HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2004.11.01 - 4735couNTY, MICHIGAN Of 11/23/2004 TUE 0934 FAX 2486823788 TIT l]002 CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON GENERAL ELECTION — TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2004 -157477.1177Famm AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS ( NAME OF CCQNTY, CITY, TowtiShillo 911 VILLA3E) MANUFACTURED BY BUSINESS RECORDS CORPORATION ELECTION SUPPI-Y MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND PRINTERS (800 800-8225 Order lay Fon' No. M-398 CANVASSER BOOK Specify whether General, Newry or Special Election votes ,1 ; 1 1 reT ticitu Ms THIS Geurwrit 313:7'611 I 1 1 I =ar.• t I 61 5111 1 Michael Madigan h--- received Sixteen thousand five hundred eleven •-•an votes votes The whole number of votes given for the office of wos Thirty four thousand four hundred three and they were given for the followin g named persons: Township Clerk 41 410' 3 received votes f One hundred twenty-two thousand sixteen 1---- orid they were given for the following named persons; Roberta Y. Boyle Todd K. Kokko Debbie Macon Diane qpis-Harnisch received Fifteen thousand one hundre received Twelve thousand eight hundred _thirty two _thir voum received Fifteen thousand nine hundred fourty severtotes received Twelve thousand six hundred twenty six SavenCeeit t4ousand three hundred e ight v°t41 I 7 13 o 8 Need i Gerald Chudler received Fifteen thotisandc hundred nine received received sixteen thousand and eleven votes votes votos 11.11-516]911,1 Robert Spector 6 3 1 6 1Z003 11/23/2004 TUE 09:34 FAX 2488823788 WB TWP STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given For the office of Township Supervisor 5 Thirty-three Thousand seven hundred sixty one and they were given for the following named person David Fleisher received mm- votes Seventeen thousand two hundred fifty II 11 7i 215 1 0 I! received TOTAL li•=11M Sharon thous.and_iiMk_hUndXgd ninety fivO s • 11815 9 5 Nmeivej Maxine Bricknei received votes 11 51 81 01 8 1.111 3 4 0 0 1 5 WS Thirty four thousand and fifteen - —1 votes TOTAL votes 11 The whole number of voles given for the office of Township Treasurer Sandra Shipper received TOTAL The whole number of votes g iven for the office of Township Trustee 11n•• they were given for the following named persons: received Denise 1). Hamond h ).147--r-Lallaand-fittY-rxia- received Fifteen thousand nine hundred sixt three votes votes 1.1 5 9 2! 2 11/23/2004 TUE 09:35 FAX 2486823788 4 One hundred fifty nine thousand four hundred sixty nine ntmed persons: reiceived Fifteen thousand eight hundred fifty two receiv.ecl Fourteen thousand two hundred seventeen received Fifteen thousand and fifty four received Seventeen thousand six hundred seventeen received Seventeen thousand eight hundred eleven Fifteen thousand nine hundred and eight Seventeen thousand seven hundred eighty Sixteen thousand two hundred two received received received received received - received votes i ; Ii 4! 2 1 L 7 votes 1 '4 =9 S 1 5 0 5 14 . 1 0 1. i7 1 7 .8 ,1 1 votes r received Fourteen thousand and thirty nine received Fourteen thousand nine hundred eihy ninVes they were given for the following Carol Hack Kris Moriarty Keith T. Murphy Judy Share-Vine Sala Ajo Lawrence Kohlenberg Sheryl L. Mitchell J. Andrew O'Connor doward Rosenberg Gerald J. Sukenic 1 " 1. 8 1,, votes votes votes 6 , 2. votes I I I votes votes o• received votes received votes received votes received votes TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given for the office of Township Library Board 911.1 1,2 7 I'771": Ninety three thousand one hundred twenty seven II and they were given For the following named persons: was Arlene Bordinan Jo Ann Fenstermaker Judith Holtz received received Eleven thousand six hundred eighty one received kgraly.0_thguazul_nine hundred_rxi.ux_twia Fourteen thousand seven hundred eighty niWdes Twelvft rhnngangi three hilndrod thirry max. votes Carol Kravet2 received Alan aDuke received Eight thousand four hundred thirteen Ken Macon received Ten thousand five hundred fifty votes voles WB TWF Wij 004 STATEMENT OF VOTES rgl t L THIS CaL009 The whole number of votes given fo , the office ot Township Park Commission i. cis Grid God t1 Wendy B. Osthaus votes received Eleven thousand five hundred and five I A ILLL21 1 4 1 el 19 v 1:0 5!5 n i A1,8J946_11 1 115,015 lb FIT FIGORU 111 THIS raumi I • votes were marked YES 1 TOTAL VOTES, The whio le number of votes givon for and against the anril TOWNSHIP PROPOSAL were marled YES votes and were morlied NO ! 