HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1988.08.02 - 4689• CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON , ) u' r ,) (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF CD c ,1:242COUNTY, MICHIGAN I NAME Or CCJNT, CIT TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE; MANUFACTURED BY 12013111111! Oligt a a 6, ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Rood • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-398 CANVASSER BOOK SpeciFy whether General, Primary or Special Election REPUBLICAN 2 TOTALS 0 5 HAROLD WESLEY IRONS 102 CRAIG J. FULLER 100 100' KATHERINE G. INNES 101 IIP0' TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE Vote for not more than lour 0 Pt ROBERT C. SHARRARD 85 10110" DARRELL E. PARSONS 87 10110- TOWNSHIP CLERK Vote for not more than one TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR Vote far not more than one DENNIS M. RITTER 27 HELEN HOES 26 PO' 0 5 TOWNSHIP CLERKCLERK Vote for not more than one BETTY FORTINO 29 OP"' 1 TOWNSHIP TREASURER Vote for not more than one PAUL E. DENI 31 111111IP- BILL GLOVER 40 1.n THOMAS G. HALL 41 1110. JERRY MAllA 42 !PO' TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE Vote for not more than lour DALE MORRIS 43 Oil' JOHN E. SEETERLIN 44 01" DON THOMAS 45 100- BILL THURMAN 46 PPP' 12 REPUBLICAN PARTY SECTION WARNING There are three (3) sections to this partisan ballot You may vote in only one section. II you vole in the Republican section, you May not vote In the other partisan sections. It you vole In more Man one par- tisan section, your partisan ballot will be rejected. ANDREW SLAIN 97 00- GLENN R. CURTIS 98 PO' GWENDA J. DEMPSEY 99 IP/ EARL MULL 103 10111n PATRICIA ROTTENBERK 104 1010- JEAN A. SCOTT 105 OPP' f ";, - TOWNSHIP TA EAS URER Vote for not more than one ROBERT F. SNYDER 89 OOP- TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR Vote for not more than one WILLIAM DINNAN, JR. 83 PO" ROBERT J. HOFFMAN 84 01- 5 DEMOCRATIC DEMOCRATIC PARTY SECTION WARNING There we three (3) sections 10 this partisan ballot You may ,r---1- ' vote in only one section. It you vote in the Democratic section, you may RYA not vote In the other partisan sections. It you vote in more than one par- tisan section, your partisan ballot will be rejected. • — - • 3 STATEMENT OF VOTES The. whole number of votes given for the office of IhT,ITAN was i and hey were riven for the following named persons! t)).— received votes g ? '4.,I. received votes j g 6 votes TOTAL votes 1 1= --- I The whole number of votes given for the office of C . , il -Zt•---. n S! 4 • , • 1 . was CrY'"i- A Malt / 7$ 1 . and they were given for the foilawing named persons: received votes s 6 yvl .R,W4-_, received votes received votes votes ?i, 6 , TOTAL 1 Si The whole number of votes given for the oice of C k • - • .... • N OS /--77‘-•-"1-"7-0---Q if \-k-c•-a---- _______ e;:t•-•--.Q. i -4,1 q_ i 1 (fru- and they were given For the following named persons: received votes 9 .4.....r.„......,„z received votes received votes 1 TOTAL votes _ The whole number of votes given for the iire of • --,—• - Ilil - .',{1)L4.-0,-.-0-,..