HomeMy WebLinkAboutElection Canvasses - 1981.03.08 - 4820MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1981 (DATE OF ELECT)ON) AND CANVASSED BY THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OA KLAND • • .ELECflON - SUPPLY -.MANUFACTURERS:......... • SCHOOL FORM• •PAISTERS:OHU AND 1919 East Kilgore Road a KALAMAZOO ; MICH/GAN :Order by Form No, : : CANVASSER ROC' Specy: wh.eifieiGnotd , P rnr Si.:A•!..c.i:Ot EieCti :1 or : 0 I. • AER p.RESTI.DENI•••(Vot .. • . o Two • ....... Year term:Y bc:-Foe Orie) ; • • • •• • • • • • •::." ••••••••• • • .: • •:: • • :•. • E.:. ••• . .:.:... ai d hey :‘:k.el i kenr ;-• I Q 1••••t's9!1 •,:: : 0.n..KABO WQRPS 11Csf Tylt: I TOTAL T.ii i.r.:..Vie. 11 i.7 1 ...: :.6;.: Ii.e.: r 0:1: ''''(..? iiE4.ii I::-3 k'I..:II rk:.:.I.I: al C 81-4i,:-..:::.• c-,Iillii:IILLAgEIR:US:TEE.7. (Vot 6 for Three) f Two • Year -, • — J.::: :,/ i '.. z'xj. 1 ,,, V ...t• - -..•::•••-r---;:-.7••-•-•-•---.._ : . or a 't ''',".05 " ." ' : . ' L..i. ' ):'\:.•,V. v •,•-•.---•Y':t-/•-•••-"?-- 1/4,•=:-:•••'.,, '-'-.4 "-"- 1 '-. lN''-'9'-' ld. .1i.101,,,.. y::,./-;i:e 1..,...ii..1: t OA- I: h:e Ii..) I i C...V.,,n ii.:1: 110 filQ,',:l :p a 1 '.0i'1.4 '':. : ri .v•.:\ . . PRSONS:RECEIVNO. THE VOTES : :1 NJ' NtiMaFR OF VOTES.: WRITP'N IN WORDS: MERLAM L. BARRI S —WILL IAM J. BAUER MARK H. _LOWNSBIIRY,JR ROBERT -H. Z.IMMERMANN • TOTAL • j . fo.r a Year term: .• •The whole .01: votes for bC 01CC . • 1.10m6ci . . %. • .• ..• • • .1 " : • • ........ . . . r.,.:k/rsisIlEII \/..01C$ . . . . . . . wa C11 J .i."0%1 I CI ri.). p.e.r.s.a.r1;4.... . . . . . . . F.ERSON RECEIVING THE V(. ..S NIAMOEK OF VOTES WrtilTEN IN woR,os TOTAL Cqs-tifyi arid Dlaternvikte A I ' _ V I LLAGE PRE$ IDENT-- TWO YEAR *ORM V.ftLAGE TRUSTEE .).11.1.144f TRUSTE_E_ TV BtO YEAR TERM Iwqc.yçAFJ.ER.M .. f / CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE T L)11.: t!•:t OAKLAND The Bawd : .....WILY : Oak and :• :I; :andC n a si e Vdi•e. .q6: of Oiiighr.r) .Earrn 1.4..a Aold day Ma rch : a rie rid:red dm:1 .r e _ • • • • • • •;;;;•....7 ; I Do Heyeb ..y• . • . . • • .• _ ••• f•• ....... . . . . . :•. • :•••••: . . . •.• tes •eIeLleO s led •••••::••••••71:9t• ••••••1 ...:YOte.S....i.s••••••efecte:cL ••: • tiat • votos i td 1 hi •• d :T. • • • •TI• •• • • . . . . . . ••_ . .L . . having. rcceived oiffic.:.ent number of I lioYii.19 received: sufficient number of --having received sufficient number ;ceived sufficient number of heivilia received sufficie lent number of -hoving received sufficient number of ---having received sufficient number of r3 sufficient number of L . . _ _havir.9 recved: sk.ifficient number of : VILLAGE TRU8Tf' — TWO YEAR TERM nO V 111 Q number of received suff ving rf,,C e Do Furthee liere6y Defernlime: Thai ii)e II csiNG:1s n.;.0 (,iusiIot r v passed defeated .111C:- icate:_i below: tAf: PIR:...7.POSTrl:ON NONE NONE " NAi.;51:•: 9$, PRorosnlo.,9 NONE Re-ceived 10 'nq Not Pe-eive _Ri,ceive(A i Passed Defeated • • ••••••••:.• • ••• : Passed •• •SUffic:ient votes was • • • • • •• ••.• ••. •• ••. • . :.D.efeate.Cr• Received Passed vcitc.ii, Was L)eic.,ateot Ira 'Winer§ Whereof, We have heteunio set our hands and affixed the Seal of the _ Cgun t y,. of _ Oa kJ and _ E y,..-71 p _r y 9%.,41%!iip Or ) // _------------ da f March y o in trie Yecworie lhousand nine h oithed and e •I 9h tY -One - S 1.1.: Aithlialairi2L1/1` sivc-n us BOARD OF CANVASSERS !cLERK OF: BCASO OF ANVASSERS.