HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2005.05.03 - 4734CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF WEST BLOOMFIELD CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE REGULAR ELECTION HELD ON MAY 3, 2005 CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS • OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN REGIsTERED VOTERS - TOTAL BAIa.oTS cAsT - TOTAL. . VOTER TURNCUT - TOTAL VCTEs PERCENT 211!, 140 6.62 • PRECINCT REPORT CAELAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUM 0ATE:05/1:R/05 02710 rM 2001 w RLOOMFIELD CURT TWr 01 WEST HLOOMFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT - DOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 2 RETH DANTO BORSON 76 30.89 jEFFREy T. STEWART 88 35.11 RENEE UNGER 81 32.93 WRITS-IN 1 .41 wRTTE-IN 0 • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05113/05 02:10 PM 2002 W BLOOMFIELD CHRT TWP 02 VOTES PERCENT RECTSTERE0 VOTERS - TOTAL BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL. . . . 160 VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL 6.34 WALLED LAKE CONSL SC1TOCL DIST - :BCE VOTE FR. NOT MORE TRAN 0 1 ALP ONTTP 40 28.37 NANCY van LPOWEN q7 68.79 WRITE-IN 4 2.84 WALLED LftKE CONSWEDATED SCHOOL DIST VOTE FOR AO! MORE ...!!AN 0 1 YES 141 83.13 NO 19 11.88 PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY .1, 20.0fi RUN DATE:05/11/-05 0210 PM 2003 W BLOOMFIELD CBRT TWF 03 VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL 1684 BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL 309 VOTER TURNOUT - TCTAI 18.35 BLOOMFIELD HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT - ROE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN fl 2 MARTIN C. DROOR 86 33.99 CREIGHTON E. FORESTER 32 12.65 JENNY GREENWEII 33 13.01 MARY ELLEN MILLER 91 738.:34 JOHN C. MURRAY ........ 5 1.93 WRITE-1N WRITE-IN PONTIAC CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT - POE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN () 2 STEVE ALVARADO 14 21.36 ALMA BRADLEY 19 9.22 jAC.K L. PRESSLER 34 16.50 DAMON 0, tORKINS . . „ 8 3.88 BEVERLY A. GARRISON 34 16-50 TOMMALETA HUGHES 3 1.46 CYNTHIA bERRIOS OFFICER 19 9.22 HERMAN PROBY 11 5.34 DONALD W. WATKINS 31 16.50 WRITE-IN 0 WR1TE-IN 0 WEST PLOCMFIELD SCHOOL El-STRICT - POE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 2 BETH DANTO BDRSON 1 50.00 JEF.E'REY T. STEWART 0 RENEE uNrFp 50.00 WRITE-IN 0 WRITE-IN 0 nwomFIELD BILLS MILLAGE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES . . ....... 112 18.87 NO 30 21.13 • • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN ETECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN D1TE:05.,13/05 0210 PM 2CO3 w BLOOMFIFLD CURT TWP 03 VOTES PERCENT BLOOMFIELD ETLLS MILL= IT VOTE I.OR NOT MORE 'MAN 0 i YES Q4 68.12 NO 44 31.88 PONTIAC SCHOOL DISTRICT PROP VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 1 TFS 8 4.85 NO 157 95.15 • • • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SpECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05/13105 02:10 PM 2004 W PLOOMFIELD CRRT TWP 04 VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL 1550 BALLOTS CAST • TOTAL 71 VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL 4.97 WALLED LAKE CONSL SCHOOL DTST - BCE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 ALP ONDER 12 30.00 NANCY van LEUWEN 21 67.50 WRITE. IN I 2.50 WEST BLuomv1Ele SCDO0L DISTRICT - BCE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN (I 2 BETN DANTO BURSON,. -. 19 35.19 jEFFREY T. STEWART 13 24.07 RENEE UNGER 22 40.74 WRITE-IN 0 WRITE-IN 0 WALLED LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DIST VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN U 1 YES 33 88.10 NO 5 11.90 PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 200.b RUN DATE:05/13/05 02:10 FM 2005 W BLOOMFIELD CURT TWP 071 VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL 1971 BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL 92 VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL 4.67 WEST BLOOMFIELD SCHOOL DISTRJ ,27 - POE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 2 BETH DANTO 9ORq0N 42 10.38 ..IFFREY T. STEWART !0,5 RENRE UNGER 59 14.R1 WRITE-IN 0 WRITE-IN 0 VOTES PERCENT 1515 214 16.11 • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICR:MAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN D5TE:05/13/011 02:10 PM 2006 w BLOOMFIELD CART TWP 06 REGISTEREP VOTERS - 70TAI, EALLoTs CAST - TOTAL. . VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL . BIRmINGRAM CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT - HOE voTE FOR NOT MORE TAAN I DOYLE DOWNEY 41 27.33 LORI SOWER. . . . . . . . 72.00 WRITE-IN 1 .67 BLOOMFIELD HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT - ROE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 2 MARTIN C. BROOK 57 44.19 CREIGHToN E. FORESTER 4 3.10 JENNY GREENWELL 7 5.43 MARY ELLEN MILLER. . - - 60 46.51 JOHN C. MURRAY WRITE-IN I .78 WRITE-IN 0 BIRmINGRAm ScRooL DISTRICT voTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 119 67.61 NO 57 32.39 BLOOMFIELD HILLS MILLAGE I VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 60 89..55 No 7 10.45 BLOOMFIELD BILLS M1LLAGE II VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 45 71.43 NO 18 28.57 4111 PRECINCT REPORT OARLANU COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05/11/0 02:10 pm 2007 W BLOOMFIELD CHET TWP 07 VOTES PERCENT RPOISMRIEV VOTERS - TOTAL I53S BALLOTS OAST - TOTAL. VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL 4.04 WEST BLOOMFIELD SCEOOL DISTRICT - noE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAE U 2 BET0 DANTO DORSON 51 32.98 JEFFREY T. STEWART 72 34.10 RFNEE UNCER. . . „ 5.5 28.8C WRITE-IN .52 WRITE-IN 0 • • • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05/13MS 02:10 PM 2008 W RLOCMFIELD CERT TWP 08 VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL . . IS96 RALLCTS CAST - TOTAL 143 VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL 8.95 WALLED LAKE CONSL SCHOOL DIST - pnE VOTE FOR NOT NoPE THAN 0 1 ALP ONDER 54 45.38 NANCY van LEUWEN 65 54.62 WRITE. IN . . , . . . „ 0 WEST BLOOMFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT - BCE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 2 BETE DANTO RORSON 6 31.58 JEFFREY T. STEWART 6 3i.58 RENEE UNGER. . . . 