HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 2000.11.07 - 4773Elakianzi • COUNTY, MICHIGAN OF The Charter Tnwnship nf NiovE crCOLN — e, c.7'w TIIWNSSio V,L. 64.51 NFITTE LAKE 11/29,(00 16:33 FAX 2486983995 PLANNING_DEPT iZ 02 • CANVASS OF VOTES CAST AT THE ELECTION HELD ON Ncvember 7. 2000 (DAT 5LECTIOr4) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS MANUFACTURED BY Order by Fosin Ho. M.398 CANVASSER BOOiC Specify whettry Generat, Priniory dr Special Election • STATEMENT OF VOTES PRECINCT OR WARD SUMBIR ler 6 7 1 1.0C 523 80 1062 958, 764 8O1 .55W20* , h ' OFFICE AND CANDIDATE NAMES MP' SUPERVISOR Bonnie L. Elliott TOTAU I; Eh 9180 Carpi Burkard “osephina Spencer 794 827 1027 934 1 /78624 5/3 789 671971 7 9 2] 10 24 i 8 4 8959 153 Beverly Opoyke Spoor 785 811 1011 946 759.608 583- 771 611,2044r 8935 "Ai7RS. 6403 6069 ER09 4.) ',718Q4 5539 gh5r7R 32 11/29'100 16:33 FAX 2486983995 PLANNING DEFT 103 . CLERK TREAS..IRE7.. 1 TRUSTEE rest jy Brende1 Don Melcher (Rorald C. Voorhais - • .J • , .1;13 77" Pqa .4PA .1 417 AnR , Li17 Aga —614 516 718 .614 500 '355 ! 436. 525 4221368 4-40 ; 454 544 4%711 A_15: I 550. 600 759 683 57 Kathleen A AqPityris.lg, 11.ri AS4 A95 39114A1 13A' 45 3711967; 44N4 I 'Michael E. Lunn i 371 464 '.508 461 , 362 ,447 2811 439 3911l050 4774 3829 Jame Roche 265 355 083 202 31.9 348 23I 838 , 1 i I' 1 LIBRARY BOARD I : 1 Juhn K. I1edri0c I 480 476 544 556 483 '35 310 482 380 1303 531a 1 1 1 i 1 i Rrian PrKeP ' 499 427 558 .565 I 4B0 .3E} 32,9 ; 5:10• :IRS ifalia , 5c24 to.ory E._ Sollerville Denise m. Stefanick ' Gerald L. Switzer (write in) F Tiomaa Patten .(write in) fi2.1 5-4A 99q A91 A7T4 '4.1 421 32q 1394 • iil 494 z P,7 47A A77 "127 fl1 qk.,:t 1 -17A, — • 456 449 508 528 457 ...4 454 342 11 1./ The wholie number of voles liven ía; the office of Township Supervisor f oi leis sek.uswi I 1 1 - rig 11641Sii 01 /HIS COWAN votes votes voles , 1! 9 1 SI 111 7 1 4( I . TOTAL 1 The whole number or votes Oven for the office of Township Clerk 9• 41 2i 9 9' 2 7 1 , VOter T-rFirtotippr 011:15 cid they wee given fo! the fol;owin named persons; CBT41 Wrkard Josephine Spenter Uni threr4 Wri te egceived received — -eceived TOTAL o'n12' I . I I! The vthole number ol vEres given lo: the office pi , 8:9 5 9 1g 2 7 1 vine; voles - vcite5r 11/29700 16:33 FAX 2488983995 PLANNING _DEPT Ft 04 • 3 STATEMENT OF VOTES ord they wee given for the following named ocrsons: received I Finnnirs I Fllacitt- n• IJ declared Write In received received OS end they were given for the followiny named persons; L, Beverly OpdyKe Spoor received votes I ,--.--1-1----- rer: votes , 1, 1 irirlrrl a-rori Write. Tr, ceive . . received voten i I I TOTAL volts 9 0 8 2 . ,1 The whole number of votes g;ven for the 9friCEt Or N . Igiatra .os - tin I Qnd tileY were given far the itmlowing nomad persons: lin inip: Forrest Jay Srendel .m Amin UP . . 1 Cathy Morgan Ha11 received votes 11 CO 1' •vcolved "le/ !!PUP, lEtaiLY-pacher ,. re votes . 1 i.,, ,....,, cesved 1 'lir V received 315 1 tl-iieritage.12-LL-Dircie ..----- 1 received votell I n fL otes 111 , _gt. tgaLf...Lanip i received 1 rates in James Rortus received vores I ( 5 5 t_ iiiiiikaartititlizitei-lz ______ ,eceivoci voto—sir-IHT .----- ----4-1- t * -"' received votos frl I ! l' received votes I - r 11/29700 16:33 VAX 248698399S PLAN N I NG_DEPT____ ZO5 STATEMENT Of VOTES r;ytn r I4 ac w111$ and they were given ic ! the fellowifig named persons; received received received TOTAL The whole noweer voles gi%en to- ti• e 011 ice ol WaS Library Board • vr 1111V113 CaLlikw 2 7 7 9 5 verteS 1 votes vales votes 7' brian MeKee received votes 5 5 2 5 3ele' _peruse M. Stefellick received 5 5 3 • Tom Patton (Write In el_ &lenders Write Zr) received received received received received 2 ▪ 1 woo ! g r 7. 