HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1992.08.04 - 4693'92 PCS 14 P12 (..L OF P.,1F, OF C TY:•C€TY, l'OWNSHIP OR"VILLA CANVASS OF VOTES C AT THE PRIMARY ELECTION HELP ON c7f-'(-(DA1E OF ELECTION) -AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY Ug@l1110 g@, ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road • KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-398-PC CANVASSER BOOK—PRIMARY STATEMENT OF VOTES PARTY PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER OFFICE IV TOTALS CANDIDATE NAMES lr _ 1 11...u.1 4 DEMOCRATIC ._.._..„. DEMOCRATIC PARTY SECTION WATERFORD CHARTER TOWNSHIP TOWNSHIP 1 1 SUPERVISOR DENNIS M. RITTER 25 OP- Vote for not more than one TOWNSHIP BETTY FORTWO 27 00- CLERK 0 Vote for not more than one N TOWNSHIP s TREASURER PAUL E. DENI 29 OA- H Vote for not more I than one RON DUDLEY 31 OP- _ TO WNSHIP MARY J. GAVETTE 32 TRUSTEE HELEN HOES 33 Iligi"- Vote for not more than four DALE MORRIS 34 OW- BETTE O'SHEA 35 DO' I 12 REPUBLICAN three IIRTI,y1E,C.7110!,ki. WARNING There areeE rii ,, 1,..aLnt Yu mast WATERFORD CHARTER TOWNSHIP TOWNSHIP 0 SUPERVISOR ROBERT C. SHARRARD, SR. 90 W Vote for not more ROBERT F. SNYDER 91 N than one S TOWNSHIP NO CANDIDATE FILED ii CLERK Vote for not more than one i - _ I TOWNSHIP TREASURER NO CANDIDATE FILED Vote for not more than one , GWENDA J. DEMPSEY 99 1101i- T 0 DIANE C. HADDOW 100 PIO. w . N TOWNSHIP s TRUSTEE KATHERINE INNES 101 10110" Vote for not more H than four TIMOTHY F. MASH 102 OP- i P JEAN A. SCOTT 103 Ilit.- CLAUDE A. TRIM 104 OP- and they were given for the following named person's: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS I • ! I 1 ; 1. 2. a. TOTAL 4 ';,3 4. and they were given for the fallowing named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 2. 3. 1 TOTAL 4. z was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 2 y k"Ig 1. 2. 3 STATEMENT OF VOTES puT FIGUREs The w le number of votes given by the:21..n.-Party for candidates for the office of Bi THis caumN I L. ---) was 4 0 3 and th-y were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS • _e_,,,_„,L .,___.,) '(-4 , Ac)e.... ....740._,..--4-----2--,--..r.... --'';:-%;e----' /4.-1,./.4,—,1-2:47.--, 2. 1 3. I I 4. TOTAL 4,7 0.-3 The whole number of votes given by the,...,,&,:, jParty for concliclotes-for the office of Th.e _ Yvhc4e number P.f Yc]tes giYen th,-_„;;; j Party far canclidatei- for- the office -of was The whole number of votes given by Party for candidates for the office of 3. iae-,t.-I A/ • 1 ! /_1. I _ Te-T4,,L- I i The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 6,,c1-Y-r--,---e--,__--.---X: .4.-d-t-‘,1---z-4-4- / 7 / .! .4.7. , or, 6 6..4.,__A.7- / 7 ., 3. 4. 614‘) -4,titt. TOTAL ` .arar''''"•)! ; dramaell2F4T4.-; STATEMENT OF VOTES r • PUT FIGURES The whole number of votes given by t e , .. Party for candidates for the office of IN THIS COLUMN Was II and tlyey were given for the following named persons: 1111111 PERSONS CEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS / . - /1E9 , 40. \jy- , i 2- • 6,--,--4--, - •Pf---2 ----' , , —....,-„,..._ . _ I 4. TOTAL 1 .... - . 1 The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of I Was 1— .... and they were given for the following named persons: . I 11 i PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS . I 1. 1 - 2. j. 1 3. 1 1 I 1 , 1 4. TOTAL 1 I _ ---------------- --- ------ ---- --- 1. I - Thiiliole number of voi.6 -4iW --- by--fh.. „ -.., - --- Pc:Ay-for candidates for the office of .1 i I ---..7,Z_.“_...c........ was I and they were given for the fallowing named persons: , I PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES wurrEN IN WORDS 1. 2. -,---7.--e...) .,... i 0-2---.4, i 72 L)/(4.,...1t....F.-/- 1/ 1 l/ 1 ...., I 1 I 1 3. 41/112.--r--r---- L_i - -i-11--- -71- I 16 -,di. • ,TeiA.-E- ; 1 • HE The whole number of votes given by the , Party for candidates for the office of 1 and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIV/NG THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 0 t-1 6 II _I - i —_,_ , - 7 , --131-"'--.V7°--4---/---74-,4-.,----L.-) i:iii_____) c, / i 4. TOTAL 0 — -1 The whole number of votes given by the Party for candidates for the office of WOE 7 C o and they were given for the following named persons: PERSONS RECEIVING THE VOTES NUMBER OF VOTES WRITTEN IN WORDS 2. 