HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1996.11.05 - 4678CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE , GENERAL D SPECIAL ELECTION HELD ON November 5, 1996 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY MUM OHL a 'IL ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS V 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN STATEMENT OF VOTES, CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 5, 1996 !— I — SUPERVISOR CLERK TREASURER _ _ __ 11 _L 1! 1- 1 — 0 _.8 I- Lill I PRECINCT , o 3: cc 1._ . 13 15 I -0 1 NUMBER 'r- !:' 2 'Li ' ›,: -'2 r -3 ! t..' 0 •,- 6 4,... 7,. . -45 . = -J _I = CZ) 1 i 2 , g E: 2 8' . ..t ' .I.:: ezt I :I -I I- ,..., i ,-, I I- ^I .--, 1- .--02. -;;n-• 0 1 ' 0 1 0 , 4:e 0, !I 2 , _ 1-1 _ 1- 1- tl . __. ._. _ _____ _ __ 1 :1 r 1.3(4- :_$5-i g‘g a iLr 1 , --sj.g ___ 1 , 49 1 LW ' ' ?, HiS3 , R LIS'S 2 H -159 _..3 : /03Q 760 'I • In 7 SC [_ ' 15A 1139 / 790 4I' lac '5d/ /to 5331 533! 1 S 5 ' 5-Da I ,33'ij .3.1e.; : 0 • 1H33 4,1 ' -3Y-D- l 33 6 1-..& 1I2‘10 3 1.243 14Q1 . I (3O ; liaa, 7c .5'6 4 Lig"! LI •I-14-11 Li.SC'' 3 ; 46_3 ' 446,1 it-pht, 1 TOTAL 5151 i/L9 1 1005 i 4 :Li Acci lio_ii,, 'ILI , _*60: 3qq1: V I , ! - 1,- , i ,_ 1 —4- - 1 , , 1=--- 1, t , I., :- — ..4 ' . , - - -1- , , !-- - _i____ —n- ,11 , . ; __ 0, , 1 . _ _ . ! 1 P G P1 7 P1 X - I- X r-r-h C ri c-, cz -c C -r CI Lr rn In rr cc r- 1-- UZI cn z C ni 3 0 01 NI 111 I 111 I 114,1 z.c, m Z 33 0 -1 ___-,TA , 1,R) .rgaretiA :10,,, • 1 II Till , j 0•1 Illg II 1.111 MI c+J UHI II Ill iii 1 1 r i illimil (R) Charles N. Oaks —1 ..,. • 21 1 (R) Dennis J. Vallad Pi iyi rn -n ri 1111 I I II -II h III Others i l -)-1 ---en3 -.1;gii (TD0',-: Candidate Filed .m. I• 1 1 14 C I 1 • I II ill . IN II II 1 I ly i 1 1 II II Bo ,I,1 c,-, (R) James A. Ashley II. 12 ri-,,k I g (R) Dot LaLone , pl 1 :,:t. ely2,,m -cu,it (R) Jean A. Vallad ( D 1 No Candidate Filed cz) pzi I•I .10 1 , __, , 0, , o .„...,„ /cti 7-1 1 41 C3 SO ""-- 9*-} t--f n ertAe.c- al-i--reeScrJ II•—I I .•I III 11 •1 III•.I 111111 r L., , c:) !II lc dim _ j II II I II _IN Ill _ _Iii 1 1 1 lr 1111 II1 11 ll1 . TOT Ohers 'S310A AO IN3W31VIS STATEMENT OF VOTES, CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 5. 1996 MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD VOTE FOR SIX c 1 IN '41,' - in 0 VI S. .-; 0 CO 0 ' W W Ce PRECINCT Fd NUMBER (23 --1 • n Lc- • CO I la1 1 0 , I , .% ,T., 0 ...- M .< S- -C 41 Lei sn .1-, 5- M u ,- L J 4IJ CA "0 _C C 0 ..0 0 .:4- til OC CC In I- 1.440 qin Li --/9 500 1 460 Litel FF- or I 2 .31._;z 3=.41 :Lot: 1 .3411 ,Q-7Q 3.01 [ Igeoq 3 `1-.3‘,F 4q0 44-XJ51A 1 9-17 4 3.2.- 3.3q...3,LIKC 2015- 43I L,14c R rig5 5 le,s0 t`3 73 •l( itec-i ilq a. Rgoa 6 ..--3.301.20 3.3S- 3.3S.' 3;7 285 i ;th 3.91 3r 0 188A TOTAL 0316 ,256e2 ;i1 44 .4.94 4 hg 1 _ 1 --- - — .--- — I! 1 1 ___ 1.P, G The whole number of votes given for the office of SUPERVISOR - VOTE FOR ONE was and they were given for the following named persons: Put figures Mthiscolumn lIJ votes votes votes votes votes votes votes votes C; o3 1111 1111 4; received received . received TOTAL votes votes votes vows vows votes vows votes 3 Li. 7 -51 IUUNI-11? Ul- .1)K11%Ibl-ItLU STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 5. 1996 , A, / receiveo. J received TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of CLERK - VOTE FOR ONE wag 1 and they were given for the following named persons: (R) Nancy Strole (D)No Candidate Filed Others The whole number of votes given for the office of TREASURER - VOTE FOR OWE was —rot, and they were given for the following named persons: (R) Collin W. Walls CD) No Candidate Filed Others (R) Lois 3. Stiles received _ (p) No Candidate Filed Others received Y-A-A) received TOTAL votes votes votes The whole number of votes given for the office of TRUSTEE - VOTE FOR FOUR was kt and they were given for the following named persons: (R) Margaret A. (R) Elaine Field-Smith (R) Charles M. Oaks (R) Dennis J. Vallad BI oom receivedtLui-f v s receive tiLdae.04,„,_,L 1,4:4NAtet_t aks rece ive j,__LL„.44,„L____64:4e; re" iverbli-c-4-a-t..4-6v t-td-ot td- tes 3 3 1,41 0 3 13415 3 (0) No Candidate Filed Others received received received received received received received TOTAL 2.0 1314 Put figures in this column • The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were given for the followin g named persons: received received received TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of PARK COMMISSION - VOTE FOR SIX was-"tt. votes votes votes votes Votes 1'0,111 votes votes receiverri-4_,c received , t—it..ze.-v-e-r,1L.Lw-t--t-7S41)+es received votes I The whole number of votes given for the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: James G. Banes Kristine L. Bower Sandra K. Chester Ruth A. Gruber Barbara E. Kochan-Dove Kathleen F. Rollins Others CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD STATEMENT OF VOTES GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 5. 