HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1996.08.06 - 4654CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION HELD ON AUGUST 6, 1996 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN STATEMENT OF VOTES, CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 6, 1996 --- —, SUPERVISOR CLERK 1 Vj PRECINCT , NUMBER Q 'Ai .-7_•• ^.4 . 1.4 . 1 S :1 '"' . .;1 .... 1 Q t _, , -J i 1 'ti-1 ' _, -.1 < i ---' `4 cl. 'a 0 . ..-x-: ,-4,., . R '----. I 701 .2i1 in FIENE,EfLiffil= J I 30 IMErill 1 // .3f , rf Le / ogitY-' 4 2.3,.5.- q5- Q1110 I ; Li I r I l I i gi... h`,1 1 I.17 ,c) S'I : / r q Z -4,2. l& / /6 TOTAL W * .. 1 . , .. , I. 1--_1 ill . 1 r_ 1 i 1 , 1 1 1 1 _ H-- 1 . _.,_ 1 __ _h 1 .. 1 !"7 _ 1_ I j 1 - :4- -- :- 1 I 1 -P, G STATEMENT OF VOTES, CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 6, 1996 TREASURER TRUSTEE - VOTE FOR FOUR LI 0, g pREciNci F, .. W L.. , ..c NUMBER ,- Lt Lig L,1 cL 1 LJ g -4 1 gi 2 'SI 2 2 2 2 2 I-3 . 111A Cr-7 ."7‘i _3/. IrER , 2 7 e, 1 r A ' a =ME 2 OM 4) a_ WM -71 -7...1. 5-61131M0 43 I . I MIMI /63 / 7 7 /.23 WRIMIIIEM I 3 - . grinilIMEMBEIMPIIMIZEIMM 11.2Lf . WI= I IIMWAMIMEM3 1101== • .7 121MICOURIEBICH /qq MINIM IRMIII NM MI TOTAL MEE= 1111111MVIA mulfitailiMMEM,M11111. MN MIN MI Ell MININI1111110 11111= MI I MIIIIIIIMM MIMI MI= 1 . _ J. 1 1 1 1 , I 1 , 1 1 II i MEM= M _ I __ 1 all I - I I 1.P, G STATEMENT OF VOTES, CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 6, 1996 PARK COMMISSION - VOTE FOR SIX = PRECINCT NUMBER .,„: . " I v?-. '-- -1 < ..-. \ J 2 '71 79 I LI :t2.0 4 I 3 /57.0 /61) /573- de4, yet 71 1 4 45. 99 9=i ?7 &.!! 71 ! 52 7 qle! Ili ' .. 3i3 6- 1 S' TOTAL 2_741 ,41 yL 3 )..... _9 2- MI _ I I I 1 1 , _ 1 1,- i 1 1 _ 1.P, G STATEMENT OF VOTES, CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 6, 1996 • FIRE MILLAGE POLICE MILLAGE _ - . r PRECINCT , NUMBER I ! Ym No Total Yes No Total Yea No Total Yes No Total 1 - os-i /3.5O I .-2-7 /5-1 yi I( ru,l- 5-1 '177 3 aa3, 103 324 i .204, 1 [3, Y I 4 i /4V 1 3( lg 174 __/.35--- 5716,6 5 1 0 -21 6.8 /8d 11/ 1,1' •/g o ,. iitof '7 ii5/ /51 TI [ TOTAL yoyg F7Jt/-#6-• idri cs).21.5-t i .1.- . 1 H _- -7 _ . ____L_ F 1 1 1 1 ' . 1 .1 1 I I 7 I I I 1 I I , I 1 I d I 1 .1 STATEMENT OF VOTES, = - = • 1 TIlT , I 1 I ! PR EC I NCT I NUMBER I II II I I il I I I I II , I 1 I I I Y es I No Total Y es No Total I Yes I No Total Yes No Total 1 Yes I No Total .1 , __ .1- 1 • 1 _ [ 1 I -1- 1 1 I ___ __ ; I ; - ; n 1 1 ; I - - I I 1 • 1 i 1 1 ! 1 1 1 - il • It __ ! I -I 1 I,. I I L ! ! ! 1. , ! ! I _ , !- 4 I I I t ----.4 -4 1 2.P UNAKICK iurcs3n1r ur .3rn.usur1r_i_u STATEMENT OF VOTES PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 6, 1996 Put figura" l' The whole number of votes given by the REPUBLI AN Party for candidates for the office of SUPERVISOR i. MI5 column VOTE FOR ONE td,;41,144dVialke 4 V 1 LiT and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1. cLAUDE A. TRIM AA /&a1A44.. / i LI htii; 2. COLLIN W. WALLS i' of it ilif r • i H. 1,1141 Ili 4. 6. TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRAT I Party for candidates for the office of SUPERVISOR VOTE FOR ONE was I4 and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1 No Candidate Filed 2. wo, tetuitteitii-to-d 3. 4. 6. _ TOTAL 9 The whole number of votes given by the REPUBLIC N Party for candidates for the office of CLERK VOTE FOR ONE was W Ae4/1i WV / / PV/F jr/Ar 7.v f 7 and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS L NANCY STROLE U /1//tPld}t/if . iiir 'At , —AAA 6 . . . 6. — /1,33TOTAL STATEMENT OF VOTES Put figures 1 The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC 7 Party for candidates for the office of CLERK in this column,' VOTE FOR ONE WaS 6t C., and they were given for the following named pen PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1. No Candidate Filed / 3. 4. 5. 6. I TOTAL I 2 The whole number of votes given by the REPUBLICAN Party for candidates for the office of TREASURE i VOTE FOR ONE was elize,e.1,,S.IllidaZ4/ / 1 and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS r . LOIS J. STILES .(((.,&1/40k/wAda z,--xe ,, g 2. 11.4 4..att 1 ..., 3. 4. 