3- 4. TOTAL 6 STATEMENT OF VOTES 22 . NT 'FIGURES PI! WATERFORD CHARTER TOWNSHIP I IN THIS COLUMN PROPOSAL FOR LIBRARY MILLAGE Shall the Charter Township of Waterford be authorized to levy up to one (1) mill for a period 193 R of ten years for the maintenance, operation and 0 expansion of the township library. Approval of p this proposal would authorize a levy of one NO 194 WCIS 0 dollar ($1.00) per one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) of state equalized property value, s Of whic A and requires voter approval under the Michigan L Constitution? votes rs,E i and • votes We TOTAL VOTES, - The whole number of votes given for and against the ....._ .... , ........ . ....... . _ .......... ........ Was g4I7L3 1 1 . of which number 1 1 1 i r votes were marked YES and , votes were marked NO 1 ' TOTAL VOTES, I The whole number of votes given for and against the ! was of which number Votes were marked YES ' and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, STATE 01? MICHIGAN. ss. COUNTY OF The Board of Canvassers of t COUNT Y. T OWNSht P, CITY OR having Ascertained and Cativo -d the Votes at the Primary day of- , one thousa LASE) Election, held on nd nine hundred and CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION 7 Da Hereby Certify and Determine That_J_T-0--friz.) - _,_ ,e---e6--t--) having received syfficient number of votes is nornnated candidate by the -----:..: ------ arty for the office That_4:?_ ' - '------4 having received siffflicient number of votes is nominated candidate I:iyAe:fr -f _ -... _ •_ ----- P y for the office -_,,--?__.-.` That /"....-:--1-‘' -4'.' ' -----;--t -j-4.4") baying received sticfe, umber of votes is nominated i That -) ..., c, . having recei,ved sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by tha. ,L:__ _-,--'4,..r.--r---,-;,--)___FParty for the Ace of --.7.c,-.5 1 -,--,.."--) "..."7-----cc-...-:,--t--4-_-1 Thot----"----e-=-4a-2,,_.,C4_ <_:4-----".._-_ ____ __ ...„? having reCeiveci sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by t e'----•-----,J--,-...c.----- _Party fOr the office of -------------------- , That: ' a_._E..e.-1 /2)6..-i-e-ir-t_1.-) having received suffici,ent number of votes is nominated candidate by tK.Z.T,--rf--e-e--t-"-----;-)7,-,-,Party for the office of_ "`...-14" --Z,'-`-'',""--•'', That ..• k ‘ >-.6"eT--,,--,?77_.) having received suacient number of votes is nominated candidate by t - ._!, _ _ .40_7, I Party for the office of -----/e---'.-7---2----,,--"-- -----/----i‘e-'--t-----c-----'' That.4.? -g- 41-gr- - ."- = ----- - - - - - ---------- --- --. ----- - .:.,- having-receive-d- sacient-numb-er ------------- nomirated Padvfor the office of.---__0--J-J-_-2-,-...,2-,44-.J.t.' nominated _Party cot the offi That candidate by t Party for the office of _ --------J-e---,--,--,-.7- -•-/--"-es-----____.) . That__57---4ZA,E,e..--) having received sufent number of votes is nominated candidate by tile r.,--"---e---e-:•-,-) Party for the office of ---0-74,---,---,--1--,,,,ja ----7,-7,-...--,----72,-) That-------„ ------------ ----„ ----- _ ------------- having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That ------- --------- -------- _________________ having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That ,having received sufficient number of votes is elected by the Party for the office of That- having received sufficient number of votes is elected by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is elected by the ________________ -- __Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is elected by the Party for the office of That haying received sufficient number of votes is elected by the Party for the office of That .haying received sufficient number of votes is elected by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by the Party for the office of That having received sufficient number of votes is nominated candidate by th -..._-Party for the office of_ ---,-4.---f-,---2‘-*--/-'--J4-) _Party for the office of _ _ rty for the Ace of candidate by That_ candidate by the having received suffisient number of votes is of having received sufficien,t number of votes is nominated arty for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated if 4* Party for the-office of •-.^nn'lnn7Ar4 . WATERFORD CHARTER TOWNSHIP 22 1PROPOSAL FOR LIBRARY MiLLAGE Shall the Charter Township of Waterford be P authorized to levy up to one (1) mill for a period R of ten years forthe maintenance, operation and o expansion of the township library. Approval of this proposal would authorize a levy of one dollar ($1.00) per one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) of-state-equalized property vaide;- and requires voter approval under the Michigan Constitution? e-) 3s- to- NAME OF PROPOSITION NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Not Received- Sufficient votes was Received Sufficient votes was Not Received Passed eDel Passed Defected 3 2 Having Having NAME OF PROPOSMON of the----4"1--.