1996 and theythey were given for the following named persons: Tr7 -1 JO James A. Ashley received t „evoltes • S I I 3 (R) Dot LaLone (R) Jean A. Vallad (D) No Candidate Filed rnKa Lc rte.-, +Th (---n --- Others - received received received t -f re ce ive d received "Ir__/ received received received TOTAL votes votes ' votes votes votes votes 17 ,576r - ; — -1— !To. , ! 4-Toldel MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD - VOTE FOR SIX v?J Totes- a 3. 7 . • bte received7 "42,_e .36 _1 it ,,t_6;___,..74 votes c receive dfL_ct 4 j4 ,_,L `i.,,,,,.. _,„e.,„ receivel L 1....--e ,----) ,t --/..,-e-e----.-1---1---ez( 644P-t - 4 t'4, i4i .5 14 , l---. - / / _ votes , votes received received TOTAL votes votes votes j.)lq 30 received-- received STATE OF MICHIGAN. cowry OF OAKLAND couwry OF OAKLAND SS. votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected That - votes is elected having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of That having received a sufficient number of That votes is elected PARK COMMISSIONER - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER having received a sufficient number of 20, 2000 20, 2000 having received a sufficient number.of CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION The Board of Canvassers of the COUNTY of OAKLAND IOOLMITl, LIT!, TOVAMERIP OR VI I 'coupon Cirv TOWNSHIP OR VI I having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD 'COU.n. Cr,. •powoptmo, ow vi GENERAL NOVEMBER at the 5th Election, held on the day of one thousand nine hundred and NINETY—SIX Do Hereby Certify and Determine That CL), having received a sufficient number of SUPERVISOR - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2000 CLERK - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20. 2000 TREASURER — FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2000 - TRUSTEE- FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2000 11_4-17_,C - TRUSTEE - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2000 That e-h votes is elected TRUSTEE — FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2000 That .77 votes is elected TRUSTEE — FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2000 That /9-• /9 having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of votes is elected PARK COMMISSIONER — FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2000 votes is elected PARK COMMISSIONER — FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2000 That votes is elected /9 PARK COMMISSIONER — FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER having received a sufficient number of 20, 2000 That votes is elected PARK COMMISSIONER — FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER having received a sufficient number of 20, 2000 L-11,2-c-c That votes is elected That _ votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected That _ votes is elected having received a sufficient number of PARK COMMISSIONER - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 4 6 TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20., 2000 MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2000 r having received a sufficient number of MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD — FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20. 2000 having received a sufficient number of MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD — FOUR YEAR having received a sufficient number of MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD - FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING_NOVEMBFR PO, 20_00 4-G That votes is elected having received a sufficient number of 1 2 4 NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION 5 NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE ATTEST: CLERK OF EIOARD OF CANVASSERS. 5.0 fkijtel CHAIRMAN BOARD OF CANVASSERS AO / K CHAIRMAN OF AROiCF ANVASSERS. • CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD GENERAL ELECTION - NOVEMBER 5, 1996 —1 That ii--T---)_-_)-..-e--->i 6.-. f)_,..1_, . having received a sufficient number of 1 votes is elected MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD — FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2000 ! That 64., _A ..4._ E . ..1-- 4,,-' La-, - 1...,-e._ having received a sufficient number of votes is elected MEMBER OF THE LIBRARY BOARD — FOUR YEAR TERM ENDING NOVEMBER 20, 2000 That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated Received Passed Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of COUNTY of OAKLAND VILLAOCI CCOVI•ITY, Err, TOWNINInIr V.I.I.A.4.1) this day of NOVEMBER ip the,yeione,thipusand nine hundst..4 and NMETY—SIX the SEAL