11/23/2004 TUE 0935 FAX 2486823788 WB TWP 21005 5 STATEMENT OF VOTES tOWNSHIP PROPOSAL The whole number of votos given far and against MP Safety Path Millage Proposal 111111 n111 , Thirty three thousand four hundred eighteen of which numoer 33 4;I 8 1 ' \ Safety P701 Miltzgit flvpiasial Shen (tit charter Towilv-a Boom5e:o awnonzel ;0.20) or (re 0,1 me *Or a penod of fitie•en year COM MenCiflt, voidi rile DriAmOor 2005 !eq. 311C rniirt rr 17'2 of which nurnb•tr_ Dtcrner' 2019 levy, ItLe-pc•ie of acuk.r,no construccing. improving and maimiirg ;51 ,yry paths in the Town.trip, och.•Oirrip aicouim-/ "S•I'va-O, way aria Ca•iements aro TeL...ar-ent and Interest an sztetv oar, :ends Slat may sr 1Wfued lfl Towtosnip? ha praaosar i; for a new aradRional Image the reveme rKITTI *Mat WIIILIbt • 6 • la the Charter To.imsrup si We*: AoorovAl erL1is proposal wou:a ,InifiZO a rax iimitnon .ncraate ri s st.ono,CO on Sia taxatos verve on al real-en:1/ . tanoale pit moral property in trie relo?Nvp, Iris esamatee Put Linis prapessi woultrTst.tdi !re TOTAL VOTES, authorize:in, to G3IlaCt $775,000,g0641,1 'df St year it ap men Si,d uny levim A stpitisvilh is :pxaoil• value Of S100.000.00 1•4?„—a Taxirnwn acklidcoad IA the gira y .e.;..,v1-1 co The whole number of vales given for rind against the YES NO 41 was of whiel-i number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, The whale number vf votes given for and against the we •as of which number L. II nital.LIP 6 Mau oucl hiaviris received a sufficient number of That Denise D 'Geraild J. Wks-nix .. --having received a sufficient number of Thor That Andrew. ,0 votes is elected TengrtShi =nor - Park Commisvion • - • having received o sufficient number of 11/24/2004 WED 12;27 FAX 2480823718 WB TWP Q002 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MIC4IG-AN. 1 f's WA. PAKI-AND " ) ' Tho Board of Comassels If the___TQFP_%10-P oF.II We 0.x...1119P-01f ig.kel ...... , fceunry, C.iy, TdwrShio 2r Vi li.ge 1 (County, Chy, Ti.--ilh.,.., q- . . . , having Ascerio;ned and Conyolsecl the Votes gisalclTPIzAbbla . , (L -y. C.I.F .. Tui..”-...i,ip dir Viligges 1 at the General I Election; held on the Znd cloy of _Soiaiaher.. _ . tyc.thnusand.and_f0Ar IR I, Da Hereby Certify cinelDieterrnine David Flails Thai yopes is elected Township puperv.isor Sharon A. L volcs i3 efectcd Townshiptlerk havn rpackved a suffici.trie nun-11yr of having received a sufficient number of • votes erected Township _treasurer Tkel,_$_tuart _Brick r having recekred a sufficient numbe,of voe is elected- • J.4 .r1,4.64111 --- Th at Larry Horn having received o sufficienf number of votes is elect-et:1 TownShi Try.stea. That Robert Spec r having received o ouffiCient nurrimr- of votes is elected Townshi. Trustee That Debbie Macio hoving received u sufficient number of votes it elected Town,shitt Stee Thot SINFY1 L. tahell haying received a sufi,cient nLmb.er " votes is elected Thwnehil Park Coa4sirta That Howard /to abers having received o sufficient nurr Leer af votes is elected...TP:0714W _14112rk .cPuuldasion That.. Lawreriee lenberg having received a sufficient number -of• ,,otes i5 elected Tornshi4 Park Commission votes , is eleetect Townshill Park Commission That Carol. Ilick . having received a sOficient number .of Townshile Park Com#GSion votes is elected That Salma Aja heving received a suffi cient nuttiloer of vales is elected. Totresh Park Commission That, .itb.J tz having received sufficient num ber of MembeT of the Library Board votes iS elected votes is elected That votes is elected having received a sufficient number of Mut votes is eledad having received a sufficient number of That votes i$ elected That votes is elected That votes is elected ,having received a sufficient number of having received a sufficient number of having received a saqicient number of Received Nat Received Received Nat Received Received Not Received Passed Sufficient votes was Defe(sted Suificient votes was Defeated Sufficient votes was Defeated Having Having Having Passed Passed II ATTEST: e1007 .11/23/2004 TUE 09:36 FAX 2486823788 That votes is electe That _a-r=1?--. votes is elected Mr4;s4.7--t- it....-.11,0•-•‘-n-• Thai rir having received a WB TiCP having received a sufficient number of sufficient number of having received a suificient number of Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated iselow: NAME Of fitOPOSOION 1 Safety Path !linage Proposal tte,haR cet PROPC6TioN 2 3 4 H Received sufficient votes was aving Not Received Defeated NAME of ntorotenon fdAut of NOVO:MON NAhn reoPoonow NAhn reort,ernow Passed In Witness 111ln:reefs We have hereunto set our hands and affixed th e Seal ur the Township rif West Bloomfield (Countz[i...CIZ1'a-.,ship or (evsotty, City. Townthip /Po, I losm) this cloy of 1‘.. 2004 BOARD OF CANVASSERS