-,Sac°v•- INCIS 111 and they were given For the !clawing nrr-La persons: tal....0 ....9-1,......cv.t.... j rr--..e'ved votes i 2,6 )7 recenfeJ votes 5,51 receved votes 91' ri--ra_ -11 received votes S 9 ‘ , , receinct votes 4 • • dtilia.a a •A ? 01 .1 received votes 5 a't &a) .Q.,kwyritAt_e_freceived votes F I received votes received votes • received votes received votes TOTAL votes P 11 4 STATEMENT OF VOTES PUT FIGURES 1111 Tkze.....L..a_ct. lk THIS COLUMN i e whole number of votes given for the office of C" Th r wc" I , 1:__OnL ' It, \ II . a_ ..• • ' and they were given for the following nc:med persons: i received votes 1 1 74 g received votes rece;ved votes TOTAL votes Z, l'-- 1 - The whole number of votes given for the office of 2„0- /624,„_„„Jie_c„ .. 'R. i. I ,. .... ..- r 0 WC3 ..... .. A A.-..111. s . lia.a. lia.:' - "6..D-A)'e-Ten-.1 . $ and they were given for the following named pe`;sons: • (U)131-Af-4..:_)' lia*Q-11-4:'---d received votes I i lt. , received votes 1 0,1 I !,i1U-C-,r-eiL Z received votes ail tf 0 received votes (1 • 1 I votes 0.5 A4.44.0 received received I I votes J Ci t ? received votes i dies_.%A. 1111 0 5 03 lig, .r.,„,e_.: , R.L.-,Q,i..ji,received votes f) received votes 1 i 1 ,., 7 received votes 1 TOTAL votes a. 2 ' The whole number of votes given for the office of Clx-wr,...)ki, ...1,1I0 was "Z '_..4Azzi_27 ,,, ' - - 1 .._...-.4.. ' and they were given for the followin• named persons: jaigltzaj.:±.±received votes received votes , received votes I TOTAL votes i 1 , :01 16 q i The whole number of votes given lor the office of Le-t, ,., , I was 11, aa._--....=_ _ _ Ill IT. _...— .4 ..-.. ...._. . /1.... ...IL. I ' I • and they were given for the follow' g named persons: 'Crt-t.T received votes i received votes I received votes received votes ! ; TOTAL _ _ l, • -. 6 • The Board of Canvassers of 31.•-tLZ-01.„4/ ç. TOwnshgp ur Villoge• of \eLies? - having received a sufficient number of votes is elected 0,4 That (S1D votes is elected_ _10_ __./irC".-xx- That votes is elected That_ d23-(2-(le having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of ) having received o sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of That That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected _ • CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF. _e) one thousand nine hundred Do Hereby Certify and Determine havin g Asce cthled and Canvassed the Votes of sa id at the Election. held cn the at the _V, - _ Election. ield cn the day of_ ICounty, City, Tcr-vniT7p,or • votes is elected o-fo That 2 19"1-6--4-4.,<Lo having received a sufficient number of votes is elected. rz-o That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected - That votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected b That alp votes is elected 0-4. That _/9-0 - having received a sufficient number of votes is elected c"--'s' .. Ck_ votes is elected- That C)a-A-11-1.-2_e having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That vR__ca.