HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1988.11.08 - 4686CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE D A M S G P E E N C E I RAL ELECTION HELD ON November 8, 1988 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY MEW Dna Hp ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN STATEMENT OF VOTES, Charter Township of Springfield - November 8, 1988 --- ----• ••• ..._ _ .....„ ..._ — SUPERVISOR CLERK TREASURER , ; cc. . I ,-", ; Lu .1 1 I 1 . ....i 1-- ; 1 . _I ; _r ! ! PRECINCT _ cc ' NUMBER —, _ Lo 1 1 _1 LI I Li, w , o .^ I ° D 4 1 -.J I ...1 • " V 1 Qj f _1! 4 ! .:( 1 1 Cl c>1 2 f. — Cl c, 1 cc I ° ' — c` 8 p`E' _ _ . .— - -- ..... ,____ _,,._._...12 2 _[___ i .9' 3j3 .3/ 1/ ' 11 / ,y, ..2) 6.) • _ _ 3 I C• 443 i 6.c. 3 ',475-1- i VI 1 J • 437 ---1, 9-',. 7 1 / 5C ii/44. 10`441_ / 956 !35A IA /0 ,5-4.2.! .,. , , 1 1 - TOTAL , , i25475 , p.... ,46.1. 1,11 i P/./.3 1• -- I I 1 F I , I il 1 I -- _. , 1 r r 1 r i 1 1 r -- ,r I , -d 1 , i I r- r i , r ! r • , 1, --I :— ,1 , • I • 1 I 7 -r II- 1.P, 0 STATEMENT OF VOTES, CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD TRUSTEE - Vote for Four - WI 1 M. >- . < — —I vl WI < ce • _i w < < 0 > 0 ce PRECINCT : NUMBER •-; cc I.J.J LI 0 I- z ci cc t--) z 1- w ce < 0 0 J < 2 < 1.1i 1 I= ' Ch Ce CC te cif' RI "---" `—' 1 ).--- •-"' ...--' "----- '..-." L. 336 l7F.F: 44 -5 4,' g - ' -- -7 -- — r . ---- I - 2 /-7,1 : 1 ,2 q/ )-S-k::. ,3..3' 276., 452- 1 3 ".5"--, (,,t16 og.: 4 !- ?- 4. 09 -1-'717 : (,.. 34:. 4-271? - 1 5c L236- /C 4p`sZ !/2f 2,27 - . • - TOTAL '/2,14 2.1 -7) 211c111t9-2_01 41_ • -• 1 , -- . 1 _ ___ . 1 4 ,1 1.1 ! • 4 - i 11 _i I _ , -I- , 1 1 --17 , — 1- i _ 1 I I- I • L 1 7-- — 1 L. 1 I — I , i ILL 1 1 1 j 1-P, 6 2 c m to 2 ni n LL 11 'S310A AO IN3A131VIS NOI SSIWW03 MVd 0 (D) CD) CD) (D1 TOTAL `.? 46)., Ia. cr. *--c) \ -f- : c•-• aavos AlIVI:19 11 Li0 Ln (R) E. ROGER BOWER V't•(R) BOB CLARK i.,.\ ' (F1) TIMOTHY DEAN HOLt.NES . V i s..--. s.,...n i....._, ' (R) BETTY F. HULL 1 . , '(R) WILLIAM [EDDY HELEN F. VERG I N (.1.1 TOTAL 1; t 111 \•.1. , SI> r AMES G. BANES RISTINE L. BOWER UTH A. GRUBER . ALDENE NIH ILL 1 -- It A 4 J. WATSON k;:\ I . -TOT-AT CV STATEMENT OF VOTES, CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD LIBRARY °PERRI I NGPARKS AND RECREATION TAX INCREASE 6PERAT I NG TAX INCREASE 1 I 1 , 1 1 PRECINCT NUMBER ; 1 , ! Yes No Total i Yes ' No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total Yes No Total — ; )p I [ 2 ' /-?.,k ...2, - 1 02-1,1 ey/ ‘,/..,,7 424 ,, 4 1 -_,--, -,-4- . -' I R)-- !,.c.)- 4cc, SC li-24 3- ,r,' !,)/.5-1 .1^.A ._1 (..c- 0-7 : il TOTAL g4? b (ZO 53 i I Hid 19 71 6 3 17 — — _ , 1 i I ...1 i ._._ _ 2-P STATEMENT OF VOTES, PRECINCT ' NUMBER ! Yes I No Total Yes No Total Vas No Total Yes : No Total Yet No i Total --f I ; I I I , h 1 i ! 1 I --; • -I I I, I ; I---- , I I I _ I _ - I I .. I L -1 i _i 2-P The whole number of votes given for the office of SUPERVISOR - Four Year Term was and they were given for the following named persons: received votes (o ) R) COLLIN W. WALLS received 71." votes TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given for the office of CLERK - Four Year Term Put figures in this caetime : TREASURER - Four Year Term votes votes votes votes (D) JOE GORKA (R) LOIS J. STILES received re±eive21 71 VOtes The whole number of votes given for the office of TRUSTEE - Four Year Term TOTAL received votes votes was—T4 7—WO and therwere given for the following named persons: (D) GLEN J. VERMILYE (D) (D) (n) I (R) MARGARET A. BLOOM CHARLES OAKS (R) NANCY STROLE (R) DENNIS J. VALLAD !