36.84 WRITE-IN 0 WRITE• TN 0 WALLY0 LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL D.IST VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 119 89.47 NO 14 10.33 • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLANO COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATF:O.Y11/05 02:1C PM 2004 W BLOOMFIELD CRRT TWP 09 VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL 971 BALLOTS OAT - TOTAL 45 VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL . „ 4.63 FARMINGTON runIc SCHOOL DISTRICT - POE VOTE FOP NOT MORE THAN 0 2 rAm CHRISTIAN 23 30.67 KIMBERLY A. HEATH 29 38.67 FRANK L. RUE 21 28.00 WRITE-IN 2 2.61 WRITE-IN. . . . . . 0 • • • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND MUNTY, MICRICAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05/13/01) 02:10 PM 2010 W BLOOMFIELD CHET TWP 10 VOTES PERCENT' REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL . 1489 BALLOTS CAST TOTAL 144 VOTER TURNOUT • TOTAL 10.01 BIRMINGHAM CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT - BCE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 DOYLE DOWNEY . , - . 19 14.62 IrpRI SOIFER , 111 U5.38 WRITE-IN FARMINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT - ROE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 2 PAM CHRISTIAN 3 21.43 KIMBERLY A. HEATH 6 42.86 FRANK L. REID . . . . . _ 35_71 WRITE-TN ii WRITE-IN SIRMINGHAM SCHOOL DISTRICT VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 123 87.23 NO 18 12.77 • • • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICN1GAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 200t RUN DATE:09/11/05 0210 PM 2011 W BLOOMFIELD CBRT TWP 11 VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS • TOTAL 1306 BALLOTS CAST TOTAL. . .. 10D VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL 7.66 WEST BLOOMFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT VOTE FOR NOT MORR THAN 0 2 3ETI1 CANTO BORSON 62 35.03 JEFFREY T. STEWART 99 33.33 RENEE UNGER 56 31.64 WRITE-TN 0 WRITE-1N • • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL KIACTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05/13/0!) 02:10 PM 2E112 W BLOOMFIELD CURT TWP 12 VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL . . . 3631 BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL ... . 84 VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAT 2.31 WALLYD LAYE CONSL SCBOCL MST - 'EWE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 I ALF ONPER NANCY vim LFUWEN 3 .22 WRITE-IN 2 2.99 WALLED LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCUOOL DIST VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES ";€ 91.5/ NO 7 11.41 • • 4110 PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTTON MAY 3, 2005 RUN VATE:05/13/C5 02:10 IN 2013 W BLOOMFIELD CRRT TWP 11 VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL 2C15!) BALLOT'; OAST TOTAL 516 VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAI 26,08 BLOOMFIELD :HILLS SCOCL DISTRICT VOTE FOP NOT MORE TPIAN 0 2 MARTIN C. BROOK 471 13.40 CRETGHTON E. FORESTER 48 4.83 JENNY GREENWELI 5.64 MARY ELLEN MILLER 44. 44.81 JOHN C. MURRAY 12 1,21 WRITE--IN. 1 .10 WRITE-1N 0 WEST BLOOMFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT - HOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN n 2 BETH DANTO BORSON B 50.00 JEFFREY T. STEWART 6 3j.50 RENEE UNGER 2 12.50 WRITE-IN 0 WRITE-TN 0 BLOOMFIELD HILLS MILLAGE I VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 484 92.54 NO 39 7.46 BLOOMYIELD HILLS MCLLAGE II VOTE FOR NUT MORE TI/AN 0 1 YES 463 90.43 NO 4g 4,5 -7 • • PRECINCT REPORT OAXLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05/13/05 0210 PM 2014 w RLOOmFTELD MET 'MP 14 VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL 1783 PALLoTs CAST - TOTAL 79 VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAI 4.43 WALLF:o LAKE CONSL scFloOL DIET • DOE VOTE. FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 ALP ONDEP 12.07 NANCY van LEUWEN .51 87.93 WRTTE-IN WATERFORD SCHOOL DIET - ROE VOTE FOR NOT MORE TEAN C i JEFF DUPUIS 1 5.56 ALLAN HALL )4 77.78 SCOTT HUDSON 3 16.61 DENNIS PITTMAN 0 WRITF-TV WALLED LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DIET VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN ( 1 YES , , . . . . 50 81-97 NO 11 .18.0) • • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, nct, VOTES PERCENT • 1965 • 7) 3.92 RUN DATE:0.'1/11/05 021C PM 2015 W BLOOMFIELD CHRT Twr is REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL. . VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL . WEST BLOOMFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT • POE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 2 BETH DANTO BORON 48 35.56 JEFFREY T. STEWART 51 31.18 RENEE UNGER 36 26.67 WRITE-IN 0 WRITE-IN .. ... . - 0 • • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICRICAU SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05/13/05 02:10 PM 2016 V BLOOMFIELD CURT TAP 16 VOTES PERCENT REG:ISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL 1670 BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL 320 VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL 19.16 DIRMINGHAM CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT - HOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 1) 1 DUYI.F. DOWNEY 2 50.00 LORI SOIFER 2 50.00 WRITE-IN_ _ . . ...... 