HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1996.08.06 - 4722(800) 800-8225 -< : r'f CANVASS OF VOTES CAST 11 AT THE ELECTION • HELD ON - Tuesday, August 6, 1996 (DATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF Charter Township of West Bloomfield Oakland COUNTY, MICHIGAN ( NAME OF COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE) MANUFACTURED BY BUSINESS RECORDS CORPORATION ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS PRIMARY 7- r-7 Order by Form No. M-398 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Primary or Special Election A I s f 0 • I 3 • STATEMENT OF VOTES PH nous IN THIS CUM The whole number of votes g iven for the office of 5il • erViSOC wask*FAXI/SZAJ ,J4k 7-0 and theYwere given for the following AO ir cd..1 persons: ;Teddy Hood_ received.),...tiLpirituzaarf,4_ &it ith„....s..,,,t6 . v/ 'votes 1...e.e.d . r 11,14lasserman_. receivediwri e2a, , I received votes TOTAL votes 1 01 The whole number of votes given for the office of 7 it,,,,,,5A,, lerk wci' Six TA,La.set.ci .—T1.1-edi-1wiro..- ,bd-Zy.. •I , and they were given for the following named persons: ,sharetc Laic) received.S.:x,rh4ta,,x11/45,,e4c...),4tichzi_.,Arit- ... ' votes ‘ . received 1 votes received votes TOTAL votes The whole number oF votes given for the office of 77-easurer- --derktvsez,471.ernt, 44.4.411.-, ).4.-.- - 1-11- It and they were given for the following named persons: Bruce- R. EFS IE;11 receivecIrto..0 14.444.01... 40,2-. votes I ben; se. b . liammtuq received FaLe,r,G,...-.4`71/:.0e€,k4,66,4 ),L•i, „p_,,_, votes ID received votes TOTAL votes The whole number of votes g iven for the office of MOS i-ee. --razial -Abote-• Tioce.4.4-x-i aue-- Alended, .2.11 1 and they weig g iven for the followin g named persons: Ras mond_ g. #aand received Li,ali,....a.... /,/,,ja..0 /4 '., ' i . votes be.Lble. Macefr received „,,rie,p ? meha ef glad- 5e4war 6 z received, TA Aa „..„...„.4....44-,641e.,. . Z fie,: votes Marc. 1- 5AS/ran 'eceived C Tit1.-.J4- (0,A-L. votes 8 / David . k i A --ru real, is I received rfrem, r4.7-2, ,a, , .../u,..e votes beim 7/ s G. Vats is received f-d--t.ci,rtsaa,„,4/ Yai,t- er: .1 votes St (Mgt H• Br' &Ater received T;o7-,14L,,1•-• ta-ez I - j&--- votes .2 9. 0 received votes received voles received votes received votes TOTAL votes 9 i • .. 4. • 0 0 4 • STATEMENT OF VOTES NW FIGARO IN WM The whole number of votes given kr the office of rejeon,,kp Ark con,„ iss COLUMN04r wa:77.4 "lilitetzell41-/7ikti.)___Aiedi_ibitei , . , and they w e given for the following named persons: Ro ber+B Y 136y le_ ..-- .---- received 4/ 8140,20" idgijat- ...y.votes Al l Laurie. . 6 uch rn at.1 received yjuis,P.oa_44../.4, A: I i ,& r votes gaggo , , Jarne Dworm a n received 774,‘,44,4, /Li:44( .,A,„‹.6...e.... votes gam_ berna,,visle.._ F, _E-4 Lo a r.as_ votes 1 rlavr-i ce. David. Freedrecei,ie4CALiethfill/ii.4.r ' ' vir,„. Mith ad Lez-it rece;ve,11 .4t -F.: —44 / virretsr '•9 g / - 3 . Kel-E1-, T. frwrphy . r cctLi wed 1.1.,..,-r varcs. Rodatd. iniot.- ,eceived • -7-4,,-T,t,„..„-72,,„..,it g- votes . q 30 i I l_ received votes received votes 1, I received votes . received votes I received votes I received votes I 11 received voles received votes II II received votes TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given kr the office of _ was _ and they were given for the following named persons: - I 1— received votes received votes received votes , TOTAL voIeS I -- The whole number of votes given for the office of .. ._ I was 1- ' and they were givers for the following named persons: ,. received vales I received votes received votes received votes TOTAL • I 0 • STATEMENT OF VOTES — _ • PAkK5 ardb RECCGArioxi filittacti, INPVT FIGI1114$ Ian COLUMN "Pg.0170517. iom The whole number of votes given for and against the N 0 . _-1 LOCAL PROPOSALS _ CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF WEST BLOOMFIELD PARKS AND RECREATION / / - MOPMALC of which „,,,,bri/z. q.7-114‘414*-11- 72I1.‘-‘1,-Agic-' Shall the Charier Township of West 57 it.. 7 S ..- • Bloomlietd be authorized to levy up to 3.1.4,‘,1,--r---4,--e- .3081 {cents) of one mill lor a perod ol votes were marked 'YES inn years 11998-2007, inclusive) ton the purpose 01 providing funds for 1 ,t,,,,,,, . -r- ,1, 4J5ePeo. li cncl 5/X _ the maintenance, improvement. mana9ement end control of Township parka arid places of recreation. _'7 6 -- II Approval of this proposal would voles were marked NO authorize a new levy of 30.83 cents per $1,000.00 of taxable value lor all . taxable property in West Bloomfield • Towr.hip. It is estimated that approval TOTAL VOTES, of this proposal would resell in the authorization to collect $699,750.00 rn __ ..... -- _.... the first year of the levy. , 1' A 12 Ks4- PEcEPTO6kS pill-06E - The whole number of voles given far and against 41e_Peopos_t_fri_61\j_140_,___a_ PROPOSAL #2 4-(ein44,7-Iteed.st. i e S).)c Vt,"1-44)- ri , - 4 7 4 , Shoff the Charter Township of West _ was Bloomfield be authorized to levy up to .. ,_./ 17L9. .L .1028 (cents) of one mitt Ion a period of len years [1898-200T inclusive) lor the 14 Of which numbert.