HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1978.11.07 - 4683SPRINGFIELD TOWNSI-1:1•P. • GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 7, 1978 CANVASS OF VOTES (AST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON November 7, 1978 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND I NAME OF COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE) _COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Rood KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No, M-398 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary or Special Election oFICE AND CANDIDATE NAMES PRECINCT OR • w•ARp. NUMBER • • •• • • • • . . -T :sc.]. • .1 • .1 SU RE.Rv.E.s. OR. ) Collin W. Walls (:1) MARJORIE KIRK (ID (4k) PATRICIA L. KRAMER( .0) CHARLES A. BALL 7x9 ir---67,-ch .411.17oggiROimimAmegaliOleAffilemmmliamiiimmEitki •Ni.o.t0 för 2) . •, • • IL .SUSAN .L. ADAMS (r) RALPH .0.1 11E I IL), • to f• .1.1 LIBRARY j.:BOARD -.: vacancy - • • .... 771n76.-te- one) , WATS0.N , SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP • PARTY OFFICE. CAHOIDAT'" NAMES NOV. 7, 1978 TOTALS PARK COMMISSION -unexprellim*.— ..1 •PARK COMMISSION ,reuiar term' (vote for 2) • STEPHEN D. DICE (4)CHARLES M. OAKS STATEMENT OF VOTES PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER • 77 *kiPt F 4 15C . i ____L • 2,21 /14 .. . . . ,226 72'6 2,2/ , 1 11 1 I • .; i' i I I 1 • 1 i , , ', (R)CHARLES W. MALLETT( '206 L,z,o3 j i I 1 I I ' I STATEMENT OF VOTE.C. . . . . PUT F1UIJ11F IN THIS CIKUMN SUPERV I SOR wa or; th.e:foito:witig. porso.o:s: • recewec , _Co1In 14—leta I is Vi :.‘;:dte.4 VC. te5 en: h"..)r. knned •pei.:s;>hs: t.tal v Wal.t.ers e f - ILCLICi receivef:t TOTAL 'oes /- .1 I hOy: nilnu-;c1 arjorie Kirk t)te 'II:. '1% recpE P.C.1 r()TA L.. vote5.. voles ti 'es bf.v6h::r6i ::f li 'fii4) t wo 06a. V. 'r ;vgqi ieceivecie' feceiveci ',:voteS" ypfetii: voles votes: : votes 0.5 " V...A received received • i:oceiveo: ecved . • • ?„,c.,..c.:qi.ver..1 • . ......, STAEMENt OF VOTES .. ;MT.Fii .. • IN: "ails ••:;p0prill 0 or DlCe of CONSTABLE -Vote for not more than one • - - • • - - - _ was • • • • t y re ciivepl fe) r t e If (I) W I tr r.r! e.d e t1S II:.i.:--41ARLES-JUBALL: • :•• ••••• 11 . • . • :; . • • : • . : . • • • ; LIBRARY BOARD .- vote for not more than 11,6 . . .•• • h • 'n1 :.S.tis•Orl • 1.••;••••Adams g? . •• • • . .:•• TOTAL • • • •• ••••••• • The :WhO.II :e.!ntiMber of vQtes 9 aven for I . the • Offlpe.I.Of %Li BRARY:••••••BOARD.:.::•..:•:unOxiji.rcl•••:t:Iel:* • .. d they were given for the fol lowing named person: • •• • • • • • • •• ••• •••• • •Votei..:•for•- tar nbt.... more .•.: than ..:PARK .•COM11.1S$1•ION ...-,:• reg :rn •• •••• :: • ••• • . . FL'E.:••••&.;n• •yri.,..:•:•" • .62•44:4: 70 :•:: •PARKHCOMMISSION •••-,t10.0i(03•••ttIet)...:tei7ni ...• :.•••••• • . :•••• • • 6,3 Charles W. Mal lett . • ' • •1 • . • OAKLAND oVembe.r _ •glay: —•• tr,:.\,04..1. f. (7). Q Ilijainer 1.7,71 .r:ef i nf:.(?.6 . . . Iiavi n-rcr.&if.: havl ag i ce ver:i a:::.-.ibffi(;:ieint number That 11 a V.1 g rend ved a.::s f Ili 6: eri .nt.).1:11 14i'F,.r.. .ot ,... • 7 . • e Thor . _ _ votes is : -- havt i-cg r Thot. ;s a 2: :riurher ,ecr ! n CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION : Th0 hoard o C COUNTY . f :OAKLAND Cu C- ''ijovolj.h 4.) •pr Vi V I lic:g 1vng *s. SPRINGF IELD TOWNSHIP Asceitijined :and C.„.611,,-ii.Ssea: ;no. votes at 5 M(1.- : - - co the GENERAL Elec.:lion, he ld on the, _7 one thousand nine hunched and __ JseY.enty_ Do Hereby Certify and Determine •.v.o. Thai votes is elected. vows ic elected at es .rs...ele•<-..t.ed_ votes is elected_ -_ • SUPERVISORI .• • • •-•")•••• . :CLERK • • • . ;e5:• TREASURER TRUST_EE _ CONSTABLE v6tos is eietti...id_ L I BRARY BOARD, j.) regular . term having recelvea a saffi en:: :11.M1 bar LIBRARY BOAR :regular :term. Icit VOtOS IS elected.. That - J is elicted., : : votes is elette votes is eiected - That_ - _ _ _ __. having received Li suffin.erit number LIBRARY BOARD - unexpi red term havincj rcceiv.cd .11 •suh:LcIenf:'number of •••PARK;COMMiSS.ION.•re.gU.Iar..te .rm•• . . . _ _ .• . • _ : .. • .. ./1:9 • . . . • . — . . . : P-ARK. :COMMI -SS:t 9N: 7 : re00:1er term: /& . Inc PCeivrdLI sur ii i iiii•mber.: of PARK COMMISSIONunexpired tern : : . : . hciVirig ,:er.eiveda cuV i num be 0 t •.:.: %.oles is eiectea, _ NAME OF PROPOSMON 1_ NONE NAME Of -PROPOSMON NAME Of PROPOSITION 4 T,7! att, LiC)ARD 'OF i:ANIVASSF.,:RS — - That votes is electecL That_ votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected, That votes is elected_ That votes is elected That votes is elected_ That votes is elected having receivea a sulficient number of having received a ilHitio.rit having received a sufficient number of having received a- sufficient ..numb.er having received a sufficient number having received .a suffi cient numbei' having received .Q sufficient number of having received a sufficient numher ot 4Iter Hereby Determine' Th' the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME Of PROPOSITION Received Passed Having tirticient votes was Not Neceived aereoted Received rassed Having Sufficient votes was ,-, NOt Keceived ',A;teateCI Passed. Rt.,:ceived Having — Sufficient votes WEIS tk•lot Received i,derearea Passed Received - oulticiont votes was _ Having Not Reo,ived - jetem,e0 In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands ond affixtx:i lhe Seal of the COUNTY of ..O.A.KLAND (c.nty, City, Townshi p or Vi I lage) T.7.wDzilip Viilave) , thiS day NOVEMBER ui in the year arse thousand nine hundred an‘i seventy eight