/4•,..ro 0 te s receive votes votes v otes received received received TOTAL 2-G 4ze,Y0teS 7 t 7 r a :V 471.1 r 2_6 IG I ( 17H votes votes votes votes received received received received receive received/ receiveikf CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD STATEMENT OF VOTES was and they were given for the following named persons: received (R) J. CAL V I N WALTERS received, received TOTAL The whole number of votes given for the office of Co ) I I • 3Ii ' and they were given for the following named persons: . and they were given for the following named persons: 1 I The whole number of votes given for the office of , was Put figures in this column 7 i ! I received votes The whole number of votes given for the office of _ - ----- PARK COMMISSION - Vote for Si x votes I i votes I votes received received TOTAL (0) (D ) (D) To 7 H. ALDENE NIHILL received MARY J. WATSON zr--ndL' receive4 received received received received TOTAL votes votes votes (R) E. ROGER BOWER STATEMENT OF VOTES Was and they were given for the followin g named persons: -1 : • 1 received — received votes votes ! votes votes received received receivecl7 4 i__„.../2"-- jc L. 2_ ! 7 :3 -7 receive - '(#q"/.• 1 2 j' ! I --L. -,•171 4, ---'7 --r-r- , .. - •-.-.-72— _Jr It/..... e.," votes I 2_ (R) TIMOTHY DEAN HOLMES received/ (R) BETTY F. HULL received-bz,77, _rit.,„,_,Z i/„.....,--.Zi srate s, 1 2, 1 6 i -?- i -i-- (R) WILLIAM LEDDY — receivecT:7:4,4,7,_A2‘,_4„,„1 0.7..L.c j_ :f2..: / ; ( ,1 . receivea r _....eti.4.,...„1,,_,...1L.,L.,/„A/,,. c2.440:4 TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given for the office of was -7 : and the were given for the following named persons: LIBRARY BOARD - Vote for Six JAMES G. BANES o v 7 671 received tes KRISTINE L. BOWER received k' 5, 7 1 1 r- . • 1 I ; received / received RUTH A. GRUBER received RUTH A. GRUBER received k 1,1 votes 4 votes ! votes I! 3.G (R) HELEN F. VERGIN 3 I if votes were marked YES <1 / la r 313i1 wa' Fr -I 7 313 qr.7 CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF SPRINGFIELD STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given for and against the LI BRARY OPERATING TAX INCREASE Shall a library tax of ONE-HALF (fl MILL be levied for operating purposes of Springfield Township Library, within the overall legal library tax rate limitation of 2 mills, commencing with the fiscal year starting January 1, 1989? Put figural in this column of which number was and votes we re marked NO 2,,,e .4! TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against the PARKS AND RECREATION OPERATING TAX INCREASE Shall a Parks and Recreation tax of ONE-HALF (i) MILL be levied for operating, maintenance and development of PARKS AND RECREATION facilities and programs for a period of five years (5) commencing with the fiscal year starting January 1, 1989? of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO:_ao,LZei TOTAL VOTES, 6.P The whole number of votes given for and against the Put fiountt in this column was of which number votes were marked YES STATEMENT OF VOTES , 1 7 and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against the was of which number votes were marked YES an d votes were marked NO : TOTAL VOTES, 6•P The Board of Canvassers of the County of Oakland (COUNTY. ce-rn TOwN 1UR VILLAICIR I (cpunv•r. CITY, TOWNS., OR Vi AGM. ) That cc / having received a sufficient number of That votes is elected votes is elected SUPERVISOR .Four Year Term 4/ LERK - Four Year Term having received a sufficient number of _ That votes is elected TRUSTEE -/Four Year Term having received a sufficient number of , votes is elected TRUSTEE .47 Four Year Term That having received a sufficient number of That _ having received a sufficient number of That votes is elected PARK COMMIStION - Four Year Term having received a sufficient number of That votes is elected /4 LIBRARY BOARD - Four Year Term having received a sufficient number of CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN,} COUNTY OF OAKLAND SS. Charter Township of Springfield (COuni-nr, CITY, TO18114•411P OR V ILL R.€1 having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said at the General ElecCon, held on the 8th day of one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eight Do Hereby Certify and Determine November That ._ votes is elected ,()2 TREASURER - Four Year Term having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of That votes is elected TRUSTEE - Four Year Term That ._ votes is elected having received a sufficient number of TRUSTEE - Four ear Term votes is elected PARK _C_OMM I SS ION - Four YeaTerm - votes is elected _PARK—COMMIS S IOU Four Year Term That having received a sufficient number of That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected PARK COMMISSION - Four Year Term That . votes Is elected __PARiCCSIEltil SS - Four Year Term having received a sufficient number of That votes is elected That votes is elected PARK COMMISSION - Four Year Term LIBRARY 'BOA - Four Year Term having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of That votes is erected That votes is elected - LIBRARY BOARD - Four Year Term , L RARY BOARD - Four Year Term having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of 4-G That votes is elected LIBRARY BOARD - Four Year Term That _ votes is elected having received a sufficient number of ;1 having received a sufficient number of Having Sufficient votes was 1.11/1 Not Received Ved Sufficient votes was Having 6 ATTEST: 1=1;1111:."1 teliemzuzeslii \ — That having received a sufent number of votes is elected _1_1 MARL BOARD - Four Year Term That votes is elected Thais votes is elected That votes is elected That votes is elected That _ votes ;s elected Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITION having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of _ having received a sufficient number of LIBRARY OPERATING TAX INCREASE NAME OF PROPOSITION 2 PARKS AND RECREATION OPERATING TAX INCREA%ME OF PROPOSITION NONE 3 NAME OF PROPOSITION 4 NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE NAME OF PROPOSITION NONE Received Having - Sufficient votes was Not Received Received Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Received Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Received Having Sufficient votes was Not Received Defeated $tiesg Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated Passed Defeated In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the .. of Oakland (c DUNI',cll.., TOWN SNIP OR wn.s...c.a 1 (,...,,...,,, ',...•...... ,",...... I --"'.- "" day of .....? '1 in thriyear one thousand ni7tundred and ri.. \ k L t.,1-- li -` ) CHAIRMAN. BOARD OF CANVASSERS 1 this __Novem_Ler eighty-eight CLERK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS CHAIRMAN OF BOAR OF CANVASSERS. 5.0