HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1984.08.07 - 4656TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION IELD ON August 7, 1984 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY 1P(')@131111BLY 01@g„tt ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN COLL IN W. WALLS TOTAL • TOTAL .TOTAL PRECINCT. NUMBER INC B HTOTALS'. -4 3 (R)GARY L. DOVRE (R)CUARLES A.HG.0.[NG (R)GLENN A • • • • GUILDS (R)CHARLES M OAKS VOTES STATEMENT OF The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC :Party for candidates for the Office of SUP. ..111/ was and they were given for the folio-Wing harried persons: PERSONS RECEIVING:THE:VOTES : NUMBER.OF:VOTES.WRITTEWIN:WORDS':: • .TQTA The whole number of votes given by the REPuBL I CAN Party for candidates for the office of SUPERVISOR was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS . COLL I N W. WALLS TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRATI C Party for candidates for the office of CLERK was arid they were:given:for the following named persons: !EcispNp RECEIVING THE:VOTES : • •.NUMBER OF VOTES.polp-T.EN.IN•WoRD TOTAL 3.P STATEMENT OF VOTES The. whole number of votes given by the REPUBL I CAN Party for candidates for the office of CLERK Put figures in this column was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES • •• ••••. .••••••• ".... ." •.• • . •• • •••• •• " • ••:•••••• • .. ••••.• • ..."..••••." ••••::.:1•• ••• • ••.:•• • • •• • •••••• • • • • • ••:.: NUMBER OF..VOTESWRITTEN•IN.WOROS.... • .•TOTAL :•:•:•11 The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRAT I C Party for candidates for the office of TREASURER Was and :theYjwore given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTESj : NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS : • TOTAL: REPUBL I:CAN : •Party for candidates for the office Of • : TREASURER • • • •• • .•:•• • ••• : : : : was :: .44 t 01.)• • : :;ear and they were given for the following named Epersons : : : PERSONS RECEIVING:THE:VOTES :1 : NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN tra:wp:RDs The whole number of votes given by!:th PATRICIA L. KRAMER TOTAL STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes : given by the :DEMOCRAT I :C Party fOr candidate s for Ihe office of TRUSTEE Put figUteS in this column .Vote for Two was :and they were given for the following namodperSOns: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES : : :NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN: IN WORDS GLEN J. VERMI LYE :. 'TOTAL . ...j. The whole number of votes given by the PEPUBL I CAN Party for candidates for the office of TRUSTEE 1Vote for Two was • and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTENAN:WORDS WILLIAM K. WFIITLEY TOTAL STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRAT IC . , . . Vote,. for was Put figures in this column 'arty for candidates for the office of PARKS & and they were given for the foilovving named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES • • .•NUMBER OF,VOTES:WRITTEN:IN•WORDS.: ••••.•-. • • •.::. •••••••••,..: ••• :....•• • • •••• • ••••.. ::.TOTAL•: The whole number of votes ,c;iven by the RE PUB L I CAN Party for candidates for the office of PARKS &• • • ••• •• • •• • •••• ••••••:•••..Vcite-•• far • .••• .••• •..:.•:••..:;i•••• • • • • •• :••:••.:., .::....:•• RECREATION COMMISSION •••••••.:••• •.• .:.„ 6§! and they Were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES • : : ::NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTENIN:WORDS ROBERT R. BOB CLARK GARY L. DOVRE CHARLES A. GOING 1 NA J . GOLDEN GLENNA GV.1..LDS . CHARLES M. OAKS 10. iQUESTION : • '.P.OLI:CE.11.1 I LACE •:14NEWAL POLICE MILLAE ADDITION: :PRECINCT NUMBER Total • Totgl. Vet Tata). STATEMENT OF VOTES Put figures The whole number of votes given for and against the QUESTION NO. i - POLICE MILLAGE RENEWAL in this column "Shall a one (1) mill levy upon all taxable property within the Township of -- Springfield, County of Oakland, be renewed for a period of ten years for the years 1986 through 1995 inclusive for the purpose of providing police protection i within the Township?" , 1 1 I I was _S 6.-,--e) , of which number 1 votes were marked YES -4,..---:z,-4,.."--- ._-- and votes were marked NO —„, rx-ta ----4,_,--_,z,..aj —2— TOTAL VOTES, " . The whole number of votes given for and against the QUESTION NO. 2 - POLICE MILLAGE ADDITION "Shall an additional one (1) mill levy upon all taxable property within the Township of Springfield, County of Oakland be established for a period of five __. —7. I years, the years 1984 through 1988 inclusive, for the purpose of maintaining and improving Police protection within the township?" ___ - _ __ . _ _ ! was i °. _.14,----P---r—r---: of which number votes were marked YES , and _ . I 1 votes were marked NO -,71-z.....,, - 4., , _ , .49, 1 - i D ' 1 TOTAL VOTES, ,- .., • • • . . • • .:• ' Township of Sprinqfield :::.:......