HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2002.08.06 - 4723• 08,'23/2002 FRI 09:18 FAX 2486823788 TWF elool • CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON Tuesday, August 6, 2002 - Primary (DATE 0---TEYE7 -PON/ AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS Of West noomfield Tovuship bAxkourD COUNTY, MICHIGAN i 141.4€CF cautery. CITY. T01,015N11 UN VILLAGE I tviANUFACTURED BY BUSINESS RECORDS CORPORATION ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS (800) 800-8225 Onla fry Form No. mA39e r...6,14vAssER BOOK Spbeify rivetiffer Gemacal, Prileurr cit Special Election • • ci002 5 was of which nomfort, votes were Inortied YES an8 rap ert mvrIKed NO m. whole num U oies given For Gind agalrest- the veas of which nomioer votes were .T..4424 YES and. OI Were FliarICCCI NO TOTAL VOTES. 1. i6/23/2002 FPI 09:18 FAX 2486823788 — WE TWF STATEMENT OF VOTES PEIT LIM WS ; ! 7!91 A) The whole nurnicer of 'rotes get o cmd gg,imt lice hieSt Moodieid Public Safety 41123ge for , Fize F255 log-Kg-ea Y Wel were moAcscl NO LOCAL PROPOSALS The whole numis'er of vales &wen for and agoinsi TOTAL VOTES. WEST BLOOMFIELD PUSLM SAFETY MILLABE FOR POIXA, eIRE & EMS 6Pak Chant/ Tawarship 0.1 weer bc noncinzertl to inzrerosi trie ierwy or taxes op to 122 mute ;wash hichillikel Ice onscritrusly spotowee ana now erpinr.g 1,3 ralla) fOr peroa or ten years 0:42-.201.1 irictoewey, to engrave property tot en ts to atatt. ------eomtr aria rioerate riet West Edoentteticl Police eso Fire , Divenmenis/ Aeon:eel et this proposal would slow a :Bs eriesdietp lactit4se af yotoxirrostely 5322 pet 5000 or ussolale 'calve 041 M taxable aro:pony in toe Towricdep, lb is estimated eh& thit prap054 grout' result in the insimaztakon to sok= $1 0.700127 in ths kV year iniarrntedeld roviaO, Shoot was oraposat be adaptor:1 • - The who le ourn Ipur of vohei given Yor bind against the Remelgalatii Rasturatiom of EXistiog 1/4 Mal Parks and Recreation hipase oF which currtioer..2.4-) wota:Lnartie-cl YES and wores were moti‘ed440 (.....1.444454•4444.41 RENcetAL AND RESTORATION OF U15TING 1 14 LOU IAD Rg.tflEATION Mil.LAGE i Stem bow tor a. continuation ot one 7 Praio4617 aponywea .1,41 mil LIA (51225 per 51000 01 ,51:5M Equalised ealuseeit) witch is being assouseo egointi alr prOoertjus4 .4421.41 re CrWrhtr Tow-60W 01 Wt ilieoretswci. se reducett by um soap rechaeon reeLireo uy law I she ep-cmies HeAtien Athenorrterx plus on in:masa to restore tiv reesszect poreao oi gie 1 ewers 104 mill. for II Derics: of In 1 (1III years (21304-2M3 inClosivel. tie privets= ol the levy to De sestet Ion the soniuct orate Toresselp arta Mean:aeon Curemlasson in IS accruieltion, mairrierance, m.snagatTIGTX end COntrial Of Vprrnirlip WU AIM rasçaa at 1 racrestion? Aoprovor or evil orreosal would aothotts a mai tax Je'Y IS ttOoriatirnatety 5025 per WOW of swam value on all Resole prom-1y within ow ! Timm:rap, It 16 estlineited that this pr000681 Wauld ..):1111.*Itra - amonzatori to cloned 5637,D211 to LSO 'firrt year It EtOproYell and ievitil, i &Saud 'NZ impose! 00 adapted' ..„6:44.1496L4A I , 11( I , at the. Priro4ry Eleetnon, hcid on the..q'th votes is olvatsd ..... Lb 003 . , 8/23/2002 FRI 09:18 FAX 2486823788 6 WB TWP CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF .1:sdICIIIG-A. t coux.ry cir,,_„QaMgtrio . Thc Board of ConvonerS of the .,,....70W.nSkill of Wes:t 1 uorrtipl Id , , C 604"ffi's C",. i •••"".1"4 w' Vi I 69. 1 ( [Owl ,, 7 '; 1-1.. -7 a:Ashi; '..; ba,;n9 Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said— ----- 3.Q105-hip..9.4, V.est Bloomfield ., / c...4.. c.nr, -I twnshia ...• ViR,r,; dew of August fterthvvvorrd-rAfte 4.airraTvel,•trisj... d Iwo Do Hereby Certify anti Delerrnine not hov.rig received a sufli‘ient number of votes h elected Tkat having receive.* is suffl ci en: ninntict of is elected._ That having rac•ived a suffishint number a YOlti it alvaied. . That haying receiwsi o sufficient nwrnbcr of votes is elected. , - • - • having received a sufficient number of votes is elected - That. - having received a sufficient number of votes h eIettaci Trim - Isoving received a auffreient qym bar of vote4 elected Thai hav'Tra racs1...sa: a suff16ent number of .ares electc4 • • .• • . That - ha wing fate visa a aUfficicytt nurram, v atcs That having teceived a so,fficiont mord:mt of vOrel iS eicete-41 Mat. • - hovireg receivecl a sa4fiaitist nurnkter of wool is elected . having rorsivoda vffic;ent mask*, of That .. ............... .. having recmi.sd sAficicot number of ....... .......... ... .. That------------hallo.n9 ratei.vd • skiff-16.W number of That hawing eimt vsd a zufficieni numi,er ',VMS elected . . • -- Tim& VOM i5 el ceaci votes it elected [61)04 WB TWP 3 Kiva or resorosraOrif 4 Received fc'ess Having -Net—Rosaiiessf Sufficient VMS WaS ENIftVeCd Passeil NoRtle"defveel Svff11v it "'nes "as ----Dtriaateti Passed sein Received sji;d6st yule, was 1-tg Not R.ecioccf Detected Having Sufficient votes BOARD Of CANVAASERS • Ihrog.n1111•66alhnir s . _ „ 7 In Witness Whereof, Ws ii.smc hereunto, set our bonds and Aired she Seal of the Traglisbi-P ol West BlaCatield (cowl/. CnF:r. Tr...n*1,4 Vi 11”.) oi ViLIi day of loigtot in the yece 2002 et ttestrs. S ATTEST! i ?/ -23/002 FRI 09:19 FAX 2486823788 , MiNIMMIn Agii I votes is eleoed • Thar Thar horirop receJve-d a suff own. number af votes is eleoecl hovin9 received D sufficient number of votes is elected en. Thai riceived a suffieigni number of vases is efeod Thot hnviria receivofd sufficient.numiiier of votes is elevie4 having received a sufficient number of votes is elecied T6ot votes Is erected not._ votes 19 eltaa havin g received a sufficient number of hav:ag receivpd o sufficmes number of Thot having meefved a aufficien, ',ember of vases i$ elected Do Further Hvi-sky Determine: That she following Plomrsitions Or questions were waled or defeated co indicated below: co runwoonow Public Sa1ety.1117kge for 1 Police, Fire & EMS SAME Or lispovErifops Res-4eLua1 and Reston:mil= of Existing 2--th—ttiL-ealta—&—Ees:rgra-tiQn-talAge 14...me Qepropogivir --7-2247411:sdhar4:'o'st or2..646.r_muy. ^sass.