HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2005.05.03 - 4762CHARTER TOWNSHIP OF WHITE LAKE CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE REGULAR ELECTION • HELD ON MAY 3, 2005 CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN REGIsTERED VOTERS - TOTAL . BALluTs (AST - TOTAL. . . VOTER. TURNOUT - TOTAL . . VOTES PERCENT 2725 416 • • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05/13/05 02110 PM 2101 WHITE LAKE CHRT TWP 01 WALLED LAKE (:oN1.. SCHOOL Yil:qT • BCH VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 ALP oNDER 110 31.34 NANCY van LEUWEN 239 68.09 WRITE-IN 2 wATERFORD scrOOL PEST VOTE FO R NOT MORE TnAN 0 1 jEFE DUPUIS 3 21.43 ALLAN HALL I 5O.00 scoTT HUDsoN 4 28.57 DENNIS PITTMAN. WRITE. IN WALLED LAKE CpNSOL1DATED SCHOOL DIST VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 323 80.55 78 19. IS • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN spEciAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE105/13/05 02110 PM 2102 WHITE LAKE CHRT TWP 02 VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTRRS - TOTAL 2286 BALLOTS cA1T - TOTAL.. - 11I1 VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL . „ . 7.19 WALLED LAKE CONS( SCEOOL DIST BOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 1 ALP ONDER 37 34.58 NANCY van LEUWEN 68 63.55 WRITE-IN 2 1.87 HURON VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT - ROE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN U 2 0OHN E. BRANSTETTFR 49 50.52 SCOTT PIERSON 48 49.48 WR1TE-IN., 0 WRITE. IN 0 WALLED LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DIET VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN I YE1 NO. 66 53.23 50 46.77 PRECINCT REPORT 0AgLAND COUNTY, MJCHICAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 VOTES PERCENT 1209 50 4.14 • • RUN DATE105/13/05 02t10 rm 2103 WHITE LAKE CHRT TWP 03 REGISTERED VOTERS - BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL, VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL . WALLED LAKE CONSL SCHOOL DIET • EoR VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN C 1 ALP ONDER 1 33.33 NANCY van IZOWEN 1 33.33 WRITE-1N ........ 1 33.33 HURON VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT - DOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 2 JOHN E. DRANSTETTEP 43 57.33 SCOTT PIERSON 30 40.00 1 1.33 wRTTE-IN 1 1.33 WALLED LAKE CONSOLiDATtr .stuooL DIST VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YE1 1 33_33 No 7 66.6 VOTES PERCENT 2703 93 3.44 • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05/13/05 02:10 PM 2104 WHITE LAKE cliRT TWP 04 REGISTERED vunms - TOTAL PALLOTS CAST - TOTAL- . VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL . HOLLY AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT - POE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 I ROBIN BARNER-CARN7 41 9";.62 WRITE IN 1 2.38 WATERFORD SCHOOL 01ST - BCE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN C I JEFF DHPUIS 0 ALLAN HALL 0 SCOTT HUDSON 0 DENNIS PITTMAN 0 WRITE•IN 0 CLARKSTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS - ROE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 2 STEPHEN J. HYER 4 40.00 DAVID A. LOHMETER 2 20.00 RONALD D. SULLIVAN 4 40.00 WRITE-IN 0 WRITE-IN HURON VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT - SOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 2 ,7CHN E. BRANSTETTEF 31 44.29 SCOTT PIERSON 38 54.29 WRITE TN 1 1.43 WRITE-IN 0 CLARKSION COMM SCHOOLS - HOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 I BARRY HOMIER 1 20.00 ROBIN MATCZAK 3 60.00 BARBARA A. SE1LT7 1 20.00 WRITE-IN 0 HOLLY AREA SCHOOL LISTRICT - ROE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 LOUANNE P. SNIDER 38 9t.00 WRITE-1N 2 5.0C • OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 PRECINCT REPORT RUN DATE:05/13/05 02:10 PM 2105 WHITE LAKE CURT TWP (1 5 VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL ..... 2072 BALLOTS CAST TOTAL. .. .... 203 VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL 980 WALLED LAKE CONS[. SCHOOL DIST - DOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 ALP ONDER 5 21.81 NANCY van LEUWEN 1E 76.19 WRITE-IN WATERFORD SCHOOL 01ST • 005 VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 JEFF DUPUIS. 18 11.54 ALLAN HALL 46 29.49 SCOTT HUDSON 56 35.90 DENNIS PITTMAN 33 21.15 WRITE-IN 3 1.92 HURON VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT - BOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 2 JOHN E. BRANSTETTFR 23 51 50 SCOTT PIERSON 17 42.50 WRITE-IN 0 WRITE-IN 0 WALLED LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DIST VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 12 52.17 NO 11 47.83 VOTES PERCENT 2480 149 6.01 REGISTERED VOTERS -. TOTAL nALLOTS CAST - TOTAL„ VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL . • • • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHLGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3, 2005 RUN DATE:05/13/05 0210 PM 06 2106 WRITE LAKE CURT TWP WATERFORD SCHOOb DIST - ROE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 JEFF DUPuls 13.21 ALLAN HALL 19 35.85 SCOTT HUDSON 17 32.U8 DENNIS PITTMAN 10 18.0 PRITE-•IN R7jRON VALLEY sCROOL DISTRICT •- DOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 2 JOHN F. RRANSTETTER 81 48.80 SCOTT PIERSON 82 49.4r3 WRITE-1N 2 1.20 WR1TE-IN 1 .60 • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MTCHICAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 