•••.:•••.: .....:. . • .daY:o August That .. ••.:...:•:. •••• C•••,L . ....... . having received sufficient number of votes is nominated having Of Vates:is:noMinated: That e. office of TRIJS.. ay the , DEMOCRATIC .:••••• ; ..Paily•.fort • • ..• •• uffite.••.of...:...R.USTE:E Party That candidate That candidate by the having:•roceived•SuffiCient :rit.inther of voles is:nOrninated:: having received sufficient number of votes is nominated DEMOCRAT I C Party for the office o Party for the office o Party for the Offide:ra• . . . . . . Party: for the office of That. candidate by the : That : candidate: by the That : Candidate by the That .•••• candidate:hi/the' having received sufficient number of votes is nominated . . . PARKS. .& . C__OMM I SS I ON ....havinwreceiVed.:SuffiCient..number.orvotes.is'nOM:inated . ••:• .PARKS . ......... havinq received sufficient • number of v..tite•s•is.norriinated • •......: ... • havir.:•receiVecl:: Stifficient•nUrriber: of votes is 'nominated PARKS :& RECREATION COMMISSION Party for the office of PARKS & : That cattdidzile by itho That candidate by the having reCeiVed::StiffiCient•nUrnber:i Of votes is nominated kECREAT:1 ON : COMMISSION hay int.]: suffit.:ierit tiUrnber: of vote's is :nominated: PARKS: t LRECREATION COMMISSION . DE:MOCRAT fr,•• O.MOcRAT .... Party for the office o having received sufficient number of votes is nominated CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MI ClI1G AN. COUNTY OF. :•OAKLAND. The Board of Canvassers of the having Asëertained and Canvassed the Vates.::Of:said:L. at the Primary: Election, held on the : one thousand nine hundred and Party for t : Po Hereby Certify and Determine That candidate by the•_PEMPC:RAT1'c.:: : having reoeived•stiffidientinUMber Of votes is nominated office of PER ..F.SOR candidate by the _REPUBL Th at candidate by tbe.,•• DEMOCRAT Party for the office of 1_5' 9 ........_ ....._.__ .......... '' . . . . . . . . . . . ' . having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Partyifor the office o • CLERK ... :Candidate by,-416 REP:11B L I CAN Party E for the office Of CLERK candidate by the:;;KMPCRAT.i.g..,.... : : : : : . . • . . . . . That: candidt1eby the Party for the Office O . : : • Party for the office o haVing:.redelyedj•Stifficientokiraber:Of.votetis.:noMinatedi :•• TREASURER... :hay ing :reCeiVed sufficient number of VOteS.: is nominated • TREASURER That candidate by the DEMOCRAT 1 t Party for the ;.'ffice of TRUSTEE having:receiVed:suffitient:hUrnber Of :EVotes:i.s nominated : : That candidate by the :_g.E.P1-1 04.•!:CARL .:PartY•forthe office Of TRUSTEE: having received sufficient number of votes is nominated (40i0a.t0: by the REPUBL I:CAN::: : : : Po.e.t* for the Office O PARKS &RECREATION COMMISSION REPUBLI CAN 7.P having received sufficient number of :Votes:is:nOrninated .__ having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Flaying Having Re cc ved . . . 4014k4Oettet Received : Not Received I-laying Received •Suffitien votes was Passed etzarNiitt• Passed Passed Defeated Sufficient votes was ••••. • ...• • • • ...•••• • •Sufficient • votes was eying :•• •.:Received - Not Received Having Having Received Not Received Received Not Received NAME OF PROPOSITION (3 NONE •••:f.4114.1. • : : CHAIRMAN:OF:a0AFiO: CANVASSE RS ETI K :0 OF BOARD"O F .CANVASSERS.. : That : : :havinq receLved Sufficient:nuMber of V iOtesi is norninatett: 'candidate by th REJBL1CAN .....: Forty for the Offife. of RECREAT:I ON: .COMM:1:SS :I ON That ( . . . .... having received st.ifficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the RE PUBL I CAN Party fe.A- the office of PARKS & RE C REAT ION COMM I SS I.ON. . .............. . That z , candidate by the REPUBLI CAN , That _ candidate by the REPUBL I CAN : _ having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office of ....PARKS._&.....RE.C.R.EAT 1.0N. COMM I S5....I.O.N. . . . . . having received sufficient number of votes is nominated PARKS & RECREATION COMM I SS I ON . . Party for the office o That : : :having received sufficient number of votes is nominated . : : : : : Candidate by the REPUBL I CAN Party for the office of PARKS: :& RE GREAT I ON COMM ISS : : : :That ::; , haVing iteceiVed:SLIffiCipilt number of votes : is nominated candidate by the : : Party : for:fhe::offir;t: of : : : That " andidate by th. : party for the office of : :That candidate by the :Party for the office of D6 Further Hereby Detain:One: .1 hat the:f011oyVirig Propositions or questions were passed : or defeated as indicated below: :NAME OF PROPOSITION 1QUESTI ON :NO[1 POL ICE MILLAGE RENEWAL : NAME OF PROPOSITION : .2E ST10N MP 2 CE M 4.,APT ADDITIOl : NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE: : NAME or rsorosiTioN : :NONE::: : NAME OF PROPOSITION: Sufficient votes was Sufficient votes was Sufficient Votes:waS: Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed . . Defeated In Witness Whereof, We have : hereunto : set oi.ir hands and affixed the : Seal the E... : : of :Oak l and ?0, • e -this d:ay ri in the yeari onsethouSand nine hundred and CHAr Ft:MAN: BOARD OF CANVASSERS : ATTEST 8.P