-10,-.. 7-164.404 TKC...)4--I — ,7-11ze, purpose ol providng funds exclusivety .5/ t, 3 for the acquisition of land for parks and . remotion purposes. Approval of this votes were marked YES proposal would result in a portal renewal 01 a previous approval and c5X 1i(4-11.0.4( AJ-- 40_1"..i.L would authorize a ievy of 10.26 cenIS anil-per $1,000.00 of taxable vaturs for all 6/73 taxable property irk West Btoomfield Township. It is estimated that approval votes were marked P40 of this proposal would MO in the authorization to collect ;233.250.00 in the lirst year of the levy. - TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against the was of which number _ vof es were marked YES and - votes were marked NO -TOTAL VOTES, ----- The whole number of votes given for and against the _ ----- was of which number _. votes were marked YES and . i votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, .. • • 0 • STATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY OF Claidazxl Oakland COUNTY OF 88. having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of having received o sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of That Mar-C -51/41/in votes is-eket-ed7 having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of - having received a sufficient number of 6 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION TheBoard of Canvassers of the Township of West Bloomfield (County, COI, Township or Village) (County, City, Township at V: ;rage) having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said Township (County, City, Township or Village) Primary 6th at the Section, held on the day of _August- one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six Do Hereby Certify and Determine That- voles is eierred That leha red 2- A 14) votes is el.ecteel- That_ ..beAL,Se-- -14Dr-Arnoive votes k-e4ee-h-ed That gc3dr71 _ E. )-lo 1/8/741 votes is-eileetect me, fib ebb:, 748, co,/ votes is-iialaroteel-_ having received a sufficient number of That Pa V; .4 votes is--eiretenti- Plat iValr fIL • 8/7/cp./te1 votes is rlertrri That Sober ta 15 .11.e votes is ti,n_fed_ That katirie 1-30cA llte ,4) having received a suff icient number of votes ismaer.tej Thor iber)14 ct;#€-E6clwarcIS having received a sufficient number of votes iri-e4pete.el- That lr2 uri ce, bay; Fr-e.ed having received a sufficient number of votes is-cit.-cm+ That Mie. hit ,Z e-2- votes is 4ee4ed_ That ffe-t. -TT /nice Ay votes is ritefeci. That votes is elected __ having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of r.' •nn • Sufficient votes Sufficient votes Havia Havin ATTEST: eminummaemmosstwoll LOCO BOARD OF CANVASSERS E)! CRAIRMAN OF ROARp OF CANVASSERS. LOCI"' S. nRK 0 SOARS) OF CANVASS L.e. 7 That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected That having received a sufficient number of votes is elected Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PnoeosmoN CARKS ecceVict orN1 mkt- ANC'g 1 fg..cY“ziaLNO.1 (5 Ta_se. 5) '4-SA SE [Fla Pa% fr-n, \ AGE 2 PeOpc:5 (Sce. NAME OF PROPOSKION 3 NAME OF PROPOS/TIM,' 4 Passecl wctatated) Passed f.cClel'ec7pd Received Passed Having r-r—;- 'cTjea. Sufficient votes wai INO" K DerealeCT Received Passed Having Not Received Sufficient votes was Defeated SEAL In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the Township ,a West Bloomfield 40.0y, Ci Py, Township or Villoo•) {County City, Township oe Village/ i t" this day of August in the year one thousand nine hundred and ninety-six • • , • WEST BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP BOARD OF CANVASSERS - !AUGUST 6, 1995 ELECTIOV - 1 1 CIV ...,../ , . . ._. uuuuou — . .,_ W .._ .. ... hiocl 11; 0 il riffiErflirril iffinfillu. PZIMMEFITZER i NM _V,asserman M ,/ c7 _bk.) 11 .._. 97 7/ nro,q /07103 ,2r1,1,527 g352AM..57, 1 - 111111 ' 'ilakv• EIRRIfft. a 3 942 41Z Tki ;2Y M 1111/ -7 OVA/ _ Ariefragrill MU? .= ir ‘,, uasurer L 11 _f_ )stei Eri.53/11f/g z 42_ '71 37 4'. V EIMMFMFAIMPAMMEN. 60 = 0 1 i r _ ..-11114:4 5 N I. "14116237"121111ff MISIM ' .7 „,.„,,,,..,, . g - /.3/ A •U —iiii I Mil ' • . IIINFIANIIIIM ME' 4___.-UU yocon tri • It g g - I _Schwar ENE m 1 .r„,. I m /12 06 ,2 „,,,,,4,,,,„gg , n•IN s1,477 g6 r Shin Nan , $ — I'm's./ Mg LI 565 / .V.-/ A2Y_/_, ;,-.n, ..., ig , . ,_., FA 9 -.- as I - „„r, i 7r .) , , ,) - gir 7 1 q 7 _ ._,,a, PINEKTMEN - i,,.. / i CC ,.2 7 ,iu,, Ili Ir -= INti ..stre - Clei Irinhi ./0Ayil . zmq 9, 4) 1 II Irks A .Rec , . 1 61, 61 oit..151/ /6 i V tt;?-, c MEEMBECEIlagioli - H 3 .S-2!1 1111 _ 1M Lath •• • IIM .1.7g' gli Fr' . da /oil 1 la pcntemannffirikw -Di....c onnan II i/V )_.•7 Migar;IM g/ 8' T/ M / I Lowards 7.' 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