3„ 2005 RUN DATE:a5/13/05 0210 PM 2107 WHITE LAKE cHRT TWP 01 VOTES PERCENT REGITERED VOTERS - TOTAL 1116 1:1ALtoT3 CAST - TOTAt 105 VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL C,I2 HURON vALLRY SCHOOL DTSTRICT - OF VrYIT FOR NOT MORE TITAN () 2 JOHN N RRANSTETTER 87 49.1I sC0TT FIE:1450N PE WRZTE-IN 1 .57 WRITE-TN 1 ,1 VOTEs PERCENT 2359 89 3.71 • • • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 7, 2C05 RUN DATE:05/13/05 02:10 Prl 2108 WHITE LAKE CTIRT Twr OF REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL BALLOTS CAST - ToTAL, VOTER TURNOUT - TOTAL . HOLLY AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT • UOE VOTE FOR NOT moRE THAN 0 1 RoDIN BARNER-CARNE 30 96.77 wRTTE-IN 1 3.23 HURON VALLEY SCH001. D1STRTcT • POE voTE FOR NOT mORF TITAN 0 2 JOAN E. BRANSTETTER 40 48J:10 SCOTT PIERsoN 46 46.00 3 3.00 WRITE-IN. . 3 3.00 HOLLY AREA ScnooL DISTRICT • BOE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 LouANNE P. SNYDER 30 96.77 WRITE-IN 3.23 • PRECINCT REPORT OAKLAND COUNTY, MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 1, 20(15 RUN DATE:45/11/05 02;10 PM 2109 WHITE LAKE CERT TWP 09 VOTES PERCENT REGTSTERED VOTERS - TOTAL 1988 BALLOTS CAST - TOTA1.- 174 VOTER TURNOUT - TOM 8.15 WALLED LAKE CONSL SCHOOL DUST - ROE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 I ALP UNDER 41 27.15 NANCY van Lb:OWEN 110 72.85 WRITE-TN HURON VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT - BOR. VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 2 JOHN E. BRANSTETTER . , ..... 7 58.33 SCOTT PIERSON 5 41.67 WRITE-IN WRITE-IN WALLED LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCEOOL DIST VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN 0 1 YES 108 65.85 NO 57 34.55 • • PRECINCT REPORT °ARLAND COUNTY MICHIGAN SPECIAL ELECTION MAY 73, 2005 RUN DATE:05/13/05 0210 PM 2110 WHIlE LAF.E CHRT TWP le VOTES PERCENT REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL . _ . . 2000 RALLOTS CAST - TOTAL 44 VOTER TURNOUT • TOTAA 2.12 HURON VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT - ROE VOTE FOR NOT MORE THAN U 2 JOHN E. EIRANSTETTER . . 19 5OE5 SCOTT PIERSON 137 40.05 WRITE• IN 1 1,30 WRITE- IN 0 OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION - MAY 3, 2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES CLARKSTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION - VOTE FOR TWO. FOUR YEAR TERM was four thousand one hundred fifty-four 4,154 RONALD a SULLIVAN received cne thousand four hunored fifty-five votes 1,L55 STEPHEN J. FYER received one thousand four hundred hvenly-six votes 1,426 DAVID A. LOHMEIER rece:ved one thousand two hundred seventy-three votes 1,273 TOTAL votes 4,154 The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF TFIE BOARD OF EDUCATION - VOTE FOR ONE - PARTIAL TERM ENDING 06/302007 was two thousand two hundred forty-five 2,245 BARRY BOMIER received eight hundred eighty-one votes 881 ROBIN MATCZAK received seven hundred seventeen votes 717 BARBARA k SEILTZ received six hundred forty-seven votes 647 TOTAL votes 2,245 OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION - MAY 3, 2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES HOLLY AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION -VOTE FOR ONE • FOUR YEAR TERM was six hundred fifty-four 654 ROBIN BARNER-CARNE received sax hundred fifty-four votes 654 TOTAL votes 654 The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION - VOTE FOR ONE - PARTIAL TERM ENDING 06131312006 was six hundred twenty-six 626 LOUANNE R. SNYDER received six hundred twenty-six votes 526 TOTAL votes 626 R snider CliaMinkt - Lima 1 grifiC OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION - MAY 3, 2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES HURON VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION VOTE FOR TWO FOUR YEAR TERM was three thousand five hundred forty-one 3,541 JOHN E. BRANSTMER received one Thousand seven kmared eighty-one votes SCOTT PIERSON received one thousand seven hundred sixty votes 1,78'1 1,760 TOTAL votes 3,541 Rnaubir FlPftfirin . /Mc OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION -MAY 3,2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES WALLED LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION - VOTE FOR ONE FOUR YEAR TERM was seven thousand ninety 7,090 NANCY van LEUWEN received four thousand eight hundred fifty-seven votes ALP ONDER received two thousand two hundred thirty-three votes 4.857 2.233 TOTAL votes 7,090 • OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION - MAY 3, 2005 STATEMENT OF VOTES WATERFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT The whole number of votes given for the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION - VOTE FOR ONE - FOUR YEAR TERM was five thousand sixty-six 5,066 SCOTT HUDSON received two thousand twenty-six votes 2,026 ALLAN HAL received one thousand four hundred sixty-five votes 1,465 DENNIS PITTMAN received one thousand one hundred fifty-nine votes 1,159 JEFF DUPUIS received four hundred sixteen votes 416 TOTAL votes 5,066 Reguiar Election- May 3, 2005 OAKLAND COUNTY REGULAR ELECTION - MAY 3, 2005 STATEMENT Of VOTES WALLED LAKE CONSOUDATED SCHOOLS The whole number of votes given for and against the OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL Shall the currently approved limitation on the amount of taxes for