HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1972.03.12 - 4800March '17i 1972 Bonnie Maki, Election Clerk Oakland County Clerk's Office County Service Center 1200 N. Telegraph Road Pontiac, Michigan 48053 Re: Village Election March 13, 1972 Very truly. yours, 4.7 / Charles E. Fer§us9rc Village Clerk (,, MIDWEST 6-6404 VILLAGE OF BEVERLY HILLS 18500 WEST THIRTEEN MILE ROAD BIRMINGHAM, MICHIGAN 48009 Dear Mrs. Maki: Enclosed is a copy of the Canvass of Votes Cast and Canvassed by the Board of Canvassers. The Detailed Statement of Election Expenses are enclosed for the following: Thomas J. Kaucheck William K. Rankin Theodore J. Sure We will send the other three expense statements as soon as they file, If additional Information is needed will you please advise. CEF/me Enclosures CC: T. J. Kaucheck T. 4, Kuhn W. K. Rankin L. Solomon R. F. Stansberry T. J. Sure AT THE ELECTIO,i1 r 11, d 1" -11 trZY *7.:1 1-‹ -r7;f1 4-4 MELD ON MARCH 13, 1972 MATE OF ELECTION) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS VILLAGE OF , BEVERLY El I LLS ( NAME OF COUNTY, CITY, TOWNSHIP OR VILLAGE ) COUNTY, MICHIGAN MANUFACTURED BY EIV12[100 gligt a ea ELECTION SUPPLY MANUFACTURERS STATIONERS AND ;PRINTERS 1919 East Kilgore Road 0 KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN Order by Form No. M-398 CANVASSER BOOK. Specify whether General, Prirnary; or Special Election STATEMENT OF VOTES PRECINCT OR WARD NUMBER OFFICE AND "Wr TOTALS CANDIDATE NAMES i 17" I I _ L. 1 1 i ii i i 1 7 ., ; . i E - - - - H- 4 - - i 1 i , i 1.- .-,L ! 1 I .. [ 1 j . I r 1 4. 1.-- -...1 I '+ I i - -.7 r 1 I ; , ; -1- --- i 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I J 1 r 1- 3 1 I 1 : I! 1 T 1 1 1 I 7 , i 1 1 1 .. n 1- - 1- 1 II 1 1 , i 1 , , I 1 r I 1 t 1 ! I 1 I . -1 -,- -ii 1 , t 1 , • 1 1 11 I I 1 1 1 t _ L 1 I I i 1 , ! 1 i .--1 i_ _ I 1 I I 1 -1- t t I ..--. t I li ,I 1 I T 1 f I - i 1 I i 1 I .---'r 1 i ---1- r 1- ! 11 1 .1 I :. i t-I 1 11 II , I ' 1, 1 _ .1_ --v ! 1 1 , MI I I I STATEMENT OF VOTES _..... POT FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN The whole number of votes given for the office of was I and they were given for the following named persons: received votes received votes e received votes TOTAL votes _ I The whole number of votes given for the office of wets . 'and they were given for the following named persons; III received votes I received votes I received votes 1 TOTAL votes III — The whole number of votes given for the office of . II was i - and they were given for the following named persons: _ received votes received votes 1 I received votes I TOTAL votes The whole number of votes given for the office of COUNC I ilvIAN was F ive Thousand One_Hundred Eight 5 L 1 .1 and they were given for the following named persons: T THEODORE'J • SURA received One Tho_u_sandAne_Hundresi_Twenty–One votes THOMAS J. ICAUCHECK received One_Thousmid Seventy,.six votes I 0 7 6 WILLIAM 'K. RANKIN received One Tho_us_and_ Sev_enty–SI x votes I 0 7 6 ROBERT F. STANSBERRY received . One Thousand Eight votes I 0 018 11 T livIOTHY' J . KUHN received r I Five Hundred Sixty_Slx votes 1 1 LEON SOLOMON received ...____Two_Hundresi_Sixty_4).na votes 2 6 I 1 1 • received votes received votes ' received votes received votes .... _____ 1, PUT FIGURES 11 IN TINS COLUMN The whole number of votes given for the office of The whole number of votes given for the office of was . , 5 1 if- ! -1-1-1- „ The whole number of votes given for the office of STATEMENT OF VOTES T ; I 11 votes received votes was and they were given For the following named persons: received received votes , TOTAL •. votes 11 N : : ; received votes ii received votes . . , received _ votes i i received votes I 1 - r received votes , . . „ received votes , . , -1-1 -i-----t t —1 received votes TOTAL r votes and they were given for the following named persons: , received votes received - votes j received votes 4 1) 1 1 „ : t was and they were given for the following named persons: —T received votes received votes k I !' received votes TOTAL ----- --- The whole number of votes g iven for the office of was and they were given for the following named persons: votes , : f --1- . . . Ii • received votes votes received e 1111 1--H-fF if-7 7.