HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1978.08.08 - 46591919 East Kligore Rotd PRIMARY ELECTION AUGUST 8, 197 SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP CANVASS OF VOTES CAST • AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION HELD ON JUL (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF _OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN NANIY7. OE COUNTY, TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE) servien I.prai.,raiana.pzu ly1M4UFAcTU.Bp BY .ELgcpost SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS —STA VON KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. NI-398-PC CANVASSER ROOK PRIMARY STATEMENT OF VOTES PARTY OFFICE CANDIDAI'E NAMES SUPERVISOR (R) COLLIN W. WALLS CLERK CALVIN WALTERS TREASURER ) MARY JEAN COX (p) GLEN JUSTIN VERMILY 0111STABLE (vote for LIBRARY BOARD -vote for SUSAN L. ADAMS STATEMENT OF VOTES WINGFIELD TOWNSHIP - PARTY OFFICE 77 CANDIDATE NAMES , 1 1 NI',7 3 I 4 I 5C i --- TOTALS PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER LIBRARY BOARD -to fiW 4- , (R) MARY L. WATSON 1PARK COMMISSION - 1 vote for 2 44-STEPHEN D. DA.CF i(R) CHARLES M. OAKS- /.31 -91.3 -f ='I ARK-:COMMISSION - to fill vacancy (1) , I 7 l(R) CHARLES W. MALLETT:: q 9 ,f3 7 f3 /e2,7 71 4/‘ I 7f LV51// t, 4.4 ii;k5e/ey Y /3,71 • • s.-T2 I = . i Y7,;/,, ,;.. 1- 4.5$-'' 5 5 7 , . --V . . . 1 +- 1-1: ---- cp - The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC or candidates for e off ice of PUT FIGURES 14 MIS EOtMN fir Pa 2. 3, 1, The whole number of votes given by the REPUBLICAN Party for candidates for the office of CLERK was TOTAL 3. and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES . CALVIN WALTERS 4. 1. NUMBER OF VOTES RI STATEMENT OF VOTES SUPERVISOR was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 1. 2. 3, 4. NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTA The whole number of votes given by the REPIIRL I CAN Party for candidates for the office of SUPERVISOR was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES COLL ALLS NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL 4, The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRAT IC Party for candidates for the office of CLERK WaS and they were given for the fallowing named persons PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 4. The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRAT IC TREASURER -2, .(vot-u fvt i?nq Was and they were given tor the toi owl g named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES . MARY JEAN COX ___L____MARJOR-1-E—K1411( 3. 4. TOTAL Party for candidates for the office of NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN n4 WORDS TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS , / 14.7d 1 IOTA TOTAL 11 The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC Party for candidates for the office of NSTABLE -vote for one was and they were given for the following named persons; PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS REPUBLI CAN Patty for candidates for the office of TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the WEIS 'a-not they were given or the Fallowing named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES I..ThAPER. OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS LCHARLES A. BALL 2. 3, 4. TOTAL STATEMENT OF VOTES PUT FIGURES IN Tilis Cottua e REPUBLICAN The whole number of votes given by t TREASURER-vote for one was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES • pATR IC IA L. KRAMER 2. 3. 4. Party for candidates for the office of NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRAT IC Party for candidates for the office of 11 1, -TRUSTEE, 7vote_for onP was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 1. ! A. 2. GLEN JUST IN VERM I LYE 3, 4, The whole number of votes given by the REPUBLICAN TRUSTEE - vote for one was and they were given for the fallowing named persons; PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES Party for candidates for the office of NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS Party for candidates for the office of PUT FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN UMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS TOTAL _ itete.