—"--" iCoupty, City, this in the year one thousand nine of q----1(1 " wriship or Villeige) (Coun)tCiti,,,hownship or Viiiogej -day oL tdred and BOARD OF CANVASSERS (1-4AIRMAN. CLIA ID& A.A10 4,C it • n • .1. • • ...A..." ISMEtilESID12112=Thq SEAL iiIMITIE131191715 ATTEST: CLERK Glr ROAM OF CANVASSERS. CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION having received sufficient number of votes is nominated by the Party for the office of That candidate That candidate That candidate That ! candidate That ! candidate by the That : candidate by the That- ! ! candidate That_ ! candidate That_ candidate by the ----- That- candidate That_ candidate That candidate candidate That ! candidate That candidate by the ----- --------- by the by the --- by the by the by the by the by the ------- having received sufficient number of votes is nominated by the Party far the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated by the Party for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated by the------------ ------- Party for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Party for the office of having received sufficient number of votes is nominated Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below Received Passed Having 1,4e4 p,c,ed Sufficient votes was In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands ond affixed the Seal / OFFICE NAME PARTY VOTES Supervisor Clerk Treasurer Trustee 2,203 2,673 1,939 2,319 2,246 1,758 1,644 1,571 1;278 1,269 4,018 2,847 2,479 2073, 2,028 1,615 4,635 4,048 -Secretary Dorothy W -72 y,y6A/ er a t)"`--- 7)-3 L-b)-,)CA Alva M. Weninger Minutes of the Charter Township of Waterford Canvassing Board Meeting held at Waterford Township Hall on August 5, 1992 to canvass the votes cast in the Waterford Township August 4, 1992 Primary Election. The meeting was called to order at 1:00 P.M. PRESENT: Naomi F. Griffin Dorothy White Dorothy Walker Alva Weninger Moved by White: Supported by Weninger, RESOLVED, to appoint Naomi F. Griffin as Chairwoman- Secretary of the Board of Canvassers. Motion carried unanimously. The following canvass of the votes cast in the August 4, 1992 Primary Election in the Township of Waterford is hereby declared to be the official count for the offices of the Township cast in thirty-two (32) precincts, and the library proposal: Dennis M. Ritter Democratic Robert F. Snyder Republican Robert Sharrard Sr. Republican Betty Fortino Democratic Paul Deni Democratic Bette O'Shea Democratic Mary J. Gavette Democratic Dale Morris Democratic Ron Dudley Democratic Helen Hoes Democratic Claude A. Trim Republican Katherine Innes Republican Jean A. Scott Republican Gwenda J. Dempsey Republican Timothy F. Mash Republican Diane C. Haddow Republican Waterford Charter Township Proposal For Library Millage YES NO This meeting was adjourned at 4:30 P.M. 4c*-4L) Nao i F. Griffin,Chair - A CITAQTEQ TOWN61111): 5200 Civic Center Drive Waterford, Michigan 48329.3773 92 Telephone 674-3111 fur- 1 r,th.3 a8 :46 COMERS Dennis M. Ritter, Supervisor 'Betty Fortino, Clerk E. Deni, Treasurer Gwenda Dempsey, Trustee Bill Glover, Trustee Katherine G. Innes, Trustee Jean A. Scott, Trustee WATEQFOQD Betty Fortino, Clerk August 10, 1992 Mrs. Janet Stickley, Director of Elections 1200 N. Telegraph Road Pontiac, Michigan 48341 Dear Jan: Attached is the list of all candidates nominated at the August 4, 1992 Primary Election, as. certified by the Waterford Township Board of Canvassers. Sincerely, Betty Fortino Waterford Township Clerk BF/kh cc: file Following is the list of all candidates nominated at the August 4, 1992 Primary Election, as certified by the Waterford Township Board of Canvassers: NAME ADDRESS OFFICE PARTY Dennis M. Ritter 5563 Pointe Place Supervisor Democratic Waterford, 48329 Robert F. Snyder 6954 Terrell Supervisor Republican Waterford, 48329 Betty Fortino 747 Joyceil Clerk Democratic Waterford, 48328 Paul E. Deni 2821 Onagon Trail Treasurer Democratic Waterford, 48228 Ron Dudley 3950 Lotus Trustee Democratic - -- - Waterford, 48329 Democratic Democratic Democratic Republican Republican Republican Republican Mary J. Gavette 4192 Ledgestone Trustee Waterford, 48329 Dale Morris 2987 Loon Lk Shrs Trustee Waterford -, 48229 Bette O'Shea 4569 Forest Trustee Waterford, 48328 Gwenda J. Dempsey 2854 Orangegrove Trustee Waterford, 46329 Katherine lnnes 7156 Terrell Trustee Waterford, 48329 Jean A. Scott 4850 Irwindale Trustee Waterford, 48328 Claude A. Trim 5280 Olympic Pkwy Trustee Waterford, 48329 Betty -FoeNno, Clerk Charter Township of Waterford