operating purposes which may be assessed against all property, exempting therefrom principal residence and qualified agricultural property as defined by law, in Walled Lake Consolidated School District, Oakland County, Michigan. be renewed by 18 mills ($18.00 on each $1,000.00 of taxable valuation) and against all principal residences and qualified agricultural property be renewed by 3.9 mills ($3.90 on each $1,000.00 of taxable valuation), both millages to be for a period of 10 years, 2006 to 2015, inclusive: if approved, the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect the first year of levy, 2006, from combined local Property taxes authorized herein is approximately $39.000,000 (this is a renewal of rnillage which expires with the 2005 tax levy)? was eight thousand two hundred thirty-four votes 8,234 of which number six thousand one hundred twenty-two votes were marked YES votes 6.122 and two thousand one hundred twelve votes were marked NO votes 2,112 TOTAL votes 8,234 Regular Election - May 3, 2005 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION The Oakland County Board of Canvassers, having canvassed the votes of CLARKSTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS at the Regular Election, held on the 3rd day of May, Two-Thousand Five, hereby determine: That RONALD D. SULLIVAN having received the largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF CLARKSTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS That STEPHEN J. HYER having received the second largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF CLARKSTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS That BARRY BOMIER having received the largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF CLARKSTON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION The Oakland County Board of Canvassers, having canvassed the votes of HOLLY AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT at the Regular Election, held on the ard day of May, Two-Thousand Five, hereby determine: That ROBIN BARNER-CARNE having received the largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF HOLLY AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT That LOUANNE R. SNYDER having received the largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF HOLLY AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION • The Oakland County Board of Canvassers, having canvassed the votes of HURON VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT at the Regular Election, held on the 3rd day of May, Two-Thousand Five, hereby determine . That JOHN E. BRANSTETTER having received the largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF HURON VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT That SCOTT PIERSON having received the second largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF HURON VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT '14 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION The Oakland County Board of Canvassers, having canvassed the votes of WALLED LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT at the Regular Election, held on the 3rd day of May, Two-Thousand Five, hereby determine: That NANCY van LEUWEN having received the largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF WALLED LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOL DISTRICT CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION The Oakland County Board of Canvassers, having canvassed the votes of WATERFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT at the Regular Election, held on the 3rd day of May, Two-Thousand Five, hereby determine: That SCOTT HUDSON having received the largest number of votes is elected to the office of MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF WATERFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT 34 CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION WALLED LAKE CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS OPERATING MILLAGE RENEWAL PROPOSAL The OAKLAND COUNTY Board of Canvassers having canvassed the votes of at the REGULAR ELECTION, held on the ard day of MAY, TWO THOUSAND FIVE hereby determine: Having RECEIVED sufficient votes was PASSED Shall the currently approved limitation on the amount of taxes for operating purposes which may be assessed against all property, exempting therefrom principal residence and qualified agncultural property as defined by law, in Walled Lake Consolidated School District, Oakland County, Michigan, be renewed by 18 mills ($18.00 on each $1,000.00 of taxable valuation) and against all principal residences and qualified agricultural property be renewed by 3.9 mills ($3.90 on each $1 ,000,00 of taxable valuation), both millages to be for a period of 10 years, 2006 to 2015, inclusive; if approved, the estimate of the revenue the school district will collect the first year of levy, 2006, from combined local property taxes authorized herein is approximately $39,000,000 (this is a renewal o' millage which expires with the 2005 tax levy)? OAKLAND COUNTY BOARD OF CANyASSERS &IL.e,zAiv.t7 CLERK OF BOA OF CANVASSERS CHAIRPERSON OF BOARD OF CANVASSERS • CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the OAKLAND COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT the 10th day of May, in the year Two Thousand and Five. PACLERKRODSCAINP/A35 PAGES% CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATON.doc