0 BLOOMFIELD RILLS scram DISTRICT POE VOTE FOR NOT MORE TRAN 0 2 MARTIN C. BROOK 190 39.58 CREIGHTON E. FORESTER 36 7.50 JENNY CREFNWEJJ 43 8.96 MARY FUFN MILLFR 200 41.67 JOAN C. MURRAY 10 2.08 WRITE-IN_ 1 .21 ARTTE-IN PONTIAC CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT - BOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 2 STEVE ALVARADO 17 28.33 ALMA BRADLEY 5 8.33 DACE L. BRESSLER . .. 10 16.67 ONION O. DORKINS . . 2 1.33 BEVERLY A. GARRISON 9 15.00 TOMNALETA HUGHES 0 CYNTHIA BERRIOS OFFICER 9 HERMAN PROM( 0 DONALD A. WATKINS 7 11.67 WRITE-IN • 1 1.67 wRrTR-IN BIRMINGFAM SCHOOL DISTRTCT VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES NO 2 50.00 BLOOMFIELD PILLS MILLAGE I VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 214 83.92 NC. - . . . 41 16.08 • • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICEIGAN SPECIAL ELECTICN MAY 3, 2DOt RUN DATE:05/13/On -1121C PM 2016 W BLOOMFIELD CURT TwP 16 VOTES PERCENT .1iI0OMFIELD RILLS MILLAGE /I VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 200 -79.68 NO 51 20.32 PONTIAC SCHOOL DISTRICT PROP VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 5 8.62 NO 53 91.38 • 410 PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:050'13/05 02:10 PM 2017 W BLOOMFIELD CURT Tsar il VOTES PERCENT Rtf.A.STERED VOTERS - TOTAL 2064 SALLOTS CAST - TOTAL 362 VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL 11.54 BIRMINGHAM CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT - DOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 I DoYLE DOWNEY 2 11.76 LflRI SOIFER 15 88.24 WRITE-IN HLOOMFIELD HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT - BCE VOTE FOR NOT MORE VIAN 0 2 MARTIN C. BROOK 293 47.11 CREIGHTON E. FOREsTER 13 2.09 J ENNY GREENWELL , . 13 2.09 MARY ELLEN MILLER. 299 48,07 aomN c. MURRAY 4 .64 WRITE-IN WRITE-1N 0 WEST BLOOMFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT - HOE VOTE FOP NOT MuRE THAN 0 2 BETH DANTO ?ORSON 15 40.54 JEFFREY T. STEWART 15 40.54 RENEE UNGER 7 18.92 WRITE-IN, 0 WRITE-IN BIRMINGHAM SCHOOL DISTRICT VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 15 L3. 33 NO . 3 16.67 BLOOMFIELD HILLS MILLAGE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YEN 310 95.68 NO 14 4.32 BLOOMFINIJ) HILLS MILLAGE II VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 vws 290 90.91 No 29 9.09 VOTES PFRCFNT 1681 84 5.00 REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL. . VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL . • S PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05/11/05 8210 PM 2018 W RLOOMFIELD CURT TWP 18 WALLED LAKE CONSL SCHOOL DTST DOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 I ALP ONDEP 16 30.36 NANCY van LEUWEN 28 62.54 WRITE. TN 0 WEST BLOOMFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT - BCE VO7E FOR NOT MORE IRIAN U 2 BETH OANTO BORSON 15 31.25 JEFFREY T. STEWART 18 37.50 RENEE UNGER 15 31.25 WRITE-IN WRITE-IN 0 WALLED LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL 01ST VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN () 1 YES 46 82.14 NO 10 11.86 PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICRICAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 205 RUN DATE:05/13/05 02:10 PM 2019 W BLOOMFIELD CURT TWP 19 VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL . , , 2629 akuLoTs CAST - TOTAL 98 VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL 3./3 1.ARMINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT - BOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE TRAM U 2 PAM CRRISTIAN 0 KIMBERLY A. REATU 0 FRANK L. REID 0 WRITE-IN WRITE IF 0 WEST BLOOMFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT - POE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 2 BETH DANT° BOESGN 58 34.12 JEFFREY T. STEWART 58 34.12 RENEE UNGER 53 31.18 WRITE-IN 1 .59 WRITE-TN PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05/13705 02:10 PM 2u20 W BLOOMFIELD CHRT TWP 20 REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL. . VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL . VOTES PERCENT • . 111 7.18 'WALLED LAZE CONSL SCHOOL, 01ST - BOE VOTE OR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 ALP CNDER NANCY van LE0WEN 1 100.00 WRITE-LN 0 WEST BLOOMFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT - BOE VOTE FOP NOT FORE THAN 0 2 BETH DANTO BORS(.7N- . , 59 32.07 JEFFREY T. STEWART 65 25.33 RENEE UNGER 60 32.61 WRITE. IN NRITE-IN 0 WALLED LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DIST VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAW C 2 YES 2 50.00 NO 2 50.00 • PREC/NCT REPORT OANLAND COUNTY, MICRIGAN SPECIAL ELE[7TION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:01/11/05 0210 PM 2021 W BLOOMFIELD cHRT TWP 21 VOTES PERCRNT REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL 1722 DALLOTS CAST - TOTAL 50 VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL 2.9.4) KEST BLOOMFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT - BCE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 2 AETH LANTO BORSON 22 26.83 JRFFREY T. STEWART 23 28.05 RENEE UNGER 3-6 43.90 WRITE• TN 1 1.22 WRITE-IN 0 • • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN sPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN CATE:05/13/05 0210 PM 2022 W 37,00mEIELD CHRT TWP 22 VOTES PERcENT REGISTRAR° VOTERS - TOTA! 3786 RALLOTs cAST - ToTAL. . . . . 96 VOTER TDREODT - TOTAL 2..54 wALLED LAKE CONS'. SCHOoL DIST - BOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 ALF ONnER . 