CC:110100;es .or.t.le o...m.e .o... ..... . ....:.......— . wL,rit.."-rrv1.1 11- :IIttexpj.red•-..term•-...VoteHfor. 1 .PARKS .:& RECREATION : !-• • • - - • :.• • % • •.: wels.. • : • ifio logo Nino rion1:60:1),...2n.s: • NuMRER:OF VOTES .WRITTEN IN•woRDs.• TOTINL ofirqbel. or VOteEcive1 by the REPUBL I CAN Portly for condidates for the r..)frke PARKS & RECREATION - Unexpired term - Vote. for 1 Mx{ they :fitele cliven for the Following named peFson... PERSONS RE'CITAVINO THE VOTES. NUMBER OF VOIF:S WRITTEN IN WORDS - NANCY DONALD L I LA M. POFF - HANES C. HART 4, TOTAL The wholg, nu:nbe; of yotos g:ver, by the DEMOCRAT I C - Vote for PARKS & RECREATION - 6 Yr. Term was Pry For candidates fOr: the office Of ..:.... Nu1's4q OF VO. TES wilirrgist wqaps : and they were ylvel rc..i.t the loll wry norned per.sotT!;: Pr SONS RECEIVING TNE VOTES :GAY LE .....B1 LA • ...• • .. . . . Me. whole number of votes given by the REPUBL I CAN . - Party for Candidates for the office of !ARKS & RECREATION -6 Y r. Te rm WaS and they were ,,..jiyeri foi the foiroving n"orned : P8PsON::: RF:cEIVINo THE VOTES Numiltik.or.vOliS.wRIti-EN• 0,4 WORDs' . . .. • . • . ROBERr CLARK 2.. GLENN IA.. •GUILDS. CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION at : PiireiarY Et tiori,11?Id : TUESDAY " &nelbousand• nine litnidred:ancl::::!:::::.!:.Sc.YENTY'S.:1•X:.; Co-r..TN,Tyy: OAKLAND___ F Iof convusseis of tile_ .having Ascerta -Tied• •and••• the J.1,11 eyassech."the....!:::V :.•AUGUST .. ....day of_. Cerstik end Determirso • •••3•fd ,:..: e,re -11a / SliI3ER1)111 eceiVed rile largest num ber VateS: is no minated : . • &Air :•:.1 hat: •-• . 1:!!ie off icela • DEMOCRATIC F:n Thoi rcfridid by th b‘y. fh . _ cf....lociidote by th cnclidaie 'by if3 conciicio.fe by th _ CAN • DEMO_CRAir_C- REPUBL I CAN • . ,77..-7;ridiciate %by: the:: •REPUBLI CAN: REPUBI OCRAT:&••_. REPUBLICAN GMT! C REPUBLICAN DEMOCRAT lb- DEMOCRAT I C HOC RAT IC • •••: iEPUBL! CAN ...,....?../-e.f-.2rL-e,,•:••••.• • : . ••• 'REPUBLICAN: REMOCRATM . .DEMOCRATIC REPUBL I CAN .. REPUBL I CAN 1,n1::-2 - - _ DEMOCRAT I Q. DEMOCRAT I C, REPUB CAN .4: .:r:&•••:."7:-.1t: _ Parop icy. I for the...oqice • • ••• •• • • Polty.fo•r.:Pie SUPERVISOR •.:. • • • • • • :. • • ha • • • • • ,.....ii.iej.:re.(.....éiveef•t•he•• largest' •••n:ii •CLE:111•::• ••• • •••••••.:.:•: •-• ;.,:e ,c'd CLERK . •••:••• • ••: •.• •:•:••••••••••••. • • • recve-4.•••roe. st r."•• J1.! ;.TREASURER off'-=, of CF OIe it nominated. es* tiur,bar g• ate it: irafad • : . - • • :.• • ••• • ::•• •• :. • •,...ha:vina:receiv.ed.:::tho• :!YREASURER:. • • • • • • • • . _. • bral.:er ::off Ilan; inate f[4".1 tiuti-.1.•t;i::-: of : /....ifes 1.?.:Uorro,„1,eu :CONSTAB .I.E ieceic•-ed:::the largest: n'ernbe..:•Of CONSTABLE: " : : • : - h: v the laraesi il'ionbei of Vr.iteF' I BRARY BOARD :4., Two ?ear Term nominated iffilint•rd.:•. er 01 votes votes :rip rni Ied Party fcr received ihe la4.1est miniber o 'TRUSTEE . . having • reteiVod:. the:kirgest ernbe. TRUSTEE • • • •:•• • .. • • • • • • ..."..•••••:: . • • • i• • " • • ••••• •• • Tas,f41..fer....ih•e• : the bificei:al L.P.Oitty:i.or toe ofnce ol 6 : ;t• votes :..Pasty for the o) alv for ff(o office of Pottyfor the office Pany for the office ._Party tor me office o Pasty Pari.ty or the e9.11hy for Fatty:fa _ - - - crdk e by t condid(.:iti. by t _ . candidate TIlot _ dat,7, by th cvr ciid.:71te by 4 - condidate b y by the_ _ by..t )1? 1.1.30t. iy•.the. - by ihe That.. _ rmildidote. 6y by: f _ REPUBL I CAN by y t • . •.• • • REPU.B1.-14AN 7.:‘ fEMOCRATJC . Party for Ike office ed.