5- 6. TOTAL Ili The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC Party for candidates for the office of TREASURER 1 , VOTE FOR ONE was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS . No Candidate Filed --- .._....__ 5. I TOTAL / 3.P unemic.ri. ivivnir Ur .3rMINUrtCLU STATEMENT OF VOTES PRIMARY ELECTION - AUGUST 6, 1996 Put figures I The whole number of votes given by the REPUBLICAN Party for candidates for the office of TRUSTEE in this column (.._ ( VOTE FOR FOUR / k 6 / A A-4 j 0/ g and they were given for the following named persons: • PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1 1. MARGARET A. BLOOM 1' ditz,niiite_ p,? -at • gi I 2. ELAINE FIELD-SMITH I ' • 1 / i ,ei 7 --ii-i-.6. IIP MI 1 al 3. CHARLES M. OAKS a" '(--/ Ldte-ze Az ,,...., , 4. WANDA ROTHERMEL V / ed. i t I ' ti" MEM mot 5- DENNIS J. VALLAD 4. . /,' • MITEIMM/ i NM ol 6' ' ditC4 tdif / 111 TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC Party for candidates for the office of TRUSTEE 11111 .. VOTE FOR FOUR was A 4 and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NU BER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1 No Candidate Filed • k wo-- 46.1„;64._ Fty 1 3. 6. 1 TOTAL I Ell The whole number of votes given by the REPUBLICAN Party for candidates for the office of PARK COMMISSION II VOTE FOR SIX / thatolivid/Q, lit .. F and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1, JAMES A. ASHLEY 4/ d_ AO, 7 I . at 2. DOT LA LONE r/ A4‘atAtifd Ay r 3. JEAN A. VALLAD 41f4 A( / /-/Ze.y ; lislErtiedi/ AY/ Pr..1 4....4.' ''' Fil 5. 6. TOTAL Z. 3.P STATEMENT OF VOTES Put figures 1 The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC Party for candidates for the office of PARK COMMISSION in this column .. VOTE FOR SIX was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS , 1. No Candidate Filed .:•7, _ - 3. 4. _ , 5. 6. TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1. 2. 3. • t 4. ..: 5. , 6. TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of I was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1. , 2. , 3. , 4. ' 6. ._ TOTAL 3.p CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD STATEMENT OF VOTES PRIMARY. ELECTION - AUGUST 6, 1996 , Putfigurm The whole number of votes given for and against the FIRE MILLAGE RENEWAL l in this column Shall the previously voted 1.00 mill increase in the constitutional tax limitation I ._ H on the amount of taxes upon all taxable property within the Charter Township of Springfield, which resulted in a levy of .7866 mill (78.66 cents per $1,000 , SEV) in 1995, be renewed and increased back to 1.00 mill ($1.00 per $1,000 SEV) and levied for a period of ten (10) years for the years 1997 through 2006 inclusive for the purpose of providing fire protection within the Township? _ If approved, this levy will raise in the first year approximately $292,000.00 _1 was I A5-2/ gl , , of which number mnC /10 7 ,Y1 — 401......M.....lim -..e....taam,–ii.“ ' Aa. 0' votes were marked YES 1 and i .. • J 4 votes were marked NO i TOTAL VOTES, /(E' The whole number of votes given for and against the POLICE MILLAGE ADDITION Shall the constitutional limitation on the amount of taxes upon all taxable property within the Charter Township of Springfield be increased by .50 mills (50 cents per $1,000 SEV) and that amount levied for a period of three (3) _ years for the years 1996 through 1998 inclusive for the purpose of providing _. additional police protection within the Township? If approved, this levy will raise in the first year approximately $146,000.00. I ._. was er-).-Lk_. ''t;---l'ul--d-s---r-t,t, ni ••n /.5- l'--- of which number '4A-1' 4-- ----VALL"?"