„' for_2 and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 1. was 3RA13 MARE NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 2. 3. 4. 11 an The whole number of votes given by the OEMO_C_RAT C Ptyfor candidates for the office of to fill vacancy was RAU BOARD-vote ipr rr 9f) they were given or e a owmg named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1. 2. 3, Pally for candidates for the office of NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IH WORDS 4, The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC Party for candidates for the office of 3. TOTAL 1 PARK COMM I SS ION -vote for 2 was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 1. 2, NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 1 TOTAL 4' STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC nte for 2 VKIS. and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 1 ° SUSAN L. ADAMS 2. 3. The whole number of votes given by the REPUBL I CAN Party for candidates for the office of The whole number of votes given by the REPUBLI CAN vote for one 1-1aRARY=B_OARLto_f Wacan and they were given for the following "named persans: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES 1 MARY L. WATSON 2, 3: STATEMENT OF bet of votes given by the REPUBL I CAN Party for candidates for the office of The whole nu 13 NTT FIGURES _ THI$ COLUMN ------7- _ ARK _COMB_LS.SLON 1 _ , or:d they were given for the following named persons: 1 : , PE;RSOI-,IS. RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 3 3 ..._ - — --- .......___. I -h-1 1,STEPHEN D. DICE — ,,- , -4— 2-_,CHARL,S ti, OAKS__ 1 r _ TOTAL 11 --11 7 ._._ li 1 The who number of votes given by the DEMOCRATIC Party for candidates for the office of -, I I ______ i.-- -4 PARK COMMISSION - to fil 1 vacancy •1 I was . _ .____ __4 _II____ I__ .11 and theycc13Yri c'5i)rrth'emtehowng named persons: - ----- -- Ii 11 PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 3; _. _ __ __ _____ — _________ ________ . H ; .r B , If u IJ 1 .P li _ _ - _ 4 -- 9 _ I . __ _. __ . . _ -1- -1F 3. j__________ . ._____ I 4. TOTAL The whole number of votes given by the REPUBLICAN Party for candidates for the office of i _ _ _ _ _ — PARK COMMISSION -to fill vacancy - vote for one 5 WaS and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS ; ---- ---- - -------------- --- — 3 t. CHARLES W. MALLETT _____________ _____ ,L.i_ii,:_-,-: , , ..E;7;(;_ /2,-e.,,,' ://Z-("--•oe„--e---:1 _ 1 cd ' — II ! •( I L. • TOTA 1 _ ___ , _. --- - ii I TOTAL VOTLS, .. --- The whole number of votes given for and against the ._._ I -- ii i i i i was of which number i _ _ yams were marked YES . _... and ........ ----- I votes were marked NO 1 TOTAL VOTES, The whidIe number of votes given For ana against the. 4-RUSTEE . PROPOSITION r7T-1 L !i -nr-1 ri III f f )rrrfC.:!5 ii 1 1/J7 1 •- I , IF! 11 II:ill/ 11 of whi ch number votes were. marked YES rid rrr! if TOTAL VOTES, vore rrriirrid YES r r!:S .7,7 I k rErr,.71 N !. ! • : ! A! • ri by the That candidate by the_ _ - - - - - - - Party Party for the office. a y for the office o candidate by the.-. Party for the office of.. Iownsiai p_Trus teesof the Spring Towns hip Board to be . , _ iel-eoteki 1 9 80_i_b_e_a_s.ed. from_ two ( 2 ) to f ou r.! (4) ? vOtes Were TrCril-f.'"` Ni The wok number of votes given for and against the ::_Shou.td a Nort1i/1Qth tecl, access.Lroad .Pe bui_lt slate or tedal_e*pense _ -apip rox y 1 ong_thei_i_namen_t_of the.nr fr.e_away_r_out QUEST ION : , ( .- .----' - — . ' .. .- '...• .:._/.7. -(,._,-.e_ ---•:24. __-.---E...--v----------;=— '...,- • •L.--e-•:,..---/_, — ..-..2.---e•-L.--f-e_. ..., , . , - • • . , . .___,, . . . , i , , -4,„," 4, , A/- .--_;-, .