HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2002.11.05 - 4769frT.A NT) WHITE LAYE TOWNSHIP :),1A,M, or COUNTY, TOWNSHIP '., NAN OF COUNTY, TOWNSHIP DR VA.,L4.3&) COUNTY, MICHIGAN 11/25/2002 11:51 248E667455 WHITE LAKE TWP CLERK PAGE 02 °CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON Ninv-Emizypni, , 2 r) n 2 (DATE or ELECT(Oti) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS MANUFACTURED BY I L 1 , Order by form No 6,4-398 CANVASSER BOOK i l :1 • SpeciFy whether General, PriciarY or Special Election 1 i i I i _ 'I 707AL.S OFFICE ASO CANDIDATE NAMES PRECNCT OR WARD NUMBER I 113RARY BOARD ;DUANE W. HOG -324- 4154 1 4-44.6 gri PROPO_SA 11/25/2002 11:51 2406667455 WHITE LAKE TWP CLERK PAGE 03 L4_2_7. 481244 573 426 . i4.:50 4 -TR ,154 12R13_14 1 KARGARET MACDONALD , 531 0 1,Es:42,9,319 235413:1E6 ?)31 qn ..2 .4nA 7 109 ciA'A 4372 Ei79J3 — 4158 OUZ°POSAL B POLTC70 NO508 573 264 879471 1A1 1 .11) 4r1 7 7 5 .177 The whole number of votes 9iven for the oFirce of LIBRARY BOARD PUT nelith ic 7r13 CULSIMN DUANE W. HOGG teceived MARGARET MACDONALD 'ere:1*d received votes 11 1 I - ' votes ' HOUSAND THREE HTIN1YR1:17 TOTAL votes The whole number of votes &yen for t},60Fricerf logos ii t votes votes received TOTAL votes 11 vote2 :rreceived votes 1' rtcelVed ‘,6otes votes votes votes re:eived received votes votes votes 11/25/2002 11:51 2486667455 WHITE LAKE TWP CLERK PAGE 34 614 I Wa2 NINE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED SIXTY FOUR 9 4 _ ilkey we've given Cot the loliowinc, mimed pl:Asonv r _NrAt FOUR THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED FIFTY FOUXt" 111 54 ' rind they were giver, Ent t6 k wic nottlQii ptssorisl received "IQ 4ole rium6er cE voref, given for the office of I virCIS , tkey were civerr icr the fo•I:rwi lq riCintr:1 pWV;1.1.: received TOTAL Pie who l e humbet of votes qiven Cot the of ! was I- I owl' they wzre given for the foilowtrig named parsers; reco:ved I I vole ! received il - received votes 1 1 1 I L recQiveCi voles 1! received votes I .,--- II tereivad received votes received re.eived ! The w'rpoip rourrinber 1vote5 given ior crio' acpinst hi EIROP-05 NINE THOUSAND STXTY FITC4HT • FOUR_ THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED SEVENTY cf wkich nurnae TWO 4 PrgItt'..7; CQ1,11317, ifICREASt I!Iima ;' ci,•!nWiroc5f!,-t v, rot,o! ,k7.4.:011.3.(cir.insCiov it-SIT-WI: 0! Wi‘te : 1•;11.=-1 ti I ntr (C 1.aink-rt r.11.10' F. '2, 'few Ela.!•.•J 'LrtPOCAP:',..64 001'5 CI n tnIII;; l',-!/17. , 't•L't1 ..2 ,° I. 3114 !PC .t9,4: C707, 7 0 :t .0 ! 41114 n: : 1{1 NIS :II "07 0:4-4-! 4;. ZZI,0rTk: ' WaS 1 11/25/2002 11:51 2486667455 WHITE LAKE TWP CLERK PAGE 05 P T Figlitifs IN VIM caLohoN !. 5 "-71.1*,:xib7Z7747717117M • 06 & 07---7-77 ragpip5P.. A I 4 3 7 2. 71n: IZI.AUZirpM,4sE. $-',70 1-C ;Z:o:.!p:1::',P: ..P:t I ,Mai:C,: On . : ....pir• Voles were rnri.cea ym. ,At °coo.