30 36.14 NANCY van LELHIEN 52 62.86 WRITE-TN WALLED LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DIST VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 8) 92.71 NO 7 7.29 2023 W 8LCUMFTEL7 CFRT TWIP 23 REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL VOTES PERCENT t463 • • PRECINCT REFORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3 200b RUN DATE:05/13/05 02:10 PM DALLOTS CAST - TOTAL 0 WALLED LAKECON5-i'L L,CHOOL DIST - ROF VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN () 1 ALP ONDER 0 NANCYV T LEUWEN _ _ _ 0 WRITE-TN 0 WALLED LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCWOOL DIST VOTE FOR NOT MORE 'MAN 0 0 4111 PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY .1, 2005 Run DATE :05/13/10`, 02:10 PM 2024 W BLOOMFIELD CHRT TWP 24 VOTES PERCENT RECISTERE0 VOTERS - TOTAL 1S25 BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL. 0 WALLED LAKE CONSL ncuom DIST VOTE FOR OCT MORE THAN 0 I AT,E ONDEP 0 EANCY ve.n LIRIWEN 0 WRITE-IN WALI:ED LANE CONSOI.IDATED SCUOOL DIST VOTE FOR NOT MCRE THAN 1) I YES 0 NO PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:Oh/Li/O.', 02:10 PM 20:>5 W BLOOMFIELD CHRT TWP 25 VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL 196B BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL 75 VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL 3.81 WATRRFORD SCHOOL 01ST - BOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 JP ET DUPUIS 3 75.00 ALLAN HALL 0 SCOTT HUDSON 0 DENNIS PITTMAN 0 WRITE-IN 1 25.00 WEST BLCOMEIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT - BCE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 2 BETH DANT° BORiaN 34 30.09 JEFFREY T. STEWART 39 34.51 RFNFE UNGER 40 35.40 WRITE-IN 0 WRITR-IN • • PRECINCT REPORT OAKTAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05113105 02:10 PM 2026 W BLOOMFIELD CIIRT TWO 26 VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL 72 VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL . . 4.73 WALLED LAKE CONSL scroor, DIST - ROE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 ALP ONDPR 3 NANCY vnn LE.OWEN 6 72.73 NRITE-1N 0 WEST PLOOME!ELD SCHOOL DISTRICT - HOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN {} 2 BETE DANTO BORSON 33 34.3E JEFFREY T. STEWART 36 31.25 RENEE UNGER 33 34.38 WRITE-IN--------------13 WRITE-TN 0 WALLED LANE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL '01ST VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 14 93.23 NO 1 6.67 • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05413./0S 02:10 rm 2027 W BLOOMFIELD CURT TWP 27 VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL 1806 1A1.1.OT2 CAST - TOTAL 110 VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL . . , 6.09 WALLED LAKE CONSL SCHOOL DIST - BOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 ALP ONDER 19 26.76 NANCY van LEUWEN 52 13.24 WRITE- IN 0 WEST BLOOMFIELD SCFOOL DISTRICT BOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 2 BETH DANT° BORSON 20 37.74 JEFFREY T. STEWART 16 30.19 RENEE UNGER. 17 12.08 WRITE-IN 0 WRITE-IN 0 WALLED LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DIST VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 77 91.14 NO i .66 REGISTERED VOTFRS - TOTAL RALLors CAST • TcTAL. VOTFS 2OF PERCENT • • • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2ron5 RUN DATE:05/13/06 02:10 PM 2090 28 BIRMINGHAM HIRMINGHAM CITY E;CECIOL DISTRICT BCE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 DOYLR DOWNY 88 45.60 LORI SOIFER 104 53.89 WRITE IN 1 .2 BIRMINGHAM SCHOOL DISTRICT VOTE FOR NOT MORE TRAN 0 i YE,7 81 39.13 NO 126 60.19J • • . • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, micniqm SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05)13/05 0210 PM 2091 29 BLOOMFIELD HILLS VOTES PERCENT RECISMRED VOTERS - TOTAL BALLCTS CAT - T07,41. 591 BLoomFTsLn HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT - NOR VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 2 MARTIN C BFOCIC 426 34.68 CREIGUTON E. FORESTRR . 12.5 10.13 JENNY CREENWELL 149 12.01 MARY ELLEN MILLER. _ . 455 36.87 001IN C. MURRAY 13 5.92 WRITE-IN 3 .24 WRITE• IN 1 _06 BLOOMF7ETZ HILLS MILLAGE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 50,1 75.30 NO .167 74.70 BLOOMFIELD HILLS MILLAGE II VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN n 1 YES 468 70.06 NO 700 79.94 2092 30 FARMINGTON SFGTSTERED VOTERS - TOTAL BALLOTS CAST • TOTAL. . VOTES PERCENT 125 • • PRECI REPORT NC. 1111° OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SEECIAL ELECTION MAY :3. 2005 RUN DATE:05/13/05 C2:1G PM FARMINGTON PUBLIC SrlICOL CISTRICT - DOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE TUAN 0 2 PAM CHRISTIAN 9 31.47 KIMEERLY A_ REATN 69 29.74 FRANK L. REID H9 :21.3.36 NRITE-IN .43 WRITE-IN 0 • • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 BUN DATE:05i13/05 0210 PM 2093 31 PONTIAC VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL 0 BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL 211 PONTIAC CITY SCHOOL DISTRTCT - DOE VOTE FOB NOT 11D8E THAN 0 2 STEVE AIVARAExi 50 24.04 ALMA 'BRADLEY 18 8.65 jACK L. BRESSLER. . 48 23.08 DAMON O. DORKINS t 2.40 BEVERLY A. GARRISON 37 17.74 TOMMALETA HUGHES 5 2.40 OYNTITIA BERMS OFFICER 8 3.85 HERMAN FROEY 3 1.44 DONALD W. WATKINS 31 14.90 WRITE-IN 2 .96 WRITE-IN 1 .48 PONTIAC SCHOOL DISTRICT PROP VOTE EUR NOT MORE THAN 0 I YES 11 5.37 NC 794 94.63 • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05/13/05 02:10 PM 2094 32 WALLED LAKE VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL. , 0 RALLOTS CAST • TOTAL 14 .Fn9 WALLED LAKE CONSL SCHOOL bin' - SUE VCTE FOR. NOT MOPE THAN 1 ALP ONDER -------------32 30.06 NANCY van LEUWEN 197 68.06 WRITE-TN 22 1.68 WALLED LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DIST VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN (1 i YES . . . . ..... . 988 68.41 NO 455 31.53 PRECINCT REPORT °ARLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 1, 2009 RUN DATE:05/13 1 05 02:10 PM 2095 33 wATERFoRri REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL. . VOTES PERCENT 48 • • WATERFORD SCHOOL LIST - &DE VOTE FOR NOT MOPE THAN 0 1 JEFF DUPUIS 4 14.:16 ALLAN PAIJ, . . 