5d ; votes • votes ' , • votes J2 17 ! -I mmeivad received •ece.ved reCeiVed reCel ed and Pkey were giver. re! the lotiovring named persons, retelv.d vole. .5_3 a 9 Mary Somerville TlirCeiVad vdter 5 e 4 r.e7-ald Cur.' t7or rezeid votes 5 _p 111-tr1PrIsrry.eWrite_ 1r1 TOTAL The ,41,01e numbs, af votes given for the c4zice Q1 was and !hey were given kr tire EnlieWing purled piersielSt vOICS 1 i I vomst • i re(-eived votes TOTAL votes The whole nuedoer oi votoi given the office GI ard they were given for the kkwnj named penora. Va/c1 - V4101 vvOr or whitil — vOteS were morkeJ YES and 5 5' 2 wos, of wh;ch number — tes we,e marked YES 4_7 S 6 vc.os were rnor;sed NO t • 44 1 3 ' TOTAL VOTES, ' / .7 .3,1.c 7-1 11/29/00 16:33 FAX 2486983995 PLANNING_DEPL 5 STATEMENT OF VOTES .PLAirclaw 2 2 2 4 The whale num:ber ef 1.Zt41.1 91Veri fOr Orid against the Police rill Ban votes *tie morkd NO TOTAL VOTES, whole nwnber of ,o.ts ii6en for and ogaihst the FiraP1111119e The wi-ole number et votes oven leg Qnd against the MIS of Wftids number___... ...otes were marked YES and 'twos wen. rnculted NO TOTAL VOTES, The whobe number Q1 Vo1V11 3"'On for end against the...— vros oi veh;ch nernber votes were marked YES and votes were mored NO Uks Z 07 11/29/00 18;33 FAX 2486083005 PLANNING_DEPT - • aaa • Ea y y .16 • 1. I. • 1.0 • 4. STATE OF _MICHIGAN, I COUNTY or...Jig:land. The Board of C011yab5CCS Of the— antroship of_ -Whi_te- take , .. CuLor y. C-s.s. Tasrmallsp bl. VI E.esse) ( rse,,,oy, Los , Townsi.sr, sr vi In v , having Ascertained uric] Canvassed the Vcres of said Township , . c.,,,y. C.. Tccdssr,rhs, v, Vsilspos' ut the__ __General Dection, held on the ZVI_ cloy of.- Raxembor , Iv, c: tnc.:A..rc'. • Do Hereby Certify and Determine Thai Bonnie L. Elliott having received a sufficient number of c ccied Supervisor - - Inut Carel J... Nakao:I. votei is c -nut - - - Savor-1y - Optlyk.e- -Spoor h3ving received a suff.cient nurc.ber of yorC% is elected.. ... rZeaSt.11131-• ''''' ' Forrest Jay .Brendel having received o sAf cient number of vo,es elected Trustee mat Cathy Morgun Hall keying received a sufficient number of voss is lit!ect,ad . Trustee That Dor Malcher hcviog received a sufficient number of Tr ustee votes is elected Ronald C. Vuorheis ficring received c sufficient number of votes is elected Trustee That _ _ J.Q I. K. Hectiok hov;rig received a sufficient number of rotes k elecied_____ LitirEtr_Y__Elpazd That__ _„McKee huving received o sufficient number of votes is elected Library. Boa-.d Th., Mary Somerville havIng received cc sufficient number of votes is elected. . 1.4.b.raFY BaBrcl That- - - ,M. _ having receive:1 cr sufficient number of votes is elected Lirbrarax -Board That— Gar Switzer hov.ng recek.ed o svfficient number of votes is elected Library _Board That q4DJ-0.1 .$qtr.V.4;Le. neving teceived a sufficient number of VOitS ti 8604,1 Libzary Board Thci [loving received a sufficient number of votes is elected ------------ -------- -- • - ----- -•--•-- That buying received a sufficient number of voles is siected having received a sufficient number of • • T1, at_ voles is elecied tic v.os -rt-,,ioed 4 ,Vot 'lumber of 'Riot votes is elected 1,fleinr rece ved o suIr cr mber of NAME Of regrounow Fire NAME Of PROPOSMON 2 NAME Of fROPoSOION 4 —iteceived—SuNicient 1-1coiing Not itteceivw 41'-eived— Sff uicient votes F." Nor Received Received saficieut voles J'10/INI Not Recelviad H ' Re"r" sok QY'rig le"' —Peeked- ""1' Defeeted Posses:1, Defeo/ea Pasted w°5 UcIT—c, ed Y I /-14.,e1 -ar.wnL SA AN Of BOgkEro OF CAKVAtiiS. sy?-1 ' \ 2 11 CURIE o 8QA 'OFCA . . 08 11/29,00 15:33 FAX 2486983995 PLANNING_DEPT That votes is elected Tluat hovieg received sufficient number of votes is elected hovias received Ci Siff!CienT iLMber Cf votes is erected h. v.ng rec.ed a sufficient'njmI.cr of votes is eJecleci - hvit ,ccaleed a sufficient number of not havIng o iri nu,71er votes is elected That vctes k elected_ hzVing /Cr...0:CA 5u 4ii;len, VLT.bV. of De Further Hereby Determines Tilos the following Propositions or oeestions were passed or defeated re indicated below : ATIESTi In Warm,' Whereof, Wu leave hereunto Teti ow itOSECh ond affixed the SIMI of rbe of Whi tr. Lake o*d$y Cily. Tevmaing Ile village) IhiP— 'With day of NovuTber. tin ya-ar two ihousrand ord ?' BOARD OF i CANVASSERS