HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1972.11.07 - 4682Nv F:: OF NIIITXXXXXXX4pCXXXXLIDOQXXXXXXXXXXX COUNTY, MICHIGAN OAKLAND TolivwsnaD or sPRINGFIELD NOVEMBER 7, 1972 AT THE RECTON (GENERAL) HELD ON NOVEMBER 7, 1972 (DATE OF ELECTIOt AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS 13(1 g MANUFACTURED BY '") Utt It LI ..:ELE.CTION....:Sti:PPV ...:14:AN:OFACTURERA`...l.:. • 44: T tati • E AND PRINTERS• 1919 East Kilgore Road * KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-39B CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary or Special Election PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER OFFICE AND CANDIDATE NAMES TOTALS TOWNSHIP SUPERVISPR _ (I)) Claude A. Trim TOWNSHIP CLERK (U) Theodore O.John$rn (R) Margaret R. Sam TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE (R) Ellsworth L. Ruud (R) James P. Halsey PARK COMMISSION (R) Collin 'Wall s 1ok numbc oF o'tO g:'or br kr' offe of TOWNS1-ILP SUPERVISOR (Two year term P.1.17 Fr(11111ii$: cotochitt eirrd Oe*: • vc,-.)tes cerved receivect TOTAL • VCI ei+ ? ruirobr,n- of Fcihe• of(Hce of TOWNSHIP CLERK (Two year term: . . . . arlr they. votis (11) 3, CALVIN :WALTERS rec vote TOTAL Th.e as .v.o. • . • . Was : • :. o the.v were...,.!•!;veri. the fo , . . . . . inq. or-Irv:led SI (D) DONALD W. ROGERS (R) MARGARET IL SAMUElacei ...,..ed : , , : : v.Ofes' LTh •.1N: L. ....................... • . • •• -.• . • • • .• , " ..... :...... aC.• for not thore: than one givcri OPP'iCe- TOWNSHIP: TRUSTE E ........... : — ye ar teirn) • votes F !nq'i I (R) ELLS WORTH L. RUND41.44ed votos recei)red received Vote.5 received• received votes received received votes received received. reCei vod Votes Vd.te:i• : .1.1VC.....r(0111Mi4.... • . . . •.• . . . .:.• TOWNSHIP CONSTABLE (Two year term The w'nole numbei of vutes gh,•n for the office c 0 rid they were given fr! t!ie following nonv2d perso vote:, ". received . VC" , I received,' votes °•11:1)1...A L votes The ii:thole. nn'inberA ••• .• . ••• . • • . • • • • Fo r. •• Vote .• f r not more....than•••:tri•mi. • • . .•••• ...•• . • • .• • • 0 H C ___- 2PARK COMMISSION (Six year term and they Were given for the following named persons: (R) ROBERT J. P ET:ER:S (R) COLLIN W WALLS . : received •:. receiver:A received vOte..s. recei'ved received received v,.)tes received vc5tes rece ‘fe d votes TOTAL. votes Tile whole nornber of votes given for the office of was : •and :they were given For the following named •persons: received received voiesj . • • • = •Votes...7 • TOTAL e whole number of votes given for the office %NUS ,-rod tIley wele 9iven for the following named persons: received received votes••1•• votes • : C1V : TONIN. SHIP OF IN1FIELD••• : • • NOYWMBEIL 7th • :..;ecttes- cc- • Vi.1 i.c'ver'the 13.! PARK % COMMISSION.:. ::.(six year le r.ty .. • .. . • • PARK' COMMISSION (Six year te n . v. t - - ; t.:;p.Ws ;tot - Jit...ite tzn ta 11:A V.fre.9 ivd .1i _ .R.Trqb:,1 • • • • •ccAe RT H ,16 E TE1 I1/44 I A J . ( 1.7 __.OAKLAND . rYCIFInj; .01 COUNTY OAKLAND . . : : • _ • .t; • GENERAL------L . i*Do Herb Ce d. oik! re4 . t.tot „ hrv f 1jr TOWNSHIP STJP ERVISOR • : :11'.;4 :r1.;11:06e; . , . . 1c. 0 WN:SIII_P CLERK - . . . rt.o. .•• . • . • . . "'••• ...• • • • • • . _ :fho:•!:.:=1,42:51..eafili .b,., 0. TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE (Four year term) : : • :: • •:. • ••• :.• • . • • . 1, - t • t t ; e • . r,..?:CC:Ci Mic:7C5: honicv.',,r or TOWNSHIP. C0NSTA35LE:.(Two .:.ear ..ter..tri.). • _ ;se", ; : raccwic:4 fh!? ci 6:1f :11! . . T OWN 8FIIR:-.C.ONSTABL E :( TWO year . v c•f;e • Tht:ef 1'; vQk :eir;ctec; the. Ri.t.i•616tsr: — — — _ _ : I h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , htt.til.K4 10-1r111,:k?i: - - - - - - -hqvi g roc h 0 a r.r....j6..s.1" That votes is elected_ received the largest number of That votes k elected ,havincireteived the largest number oF That votes is elected_ howl received the largest number a That votes is elected_ _._ having received the largest ournbei oF Passed Defeated mAme OF PROPOSMON NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE Received . Passed Having Suf'ticient votes was ot Received b N efeate,cl Hcming SUffiCient votes w- PassPd" Net rNeceivea - us Liereatea Received Having Sufficient votes wo Nat Receiveci NAME OF PROPOSMON 3ufficient vc: Passed es was ig-...17-4---77;: ideieateci Received Having "- ;Not Iceceivee 4 _ NONE ATTESTA That votes is elected Thclt_ •votes is elected _ That votes is elected having received the ktrjest nigriber of having rezeived 'he largest number of having i.eceived the largect. number of That votes is elected reeeiyed:the ....lcirge! number af De Further Hereby Deterrnitreg nett the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: Witrtes$ Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed th e Seal COUNTY ot OAKLAND COunty, Li y , :Towo:shi ciVi I ing his ././ day ,:of 061' Onettioukintis. iiirkeioMdrecl ;Ind City,i TOs;n:1.0i:0 cr NOVEMBER 8 ev"Ot:_ty....."tWo CHAIRMAN. BOARD OF CANVASSERS LEEK OF BOARD OF CAN:k'irA•ssoS,! CHAIRMAN OF:BOARD:OF CANVASSERS