-e_,',( 4 s having received a sufficient number of votes is elected. That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected ---------- -- having received a sufficient number of That having received a sufficient number of Having Ne"1"R :.:,ed Sufficient votes Received 17. - Passed was De f ea t NAME OF PROPOSITION 3 NAME OF PROPOSITION 4 Hav eg Received , Not Received 'afficleat vasHaving Received Sufficient Having Not Received votes Passed was Defeated Passed was Defeated SEAL In Witness Whereof, We have Ville:1pr) ELLt4y, City, Township of Viliosi•1 n in the year one thottsand nine hundred and ,U 4. reunto set our hands ond affixed the Seal of (/) 1,2 BOARD OF CANVASSERS CHAIRMAN. RMAN Or BOARD OF CANVASSERS. CLER,OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS. • • That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected_ That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected Do Further Hereby Determine' That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSITION NAME OF PROPOSITION 2 Received u S fficient votes Having Not Received Passed was Defeated ATTEST: Minutes of the Charter Township of Waterford Canvassing Board Meeting held at the Waterford Township Hall on August 3, 1988 to canvass the votes cast in the Waterford Township August 2, 1988 General Election. The meeting was called to order by Jean Atkins, Chairwoman, at 10:50 A.M. PRESENT: Jean Atkins Dorothy White Alva M. Weninger The following canvass of the votes case in the August 2, 1988 Primary Election in the Township of Waterford is hereby declared to be the official count for the offices of the Township cast in thirty-two (32) precincts. OFFICE NAME PARTY VOTES Supervisor Dennis M. Ritter Democrat 1,501 Helen Hoes Democrat 467 Robert J. Hoffman Republican 1,496 William Dinnan Jr. Republican 840 Robert C. Sharrard Republican 564 Clerk Betty Fortino Democrat 1,909 Darrell E. Parsons Republican 2,469 Treasurer Paul E. Deni Democrat 1,768 Robert F. Snyder Republican 2,459 Trustee John E. Seeterlin Democrat 1,244 Bill Glover Democrat 1,203 Dale Morris Democrat 899 Bill Thurman Democrat 879 Jerry Mazza Democrat 746 Don Thomas Democrat 584 Thomas G. Hall Democrat 554 Jean A. Scott Republican 1,627 Gwenda J. Dempsey Republican 1,240 Glenn R. Curtis Republican 1,012 Katherine G. Innes Republican 1,003 Harold Wesley Irons Republican 917 Patricia Rottenberk Republican 874 Craig J. Fuller Republican 846 Andrew Blain Republican 805 Earl Mull Republican 503 Meeting adjourned at 2:00 P.M. SIGNED C%--\--0.152-y-n J4an Atkins, Chairwoman-Secretary Dorothy Wh Alva M. Weninger e .:. - TOTk L t - TCTAL . . ,C•F7 - D 7 MOCRAT . R=PUELTCAN • • • . 41,423 4 1 10C.00 Fer ,:ren7 0 .7 .7. • tN1TED ATI-c. SENATOR FIEC,LE JP. 100.0 0 • • • • • EDE CARP . 1.501 • • 1,446 100.00 1 00 .00 100.00 • • • • 1,863 1,602 1.501 1 ,5 6 6 1 1 446 • 89? 64.71 • 487 35.7 9 892 437 .-.... • • • • • • • • CP- ft - COUNTY TFEASUPEF c.TE7r ALLEN . • • • II - COUNT? DFAIN COMMISSIONER KUTKY • • - C7TNTY COMMISSIONER F. EEPN 7 RD . 100.00 • . 100.00 • . • 97 7 100.00 . 169 100.00 • • • 7 5TH DISTRICT COUNT": COMMISSIONER - 4TH DISTRICT COUNT" : r,OOMISSIONER - KEN !=.CHAFFPF • • • • STH DISTRICT • . 