-1 received 3 H PUT FIGURES IN THIS COLUMN 1 was of w vote STATEMENT OF VOTES The whole number of votes given for and against the PROPOSAL NO. 1 was -One Thousand_four_Hundred F of which number _Elva __Hundred_ Eighty—Sven votes were marked YES and El.ght_ Hundred_ Senty-0 votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES,' YES NO PROPOSAL NO. I PROPOSAL TO INCREASE TAX RATE BY 1/2 MILL FOR 5 YEARS FOR PURPOSE OF ACQUISITION OF PARKS. For the purpose of acquisition of park lands, shall the limitation of the total amount of taxes which may be assessed each year, against property in the Village of Beverly Hills be increased by 1/2 mill ($.50 for each $1,000) of the assessed valuation of all property within the Village, for a period of 5 years, the years 1972 thru 1976, both inclusive? 111,11 cs..n • So." and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against the was of which number votes were marked YES and votes were marked NO TOTAL VOTES, The whole number of votes given for and against the_ was of which number votes were marked YES and ./111ZO. OAKLAND COUNTY OF VILLA Conty, City, Township or Vinoge) Election, held on the 1.3th_._ day of MARCH at the — ANNUAL having Ascertained and Canvassed the Votes of said _belyin g received the largest number of having received the largest number of having received the largest number of having received the largest number of havin g received the largest number of _havin g ieeeived the largest number of -having received the largest number of having received the largest number of That CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAInT, ss. } The Board of Canvassers of the VILLAGE f BEVERLY HILLS {Cot.inty, City, Township or Village) (Counry ; City, To.yriship or Viiloigel one thousand nine hundred and____SEVENTYrT_WO Do Hereby Certify and Determine That. _SUR& votes is elected - Co_u not Iman_ for _a. _two_ _ (.2) _year_ _term That_ _ _THOMAS J JCHECK votes is elected_ Councilman for a two (2) year term That LL IAM RANK' N votes is elected Councilman for a two (21 year term That ROBERT F. STANSBERRY votes is elected Councilman for a one (I) year term That votes is elected That votes is elected_ __ That votes is elected That votes is elected That_ _ votes is elected_ _ _having recei ye d the largest number of _havin g received the largest number of votes is elected_ That having received The largest number of votes is elected____ That votes is elected_ . haivng received the largest number of Votes is elected__ __ __ having reCeived the largest number of votes is elected_ __having received the largest number of That_ TL rtnlin +hem re That votes is elected . That_ votes is elected That votes is elected That_____ votes is elected having received the largest number of having received the largest number of having received ihe largest number of having received the largest number of That__ 'votes is elected That votes is elected having received the largest number of having received the largest number of Do Further Hereby Determine: That the following Propositions or questions were passed or defeated as indicated below: NAME OF PROPOSMON 1 ACQUISITADN OF PARKS NAME OF PROPOSMON 2 MOW& HavingIm oRII"e< Suffici ent votes was Not Received Defeated Received Having Not Received Passed Sufficient votes was --,-,- riereoted NAME OF F'ROPOSMON Received Having Not Received Passed Sufficient votes was uereatecl 4 That votes is elected having received the largest number of That votes is elected having received the largest number of NAME OF PROPOSITION Received Having Not Received Passed Sufficient votes was -- Defeated !I 11 7 In Witness Whereof, We have hereunto set our hands and affixed the Seal of the V LLAGE of EMERUL HLLLS (Cor y, city , Township or V.1.1 !age) (Co,ansy,Ti ty, Township or Village) this_ FOURTEENTH day of MARCH in the year ane,thousa,ld nine hundred and_ .SEVENTY—TWO CHAIRMAN. BOARD OF CANVASSERS Antst