9 18./5 SCOTT HUDSON 11 35.42 DENNIS PITTMAN.. It A.25 WRITE-IN 0 PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MIDflIGAN SPEC/AL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05/13/05 0210 PM 2096 34 WEST BLOONE2ELD VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS • TOTAL 0 BALLOTS CAST - TsTAI 1498 WEST DLOOVETET.D SCHOOL DISTRICT - POE VOTE FOR NOT MORE TEAN 0 2 BETH DANT() DOESON 962 35.94 jEYFREY T. STEWART 972 36.31 RENEE UNGER 741 21.68 WRITE-IN 2 .01 WRITE-TN. 0 OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION - MAY 3, 2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF BIRMINGHAM The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION - VOTE FOR ONE FOUR YEAR TERM was ten thousand four hundred eighty-nine 10,489 LORI SOIFER received six thousand ninety-five votes DOYLE DOWNEY received four thousand three hundred ninety-four votes 6,095 4,394 TOTAL votes 10,489 Regular Election - May 3, 2005 OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION - MAY 3, 2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES BLOOMFIELD HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION • VOTE FOR TWO. FOUR YEAR TERM was nineteen thousand three hundred seventy-six 19,376 MARY ELLEN MILLER received six thousand six hundred twenty-nine votes 6,629 MARTIN C. BROOK received five thousand seven hundred forty-four votes 5,744 JENNY GREENWELL received three thousand four hundred nine votes 3,409 CREIGHTON E. FORESTER received three thousand fifty-nine votes 3.059 JOHN C. MURRAY received five hundred thirty-five votes 535 TOTAL votes 19,376 Regular Election - May 3, 2005 OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION • MAY 3, 2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES FARMINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION • VOTE FOR TWO FOUR YEAR TERM was seventeen thousand five hundred seventeen 17,517 PAM CHRISTIAN received six thousand eighty-five votes 6,085 FRANK L. REID received six thousand seventy-eight votes 6,078 KIMBERLY A. HEATH received five thousand three hundred frfty4our votes 5,354 TOTAL votes 17,517 DEarminr - II. 5f11114 OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION -MAY 3, 2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF PONTIAC The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION - VOTE FOR TWO - FOUR YEAR TERM was thirteen thousand three hundred eighty-seven 13,387 ALMA BRADLEY received two thousand one hundred sixty-eight votes 2,168 DAMON C. DORKINS received one thousand nine hundred ninety-eight votes 1,998 JACK L. BRESSLER received one thousand eight hundred eight votes 1,808 STEVE ALVARADO received one thousand seven hundred ninety-two votes 1.792 BEVERLY A. GARRISON received one thousand six hundred eighty-two votes 1.682 CYNTHIA BERRIOS OFFICER received one thousand three hundred thirty-five votes 1.335 DONALD W. WATKINS received one thousand two hundred seventy-eight votes 1,278 TOMMALETA HUGHES received one thousand thirty-one votes 1,031 HERMAN PROBY received two hundred ninety-five votes 295 TOTAL votes 13,387 12anesisir ichrfinn - 7f1{1A OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION . MAY 3,2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES WALLED LAKE CONSOUDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION • VOTE FOR ONE • FOUR YEAR TERM was seven thousand ninety 7,090 NANCY van LELIWEN received four thousand eight nundred fifty-seven votes ALP ONDER received two thousand two hundred thirty-three votes 4,857 2,233 TOTAL votes 7,090 Regular Election - May 3, 2005 OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION - MAY 3, 2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES WATERFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT The whole number of votes given 'forth. office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION • VOTE FOR ONE • FOUR YEAR TERM was five thousand sixty-six 5,066 SCOTT HUDSON received two thousand twenty-six votes 2026, ALLAN HALL received one thousand four hundred sixty-five votes 1,465 DENNIS PITTMAN received one thousand one hundred fifty-nine votes 1,159 JEFF DUPUIS received four hundred *teen votes 416 TOTAL votes 5,066 Regular Election - May 3, 2005 OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION • MAY 3, 2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES WEST BLOOMFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION • VOTE FOR TWO. FOUR YEAR TERM was four thousand nine hundred ninety-seven 4,997 JEFFREY T. STEWART received one thousand seven hundred seventy-eight votes 1,778 BETH DANTO BORSON received one thousand seven hundred thirty-six votes 1,736 RENEE UNGER received one thousand tour hundred eighty-three votes 1,483 TOTAL votes 4,997 Regular Election - May 3, 2005 OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES BIRMINGHAM PUBLIC SCHOOLS The whole number of votes given for and against the Ballot Language for Sinking Fund Proposal Shall the School District of the City of Birmingham, Oakland County, Michigan, levy up to a maximum of one mill (which is equal to $1 per $1,000 of taxable value of real and tangible personal property) against all property in the school district for a period of ten years, 2005 to 2014, inclusive, for the purpose of creating a sinking fund to be used for the construction or repair of scriool buildings and the purchase of real estate for sites for school buildings, as well as for equipping and furnishing school buildings and facilities. including for technology, if permitted by changes in state law? The estimated amount of revenue that the school district will collect in the year 2005 if the millage is authorized and levied will be $4,403,185. The proposed millage is the authorization of a new additional millage, was eleven thousand nine hundred seventy-four votes 11,974 of which number five thousand nine hundred seventy-one votes were marked YES votes 5.971 and six thousand three votes were marked NO votes 6,003 TOTAL votes 11,974 • Regular