95 1,8 • 1 0 0.n 0 7 r- 4 ! •• OAKLAND COUNTY, VICKIE:AN WS,TEFFORD TOWNSHIP' PRIMARY EUCTION TUESDAY AUGUqT 192S Cc)unt . •C • ••• • 2.:oe - . _ vrn. rITIZEN - EE M - REPRESENTATIVE IN CONUESS - 6TH DISTRICT . 1,662 100.00 piEM - FEPRESENTATIVE IN STATE LEGISLATURE - 20TH DISTRICT GEORGE F. MONT&OHER7 • . . . . 1,602 100.00 D7M - .,IOUNTY EXECUTIVE WT7T0 G. WOLFRAM FFOz,T=TINi= ATTORN 7 7 BARF':- E. KRAEMER . DrM - COUNTY SHERIFF TOMMYLYLE DIZOTELL 10 0.0 0 1 0 0.0 0 • 100.00 DEM - COUNTY CLERK REGISTER OF DEEDS EIANA TRIVA); FKILIP R. HAPCUSE . • 29 .41 0.59 100.00 1,532 • 189 100.0 29.41 7 26 70.5? JOHN M. ESEPSOLE . • • IllfUEAN 14C/ODFOW . • • DEM - COUNTY COMMISSIONER - 23RD DISTRICT STEVEN F. Ti-4-W--END ACCUMULATED TOTALS Pagi 7:-Au;-1523 OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN WATERFORD TOWNSHIP PRIMARY ELECTION TUESDAY AUGUST 2, 1938 Count Percant Total Percenl: DEM - TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR HELEN HOES . . . . . . . . . 467 23.73 467 7 3,7 7! DENNIS M. RITTER . . . . 1,501 74.27 1,50 1 76.2 - DEN - TOWNSHIP CLERK BETT7 FGRTIHO . . . . . . . . 1905, 100.00 1,905 DEM - TOWNSHIF TREASURER PAUL E. DENI . . . 1,768 100.00 - DEM - TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE VOTE FOP 4 BILL GLOVER . . . . . . . . . . 1,203 19.45 1,203 TKMAS G. HALL . . . . . . . . . . 554 9.0 7 554 — JERRY MA:; .. • • • • . . . . 746 12.21 74 z . DALE MORRIS . . . . . . . . . . . 899 14.72 899 JOHN E. SEETERLIN . . . . . . . . 1,244 20.36 1,244 DOH THOMAS . . . . . . . . . . . 584 9.56 584 BILL THURMAN . . . • • • • . . . 879 14.39 875 REP - UNITED STATES SENATOR ROBERT J. HUBER . . . . . . . . 1,009 35.33 1.00c, 35.3= 411 JIM Dunn . . 1,84 - 64.47 1,347 REP - REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS - 6TH DISTRICT SCOTT SCHULTZ . . . . . . . . . 2,252 100.00 ..:- c.7. ,--z j= 10:;.?: REP - REPRESENTATIVE IN STATE LEGISLATURE - 20TH DISTRICT cl.AurE A. TRIM . . . . . . . . . 2,736 100.00 7 , 736 ,.. REP - COUNTY EXECUTIVE DANIEL T. MURPHY . . . . • . . . 2,531 100.00 2 ,531 .. REF - CCUNTY PROSECUTING ATTORNEY DICY THOMPqnN . . . . . . . . . 1,883 61.36 1,82 RICHARD D. RESSLER • • • 1 • 0 • • 111 -D .-1 -.,.6.. 111 JEFFREY M. LEIB 18.34 563 TArie. J. MC DONALD . . . . . . . . . 312 14.68 1,..: qi-,-! -, PEP CU9TY SHERIFF . -,,- JOHN F. NICHOLS 1 10000 • _. F - C,L2P.V. REGISTER OF DEED;4. 100.00 2.732 REF - :CT:NTY TPT:A .-7,UFT-"R C. HUGH :(-41 T:• • • • • 7 • w.1,• 100.00 2.663 'SEP - CC=7 DRAIN COMMISSIONER W. HUHN . • • ro • • • • nn—• 1 7 7 .4 2,137 I n. =STEIN . . . . . . 632 22.58 _ _ PS? - COUNTY COMMISSIONER - 5TH DISTRICT LAPP': CRAKE . • • • • • 4 • . 1,391 COUNT? COMMISSIONER 23RD DISTRICT DANIEL A. BUCKLEY . . . . GENE JOHNSON . • • . . • . NANC7 MC CONNELL • • • • a • • • • • REF - TOWNSHIP 5UPE97I3CR WILLIAM DINNAN, JR. . ROBERT J. HOFFMAN . . ROBERT C. SHARRAFD . RE? - TOWNSHIP CLERK DAPPELL E. PARSONS - TCWNSHIF TREASURER ROBERT F. SNYDER' . • . 840 • 1,496 • S564 • • 16 6 '76 ▪ • ▪ • "") 2,469 ANNE M. HOBART . . RcR - 3RD DISTRICT 4TH DISTRICT • . 464 • . 6 77 PEP - COUNTY COMMISSIONER - Rif—AARE D. RUHM, JP. . FE? - CMII?TY COMMISSIONER - • • • 805 1 1' . 01 . , • . 1,240 • • • 846 • . 1,003 • • . 917 • . . 