-- . ' .r. 1 .. • .;--el: At • ,,- __ ,,/— 1 . ._n n r.:: : : ._,.. L -. _ 4:r., Z.c4.,,..i, _ r ....c.,......,,,r i....,.,..-- i.„..‹..r..r.,:.i .._ . • _7,:v4Z...„1„_ ,-- - • ......_-....._ VOTES,- • /That • . •r • •• .• ••::••••:.• •••• • ." • •••• • •:• - hi:1\rd il7g received sufficient number of votes is ihaflOd eanididate:by ..-:•-•Pi.viiii.:fOr•the:•Offirte ..al.....L.J.13.11,i1RT.:••1 0.A111)•:.,:.:::•::m- . . . ••••••rs -•••'• • •• ••••••• • hei.y:frig.:rec,....eiNi6.4..sUrffilernit....rirOrnr-.bei of votes is nominated - candidate:.4..théJLEPILKILI:CA.N.: • That having rreeeiviedr•Suffri.Ci:ent.rournber:jefi.vtei'irS:.:AtOgtifLi14:'. by the -- _ rb.f ..P.A-F.t-IcLcOMPITSS I 0:1\1- :;• ••• : • • • • :r• r:.• • • • ... .. • .. • . . •• ::.:1 y.11.0%6 received stiff cient numberrriaf i: votes by the office. afr :pA.Ri< .;:t Ofv.ris:sirort,tr- - _ r-r -• ...• • r." -REPt113-1.4GA-N- ri That._ - _ 14 - haying 1-.660i.y&d votes ir.:SrrN44141ATEP : : : : by the OAT-- for..ther office Pfi114.-- COMMISSION -to r f -IL 'a cártly rr rr:rr :r . I r ihot- - rf/L _ _ _ ‘r 77( having received sufficient number of votes is Nort41+6),TE by the R-E-P-UBL1-CAN Pty For theofficeoF - -PARK COMM I SS I-ON -1-1- -vacancy That —. .having received sufficient number of votes is 4ec=t40 That by the having received suffici ent number. of votes IS tit4h'1TrK`"41TED P h ff. IP_Ailk_COMP.11:$:$ IrON : 0..4 or t p i.ce 0 ::.riThotr- _ having received sufficient number of votes is nominated having received sufficient number of votes is nominated , NAME:OF PROPOSMON - --TRUSTEE- -PROPOS-1-T 1-0 N-- - - NAME OF PROPOSMON Sufficient Not Received Havini :flaying Received lot Received Passed as Defeated ufficient votes 1 1 ••• : NAME OF PROPOSITION BOARD OF CANVASSERS CHAIRMAN OF HoAru? OF CANVASSERS. ATTEST: ERK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS. CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION That-- ----------- — --------- __________ ------------- _ htiving received suffirient number of votes IS nominated candidate by the Party for the office of ,.. That . haVina :i.:ecei ved suffid .ant norabet of vnios ii..-,' nominated , candidate by the Puny for the office of, That : having received sufficient numbiei of votes ;fs nominated candidate by the Party far the office of That-- -------------- -------------- ---------- _____ having received suFficient.nurnber of vores:.is Tiornincited candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for :the 'office: of._ .. • That .. haying received suffic lent number of votes :is nominated candidate by the Party for thetoffice of :: That having received sufficient number of votes is namiinoted candidate by the Party for the office of_ That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidcite by the -- Party for the office of- _ That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by thA Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of vote!, is no m i n ated candidate by the Party for the office of That having receiVed sufficient number of votes Is nciriiria .ted candidcite by the Party for the office of That_ haVing receive,.-1 sufficient noM:)er of votes is in noted candidate by the Party for the office of — -- That having received §ufficient nuraber cif votes is naniinaied candidate by the Party for the office of- That having received Sufficient number of votes : is: rinininated candidate by the Party for the office of That having:received:sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party For the office of - - --- ,-- — Da Further Hereby Determine: Thar :the following Propositions or avestions were passed or defeated as indicated below: PeoeciL votes Was Dfrd .NcRt _ Passed Having ------ Sufficient votes was 'IsteteetWa In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the_ CO_UNTY of.. OAKLAND ILounty Clty, Townshl is or Vi I lo ge) (Coority , City, Township ar Villa ge) this day of ALLGUST -- in the year one thousand nine hundred and__ _seventy _ el CHAIRMAN