Election - May 3,2005 OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION • MAY 3, 2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES BLOOM FIELD HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT The whole number of votes given for and against the I. OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL This millage proposal will allow the school district to continue to levy not more than the number of mills necessary and required to be levied on all property required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance and renews millage that will expire with the 2005 tax levy. Shall the total limitation on the amount of taxes for operating purposes which may be assessed on property in Bloomfield Hills School District, Oakland County, Michigan, be renewed by 19,3030 mills (S19.3030 on each $1.000.00 of taxable valuation) on all non-principal residences and non-qualified agricultural property as defined by law. and 11.0893 mills ($11.0893 on each $1.000.00 of taxable valuation), on all principal residences and qualified agricultural property as defined by law for a period of 10 years, 2006 to 2015, inclusive (this is a renewal of previously authorized millage which will expire with the 2005 tax levy), to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate cf the revenue the school district will collect from combined local property taxes authorized herein if the millage is approved and levied in 2006 is approximately $34.500,000? was ten thousand two hundred nineteen votes 10,219 of which number eight thousand one hundred seventy-seven votes were marked YES votes 8,177 and two thousand forty-two votes were marked NO votes 2,042 TOTAL votes 10,219 The whole number of votes given for and against the IL MILLAGE REDUCTION RESTORATION OPERATING MILLAGE PROPOSAL This millage proposal will restore the operating millage to the previously authorized levels and will allow the school district to levy tile number of mills necessary and recuired to be levied on all property required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance; if approved, the school district estimates that none of the rniliage will be levied in 2006. Shall the total limitation on the amount of taxes for operating purposes which may be assessed on property in Bloomfield Hills School District, Oakland County, Michigan, be increased by .6970 mill ($0.6970 on each $1,000.00 of taxable valuation) on all non-principal residences and non-qualified agricultural property as defined by law, and ,6148 mill ($0,6148 on each $1,000.00 of taxable valuation), on all principal residences and qualified agricultural property as defined by law for a period of 10 years, 2006 to 2015, inclusive, to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect from combined local property taxes authorized herein if the millage is approved and levied in 2006 is approximately S-0- (this millage is to restore the "Headlee" reduction)? was ten thousand one hundred ten votes 10.110 of which number seven thousand four hundred seventy-two votes were marked YES votes 7.472 and two thousand six hundred thirty-eight votes were marked NO votes 2.638 TOTAL votes 10,110 Regular Election • May 3, 2005 • OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION - MAY 3, 2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF PONTIAC The whole number of votes given for and against the BONDING PROPOSAL Shall School District of the City of Pontiac, Oakland County, Michigan, borrow the sum of not to exceed Ninety-Nine Million Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars ($99,900,000) and issue its general obligation unlimited tax bonds therefor, in two or more series, for the purpose of: erecting, furnishing and equipping a new middle school and two elementary school buildings; erecting, furnishing and equipping additions to and remodeling, refurnishing and re-equipping school district buildings; acquiring and installing educational technology improvements; acquiring land for site purposes and developing and improving playgrounds, playfields, athletic fields and sites? The following is for informational purposes only: The estimated millage that will be levied for the proposed bonds in 2005, under current law, is 1.42 mills ($1.42 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation). The maximum number of years the bonds may be outstanding, exclusive of any refunding, will not exceed thirty (30) years. The estimated simple average annual miliage anticipated to be required to retire this bond debt is 1.03 mills (S1.03 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation). (Pursuant to State law, expenditure of bond proceeds must be audited, and the proceeds cannot be used for repair or maintenance costs, superintendent, teacher. administrator or employee salaries, or other operating expenses.) was eight thousand seven hundred seventeen of which number three thousand five hundred forty-three votes were marked YES and five thousand one hundred seventy-four votes were marked NO votes 8,717 votes 3,543 votes 5,174 TOTAL votes 8,717 Regular Election - May 3, 2005 OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION - MAY 3, 2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES WALLED LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS The whole number of votes given for and against the OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL Shall the currently approved limitation on the amount of taxes for operating purposes which may be assessed against all property, exempting therefrom principal residence and qualified agricultural property as defined by law, in Walled Lake Consolidated School District, Oakland County, Michigan, oe renewed by 18 mills ($18.00 on each $1,000.00 of taxable valuation) and against all principal residences and qualified agricultural property be renewed by 3,9 mills ($3.90 on each $1.000.00 of taxable valuation), both millages to be for a period of 10 years, 2006 to 2016, inclusive; if approved, the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect the first year of levy. 2006, from combined local property taxes authorized herein is approximately $39.000,000 (this is a renewal of millage which expires with the 2005 tax levy)? was eight thousand two hundred thirty-four votes 8,234 of which number six thousand one hundred twenty-two votes were marked YES votes 6,122 and two thousand one hundred twelve votes were marked NO votes 2,112 TOTAL votes 8,234 • Regular Election. May 3, 2005 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION The Oakland County Board of Canvassers, having canvassed the votes of SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF BIRMINGHAM at the Regular Election, held on the 3rd day of May, Two-Thousand Five, hereby determine: That LORI SOIFER having received the largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF BIRMINGHAM • 25 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION • The Oakland County Board of Canvassers, having canvassed the votes of BWOMFIELD HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT at the Regular Election, held on the 3rd day of May, Two-Thousand Five, hereby determine: That MARY ELLEN MILLER having received the largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF BLOOMFIELD HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT That MARTIN C. BROOK having received the second largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF BLOOMFIELD HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT 3 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION The Oakland County Board of Canvassers, having canvassed the votes of FARMINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT at the Regular Election, held on the 3rd day of May, Two-Thousand Five, hereby determine: That PAM CHRISTIAN having received the largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF FARMINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT That FRANK L. REID having received the second largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF FARMINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT • CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION The Oakland County Board of Canvassers, having canvassed the votes of SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF PONTIAC at the Regular Election, held on the 3rd day of May, Two-Thousand Five, hereby determine: That ALMA BRADLEY having received the largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF PONTIAC That DAMON 0. DORKINS having received the second largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF PONTIAC CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION The Oakland County Board of Canvassers, having canvassed the votes of WALLED LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT at the Regular Election, held on the 3rd day of May, Two-Thousand Five, hereby determine: That NANCY van LEUWEN having received the largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF WALLED LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION The Oakland County Board of Canvassers, having canvassed the votes of WATERFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT at the Regular Election, held on the 3rd day of May, Two-Thousand Five, hereby determine: That SCOTT HUDSON having received the largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF WATERFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT • CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION The Oakland County Board of Canvassers, having canvassed the votes of WEST BLOOMFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT at the Regular Election, held on the 3rd day of May, Two-Thousand Five, hereby determine: That JEFFREY T. STEWART having received the largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF WEST BLOOMFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT That BETH DANTO BORSON having received the second largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF WEST BLOOMFIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT • • CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION BIRMINGHAM PUBLIC SCHOOLS Ballot Language for Sinking Fund Proposal The OAKLAND COUNTY Board of Canvassers having canvassed the votes of at the REGULAR ELECTION, held on the 3rd day of MAY, TWO THOUSAND FIVE hereby determine: Shall the School District of the City of Birmingham, Oakland County. Michigan, levy up to a maximum of one mill (which is equal to $1 per $1,000 of taxable value of real and tangible personal property) against all property in the school district for a period of ten years, 2005 to 2014, inclusive, for the purpose of creating a sinking fund to be used for the construction or repair of school buildings and the purchase of real estate for sites for school buildings, as well as for equipping and furnishing school buildings and facilities, including for technology, if permitted by changes in state law? The estimated amount of revenue that the school district will collect in the year 2005 if the millage is authorized and levied will be $4,403,185. The proposed miliage is the authorization of a new additional millage. Having NOT RECEIVED sufficient votes was DEFEATED CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION BLOOMFIELD HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT I. OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL The OAKLAND COUNTY Board of Canvassers having canvassed the votes of at the REGULAR ELECTION, held on the 3rd day of MAY, TWO THOUSAND FIVE hereby determine: Having RECEIVED sufficient votes was PASSED This millage proposal will allow the school district to continue to levy not more than the number of mills necessary and required to be levied on all