503 • . 1,627 9.12 11.46 14.05 9.58 11.36 10.3? 9 .93 18.43 805 J. 1,240 246 1,003 917 503 874 1,627 9.12 11.41, 14.05 9. 11.3t • • • • • • • • • • • • • ACCUMUL AT E D 1:'7 9:53 TOTALS Page OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN WATERFORD TOWNSHIP PRIMARY ELECTION TUESDAY AUGUST 2, 1998 Count Percent Total Percent 100.00 1,391 100.00 100.00 464 100.iDO 100.00 •7 2 10i: 32.00 16 32..: 12.00 6 12.,-2 56.00 2!..; 56. 23.97 840 28.'7:- 51.59 1,496 19.45 564 19.45 -1 = 100 7 464* 10 0 .00.00 100.00 2,459 REF TOWNSHIP TRU9,TcE. VOTE FOR 4 ANDREW BLAIN • . • GLENN R. CURTIS . . GWENDA J. DEMPSEY . CRAIG J. FULLER . . KATHERINE G. INNES . HAROLD WESLEY IRONS . E,OL NULL . . . FAT9I•:TA F,,OTTE:lErRH JEAN A. SCOTT • . TIS - UNITED STATES SENATOR NC CA;NDIDATE FILED RTFR;7 '1-,ENTATIIIE 7 11 CONGRE SS - 6TH DISTRICT NO .:,MI0iDAT 7' FILED - EZPF:,S7:117A77.7 7, IN STATE rEG:ISTATURc - 20TH DISTRICT cN2 7,-,ATE FILED TIS COUNTY EXECUTIVE NO CANDIDATr 'ITED - CDUNTY FFCSEcUTINr; ATTORNEY HT": ':,'ANnIDATc FILED • TIS - COUNTY SHERIFF NO CANDIDATE FILED ACCUMULATED TOTALS Page 1:29:00 3-Au ,:;-1328 OAHLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN WATERFORD TOWNSHIP PRIMARY ELECTION TUESDA7 AUGUST 2, 1988 Count Parcent Total Percent TIS - COUNTY CLERK REGISTER OF DEEDS NC CANDIDATE FILED TIS - COUNT': TR'''AS ,J7'R NO CANDIDATE FILED 'NS - COUNTY DRAIN COMMISSIONER NO CANDIDATE FILED TIE - COUNTY COMMISSIZNER NO CANDIDATE FILED TLS - TOWNSHIP SUPERVISOR NO CANDIDATE FILED TIS - TOWNSHIP CLERK NO CANDIDATE FILED TIS TOWNSHIP TREASURER 411 NO CANDIDATE FILED TIS - TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE VOTE FOR -I NO CANDIDATE FILED TIS - DELEGATES TO THE COUNTY CONVENTION NO CANDIDATE FILED JUDGES OF THE COURT OF APPEALS - 2ND DISTRICT HEN EIGHT AND SIX YEAR TERM VOTE FOP 2 PAUL .T. FISCHER . . . . . . . . . 114 1.96 114 E. THOMAS FITZGERALD . • . . . . . . 492 8.02 492 8...)i HATHLEEN JANSEN . . . . . . . . . 504 8.2' 7:04 a. --7. „,...- MAPIL7II KELLY . . . --. . . . . . . 813 13.25 913 1 3.7 7 M. RICHARD PalnELOrK . . . . . . . . 160 2.61 160 RICHARD D. KuHn . . . . . . . . 2,143 34.',74 4-DJ. 1 -, - 3 4 .-= '''LLT7 N E. MASON . . . . . . • . . . Z09 3 .41 7,90 :.1 ' DA':1 7, M. SE=71= . . . . . . . . . 200 3.26 '00 T-.;.:... DEAN ,':A 7 ID 2,LAN . . . • . . . . . 125 2.04 125 -... r: , J. mA:=Tin 3R.117:E.:N . . . . . . . . . 315 5.14 315 'f..:.--; RA'.7 L A. '2ASSID7 143 .33 143 MARK 3. CA7ANAGH . . . . . . . . 11.02 6 7 6 11.:. PATRICK CLEAR? . . . . . . . . . . 240 3.91 240 I Alk ACCUMULATED TOTALS 1:29:01 3-Aug-1980 ?age OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN WATERFORD TOWNSHIP PRIMARY ELECTION TUESDAY AUGUST 2, 1988 Count Percent Total Percent JUDGE OF THE PROBATE COURT SIX YEAR TERM HUGH DEAN • • 01•• •0 • • . 445 14.33 445 14.33 JAMES P. DELANEY . • • • • 4. . . . 385 12.40 385 12.40 DAVID I. KAUFMAN . . • . • • • • . 471 15.16 471 I W 1 JOAN E. YOUNG . . . • • . . . . . 1,133 36.48 1,133 ....6. ..... THOMAS M. BRENNAN . . • • . • • • . .' 21.64 ,b72 We, the undersigned, certify that the above results are true and correct.. Signed: n ii z