% c;I:m... ;•,!olic.' IA ,ncrcaEti F.,, . , .V ,I.....:-,2.5-- ,':':','' ,7C::).`,gla:. il..;,;•al..:.....1,1;•f. . • . . : .. ?.-...;'.Q.-3,21 n.,-....:...;,,,;a1r,:v ,:, 29:11:,:.r.: 4 69 - 6 .. cpld. FOUR THOLL5A.Nr) ST it3D222.1jSja 1.-------I-1- .*:110 v.:. 1:,!',.P.1,-: ' r Ilt•EIC!' l'p VIA' i''' 177'1 ,:i 1-! 7,1 -7 I.' : SI/KV,' Iv th .0 I.:-.A'.E• I - 14.7.Vitz t! :,•....- N•res wefe r-nt'Ked HQ I*, iu:, ve?.33%.-.-!• • . . • . ,-.•';.,:sn 1:: ,E4r,,,,F5 1}CtI,'0'7:7rIl!':j ,-.'1 .),:...!: t - I e,;',,:. nv,..; .C, 3-tI' 'D;Pall "WnL'i r90..197.' ' ' ' 9' ....'9 ' If! •'; :A .,9..: • ':;-;U.!.DZ.! • . 1 ThQ numQ'o l ,./i2r-, 6r (mu v,,golts4 ç r ROPQSAL POL ICE MTI,T,ACZF ThEASE IOTA VOTES, wc4; NINE THOUSANE SIX HUNDRED THIRTy FT1717 THOUSAND ONE HOUDEZa_ZIFTV RTnTiril vWe5 were rrc.,.rIce YES on F VIE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY SEVEN vz,tesw markenJ NO VC)7R, YEMEN 6 3 5 1 $ ThS nurf-.• votes ZVer. F3 ord c 9airLit vcite were rna.i-fed YES sc TO/ --YTES. The, whP,l'ie nurr.br c2,.1 yytel .9 .,lott. for 41e W'Clt which numtleL voles were rilorkecl YES and vatos were rruT6d HO That DUANE W. HOW raving rece'ved cSl:fiictero nun.ler 11/25/2002 11:51 2486e67455 WHITE LAKE TWP CLERK PAGE e6 ,otes is ,L.cip LIBRARY BOARD MEMBER That MARGARET MACDONALD Lrio -y-tig r&-tIved 5u4 .1cie^17 rrurrier votes is etected LIBRARY BOARD MEMBER That ha y i ng reaeive6 a su ffit-..•ierlt number of VOWS is efectd That hov.:FIG :ece..red a nurM.De7 of votes is viecteci nuving receiyed su i erit rci-r b t, vores is elected rece:ved sc r‘dh7pbe't votes is eleoed That -r,ize'ved L.I!'-i;:ier.r nurnbe7o! votes is Qiected Tiiat hyri receved x F of v.Q es ii Do Further 14wreby Determine; I hat the following Propositions or questions Were passed OE ditiOCIted US irt:i1CCited belCrOV: NAME OF FToRosnicl4 , ,• -1)..t-e-ri-re-c te ,- " rier wcN1-ii- kci....5,eel. Having vos 1 A • FIRE MITZAGE INCREASE Not Rec aur eived De(eated That_ That- NAME 0# FlOr=i1C,0%1 B. POLICE MILLACI INCREASE - NA,ME Of FICOPO'ZPON a NAME or P2oPostrior4 4 _Rzecreuna4- Ect.da Hovirg Not Received rr. 4u tcient votes was Passed R?c*i"ct S rt votes ur w rive Vel'eafei4 !--lovit19 Not Rov,-eive4 Passe4 R-1S7ei-".6 ierlit votes Ivo] Hcwrn9 u Defeated 1i 11 4 I' morATTEsT, 6 Witneit Wilerepc, We have 'hereunto set our hands and afiir.pd the Seal Qf 0,4 TOWNSHIP or WHITE LANE Yr".0;.n (CoLnt±, C T 0'NY V n Ilog e, thi5 5TH day Q; NOVEMBER in the yr t'nousrid or,0 TWO BOAR!) CIF CANYASSER5 (Low or BOARD Or CAtiV P±21E. 11/25/2E102 11:51 2486667455 WHITE LAKE TWP CLERK 7525 Highland Rckad. White Lake, MI 48383 2413), 698.3300 Charter Township of White Lake Fax To Lori Front Ashley AndersOn FaX (248) 85 -1533 Pages: 6 including thl cover sheet Phomm Date: 11/25/2002 its; Board of Canvassers CV 0 Urgent 10 For Review U Please Comment 0 Plea** Reply 0 Please Recycle Any quostians give rne a call (248)698-3300 Ext. 7 Thanks, • Ashley •