property required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance and renews millage that will expire with the 2005 tax levy. Shall the total limitation on the amount of taxes for operating purposes which may be assessed on property in Bloomfield Hilis School District, Oakland County, Michigan, be renewed by 19.3030 mills ($19.3030 on each 51.000.00 of taxable valuation) on all non-principal residences and non-qualified agricultural property as defined by law, and 11.0893 mills ($11.0893 on each $1,000.00 of taxable valuation), on all principal residences and qualified agricultural property as defined by law for a period of 10 years, 2006 to 2015, inclusive (this is a renewal of previously authorized millage which will expire with the 2005 tax levy), to provide funds for operating purposes; the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect from combined local property taxes authorized herein if the millage is approved and levied in 2006 is approximately $34,500,000? CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION BLOOMFIELD HILLS SCHOOL DISTRICT II. MILLAGE REDUCTION RESTORATION OPERATING MILLAGE PROPOSAL The OAKLAND COUNTY Board of Canvassers having canvassed the votes at at the REGULAR ELECTION, held on the 3rd day of MAY, TWO THOUSAND FIVE hereby detennhte: HavIng RECEIVED sufficient votes was PASSED • This millage proposal will restore the operating millage to the previously authorized levels and will allow the school district to levy the number of mills necessary and required to be levied on all property required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance: if approved, the school district estimates that none of the millage will be levied in 2006. Shall the total limitation on the amount &taxes for operating purposes which may be assessed on property in Bloomfield Hills School District, Oakland County, Michigan. be increased by .6970 mill ($0.6970 on each $1,000.00 of taxable valuation) on all non-principal residences and non-qualified agricultural property as defined by law, and .6148 mill ($0.6148 on each $1,000,00 of taxable valuation). on all principal residences and qualified agricultural property as defined by law tor a period of 10 years, 2006 to 2015. inclusive, to provide funds for operating purposes: the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect from combined local property taxes authorized herein ft the millage is approved and levied in 2006 is approximately $-0- (this millage is to restore the 'Headlee" reduction)? CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF PONTIAC BONDING PROPOSAL The OAKLAND COUNTY Board of Canvassers having canvassed the votes of at the REGULAR ELECTION, held on the 3rd day of MAY, TWO THOUSAND ME hereby determine: Having NOT RECEIVED sufficient votes was DEFEATED Shall School District of the City of Pontiac. Oakland County, Michigan. borrow the sum of not to exceed Ninety-Nine Million Nine Hundred Thousand Dollars ($99,900,000) and issue its general obligation unlimited tax bonds therefor, in two or more series, for the purpose of; erecting. furnishing and equipping a new middle school and two elementary school buildings; erecting, furnishing and equipping additions to and remodeling, refurnishing and re-equipping school district buildings; acquiring and installing educational technology improvements; acquiring land for site purposes and developing and improving playgrounds, playfielcis, athletic fields and sites? The following is for informational purposes only: 41111 The estimated millage that will be levied for the proposed bonds in 2005, under current law, is 1.42 mills ($1.42 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation). The maximum number of years the bonds may be outstanding, exclusive of any refunding... will not exceed thirty (30) years. The estimated simple average annual millage anticipated to be required to retire this bond debt is 1.03 mWs ($1.03 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation). (Pursuant to State law, exoenditure of bond proceeds must be audited, and the proceeds cannot be used for repair or maintenance costs, superintendent, teacher, administrator or employee salaries, or other operating expenses.) • • CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION WALLED LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL The OAKLAND COUNTY Board of Canvassers having canvassed the votes of at the REGULAR ELECTION, held on the 3rd day of MAY, TWO THOUSAND FIVE hereby determine: • Having RECEIVED sufficient votes was PASSED Shall the currently approved limitation on the amount of taxes for operating purposes which may be assessed against all property. exempting therefrom principal residence and qualified agricultural property as defined by law, in Walled Lake Consolidated School District, Oakland County, Michigan, be renewed by 18 mills ($18.00 on each $1,000.00 of taxable valuation) and against all principal residences and qualified agricultural property ne renewed by 3.9 mills ($3.90 on each Si .000.00 of taxable valuation), both millages to be for a period of 10 years, 2006 to 2015, inclusive; if approved, the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect the first year of levy, 2006. from combined local property taxes authorized herein is approximately 539,000.000 (this is a renewal of millage which expires with the 2005 tax levy)? • • b - _ CHAIRPERSON OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS CLERK OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS • • CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the OAKLAND COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT the 10th clay of May, in the year Two Thousand and Five. OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF CANVASSERS CHAIRPERSON _L;c--)416e4" =MIMEN.InIMIMM P nC-ERKROD's CANVASS PACE5lCERTIF1CATE OF DETERMINATION.doc