=•=: S::Tiominared , • havin rit:ttoiy.Oci frie:largest number : votes is :Acyboi LIBRARY BOARD::: :Six Year Term • : : : received :the largest rwrri. .r.oI votes: t'A ;PARKS: & RECREATIO N-Unexpi red Term , , . ti61-ed _ _ _ - - - -naving receivea the largest number or votes is PO4.11 LIBRARY_ BOARD.. -Si x Year re _ having received the largest number of votes is non i no _.PARKS _ RE.CREAT_ION line.xpi _re d _Term -Prb for the•offite.:0 ..Pa:i.41,t:•foi•••the .o lfite•a ._•Pei•SlY•••:fer the Offie....of hr offiCe 01 le office a - L having 'received. thelargest....nup6pi•••:pf.-votes ...is....eigok4:: Off.0.:0: 'Of • IB.RARY:: BOARD, the.....iarge.st...00.mb.er ..L: B RARY!•••:BOARD:.:.••••.• Foti r.:\reafi•::•Te•ern•::.•••••• • ••.: ••••.• • ..• • •. ..havirm l'omeivect•tho: ..of• . . : . . : . . . . . . . 2( leer:. Te•rm ....:•:•"...•••.•,:•• ice p • tioriber • 0.1•:.votes.is•••neri.inatd •• ••••• ••••: •• • • • •••••• • • •• • • • • • ••••• ••• • • •••• •• •••• •• • • . • •••: .• : • rece..ivecilhe:largest:n.erriberof vateS ...isharninated :LI.BRARY:::BOARD:::•••°•• • ••• •• •.• •••• ::• _ • . i,oteS:•.is•-lidatirOteci • LIBRARY BOARD: ••°.-.:TWo..:.y.60.r....:..T•tiri:.....:•.•••• • • • • • .Jevii the largest ..: tieniber I vJes s...:narraoifed reCeiVed!.flie :.:laigest .•nerni.5er.•:•cif...Vates :.41..1311ARY:H.:•80A1111:1:77..:.:.RWIt ..,Y.60..r:.:Ternii.:_.::::. • •••••• ••••:.• • • • ••• • :••• •.• •• • •••. ••••• • .••: : ••. • : • • • •:•.••• •• • •.:•: •::•••:: • :• :.....••• •• : nom na Pates Is: is no itliiialed nothi nat-e-a votes iS .5(TA nom n _civirig received Term LIBRARY BOARD - Six Year re'ved ialge!rt number 0, vote. g te •S mtg __Party for the office o :.Potrity: for :the office : Puityor 01411;6 OLL - for the office of , : ...:_Pc•tirtv for the::::iff.ioe L:LhdVin rec' ci r oil e cji 6.6 .6:11 n . .-------------------------------1lhilorE c ovniber:gl F3 for the office of_ • gest number y Oe.,14 • 11cn'nit.1:.1.1 . the Ci 12 • V r1 ii eagost nurnbe.i oF vofe i nor looted 't t••'IO tiiii 5 iOir.: t viot.e.is _having received the largest number PARKS Er RECREAT.I.ON. 7.. 5i x having received the largest number PARKS & RECREATION -- Six _ . „. _ _ _ _ I aving recc..ived the largest nurribar PARKS & RECREATION - Six PARKS & REC_REATIDN, : i:::001.1111)CitOd YeAr:::1•01111: of vote nommatec. Yea r eth of vot65 fioniinate•a Year r Te rm For EMOC RAT Sa:f ;... EPUBLICAN e office of._ Part _REPUBLICAN party fo, the o ffic., of_ 'çthe 0111ce o heinq :reteived :the :largest riprob4r:: ..Y..LeP:t. 'le rot hcvinc.receivedthe .prqest 9.11:-..4 3er. of vtes ts-::hntnitate4 p dy For :Party for the 'office. : " " I k.-..tt i4 is ip,;;;:ii:lini.:i•fo . - :PUrty }or the office : : Party for the office of ... Nely For the :office of: .having rei,..'eived:the:i0.1rge:tt•:h01.4166r:6f :Vicit4::; is hcrvrny recelyop it lorgest number of votes norn411:it.e4,J: featf-.2d as in icatecl below: k Witness Whereof, hove hereunto set :Jur hands and c OAKLAND xact >e.g...;,. 01 the,: V.,1•1:I;IIS.1 dr anct_ LiVR,NA ;!",1': AUGUST IX _ s_eventy-s EC'At1D OF CAN .cps . : . !.01,21.21NTI...i wisrirmireemmo.0 (•::. A NNi.' _ : A CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION .....That— ....candidate blith:E :.•.:• . • •That .. candiddfe by..thE • • • . • • ....candidate ▪ by ti " • • c.cmdidate. .anddate by the:. cond.idate. by .16.7. . • . çan..Oliderte. ▪ by de. That • izi...:Fnclid,at.e 'b . rid idetelly. the • •• -tatidiclate. by tr candidate by the •.• •.:candidate :b*.• • • • . • ..:.Thdf. • • ..-•- •••:.izandidat.e. Th candidate by tI-e- • • natiing . 14 vin.k:t..reCeived _having received the the Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or .:votesi.W Nratf."..S 'NOS NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME Qr PROPOSITION : NONE NAmp or pRoPpsiTioN:: NONE ceivd Having Re e , Sufficient Nat Received ; Re.ce.iveci av in9 Not Received .ReieiVe.d• • ff.. • • • • . K4k0;,,i6o • • • • •.• • • Fassed Defeated PcAssed )eeofec -cissea . 1 Having