--- /1". votes were marked YES , --- /j and /,(-,---vri4J-el-----' ---Z) votes were marked NO 1 TOTAL VOTES, II li --- 6•P The whole number of votes given for and against the Put figures in this column STATEMENT OF VOTES was of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against the was of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, 6P PUB L th PUB LLCAN AN th PUBLICAN pzfifi2 TRUSTEE or for th MN, a TRUSTEE for ice of for the office of CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN. } OAKLAND ss. COUNTY OF The Board of Canvassers of the COUNT/ of OAKI AND I...N.., crev, vowhi•mir CO v.m....eu I licouNVY. crnr. ,ouammir- an VIL.S.AOK) having Asbertained and Canvassed the Votes of said CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD (courrne, crrY. TOMMOMIP OM VILLA.. I v.. 1 II at the Primary Election, held on the, day of AUGUST 6T1-1 one thousand nine hundred and NINETY -SIX Do Hereby Ce "mine That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated RGFV1.11-11,M11 SUPERVISOR candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated D EMOCRAT I C party or th„trice of SUP ER V I SOR candidate by • Aiii AL REPUBL I I N CLERK candidate by the Party for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated That U - having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the RE PUB Lte/AN Party for the office of TREASURER That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated ..A A candidate by th2.DM0CRATIC Party tenythe otfice qf TREASURER E PUB L I CAN That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated That •r•-• -.iL -.I ,k having received sufficient number of votes is nominated TRUSTEE That candidate by That REPUBLICAN P TRUSTEE candidate by the arty for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated having received sufficient number of votes is nominated having received sufficient number of votes is nominated That candidate by candidate candidate SW Me AbJ..21 rUY ADE REPUBLICAN for t t ice a 00 of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated DEMOCRATIC TRUSTEE candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated DEMOCRATIC TRUSTEE candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the DEMOCRATIC Party for the office of TRUSTEE having received sufficient number of votes is nominated That giza_ DEMOCRATIC Aft 1111111111 • by ivigar 4fp 3y the 4' d. % Fir candidate by f r e office of TRUSTEE candidate PUBLICAN That That REPUBLICAN candidate by the Party for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated PARK COMMISSION having received sufficient number of votes is nominated PARIC COMMISSION having received sufficient number of votes is nominated PARK COMMISSION That candidate by ICAN 7 - P Iii at candidate by the DEMOCRATIC having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office ofPARK COMMISSION Received Having Not Received Received Having Not Received Received Having Not Received Received Having Not Received Having Having 1 FIRE MILLAGE RENEWAL NAME OF PROPOSITION 2 POLICE MILLAGE ADDITION NAME OF PROPOSITION 3 NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION 4 NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION 5 NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION 6 NONE Sufficient votes was _Deketed_ the COUNTY lc ounwr, Corr, ro,P1 MCI} OR VI this 20 of OAKLAND 04.1177, cur+, •owels...I. OR VI day of Al IGIIST ousand nine hundred and NINETY -SIX ATTEST: CLERK OF SOARQ OF CANVASSERS. I BOARD OF CANVASSERS / 1 CHAIRMA OF El• A • OF CANVASSERS. SliAL That having received sufficient meter of votes is ncrrrinated candidate by the REPUBLICAN Party for the office of PARK COMMISSION That candidate by the having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office of • REPUBLICAN PARK COMMISS ION That candidate by the having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office of REPUBLICAN PARK COMMISSION That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated DEMOCRATIC PARK COMMISSION Party candidate by the Par for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the DEMOCRATIC Party for the office of PARK COMMISSION That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the DEMOCRATIC Party for the office ofPARK COMMISSION That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the DEMOCRATIC Party for the office ofPANK COMMISSION That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the DEMOCRATIC Party for the office ofPARK COMMISSION Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITION Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was =Passed Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of Et.P